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1、. 第五章第五章 商务会议商务会议Chapter 5 Business Conference. 第五章第五章 商务会议商务会议 (Business Conference)There are different forms of international business conferences.The stages of business conferences: 1)welcome and opening remarks; 2)introduction to objectives to be achieved at the conference; 3)brief history revie

2、w of the given business issue; 4)conference agenda; 5)conference speeches or discussions by the participants and closing remarks or speeches;The interpreter is supposed to 1) to be familiar with the process and the language format used in each stage; 2) to observe the formality of the occasion in th

3、e ways they are dressed, how they behave and the languages they use; 3) to overcome tension and keep calm;.Vocabulary Worka solid foundation: 坚实的基础;champions of reform: 改革的成员; milestone agreement: 里程碑协定; emanate a policy: 发布一个政策;public procurement/government procurement: 政府采购; rate the quality of pu

4、blic services: 给公共服务质量打分;mobilize and manage resources: 调动和管理资源; .Vocabulary Workmultilateral and bilateral institutions: 多边和双边的机构;health care: 保健;tax code: 免税代码;tax break: 减税;deductible: 可减免的;a philosophical divide: 很大的分歧;combat fraud and corruption: 解决欺诈腐败;jurisdictional boundaries: 司法界线;. Vocabul

5、ary Work主旋律:the calling; 多极化:multi-polarity;经济全球化:enconomic globalization;日新月异:make daily advance;南北差距拉大:widening gap between North and South;战略伙伴关系:strategic partnership;传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁:traditional and non-traditional security;. Vocabulary Work南北对话:North-South dialogue;联合国宪章:UN Charter; 双边贸易:bilater

6、al trade;双向投资:bilateral investment;高层互访和交往:high-level contacts and mutual visit;定期高层政治对话机制:regular high-level political dialogue mechanism;精神动力和文化支持:intellectual motivation and cultural support.Sight Interpretation (1)risk-taker: 勇于冒险的人 ;innovation industry: 创新产业;allocate capital: 配置资本;entrepreneur

7、in private sector: 私人企业家;.Sight Interpretation (2)亚欧首脑会议:ASEM;财金政策:fiscal and financial policy;国际金融体制的改革和完善:the reform and improvement of the international financial system;能力建设:capacity building亚欧信托基金:the Asia-Europe Trust Fund; .Note-taking (1)customer calls: 客户来访;board meetings: 董事会;recruiting me

8、eting:人员录用会议;one-on-one: 一对一;.Note-taking (2)维护国际贸易的有序进行:maintain order in global trade;多哈回合:Doha Round;削减农业补贴和关税:cut agricultural subsidies and tariffs互补:complement区域一体化:regional integration.Sentences in Focus (E-C)landmark: 划时代意义;debt relief: 债务减免;embark on an uncertain journey: 前途未卜;.Sentences in

9、 Focus (C-E)多极化:multi-polarity;当今时代的主流:the general trend of our times; 切实履行应尽的国际义务:honor in good faith our international obligations;远隔重洋:vast oceans keep far apart;携手并肩,昂首阔步:join hands and endeavor建议:一些语句不好翻译时可以从其真正含义来翻译.Text Interpreting (Passage 1)Avian flu: 禽流感;the World Bank Group: 世界银行集团; at t

10、he forefront of: 带头; demand transparent and accountable governments that deliver results: 要求透明负责的政府,能够切实做出成绩的政府;make over time: 日积月累; in that spirit: 本着.精神;intended purpose: 既定目的; .E-C Interpretation (Passage 1)Avian flu, the appetite for clean energy and the devastation of natural disasters know no

11、 borders.增词:传播,;三个名词短语动态化才能继续说明其在全球范围内的影响;know no borders可以简单明了地译为“是不分国界的”.E-C Interpretation (Passage 1)Today, the World Bank Group is at the forefront of international efforts to raise and administer funds to meet challenges like these that confront rich and poor countries alike.词序调整定语先翻:internati

12、onal efforts 后有不定式作定语修饰建议:遵从汉语习惯对对语句进行调整.E-C Interpretation (Passage 1)A one-size-fits-all approach will simply not work. a one-size-fits-all approach 指一种普通适用的方法或者放之四海而皆准的道理,但此处若翻译成名词短语稍显拗口,可转换词性;建议:在翻译英语/汉语同一个词时,要注意根据具体的语境灵活的翻译,富于变化。.E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)hear a common complaint: 经常听到抱怨说;fe

13、el very pinched by : 饱受其苦;pool risk: 分担风险;.E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)I believe the best way to deal with the frustrations of the high cost of health care and uninsured is to change the tax code, is to make health care in the private sector more affordable and more available.简单单词复杂译uninsured : 一些

14、享受不到医疗保障的雇员more affordable: 企业有财力承担more available: 更多雇员可以享受医疗保障.E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)And, therefore, I have proposed to the United States Congress that we have $15,000 deductible for families and a $ 7,500 deductible fo individuals, all aimed at encouraging people to be able to afford insur

