Unit1 Listening and Talking, Reading forWriting & Assessing Your Progressppt课件 -(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Section Listening and Talking, Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress.核心单词1_ n. 气氛;大气层2_ adj. 愉快的;高兴的3_ adj. 烤的vi. & vt. 烘烤4_ adj. 坦率的;直率的5_ adj. 内部的;内心的6_ n. 地区;区域7_ adj. 精致的vt. 想像;自认为是8_ n. 片刻;瞬间9_ n. 树枝;分支;支流10_ adj. 恐怖的;极坏的atmosphereatmospheremerrymerryroastroastfrankfrankinnerinnerregion

2、regionfancyfancymomentmomentbranchbranchhorriblehorrible.拓展单词根据词义写单词并牢记拓展单词1_ adj.高兴的;满意的pleasure n乐趣2_ vt.象征;代表representative adj.有代表性的3_ n摔跤运动wrestle vi.& vt.摔跤 n代表人物;代表wrestler n摔跤运动员4_ n优雅;高雅graceful adj.优雅的5_ adv.绝对地;完全地absolute adj.完全的6_ adj.简洁的;简单的briefly adv.简洁地7_ n& vt.尊敬;尊重respectful adj.恭

3、敬的respectable adj.值得尊敬的pleasedpleasedrepresentrepresentwrestlingwrestlinggracegraceabsolutelyabsolutelybriefbriefrespectrespect.阅读单词1lunar adj. _2eve n. _3envelope n. _4pumpkin n. _5pudding n. _6turkey n. _7firework n. _阴历的;月球的;月亮的阴历的;月球的;月亮的前夕;前一天前夕;前一天信封信封南瓜南瓜布丁;甜食布丁;甜食火鸡;火鸡肉火鸡;火鸡肉烟火;烟花烟火;烟花8auton

4、omous adj. _9archery n. _10robe n. _11eagle n. _12tent n. _13pot n. _14wedding n. _自治的自治的射箭运动射箭运动礼服;礼袍礼服;礼袍鹰;雕鹰;雕帐篷帐篷锅,壶锅,壶婚礼;结婚庆典婚礼;结婚庆典.重点短语1_ 坦白地说2_ 除之外3_ 爆炸;走火;离开4_ 出发;动身;起程5mashed potatoes _6Merry Christmas _7roast turkey _to be frankto be frankexcept for.except for.go offgo offset offset off土豆

5、泥土豆泥圣诞快乐圣诞快乐烤火鸡肉烤火鸡肉.课文结构图解.课文理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1According to the passage, which of the following events is NOT included in the Naadam Festival?AHorse racing. BBoat racing.CWrestling. DArchery.B B2How can we judge if a wrestler loses in wrestling?AThe wrestlers hands touch the ground.BThe wrestlers kn

6、ees are bent.CThe wrestlers hands are held by his rival.DThe wrestlers waist is held by his rival.A A3Why are the riders in the horse racing boys and girls?AThey are lighter and the horses can run faster.BThe teenagers are fond of this event.CThis event is specially held for them.DOnly teenagers are

7、 allowed to take part in this event.A A4Which of the following words can best describe the authors mood after the festival?AAnnoyed. BThrilled.CScared. DEmbarrassed.B B核心单词1.pleased adj.高兴的;满意的(教材P7)Im pleased to.我很高兴be pleased to do sth. 乐于做某事be pleased with(be satisfied with be content with) 对满意be

8、 pleased that. 很高兴Were only too pleased to help.我们非常愿意帮忙。He was pleased with their warm welcome.他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。He is pleased that he will have a chance to meet the girl.他很高兴他将有机会见到那个女孩。知识拓展:be satisfied/content with.对感到满意be willing to do sth.be content to do sth.乐于做某事 词语积累:please v使开心;使满意pleasant adj.

9、令人愉快的;宜人的pleasing adj.令人高兴的;令人满意的pleasure n愉快,欢乐;满意;欣慰;乐事It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker.我很荣幸来介绍我们的特约演讲人。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子George cannot be with us today so I am pleased _ (accept) this award on behalf of him.I believe a leaf of grass is no less than a star in the sky. Every p

10、lant gives us _ (please) in its own way.Im very _ (please) with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.They were all very pleased _ the news.She was _ (对非常满意) her exam result._ (我很高兴听到) that your cough is cured.to acceptto acceptpleasurepleasurepleasedpleasedwithwithvery pleased/satisfie

11、d/content withvery pleased/satisfied/content withIm pleased to hearIm pleased to hear2.roast adj.烤的;焙的vi. & vt.烘烤;焙(教材P7)roast turkey烤火鸡Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭roast chicken 烤鸡;烧鸡roast turkey 烤火鸡The smell of roast beef filled the whole kitchen.烤牛肉的味道充满了整个厨房。易混词比较:roast指在火上烘烤,熟词生义:严厉批评。短语get a roastin

