
上传人(卖家):flying 文档编号:266487 上传时间:2020-02-19 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:90.50KB
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1、 世界卫生组织:新型冠状病毒病正式命名为世界卫生组织:新型冠状病毒病正式命名为 Covid-19 The World Health Organization says the official name for the disease caused by the new coronavirus is Covid-19. 世界卫生组织宣布,这种由新型冠状病毒的官方名称是 2019 冠状病毒病 (Covid-19)。 The new name is taken from the words “corona“, “virus“ and “disease“, with 2019 representin

2、g the year that it emerged (the outbreak was reported to the WHO on 31 December). Covid-19 取自“corona“(冠状)、“virus“(病毒)和“disease“(疾病) ,2019 则 是它出现的年份。(2019 年 12 月 31 日向世卫组织上报了疫情)。 It comes after the death toll from the virus passed 1,000. Tens of thousands of people have been infected. 此前,因感染该病毒而死亡的人数

3、已超 1000 人。成千上万的人已经被感染。 Dr Ghebreyesus called on the world to fight the new virus as aggressively as possible. 谭赛德博士呼吁全世界尽可能积极地与这种新病毒作斗争。 泰国枪杀案泰国枪杀案 Hostages were rescued from the gunman who had killed at least 20 people late Saturday in Nakhon Ratchasima of northeastern Thailand, but the gunman is s

4、till at large, police sources said early Sunday. According to Thai police sources, soldiers rescued hundreds of people from a shopping mall late Saturday night as they continued to search for a gunman who had holed up inside after killing at least 20 people. 警方周日早些时候称,人质已被救出,这个枪手于周六晚些时候在泰国东北部 Nakhon

5、 Ratchasima 杀死了至少 20 人,但持枪歹徒仍在逃。据泰国警方消息称, 周六深夜,士兵们从一家购物中心救出了数百人,他们继续追捕一名持枪歹徒, 枪手在杀死至少 20 人后躲在里面。 “立扫把挑战”刷屏,“立扫把挑战”刷屏,NASA 出来辟谣出来辟谣 中科大副研究员袁岚峰经过计算表示,太阳对扫帚的引力,大约为地球引力的五 十亿分之一。地球绕太阳轨道近似一个圆,太阳微小的引力变化又很小。 Yuan Lanfeng, an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, said that

6、 the suns gravity acting on the broom is about one five billionth that of the Earth. Moreover, that gravity changes little with time as the Earths orbit around the sun is almost round. 而立扫帚是一个宏观的行为, 影响它的力不可能这么精细, 所以这一定是个谣言。 如果你能立起来,那是因为你掌握了手法,那么你在任何一天都能立起来。如果 立不起来,不妨多学习学习手法,等日子是没有用的。 It is expecting

7、 too much to believe such a micro force will affect whether the broom stands upright. If you can make a broom stand up one day, you can do it on any other day There is nothing special with the date. 物理学博士后贼叉解释称,物体上每个点所受的重力可以等效为一个点受重 力,此即为物体的重心。重心投影在地面上时,如果在支撑点范围内,那就能站 住;超出了支撑点范围,那就摔倒了,所以接触面越大越容易立住。扫

8、帚头朝下 站住并不是什么很稀罕的事情。 Zei Cha, a post-doctorate scholar in physics, explained that each object has a point called its center of gravity. As long as its shadow cast on the ground is within the range of support points, the object can stand. Thus the bigger the contact surface, the easier it is to stand.

9、 So it is not so hard to make a broom stand on its head. 伦敦地铁里的情人节标语伦敦地铁里的情人节标语 Warning: High levels of PDA detected at platform level 警告:在平台层面检测到高浓度 PDA(Public Display of Affection,秀恩爱) Due to Valentines Day, high levels of PDA are being experienced on London Transport. You can avoid PDA-related nausea by ignoring any public displays of affection and tsking loudly. 由于情人节到来, 伦敦交通正在经历高水平的 PDA, 对于公开场合秀恩爱的行为, 你可以通过无视,并大声发出“啧啧啧”来避免 PDA 带来的不适。


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