Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx_第1页
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Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx_第3页
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Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx_第4页
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Unit 4 Discover useful structures(过去分词作表语和状语)习题-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx_第5页
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1、Unit4 Journey Across A Vast LandGrammar-过去分词作表语和状语一、单项选择1Please remain_. Lets have a discussion and try to find a solution acceptable to both sides.AseatingBseatedCto seatDto be seated2If you go to Mount Tai, you will find it more magnificent than commonly _.AsupposingBsupposedCto supposeDsuppose3Wh

2、atever you do, dont be a bystander. Get _.AinvolvedBinvolvingCto involveDbeing involved4During the 3-minute exciting tour, please remain _ and avoid _your seatbelt.Ato be seated to unlockBseatedunlockingCto be seatingbeing unlockedDseatingunlocking5We remained _ in the traffic jam until midnight due

3、 to a serious accident.AstickingBstuckCto be stuckDto have stuck6Please stay _ until the bus has stopped.AseatedBseatingCseatDto seat7Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep _for more than an hour at a time.AfocusedBfolksCflowingDflavor8I quickly lowered myself, ducking my head to avoid looking d

4、irectly into his eyes so that he wouldnt feel _.AchallengedBchallengingCto be challengedDhaving challenged9All of us were _ by the _ question _ by a six-year-old boy.Apuzzled; puzzling; rose Bpuzzling; puzzled; raisedCpuzzled; puzzling; raised Dpuzzled; puzzled; being raised10Although he was serious

5、ly _, he went on to fight heroically.Ainjured Bwounded Churt Dharmed11_ in his lessons, he knew nothing about the outside world.ABuryingBBuriedCBeing buriedDBeing burying12_ on the authors own life, the book attracted a large number of readers when it was published.ABasedBBasingCHaving basedDBeing b

6、ased13The cloth _ easily if _ on a table.Ameasures; spreadingBmeasures; spreadChas been measured; spreadDis measured; spreaded14_ that his son was out of danger, he fell asleep at ease after two sleepless nights.ATo convinceBConvincingCHaving convincedDConvinced15_ in the traffic jam, it took the ca

7、r about 3 hours to get out.ATo be stuckBStuckCStickingDStick16_ in thought, he almost ran into a car.ALostBBeing lostCHaving lostDLosing17_ with traditional shopping, online shopping can provide more convenience and choices.AComparingBCompareCTo compareDCompared18_ with the past , we live a happy li

8、fe.AComparingBComparedCTo compareDCompare19_ to so many advertisements, we cant help but _ what we dont really need.AExposed, buyBBeing exposed, to buyCExposing, buyingDTo expose, bought20_on Oct. 1st 2021, the film Changjinhu soon became a great hit.AReleasingBReleasedCBeing releasedDTo release21Gr

9、eatly moved by the film Battle of Chosin Reservoir, _.Atears could hardly be held backBtears came to his eyesChe could hardly hold back his tearsDhis eyes were filled with tears22_ by a great many trees, the modern tall building is the newly-built stadium of our school.ASurroundBSurroundingCTo surro

10、undDSurrounded23_ the group of death, Chinese womens volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit and they were not going to give up.AAssigning toBBe assigned toCAssign toDAssigned to24_ English at an early age, the boy can speak it quite fluently now.ATaughtBHaving taughtCTeachingDBeing taught

11、25Fear is one of the many enemies hidden inside us, and if_ uncontrolled, it can destroy our lives.AleftBto be leftCleavingDhaving left26_ to go out alone, the retired minister had to go for a walk with several policemen following him.AWarning notBWarned notCNot warningDNot warned27_ of stealing mon

12、ey from the bank, he was questioned by the police.AAccusingBTo accuseCHaving accusedDAccused28This is a new house, nice and beautiful, _ with all the things for normal life.AequippingBto equipCequippedDequips29_, the players tried their best to win the game for their country.AGreatly encouragingBHav

13、ing greatly encouragedCGreatly encouragedDTo be greatly encouraged30_ for burning the food, the careless cook was fired at last.ABlamingBTo be blamedCTo blameDBlamed31It is said that listening to music makes a person feel_ when he is tired.ArelaxingBrelaxedCrelaxDrelaxes32Hearing the son paid little

