Unit 4 Learning About Language 练习评讲 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Period 2 ExercisesUnit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land 1The Chinese New Year celebration lasts up to two weeks,and the _ (最好或最精彩的部分最好或最精彩的部分) arrives around the Lunar New Years Eve. 2Remember, whenever you step outside your countrys _ (国界国界), you are representing your country, not just yourself. 3The s

2、hips in this small _ (港口港口)are safe. 4The movie Lalaland is _ (令人惊叹的令人惊叹的)Its really a pity that you didnt watch it. 5Lying on the table are some apples and a _ (串串) of bananas. 6With their volcanoes, valleys and waterfalls, the islands of Hawaii have some of the most _ (壮观的壮观的) views on earth. 7In

3、cold winter, the windows are always covered with heavy f_ in north. 8John held his b_ before he got the word that the college he chose had accepted him. 9The beautiful s_ and pleasant climate throughout the year make Qingdao a good place to visit. 10All success is the result of m_ efforts. It is imp

4、ossible to gain without pains. 11Misunderstanding is likely to a_ if people fail to communicate with each other. 12Its very p_ to live in such beautiful surroundings.1With temperatures dropping below _ (freeze), wind howling and roads getting slippery,Qinghai usually sees a huge dip in tourists in t

5、he winter months.2As is known to us, _ (curtain) are large pieces of material which hang from the top of a window.3According to the report, the epidemic is _ (awesome) serious.4Our English teacher asked us not to understand the report _ (literal)5The place must have been recognized as a valuable one

6、 for many centuries before the great city _(arise)6One interesting aspect of this bilingual series is that it caters to both the domestic and foreign markets, especially in both reading for _ (pleasant) and language learning.7He didnt anticipate _ (take) care of the baby alone.8Shanxi is one of the

7、best places to experience the authentic Spring Festival celebrations that are typical _ North China.9I was pleased _ (hear) what you had experienced during your journey.10Mary sat by the window of the reading room, _ (read) a book. 而不是 令人惊叹 除之外(还) 是的聚集地 经历 总之 醒来 出发;起程 rather than take ones breath aw

8、ay in addition to be home to go through all in all wake up start out1In order to get to the camp on time, the teacher asked the young children to _ early in the morning.2A public health emergency can make people _ a range of emotional changes.3Nanshan Park _ an abundance of beautiful scenery and the

9、 great ecological environment.4_ English, he has to study a second foreign language for his further research on the field.5She is the type who _ early in the morning and immediately starts working.6_, young people should be forwardlooking rather than the other way round.7Dont put off till tomorrow w

10、hat should be done today. In other words, we should start work at once _ leave it for the next day.8The beauty of the sea _ after we arrived at the seashore. 1After walking for two hours,the children are _ 走了两个小时之后,那些小孩走了两个小时之后,那些小孩太累了,不能够再走远了太累了,不能够再走远了。 2_,I saw some students sweeping bits of pape

11、r. 朝窗外望去时朝窗外望去时,我看到一些学生在打扫纸屑。,我看到一些学生在打扫纸屑。 3She is going to work in that city, _ 她打算去那座城市工作,她打算去那座城市工作,在那里她已经结交了一些亲密的朋友在那里她已经结交了一些亲密的朋友。too tired to go any furtherLooking out of the windowwhere she has made some close friends 4_, the old couple cant afford enough food and clothes. 由于物价上涨很快由于物价上涨很快,

12、这对老夫妻买不起足够的食物和衣服。,这对老夫妻买不起足够的食物和衣服。 5_,he would forget all about eating or sleeping when deeply absorbed in work. 就像他过去经常做的那样就像他过去经常做的那样,当他深深地沉浸于工作时他会废寝忘食。,当他深深地沉浸于工作时他会废寝忘食。 6_ we began to have supper last night. 昨晚直到父亲回来昨晚直到父亲回来,我们才开始吃晚饭。,我们才开始吃晚饭。With prices going up so fastAs he often didIt was

13、not until father came back that Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip 1. _ Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax. They decided to fly to Vancouver first and then take the train. The thought of crossing the whole country by rail was 2. _ (excite)They spent several days in Vancouver. Ther

14、e they took a boat ride, 3. _ (visit) an island and were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city.Then they boarded the train to Lake Louise, where the blue water took 4. _ (they) breath away with its exceptional 5. _ (beautiful)tovisitedexcitingtheir beautyThey spent the nig

15、ht and headed north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper. 6. _ (look) at the spectacular scenery, they both agreed it was the 7. _ (awesome) journey they had ever taken.From Jasper, they caught the train bound for Toronto. One of the trains first 8. _ (stop) was in Edmonton, 9. _ average daily tem

16、perature in winter is -10 . From Edmonton, the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie.After another day on the train, they 10. _ (eventual) reached Winnipeg. They traveled through the night and woke up in Ontario. The train thundered on and at 9:30 the next morning they reached the

17、 capital of Ontario, Toronto. Their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken them four days in all.Lookingstopsmost awesomewhoseeventuallyCanadian Prime Minister led the government officials through Vancouvers historic Chinatown for the citys annual Chinese New Year Parade.Lion dancers 1. _ (dress)

18、in silver, purple and red danced to the drum beats outside the Chinese Cultural Centre. The event marks the 2. _ (large) gathering of lion dancers in all of Canada. At one crossing, a massive golden dragon danced under 3. _ control of about a dozen young men.Vancouver is home 4. _ more than 400,000

