Unit 3 War and peace 重点短语句型检测 -(2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、选择性必修三 Unit 3 War and peace 重点短语句型:P2628 Understanding Ideas:1. 在全球蔓延(进行) _2. 沿英国南部海岸 _3. 盟军 _4. 由组成 _5. 大量聚集 _6. 的最后阶段 _7. 一次绝密行动 _8. 使摆脱 _9. 的完美结合 _10. 定下日期 _11. 向部队颁布命令 _12. 时局已变 (句子) _13. 朝胜利进军 _14. 对充满信心 _15. 只接受彻底的胜利 _16. 在某人耳边回响 _17. 在6月6日黎明 _18. 跳伞降落 _19. 深陷战争_20. 沿着法国80公里长的海岸线 _21. 为做好准备 _2

2、2. 经历暴力与恐惧 _23. 成功地登陆到沙滩 _24. 落在周围 _25. 走过沙滩 _26. 在中间的 _27. 尽管付出了惨重的生命代价 _28. 被看作二战结束阶段的开始 _29. 从清除掉 _30. 与会合;会师 _31. 在的两边;两岸 _32. 纪念仪式 _33. 作为这个严肃而感人的仪式的一部分 _34. 向人们读出 _35. 在日落时分 _36. 战友 _37. 他们杰出的勇气 _38. 行动的结果 _39. 背景知识 _40. 惨重的伤亡 _41. 永久的记忆 _42. 勇敢的行为 _ 43. 开始阶段 _44. 诺曼底登陆战的70周年纪念 _P2931 Using la

3、nguage: 45. 镇压反抗 _46. 追逐, 搜寻某人 _47. 已组织好准备战斗 _48. 被送到前线 _49. 在同一天 _50. 猛然被卷入 _51. 一段30分钟的镜头 _52. 无谓的牺牲 _53. 关于勇气和牺牲的故事 _54. 给人类强加恐惧 _55. 被称作 _56. 这样做的目的 _57. 摧毁人们的士气 _58. 支持抗战 _59. 在5年半时间里 _60. 维和任务 _61. 监管和平进程 _62. 遵守他们的协议 _63. 解除战斗人员武装 _64. 保护武器弹药 _65. 重建政权_66. 给冲突地区带来稳定 _67. 在中起越来越重要的作用 _68. (被命令

4、)待命 _69. 维和部队 _70. 由于专业精神而获得赞颂 _P3234 Developing Ideas:71. 纵观历史 _72. 把称作 _73. 学术之战 _74. 带来痛苦和挑战 _75. 被占领 _76. 教育与知识遗产 _77. 国立西南联合大学 _ 78. 进行了2000多公里的艰辛旅程 _79. 点亮 _80. 住在简陋建筑中 _81. 食物书籍装备的极度短缺 _82. 由于猛烈空袭 _ 83. 经过8年岁月 _84. 尽管有巨大的困难和艰巨的挑战 _85. 祖国的知识遗产 _86. 值得尊重的学者 _87. 毫无疑问 _88. 物理诺贝尔奖得主 _89. 为奠定基础 _9

5、0. 在大风日 _91. 把纸压在桌上 _92. 吹跑 _93. 处于战争 _94. 逃避责任 _95. 受责任感的驱动 _96. 许多 _97. 反抗日本侵略者 _98. 捍卫祖国荣誉 _99. 担任 _100. 描绘同龄人的贡献 _101. 成为中国现代大学的最高荣耀 _102. 由于学校的坚韧和奉献的精神 _103. 共同纪念联大成立80周年 _104. 值得重申 _105. 在现代 _106. 成为中华民族集体记忆的一部分 _P35 Writing:107. 中国共产党 _ 108. 与打游击战 _109. 一大笔钱 _110. 面临严重物资缺乏 _111. 突围 _112. 告密;

6、背叛 _113. 继续战斗 _114. 追踪 _115. 在枪林弹雨中 _116. 一粒米 _117. 对的巨大打击 _118. 化悲痛为愤怒 _119. 打击侵略者 _120. 中华民族共和国 _重点句型:1. 到1944年春天,二战的战火已经席卷全球大约五年之久。2. 这标志着一场计划了数月,甚至可能是数年的绝密行动终于进入了最后阶段。3. 耳边回响着这些话语,盟军士兵们做好了登陆诺曼底的准备。4. 尽管伤亡惨重,诺曼底登陆还是取得了成功,并且被人们普遍认为是二战结束的开端。5. 他们的英勇壮举将会让我们永远铭记住他们,以及那些在法国北部海滩上阵亡的士兵。6. 尽管面临着巨大的困难和艰巨的