14、 attention to the marriage and _ he remained _with his work, the mother was quite anxious if he could find a girlfriend.A/, occupiedBthat, to be occupiedC/, to be occupiedDthat, occupied33John, get up! Im afraid you wont have time to _ before going outAget changedBget changingCget changeDget to chan

15、ge34The police all felt _ after a whole weekday searching for the lost child in the forest.AabandonedBexhaustedCfrightenedDrelaxed35Generally speaking, little girls prefer to be_.Abeautifully dressedBdressing beautifulCdressed beautifulDbeautifully dressing36Passengers to New York remain at the airp

16、ort due to the increasingly heavy fog.Ato be stuck BstickingCstuck Dbeing stuck37Though the policemen got after looking for the murderer in the city for a whole day, they felt excited when finding an knife by the lake.Aexhausting; abandoningBexhausted; abandoningCexhausted; abandonedDexhausting; aba

17、ndoned38Cleaning women in big cities get by the hour.ApayBpayingCpaidDto pay39What do you think of her speech last night?Just so-so. She gave us too much information,so that everyone got_.AconfusedBto confuseCconfusingDto be confused40News came that nine miners still _ in the mine.Awere laid trapped

18、Bwere laid trappingClay trappedDlay being trapped.二、用单词的适当形式完成句子41We should improve our study methods and get well _(prepare)for examinations. 42Compared with male graduates, a relatively small number of female graduates can get _ (employ) when they go job-hunting. 43He said that some cigarette ads

19、were not aimed at mature audience but instead _ (target) at children. 44We want our son to have an education that will help him to be well _(equip)for his later life.45I dont think what he said is _(relate) to the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point.46Under the threat of illness, they a

20、re still _ (engage) in medical work, which is really admirable. 47He was so _ (absorb) in thought that he ran against a passer-by. 48He would be _ (stick) in a low-level position because of it.49Please remain _ (seat) until the bus has come to a stop.50Stop fooling around; somebody might get _ (hurt

21、). 51Having _ the final, we were _ in sadness.(lose)52The store is _ (locate) upstairs in Building 3.53We became _ (trap) by the rising floodwater.54Though he was a new man, he got _(accustom) to the way of life here very soon.55The city of Hangzhou is really an _ placeEspecially,the famous West Lak

22、e always leaves quite an _ on the visitorsI was strongly _ by its beauty the first time I saw it(impress)56_(base) on a true story, the film is very popular. 57_(publish) in 1964, its his classic memoir of 1920s Paris. 58_(encourage)by the progress he has made, he works harder. 59_(devote) to the st

23、udy of science, my uncle had little time to take care of his children. 60He felt upset the whole day, _ (blame)for cheating in the exam. 61It is said that about 20% of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents, _(compare)with 16% in 1991. 62The teacher came into the classroom, _(follow) by some studen

24、ts. 63_ (encourage) to aim high, the boy had another go. 64_ (found) in 2010, this business company now has become a top international B2C platform. 65_ (expose) to too much sunlight you will get sunburnt. 三、完成句子66从车窗往外望去,加拿大巍峨的山脉和辽阔的森林尽收眼底。_ _ the train window , the mountains and forests of Canada

25、looked _.67与大多数人相比,她极其幸运。_ _ lots of people, she is very lucky.68在导游的陪同下,这些外国学生兴奋地登上了武夷山顶。_ _ the guide,the foreign students were excited to climb up to the top of Mount Wuyi.69由于被大自然的美吸引,这个来自英国的女孩决定在中国再待两天。_ _ _ _ _ _ the girl from UK decided to spend another two days in China.70在体育精神的激励下,每个人都应该在学习

26、上加倍努力!_ the sportsmanship, everyone should redouble their efforts in study!8参考答案1B2B3A4B5B6A7A8A9C10B11B12A13B14D15B16A17D18B19A20B21C22D23D24A25A26B27D28C29C30D31B32D33A34B35A36C37C38C39A40C41prepared42employed43targeted44equipped45related46engaged47absorbed48stuck49seated50hurt51lost lost 52located53trapped54accustomed55impressive impression impressed 56Based57Published58Encouraged59Devoted60blamed61compared62followed63Encouraged64Founded65Exposed66Seen from massive 67Compared with 68Accompanied by 69Attracted by the beauty of nature 70Motivated by5


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