12、g受到严厉批评bake通常指在密封的容器中或在锅上间接烘烤,食物不直接接触火。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子I personally would rather _ (roast) a chicken whole.不出所料,我被严厉批评,但我现在明白为什么我需要纪律了。As expected, I _, but I now understand why I needed discipline.roastroastgot a roastinggot a roasting3.frank adj.坦率的;直率的(教材P7)But, to be frank, the fireworks going of

13、f throughout the night were really annoying.但坦白说,整个晚上燃放烟花真的有些令人烦躁。to be frankfrankly speaking坦白说;坦率地说(在句中作说明性状语,通常放在句首,有时也可置于句中,前后要用逗号隔开)To be frank, he is the man to blame.坦率地说,他是该受责备的人。Frankly speaking, its not easy to be a scientist.坦白地说,成为科学家不是一件容易的事情。一些不定式短语可在句中作独立成分,表明说话人的态度。其他类似短语:to be hones

14、t说实话to tell the truth说实话to be exact确切地说to be sure诚然to begin/start with首先to make matters worse更糟糕的是即学即练完成句子_ (坦率地说), I think he is not suitable for this position.It was challenging, _ (诚然), but we managed to finish the job ahead of time.He arrived at home late last night, 11:30 _ (确切地说).Our car ran o

15、ut of petrol yesterday. _ (更糟糕的是), it rained suddenly.To be frank/Frankly speakingTo be frank/Frankly speakingto be sureto be sureto be exactto be exactTo make matters worseTo make matters worse4.represent vt.象征;代表;相当于;描绘,表现(教材P8).it is represented by three events: horse racing, wrestling, and arche

16、ry.它以赛马、摔跤和射箭三个项目为代表represent.as. 把描绘成represent oneself as/to be. 自称是He will represent his school at the meeting.他将代表学校出席会议。They were represented as true heroes in the film.他们在电影中被描绘成真正的英雄。He represented himself as a friend to the workers, but now we know the truth.他自称是工人们的朋友,但现在我们知道真相了。词语辨析:represe

17、nt与stand for(1)represent代表(个体代表整体)represent my class代表我班(2)stand for代表(指缩写或符号)VIP stands for very important persons. VIP代表“非常重要的人物”。即学即练写出下列句中represent的含义/单句语法填空The competition attracted over 500 athletes representing 8 different countries. _The painting represents the scene of a harvest. _Monsters

18、in dreams often represent fears. _He represents himself _ an expert, but he knows nothing.Hank represented _ (he) as an employee in order to gain the information.The painting is a _ (represent) of a storm at sea.He is a _ (represent) for a large steel company.代表代表描绘描绘象征象征asashimselfhimselfrepresenta

19、tionrepresentationrepresentativerepresentative5fancy adj.花哨的;精致的;昂贵的vt.想要;倾慕;自认为是;想象n喜爱;幻想;想象力(教材P8)I saw a lot of people wearing fancy Mongolian robes.我看到许多人穿着精致的蒙古袍。fancy goods 精美小商品(用作装饰或礼品)a fancy restaurant 一家豪华餐厅fancy (doing) sth. 喜欢(做)某事fancy oneself as/to be. 自以为是,自命为catch/take ones fancy 吸引

20、某人;合某人的意take a fancy to 喜欢上/爱上(常指没有明显原因)They dont fancy living there any longer.他们再也不想在那儿住下去了。She fancies herself as a singer but she doesnt have a very good voice.她自以为是歌唱家,但是她的嗓音并不怎么好。The painting caught his fancy, so he bought it.这幅画被他看中了,所以他把它买了下来。I have taken a fancy to that new bicycle.我喜欢上了那辆新

21、自行车。词语积累:representation n描绘;代表representative n代表;典型人物 adj.典型的即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Oh! Tom is singing again!He always fancies himself _ a singer.Do you fancy _ (contribute) an essay to our magazine?My early attempt at learning the piano was a failure although I took _ fancy to it.Bob _ (自诩为) an artist.Mr H

22、ill _ (喜欢上) extreme sports last year.I dont _ (喜欢回到那座房子里) alone.asascontributingcontributinga afancies himself as/to befancies himself as/to betook a fancy totook a fancy tofancy going back to that housefancy going back to that house6.absolutely adv.(强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地;(强调同意或允许)当然(教材P8)I absolutely enjo

23、yed the archery, too.我也非常喜欢射箭Dont worry. Your voice sounds absolutely fine.别担心,你的声音听起来绝对好听。Do you think so?你是这样想的吗?Absolutely.当然。归纳拓展:Absolutely!(口)正是!当然!Absolutely not!(口)绝对不行!当然不!absolutely impossible绝对不可能absolutely right完全正确absolute adj.绝对的即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Jim knew _ (absolute) nothing about the bu