7、挑战,在这个地方,经过八年的岁月,国家的知识遗产不仅得到了保护,还得到了强化,这些都归功于联大杰出学者们的热情和信念。 7. 在起风的日子,我们不得不把纸按在桌子上,否则纸就会被吹走。8. 国家正处于战争状态,联大的学生们不会逃避他们的责任。9. 在献身精神的驱使下,许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者,保卫国家荣誉。 短语答案:1. rage across the globe2. along the south coast of England3. the allied troops4. be made up of5. gather in large numbers6. the final stage(

8、s)7. a top-secret operation8. freefrom9. the perfect combination of10. set the date for sth.11. issue an order to the troops12. The tide has turned!13. march to victory14. have full confidence in15. accept nothing less than full victory16. ring in ones ears17. at dawn on 6 June18. land by parachute1

9、9. in the depths of war20. along about 80 kilometres of French coastline21. be prepared for22. experience violence and horror23. make it to the beach24. fall around sb.25. get across the beach 26. in between27. despite the high cost in human life28. be seen as the beginning of the end of the Second

10、World War29. removefrom30. meet up with31. on both side of (the channel)32. memorial ceremonies33. as part of this solemn and moving occasion34. read outto the crowd35. at the going down of the sun36. the fellow soldiers37. their outstanding acts of courage38. the outcome of the operation39. backgro

11、und knowledge40. severe casualties41. everlasting memory42. brave actions43. the initial stages44. the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings45. put down uprising46. be after sb.47. be well-organised and prepared to fight48. be sent to fight in49. on the same day50. be thrown into51. a sequence of (

12、approximately) 30 minutes52. the senseless waste of life53. a story of courage and sacrifice54. inflict horror on humanity55. be referred to as56. the purpose of doing this57. destroy the morale of (ordinary) people58. support the war effort59. over the duration of 5 and a half years60. peacekeeping

13、 missions61. monitor the peace process62. keep to their agreement(s)63. disarm combatants 64. secure weapons and ammunition65. reestablish authority66. give stability to conflict zones67. play an increasingly important role in68. be kept on standby69. peacekeeping forces70. receive praise for their

14、professionalism 71. throughout history72. refer toas73. academic struggles74. bring suffering and immense challenges75. be occupied by76. their educational and intellectual heritage77. National Southwest Associated University78. make a epic journey over a distance of more than 2000 kilometres79. lig

15、ht up80. live in rough buildings81. dire shortages of food, books, and equipment82. due to fierce air attacks83. over a period of 8 years84. despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges85. the nations intellectual heritage86. the worthy academics87. It is no wonder that88. the Nobel-win

16、ning physicist(s)89. lay the foundation for90. on windy days91. hold down the paper on the desk92. blowaway / be blown away93. (be) at war94. shirk ones duty95. (be) driven by a sense of commitment96. a great many97. resist the Japanese invaders98. defend the honour of the nation99. serve as100. dep

17、ict the contributions of his peers101. become the crowning glory of Chinas modern universities 102. because of the schools strong spirit of perseverance and dedication103. commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding104. need to be reaffirmed105. in the modern era106. become part of the collecti

18、ve memory of the Chinese nation107. the Communist Party of China108. fight a guerrilla war against109. a large sum of money110. face a critical lack of supplies111. break through112. betray sb. to/ be betrayed to113. fight on114. track down115. in a hail of machine gunfire116. a single grain of rice

19、117. a huge blow to 118. turn sorrow into anger119. fight against the invaders120. the Peoples Republic of China1. By spring 1944, the Second World War had been raging across the globe for about five years.2. This marked one of the final stages of a top-secret operation that had been months, perhaps

20、 years, in the planning.3. With these words ringing in their ears, soldiers prepared for what would become known as D-Day.4. Despite the high cost in human life, the D-Day landings were a success and were seen widely as the beginning of the end of the Second World War.5. Their outstanding acts of co

21、urage mean that we will always remember them, as well as those who lost their lives on the beaches of northern France.6. Despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place, over a period of eight long years, that the nations intellectual heritage was not only guard

22、ed but fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Lianda.7. On windy days, we had to hold down the paper on the desk, which would otherwise be blown away.8. With the country at war, students at Linda were not going to shirk their duty.9. Driven by a sense of commitment, a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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