2020年高考英语:语法填空模拟练习 之 新型冠状病毒疫情主题.doc

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1、2020 年高考精 选精编语法 填空年高考精 选精编语法 填空 模拟练 习模拟练 习 之之新 型冠状病毒 疫情专题新 型冠状病毒 疫情专题 一、国际突发公共卫生事件 W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency as Wuhan Coronavirus Spreads The World Health Organization declared a _1_ (globe) health emergency on Thursday as the coronavirus outbreak spread well beyond China, _2_ it emerged last

2、 month. The declaration “is not a vote of no-confidence in China,” said Dr. Tedros, the W.H.O.s director-general. “On the contrary, the W.H.O. _3_ (continue) to have confidence in Chinas capacity to control the outbreak.” The declaration comes now, he said, because of fears that the coronavirus may

3、reach countries with weak health care systems, where it could go wild, _4_ (potential) infecting millions of people and killing thousands. _5_( Declare) emergencies is always a hard decision, Dr. Tedros said on Wednesday. Border closings and flight _6_ (cancel) may cause hardships for millions of he

4、althy people near the epicenter, and massive _7_(economy) disruption. The WHOs role is only _8_ offer advice. Governments then make their own decisions about _9_ they protect themselves. Nonetheless, emergency declarations signal that the worlds top health advisory body thinks the situation is grave

5、. Despite the emergency declaration, the W.H.O. opposes restrictions on travel to China or on trade with it. Measures the agency considers unjustified include border closures, visa restrictions and the quarantining(隔离) of apparently healthy visitors from the _10_(affect) regions. (c) 2020 The New Yo

6、rk Times Company 答案: 1. global 2. where 3. continues 4. Potentially 5. Declaring 6. cancellations 7. economic 8. to 9. how 10. affected 二、击败鼠疫的中国医生 The Chinese Doctor Who Beat the Plague In October 1910, a mysterious illness appeared in the city of Manzhouli, _1_ the Russian and Chinese border. It s

7、pread swiftly, killing 99.9% of its victims. The Qing Imperial court had sent Malayan-born, Cambridge-_2_(educate) Dr. Wu Lien-teh north to stop the epidemic _3_ it spread to the rest of the empire. Dr. Wu set up special quarantine(隔离) units and ordered blockades to stop infected persons from travel

8、ing and spreading the disease. He had teams _4_ households for possible cases, and even managed to convince Russian and Japanese authorities to _5_(complete) close the railways in the early weeks of 1911. The pneumonic plague outbreak of 1910-1911 lasted nearly four months, affected five provinces a

9、nd six major cities, and accounted _6_ over 60,000 deaths. It is clear that without the brave and decisive actions taken by Dr. Wu it could have been much _7_ (bad). _8_ the epidemic gone unchecked, allowing holiday rail passengers to spread the disease to the rest of China, it could _9_(mean) a cat

10、astrophic loss of life and possibly triggered a global health crisis. For a time, Dr. Wu was the worlds most famous plague _10_ (fight). 答案:1. on 2. educated 3. before 4. check 5. completely 6. for 7. worse 8. Had 9. have meant 10. fighter 三、吉利德提供试验药物,用于冠状病毒治疗和测试 Gilead Sciences Offers Experimental

11、Drug for Coronavirus Treatments, Testing Joseph Walker Gilead Sciences Inc. said that it had provided doses of an _1_ (experiment) antiviral drug to doctors for the emergency treatment of a small number of patients infected by the new coronavirus. Gilead, based _2_ Foster City, Calif., also said it

12、_3_ (formalize) an agreement with Chinese authorities to conduct a clinical trial of the drug remdesivir(瑞德西韦) in patients infected with the coronavirus. _4_(like) some of the other antivirals being examined, Gileads drug isnt approved for use in humans by regulators in the U.S. or _5_ (internation)

13、. Unapproved drugs are sometimes put into use or in testing in emergencies when health authorities believe the drug could help patients who otherwise lack good treatments. Separately, the drug was administered to an infected patient in Washington state. “After treatment, he had reduced fevers and no

