Unit 5 Music Reading for Writingppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册(1).pptx

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1、-write Learning goaLsKnowledge objectives:Enable the students focus on reading and writing.Skill objectives:Help the students get insight into speech.Emotional objectives:Improve students sense of expressing.Thinking quality objectives:Inspire the students to show themselves.review安装好(设备或机器)_参加选拔_试穿

2、_努力做某事_有的天资/天赋_表现出才能_在方面有才能_假定/假设某人/某事为_据认为_“另外”,相当于副词_“除以外(还)”,用作介词短语_ set sth. up try out fortry ontry (ones best) to do sth have a talent/gift for show a talent for be talented/gifted in/at assume sb/sthto beIt is assumed that in addition in addition towriting如何写演讲稿题型解读演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体它是在

3、较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表讲话的文稿,具有自己独有的格式和写作特点。writing写作攻略称呼语(Greetings)正文(Body)结束语(Closing)演讲稿以简单句为主要句型。同时,演讲稿的语言必须有感染力,所以演讲稿可以用祈使句、感叹句、强调句等句式来达到这种目的。写作时要注意恰当地使用关联词承前启后,用词要得体,符合语言环境。(1)用英语演讲,不要用太多的Ifeel或Ithink,用I显得很主观,而且还会让人觉得缺乏说服力。另外,perhaps, maybe这样的词虽然让人显得客气、谦虚,但是用太多的话会让人觉得你演讲的内容有不可靠之处。(2)在演讲中,少用you,多用we

4、。用you 等于把演讲者与听众对立起来,用we则拉近了自己与听众之间的距离。比如 You should not smoke 听上去像教训人,而 lets not smoke听起来是一个不错的建议。writing模板素材常用句型writing模板素材常用句型writing模板素材写作模板writing假如你是高三学生李华,你们学校举办了一次题目为假如你是高三学生李华,你们学校举办了一次题目为“我与音我与音乐乐”的演讲比赛,请结合自身感受写一篇演讲稿。的演讲比赛,请结合自身感受写一篇演讲稿。典例分析writing本文是一个演讲稿,需要开门见山地揭示主题紧扣题目要求(介绍音乐对人的影响)典例分析写作

5、分析典例分析词汇和句型Whats more 而且Its an honour to be here and. 很荣幸站在这里并 I even couldnt live without. 没有我甚至不能生活。 Have you got. that touches your heart? 你有过触动了你的内心吗?writing范文赏读Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning!I am Li Hua. Its an honour to be here and share my view on music. I am crazy about music, or I shoul

6、d say that music is an important part in my life. Have you got a particular type of music that touches your heart? I guess the answer is yes. Actually, I like many kinds of music, so Id like to talk about my favourite music here. Well, I like new age music best. It is mixed with some modern melody,

7、and it sounds very nice and pure, which can take me to dream land; I feel completely relaxed, and forget all my problems when immersed in the music world.Whats more. I like Enya.She is a very famous new age singer. Her voice just sounds like the voice of angel; its just as nice and beautiful as hers

8、elf. In a word,music plays a very important role in my life. This is my story about music. If there is a chance,I hope you can share your story. Thank you!Music in My Lifewriting结构点评文章使用了 be crazy about,be mixed with, what s more等高级词汇。此外也使用了丰富多彩的复杂句式,如“Itis mixed with some modern melody, and it soun

9、ds very nice an pure, which can take me to dream land; I feel completely relax ed,and forget all my problems when immersed in the music world. 中就出现了并列句、定语从句和状语从句等句式。本文为演讲稿,文中的各个段落结构清楚。首段引出主题,下文紧扣主题并由此延伸开来,最后收尾,同时总结了 上文。 语言点评writing经典句式(1)Good afternoon, Id like to say a few words . 大家下午好,我想要先说几句话(2)

10、Its an honor to be here . 很荣幸在这里(3)Ladies and gentlemen, never before have we had so many different ways to talk to one another.女士们,先生们,我们彼此交流的途径从未像今天这样多元化。(4)Now we have heard a number of outstanding speeches . 我们已经聆听了许多精彩的发言(5)Because we wanted the nations of the world, working together, to deal w

11、ith . 因为我们希望全世界各国团结起来去应对(6)And if we do not act . 如果我们不采取行动(7)Now, I share the concerns that have been expressed . 我也同意对于表达的担心(8)Let us show the world that by working together we can . 让我们告诉全世界,通过一起努力我们可以(9)It is now time for us to . 是时候我们(10)And I have always wished that . 我一直希望(11)Thank you for le

12、tting me share this day with me.感谢你们和我共度这一天。summaryHow to organize a speechPara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4TopicIntroduction my name is.the impact of musicProblemSolutiona serious diseaselisten to musicFeelingshappiness; strength; relief; satisfaction; encouragementHopetreasure musicBeginningBodyClosinghomeworkMary


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