Unit 6 Nurturing Nature -Understanding ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册(1).pptx

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1、教学材料:外研社高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册教学材料:外研社高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册教学内容:教学内容:Unit6: Nurturing Nature第二课时:第二课时:Understanding ideas执教人执教人: The Sky RailwayLook and sayWhere is it?Tibet How can we get there to enjoy these magical landscapes?Maybe taking a train would be a good choice!How much do you know about “The Sky Rail

2、way”?Railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains.一条条巨龙翻山越岭一条条巨龙翻山越岭 黄昏我站在高高的山岗黄昏我站在高高的山岗 盼望铁路修到我家乡盼望铁路修到我家乡一条条巨龙翻山越岭一条条巨龙翻山越岭 为雪域高原送来安康为雪域高原送来安康那是一条神奇的天路那是一条神奇的天路 把人间的温暖送到边疆把人间的温暖送到边疆从此山不再高路不再漫长从此山不再高路不再漫长 各族儿女欢聚一堂各族儿女欢聚一堂天路天路Lets enjoy the song “Sky Railway” and share your feeling

3、s after watching it .1 Which is the highest railway in the world? a The Trans Siberian Railway. b The Qinghai-Tibet Railway. c The Chengdu-Kunming Railway.2 In which year was the completed Qinghai-Tibet Railway put into operation? a 1984 b 2001 c 2006QuizThe Trans Siberian RailwayThe Qinghai-Tibet R

4、ailway.The Chengdu-Kunming Railway.3 Which of these stations is not on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? a Lhasa(拉萨). b Golmud(格尔木) C Lanzhou.LhasaGolmudLanzhou4 Which of these natural World Heritage Sites does the Qinghai-Tibet Railway pass by ? a Xingjiang Tianshan. b Qinghai Hoh xil(可可西里). C South China

5、 KarstXingjiang TianshanQinghai Hoh xil.South China Karst The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which is also called “the Sky Railway” is the worlds highest and longest plateau railroad and also the first railway connecting the Tibet Autonomous Region with other parts of China. Starting from Xining Station to

6、Lhasa Station, the railway began service in July 2006 with a total length of 1,956 kilometers. The highest point on the line is 5,072 meters above sea level. The railway covers 960-kilometers at an altitude of more than 4000 meters and over 550 kilometers within the frozen earth area. Choose the aut

7、hors purpose in writing the passage and give your reasons.1. To prove that humans can conquer nature.2. To highlight the amount of work required to build the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.3. To praise the workers efforts in building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Task127Read the first two paragraphs and answer t

8、he questions .Task21. Why is the railway particularly special to the author ? 2. What is one of the top concerns during the process of building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? The author has worked on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and as the highest railway in the world and being claimed to be “impossible”,

9、 the railway is a record of all the efforts made by the author and other people who worked on it to overcome the most difficult engineering challenges. All of these make the railway special to the author.Why is the railway particularly special to the author ?What is one of the top concerns during th

10、e process of building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns.Xining Station_between Golmud and Lhasa_Qingshuihe BridgeTanggula StationCuona Lakethe Authors Journey of The Sky RailwayTask3ChallengesTo protect wild animals.Qingshuihe Bridge_have bee

11、n built under the railway to allow the animals to _.Thirty-three passages move safely and freely in their natural habitatSolutionsChallengesSolutionsTo prevent _675 bridges with _ _were built between Golmud and Lhasa. 140000 square metres of wet land were _.moved to a new areabetween Golmud and Lhas

12、a damage to wetlands and grasslands a total length of about 160 kilometres Tanggula StationTo make sure the workers stayed healthy. _ were constructed. The workers also enjoyed _ in lower areas. ChallengesSolutionsSeveral oxygen-making stationsregular breaksChallengesSolutionsTo_.Thousands and thous

13、ands of sandbags were used to _along the lake to _protect Cuona Lakebuild a twenty-kilometre wallprotect it from construction wasteWhich of the solutions are you most impressed by? Why?Cuona LakeWhat other challenges were met and overcome by the railway workers?1. They have to apply state-of-the-art

14、 techniques(最新(最新技术)技术) to protect the permafrost(永冻层)(永冻层) in the subgrade(路基)(路基) of the railway embankment(路堤)(路堤);Around 550km of the r a i l w a y h a d t o p a s s through the places with permafrost, the Chinese successfully figured out ways to solve the problem, a n d e n s u r e r o a d b e

15、d stability in permafrost regions by gravelling embankments(铺砾石堤铺砾石堤) and vent-pipe(排气管排气管) roadbed techniques. All waste water from construction and camp sites was processed to meet the corresponding sewage(污水)(污水) treatment standard before discharge. Solid waste from construction sites and trash f

16、rom the campsites was sorted out and recycled whenever possible. Waste that could not be degraded(降解)(降解) was moved to appropriate places for batch treatment(分批处理)(分批处理).2. They need to make regulations to ensure the environmental disposal of the construction waste;3. They must overcome problems bro

17、ught about by complextopography(地形)(地形).About 85% of the qinghai-Tibet Railway is located 4,000 meters above sea level. The annual average temperature is below 0, and the oxygen content in most areas is only 50-60% of that in the mainland. With the raging wind and sand, strong sunlight, it is known

18、as the forbidden zone of human survival.We can also say it is a miracle, great achievement, etc.Which words in the passage are used to describe the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? Task5What other words could you think of to describe it? Whats the structure of this passage?IntroductionTopic sentencebodyconclu

19、sionTask6The Sky railwayPara1-2Para3-6Para 7IntroductionConclusionQingshuihe Bridgebetween Golmud and LhasaTanggula StationCuona LakeChallenges: To protect _ Solutions: _have been built under the railway to allow the animals to _.Challenges: To prevent _ Solutions: _bridges with _ were built between