15、ance and aimed at the encouragement of the development of an individual market.dedutible: 可从税收入中扣除的,即该部分收入是免税的aimed at encouraging 和 aimed at encouragement 平行译为“旨在鼓励”即可。. C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)主旋律:the calling of the times;日新月异:make daily advance;中非新型战略伙伴关系:China-Africa strategic partnership;

16、平等互信:quality and mutual trust;互利共赢:win-win;千年发展目标:Millennium Development Goals;.C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)n 世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势深入发展,科技进步日新月异,区域合作方兴未艾,各国相互依存不断加深,这些都为世界各国带来了难得的发展机会。深入发展:注意不同语境的不同翻译建议:为使句子简洁明了,可使用非限制性关系从句.C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)n 保持高层互访和交往势头,建立定期高层政治对话机制,开展战略对话,增强政治互信,加深传统友谊,实现团

17、结共进。n 增词:主语 wen 建议:单一采用动词加宾语容易使句子教枯燥,可从内容分析逻辑关系.C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)中美建交:establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the U.S.;共同努力:joint efforts; 双向投资:two-way investment;外资来源地:investment sources;走出去:go global;借鉴:build on the successful stories;.C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)n 目前,美国已

18、成为中国企业“走出去”拓展海外业务的重要目的地之一。n 建议:在翻译中,一些很简单的语句需要理解其真正含义,不能直译(走出去).C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)n 当然,也要看到,作为一个发展中国家,中国企业进行海外投资还缺乏经验,希望中国的企业家们充分学习和借鉴包括美国在内的众多跨国公司海外投资的成功经验,加强对外合作,在开拓国际业务方面取得新的进展。n 建议:英语不能“一逗到底”,可以拆分成几个句子分别表达意群。同时注意逻辑关系;.Vocabulary Development (1)international diplomacy: 国际外交;SED(Strate

19、gic Economic Dialgue): 战略经济对话;APEC Finance Ministers meeting: 亚太经合组织财长会议;address the issue: 讨论这一问题;global climate change: 全球气候变化;a forestation project:造林工程; infant mortality: 婴儿死亡;Cabinet meeting: 内阁会议;submit the budget: 提交预算;veto a bill: 否决提案;staff in the field and at heaquarters:在外地和总部的工作人员;.Vocab

20、ulary Development (2)有效机制:effective mechanism;本着友谊、和平、合作、发展的宗旨:in pursuit of friendship, peace, cooperation and develpment;促进发展中国家团结合作:promote unity and cooperation among developing countries;经受历史岁月和国际风云变幻的考验:endure the test of time and changes in the world;真诚友好、平等相待、相互支持、共同发展的原则:the principle of si

21、ncerity,mutual support and common development;持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界:a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity;构建社会主义和谐社会:establish a harmonious socialist society; 社会消费品零销售总额:the aggregate sales of consumer goods;社会生产资料销售总额:the aggregate sales of capital good;.口译技巧口译技巧顺译顺译 同声传译或视译要在获得完整信息之前

22、就进行翻译。汉语和英语在句式结构及表达顺序方面存在很大的差异,因此译员根据原文顺序,把句子切成若干单位,再通过适当增补和删减将这些单位组合起来,译出整体意思,才能减少在语言转换上所花的精力,尽量缩小译文与原文的时间差。1、切分 将原语句子分成若干个意群。2、增补与删减 原语句子切分后,翻译时为了符合目的语的语言习惯,补充缺失成分、删掉多余成分3、词类转换 通过变化词性使原句切分后各个单位在逻辑上和意义上能够衔接起来。.Interpretation Skills Practice (1)from poverty to prosperity: 从贫困走向了繁荣兴盛;drive progress:

23、推动进步;come to office: 就任;head into a recession: 朝着不景气的方向发展;make this nation prosperous:为全体国民造福;.Interpretation Skills Practice (2)亚太成员:the member nations of APEC;采取宏观经济政策和调控措施:take effective macroeconomic policies and regulatory measures;加强相互对话和协调:deepen regional cooperation;共同投入、共同受益:the principle o

24、f joint effort and mutual benefit稳步推进合作:steadily enhance cooperation.Supplementary Exercise 1 (E-C)the last couple of years: 过去的几年中;mainstream: 主流;at the chip level: 以电脑芯片为例;overlap: 兼容broadband connectivity: 宽带连接.Supplementary Exercise 2 (C-E)研讨会:symposium;举步维艰:hard to move on ;不懈努力的结果:the fruit of the committed efforts;.本章小结本章小结一、汉语的习惯;(根据话语的意义和汉语的思维习惯)二、英语的逻辑;(根据逻辑关系组织句子结构)三、翻译的技巧;(增词、词序调整和句式转换)四、长句的处理;(根据逻辑关系拆分为几个句子)


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