14、 longer _6_ (require) oxygen. His lungs cleared up, and he generally felt_7_ (good),” said George Diaz, the patients attending physician. Dr. Diaz cautioned, however, that the drug has to be studied in large clinical trials to determine _8_ it is an effective treatment for the coronavirus. In animal

15、 studies, the drug helped _9_(less) lung disease in _10_ (mouse) infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome, a coronavirus known as MERS. 答案:1. experimental 2. in 3. has formalized 4. Unlike 5. internationally 6. required 7. better 8. whether 9. lessen 10. mice 四、冠状病毒疫情的爆发:检验世界对中国的依赖程度 Coronavir

16、us Outbreak Tests Worlds Dependence on China The world is quickly _1_ (realize) how much it depends on China. Apple is rerouting supply chains. Ikea is closing its stores and paying staff members _2_ stay home. Starbucks is warning _3_ a financial blow. Ford and Toyota will idle some of their vast C

17、hinese assembly plants for an extra week. The _4_ (mystery) coronavirus has virtually shut down one of the worlds most important _5_ (grow) engines. Desperate to slow the fast-moving virus, the Chinese authorities _6_ (extend) the countrys national holiday, and crippled land, rail and air transport.

18、 Entire cities have shut down. The full extent of _7_ hit to the broader business world is not yet clear. “Our members are dealing with _8_ (vary) degrees of disruption in their businesses,” said Jake Parker, the senior vice president of the US-China Business Council. If travel _9_ (restrict)and qua

19、rantines are expanded or the holiday extended _10_ (far), he said, “that will amplify these problems.” (c) 2020 The New York Times Company 答案和解析答案和解析: 1、 答案:realizing。此空是考查语义和时态,这个世界正迅速意识到他们有多么依赖于中国。正在 迅速意识到,应该用进行时态,前面已经有 is,故后面应该填 realizing. 2、 答案:to. 句意是:宜家正在关闭各个门店,同时还要给待在家里的员工支付工资。此处有表目 的的意味。 3、

20、答案:of。解析:warn of 警告某事。句意:星巴克发出了财务冲击预警。 4、 答案:mysterious。解析:本空应填形容词修饰后面的名词 coronavirus, 故应填:mysterious。 5、 答案:growth。解析:句意是: “此次神秘冠状病毒几乎熄灭了世界上最重要的增长引擎之一。” 此空不是说明引擎在增长,故不能填 growing,应填 growth,表示:世界经济增长的发动机(之 一)。 6、 答案:have extended。解析:中国的各级政府已经延长了假期,根据语境应该用现在完成时。 7、 答案:the。句意:“目前尚不清楚此次疫情会对更广泛的商业世界造成多大冲

21、击。”这次冲击 当然用特指了。 8、 答案:varying。介词后接动词-ing 形式。 9、 答案: restrictions。 解析: 根据句意: “如果旅行限制和隔离措施继续扩大, 或假期进一步延长。 ” 故此处应该填名词且要考虑用名词的复数形式。 10、 答案: further。 句意: “这些问题将不断放大” 。 故应该填 far 的比较级 further, 不宜填 farther。 五、中国“非典”战士重回公众视野,迎战冠状病毒 China SARS fighter returns to spotlight in coronavirus battle Zhong Nanshan,

22、an 83-year-old doctor _1_ became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight _2_ SARS, is the public face of Chinas effort to control a new strain of coronavirus. Despite his _3_ (advance) age, Zhong was appointed to lead the _4_(investigate) into the new virus, which has rattle

23、d(使发狂)millions of Chinese who are traveling for the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. _5_ announcement on Monday that the virus could spread between humans ratcheted up (增加)_6_ (worry) about the outbreak, _7_ which Beijing has warned officials of public shame if they cover up any infections. That ma

24、rks a departure from 2003, _8_ in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, a respiratory diseases specialist, gave media his candid(坦诚的), pessimistic assessment of the severity of the SARS crisis. Zhong was hailed for his integrity and _9_ (remain) a public figure ever since, _10_ (weight) in on public health issues such as air pollution and food safety. 答案:1. who 2. against 3. advanced 4. investigation 5. His 6. worries 7. after 8. when 9. has remained 10. weighing


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