24、siness when he joined the firm.It is what parents say and do that really matters in childrens character training._ (absolute)!Do you let your kids travel alone at night?_ (绝对不行)!It is difficult to go across the desert, but not _ (绝对不可能).absolutelyabsolutelyAbsolutelyAbsolutelyAbsolutely notAbsolutel

25、y notabsolutely impossibleabsolutely impossible7.moment n片刻;瞬间(教材P8)That was the moment I started to understand.就在那一刻,我开始明白at the moment 目前;此刻at this moment 这时(用于现在时)at that moment 那时,当时(用于过去时)This is not the moment to tell him the news.现在不是告诉他这个消息的最佳时机。I was writing a letter at the moment when he c

26、ame in.他进来时我正在写信。He should complete it at this moment.他现在应该完成了。At that moment my heart was full of joy and thankfulness.那时,我的心里充满了喜悦与感激。for the moment目前;暂时for a moment片刻,一会儿from that moment on从那一刻起in a moment马上,立刻 学法点拨:名词词组the moment可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”,相当于as soon as。有类似用法的还有the minute,the second等。

27、I started the moment I got your letter.我一收到你的信就动身了。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子/同义句转换From that moment _, we have been best friends._ moment she went back to her hometown, she gave away the souvenirs to her friends.I would like a job which pays more, but on the other hand, I enjoy the work Im doing_ (目前).He was s

28、ilent _ (片刻), and then began his answer.Lucy is on vacation in America at the moment, but Ill tell her the news _ (一就) she comes back.Come here as soon as you finish the work.Come here _ you finish the work.ononTheTheat the momentat the momentfor a momentfor a momentthe moment/minute/second/instantt

29、he moment/minute/second/instantthe moment/the minute/the second/instantthe moment/the minute/the second/instant8.brief adj.简洁的;简单的;短暂的n摘要;简报(教材P8)Give a brief summary of the experience.对这次经历做一个简短的总结。to be brief 简言之in brief 简言之;一言以蔽之;简略地make a brief speech 作简短的讲话a brief visit/conversation 短时间的访问/交谈To

30、 be brief,she was satisfied with the result.简言之,她对结果很满意。In brief, he has little in common with his elder brother.简言之,他和他哥哥没有什么共同之处。He drew up a brief for his speech.他起草了一份讲话的摘要。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子_ be brief, the opening ceremony left a deep impression on me.To begin with, Id like to tell _ brief the imp

31、ortance of the work.I want to touch _ (brief) on another aspect of the problem.We have a tight schedule for your _ (短时间的访问). I hope you dont mind.Please tell me what happened _ (简略地).Dont go into detail._ (简言之), we can visit the exhibition free of charge.ToToininbrieflybrieflybrief visitbrief visiti

32、n briefin briefTo be brief/In briefTo be brief/In brief9.respect n. & vt.尊敬;尊重n(事物的)方面,细节(教材P10)It is a day for people in China to show respect to seniors.在中国,这一天是人们向老人表示敬意的日子。show/have respect for sb. 尊敬某人out of respect for 出于对的尊敬lose ones respect 失去某人的尊重respect sb. for sth. 因某事尊重某人The students hav

33、e great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。She did it out of respect for her parents.她这样做是出于对父母的尊重。He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战斗中英勇作战而赢得了他们的尊敬。All respect him for his honesty.他为人诚实,大家都尊敬他。Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.君须自敬,人乃敬之。词语

34、积累:respectable adj.可敬的;值得尊敬的;体面的respectful adj.有礼貌的;恭敬的gain/earn/win ones respect(gain/earn/win the respect of sb.)赢得某人的尊重give/send ones respects to (give/send ones regards to)代某人向问候;向致敬 归纳拓展:respect n(事物的)方面,细节熟词生义in this respect在这个方面in one respect/in some respects在一个/某些方面with respect to关于,就而言即学即练单

35、句语法填空/完成句子People will respect you _ telling the truth about this.What I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have _ my parents.There are many _ (respect) people around us. Mr Li, my English teacher, is one of them._ one respect, the inventor has been a huge success.He behaves in a _(respe

36、ct) way.We must have a talk _ respect to that point.The astronaut _ (respect) by all his followers.We all _ (尊敬) our teachers.forforforforrespectablerespectableInInrespectfulrespectfulwithwithis respectedis respectedshow/have respect forshow/have respect forNew teachers have to _ (赢得的尊重) their stude

37、nts.I _ (因尊重你)your honesty and kindness._ (在这个方面), I agree with what he said._ (出于对的尊重) the wishes of her family, the affair was not reported in the media.gain/earn/win the respect ofgain/earn/win the respect ofrespect you forrespect you forIn this respectIn this respectOut of respect forOut of resp