20、 them. _of wetland were moved to a new area.Challenges: To make sure _ Solutions: _ were constructed. The workers also enjoyed _ in lower areas. Challenges: To protect _ Solutions:_sandbags were used to build _ along the lake to _.We built our “impossible” railway with environment cared which is tru

21、ly an extraordinary “Sky Railway”.How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns.What changes do you think the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has brought to the people living along the railway? promote the local economy The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway thoroughly broke the long-term

22、 transport bottleneck restricting Tibet. More and more specialties of Tibet have been transported to the hinterland by the railway and sent to the world. The average annual growth rate of Tibets GDP from 2006 to 2014 exceeded 10 percent.improve peoples living standard The farmers and herdsmen along

23、the Qinghai-Tibet Railway have taken the railway business opportunity“ to increase their income . Large numbers of quality and cheap goods have been transported to Tibet via the Qinghai-Tibet Railway thus improving Tibet Peoples production and living standards.convenient for people to travel The Qin

24、ghai-Tibet Railway passes many famous scenic areas such as the Qinghai Lake, Kunlun Mountains, Hoh Xil and Northern Tibet Grassland, forming a world-class tourist route full of mysterious flavor. Over the past nine years, Tibets tourism has seen “blowout-type” development and become a pillar industr

25、y(支柱产业)(支柱产业). Tibet has received all together 74 million domestic and foreign tourists. Useful expressionsclaim v.1. Sitting back in my seat, I cant quite believe that Im about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was impossible. to say that sth is true although it has not

26、been proved and other people may not believe it 宣称;声称;断言宣称;声称;断言 靠坐在火车的座位上靠坐在火车的座位上, ,我仍然不敢相信我仍然不敢相信, ,我将要沿着许多外国专家我将要沿着许多外国专家声称声称“不可能建成不可能建成”的铁路开始一段旅程的铁路开始一段旅程。 He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing. 他声称他未得到公正的申述机会。他声称他未得到公正的申述机会。 I dont claim to be an expert. 我不敢自称为专家。我不敢自称为专家。 It was cl

27、aimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.据说有些医生每周工作据说有些医生每周工作80小时。小时。 现在分词作状语=When I sit back in my seat,定语从句wind: the“ roof of the world” : refer to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(青藏高原青藏高原)v. (of a road, river, etc.) to have many bends and twists (路、河等路、河等) 蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回wind-wound-wou

28、nd The river winds its way between two meadows(牧场牧场). 这条河蜿蜒流经这条河蜿蜒流经两个牧场之间。两个牧场之间。 The path wound down to the beach. 这条小路弯弯曲曲通向海滩。这条小路弯弯曲曲通向海滩。 as引导的时间状语从句当开过当开过“世界屋脊世界屋脊”时,时,“一条条巨龙翻山越岭一条条巨龙翻山越岭” ” 的歌词变得的歌词变得更加生动鲜活起来。更加生动鲜活起来。2.The words “railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains

29、” seem particularly vivid as I travel across the “ roof of the world.”3. How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns.如何保护脆弱的生态系统是需要我们高度重视的问题之一。如何保护脆弱的生态系统是需要我们高度重视的问题之一。concern n. something that is important to a person, an organization, etc. (对人、组织等)重要的事情(对人、组织等)重要的事情What are y

30、our main concerns as a writer?作为一名作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?作为一名作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?concern v. to worry sb 让(某人)担忧让(某人)担忧(不用于被动语态不用于被动语态)It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. 你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。v. to affect sb; to involve sb 影响,涉及,牵涉(某人)影响,涉及,牵涉(某人)Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you. 不要管与自

31、己无关的事。不要管与自己无关的事。n. a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people (尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑There is growing concern about violence on television. 人人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。拓展拓展concerned adj.worried and feeling concern about sth担心的;忧虑的担心的;忧虑的The President is deep

32、ly concerned about this issue.总统对这个问题深感担忧。总统对这个问题深感担忧。to be about sth 与与有关;涉及有关;涉及This chapter is concerned with the historical background. 本章旨在讲述历史背景。本章旨在讲述历史背景。1. 1. 青藏铁路青藏铁路 2 2. . 克服困难克服困难( (挑战挑战) )3 3. . 最重视的事最重视的事 4 4. . 引起某人注意引起某人注意5 5. . 空闲时空闲时6 6. .保护脆弱的生态系统保护脆弱的生态系统 Qinghai-Tibet Railwayov

33、ercome the challengesthe top concerncatch ones eyeat ones leisureprotect the delicate ecosystemChoose the proper words or phrases to complete the following sentences.claim to do deserve challenge catch ones eye concern at ones leisure massive passage1. You _ a rest after all that hard work.2. By 193

34、1, then, France alone in Europe was a country of _ immigration. 3. He _(meet) the president, but I dont believe him.4. Take the leaflets home and read them _.deserveclaims to have metmassiveat your leisure5. The companys sole _ is to ensure the safety of its employees.6. A narrow _ led directly thro

35、ugh the house into the garden.7. It was the unusual colour of his jacket that _.8. Finding time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big _, so I need to make a workable schedule.concern claim to do deserve challenge catch my eye concern at ones leisure massive passagepassage caught

36、my eyechallenge1. How much do you know about “The Sky Railway”? Why the railway is particularly special to the author?2. Can you retell the authors journey on the Sky Railway according to his route map? What challenges have the railway workers met and how they overcome them during the process of building of the Sky Railway? 1. Do some online research to find out what other challenges were met and overcome by the railway workers.2. Preview Using language on page 65.H H


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