38、ect for重要短语1.go off爆炸;走火;离开;(铃、爆竹等)响(教材P7)But, to be frank, the fireworks going off throughout the night were really annoying.但是,坦率地说,整夜燃放的烟火真是太烦人了。go after 追赶;追求,谋求go ahead 请吧,做吧;开始吧go down 下降;落下;沉没go away 离开go through 经历,经受The bomb was timed to go off at 12 oclock.炸弹定在12点钟爆炸。She went off to get a

39、drink.她拿饮料去了。Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.之后火警警报器响了,我只抓起衣服就跑了出去。归纳拓展:go against对不利;违背,违反go by(时间)流逝,过去go in for参加;对感兴趣go up(价格、温度等)上涨,上升go out出去;(火或灯光等)熄灭即学即练单句语法填空Ive set the alarm clock to go _ at 7:00 am.When he turned around, he saw a dog going _ a duck.It

40、is dangerous for the farmers to go _ nature.With time going _, the small tree he planted three years ago grows taller and taller.You cant imagine what I have gone _ these years.offoffafterafteragainstagainstbybythroughthrough2.except for除之外(教材P7)Anyway, except for that, everything was fine.总之,除了那个之外

41、,一切都很好。His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误。The exam went pretty well, except that I misread the final question.考试进行得很顺利,只是我看错了最后一道题。Eventually, all but one of them promised to come to his birthday party.最后,除了一个人外,他们都答应来参加他的生日聚会。词语辨析:besides, except, ex

42、cept for, except that/when/where., apart from与but(1)besides表示一种累加关系,意思是“除了之外还有”。(2)except作介词用时,表示一种排除关系,意思是“除了之外”。(3)except for主要表示从整体中排除部分,意思是“除之外”,所排除的情况往往不影响整体或大局。(4)except that/when/where.表示“除了之外”,except后面要接从句。(5)apart from作介词短语用时,意思是“除了之外”,与except用法相似;还可作“除了之外(还),此外”讲,相当于in addition to或besides。

43、(6)but作介词用时,意思是“除之外”,相当于except,通常与no, all, nobody, everything等词连用。即学即练单句语法填空/辨析填空(besides/except/except for/except that/apart from)How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except _ our car broke down twice on the way.The translation is well done except _ a few small mistakes.The

44、 problem is anything _ easy.We work every day _ Sundays.People choose jobs for other reasons _ money.The weather was good _ an occasional shower.The house is good _ the rent is high._ the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.thatthatforforbutbutexcept/apart fromexcept/apart frombesides

45、/apart frombesides/apart fromexcept forexcept forexcept thatexcept thatApart fromApart from3.for the first time首次,第一次(教材P8)I experienced the Naadam Festival in Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the first time this year.今年,我第一次体验了中国内蒙古自治区的“那达慕”大会。可用作连词引导时间状语从句的名词短语或副词:(1)the first/second. t

46、ime第一/二次(2)every/the last/the next time 每次/上次/下次(3)the moment/minute/second/instant 一就(4)immediately/instantly/directly 一就My daughter was surprised at the prices of house here: when she visited the city for the first time.我女儿第一次参观这座城市时,对这里的房价大吃一惊。The first time I saw him, I fell in love with him.我第一

47、次看到他,就爱上了他。The moment he caught sight of the old man, he went over to support him.他一看到那位老大爷,就走过去搀扶他。误区警示:(1)for the first time是介词短语,在句中作时间状语。(2)the first time是名词短语,可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子I went to the inland city _ the first time when I was ten.I told Joan the good news _ (immediate) I saw he

48、r this afternoon.I knew we would be good friends _ (一就) I saw her._ (第一次) I saw the sandstorm, I felt frightened._ (每次) I go to London, I get caught in a traffic jam._ (第一次) in her life, Jennie gained a clear idea of how large the world was.forforimmediatelyimmediatelythe moment/minute/second/instan

49、tthe moment/minute/second/instantThe first timeThe first timeEvery timeEvery timeFor the first timeFor the first time4.set off出发;动身;启程;使爆炸(教材P8)On the first day, I set off to the games early with my friend Burin.在(“那达慕”大会的)第一天,我和我的朋友布林早早出发来到了会场。If you want to catch that train, wed better set off for

50、 the station immediately.你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们最好马上动身去火车站。The children are setting fireworks off in the garden.孩子们在花园里燃放烟火。归纳拓展:set off for.动身去set aside把放到一边;省出,留出set down写下,记下set up建起,竖起;建立,创立set out出发,动身;陈述,阐明set about doing (set out to do)着手做即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Ralph W. Emerson would always set _ new ideas tha


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