19、Chinese - Canadians. “I love the Chinese New Year Parade because its an 5. _ (include) activity and we highlight the strength of each person,” said Mayor Gregor.dressedthelargestto inclusiveThe event showed a contrast between Canada and 6. _ he called a “discomforting” immigration order issued by th

20、e U.S. government that banned travel to the U.S.Penny Lim was one of the viewers, who 7. _ (hold) a camera in her hand. Her father moved to Vancouver from Guangdong Province. Born here, Lim has been coming to the parade for decades 8. _ (record) and photograph the lion dancers. “The colors are vario

21、us, and the 9. _ (combine) of orange, pink, yellow are quite exciting,” she said. “Its a connection to our culture, and 10. _ (essential) its festive and a lot of fun.”whatto recordheldcombinations essentiallyPeriod 5 ExercisesUnit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land1_ (相反的相反的) to our prediction, the final

22、 examination turned out to be quite easy.2If you want to become a better _ (摄影师摄影师), the only way is through repetition.3Exposed to so many _ (广告广告), we cant help being persuaded into buying something we dont really need.4He speaks with a strong northern _ (口音口音), from which we can conclude he is fr

23、om the north.5It a_ us that the cheap machine broke down only a week later.6She p_ with her work after she completely recovered from the operation.7Learners must not only master new sounds, but also learn conversational i_8The robot is not intended to replace workers, but to work a_ other employees.

24、1David paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded _ his speech.2She owes it to herself _ (finish) the work by the end of the day.3Chinas new generation highspeed train can travel _ a speed of 350 km/h.4I owe you _ all the help you have given me.5I was astonished _ how different the weather was

25、in different cities.6She was _ to hear the _ news and stood there still.(astonish)7That big companies have misused users private information by sharing it with _ (advertise) is illegal.8Anger is a common emotion when we experience, see and feel someone or something is not right or contrary _ our vie

26、ws.9I am going to advertise _ someone to clean my house.10_ the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious.把归(功;咎)于接近;靠近去旅游梦想眺望;展望在远处流逝;驶过各种各样的与相比带有口音owetobe close togo on a tour ofdream oflook acrossin the distanceroll byall kinds ofin contrast towith

27、 an accent1Many people throughout history have _ a world without war.2You _ it _ your staff to be honest with them.3The probability _ zero.4Many people spoke English _5At the station, _ Toronto, they heard people talking in French.6He collected _ plants.7The girls saw hundreds of skyscrapers of glas

28、s and steel, and old-fashioned cars _8The sound of the car died away _9I _ to the other side of the canyon.10The head _ inspection of all the classrooms. 1_ the patient teaching of the coach and support of my family and friends. 我的成功应归功于我的成功应归功于教练耐心的教导以及家人和朋友的支持。教练耐心的教导以及家人和朋友的支持。 2_, theyve done a

29、good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已经干得很不错了。,这工作他们已经干得很不错了。 3Because of his honesty and warmth, _ 因为他的诚实和热情,因为他的诚实和热情,我们选他当班长我们选他当班长。 4After staying in England for a year, _ 在英国待了一年之后,在英国待了一年之后,他已经有轻微的英国口音了他已经有轻微的英国口音了。 5_, is an area of scenic beauty. 青海湖是中国最大的内陆湖青海湖是中国最大的内陆湖,风景秀丽。,风景秀丽。My success s

30、hall be owed to Given their inexperience/Given that theyre inexperiencedwe make him monitorhe has developed a slight English accentQinghai Lake, the largest inland lake in ChinaLi Daiyu and her cousin 1. _ (stay) in Toronto for only a few hours. They went on 2. _ tour of the city there. They went up

31、 the CN Tower and looked across the shores of Lake Ontario. Standing in the distance, they were 3. _ (astonish) to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls. They saw many skyscrapers of glass and steel, and old-fashioned cars 4. _ (roll) by as well. From their conversation with Lin Fei,

32、who had moved to Canada many years 5. _ (early), they knew that there are many Chinese people living there.stayedastonishedarolling earlier It was not until late that night that the two girls left Toronto and early the next morning the train arrived in Montreal, 6. _ they learned that most of the re

33、sidents speak both English 7. _ French. They went downtown and spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting 8. _ (art) in their workplaces along St Paul Street. While sitting in a restaurant, they met a 9. _ (photograph) who told 10. _ the city has unique Quebec culture and traditions and there

34、are fantastic restaurants and clubs around the city.That night they boarded the train heading towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and the girls journey across Canada proceeded.whereandphotographerartists them Chinese museums might have been 56. _ (temporary) closed earlier this year, 57. _ many are stil

35、l open to online visitors. A 58. _ (grow) number of Chinese museums are presenting their collection of artifacts (手工艺手工艺品品) on the Internet. Since February, online platforms including Taobao and Douyin 59. _ (hold) livestreaming (直播直播) events from Chinas museums. The programs,60. _ have received mor

36、e than 10 million 61. _ (day) visits, have proved popular according to media reports.temporarilybutwhichgrowing have been holding dailySome livestreaming hosts have become Internet celebrities. Bai Xuesong, the host of Xian Beilin Museums livestreaming event on Sunday, received more than 1.75 millio

37、n “likes”Avoiding boring description while introducing exhibits, his humorous tone and funny stories won the 62. _ (heart) of his audience. Instead of being laid aside and 63. _ (ignore), the cultural heritage should 64. _ (rich) the publics knowledge and expand their outlook. These livestreaming ev

38、ents are 65. _ step forward in achieving that goal.heartsenrichignored aPeriod 4 Grammar ExercisesUnit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land即时训练 1 (P64创新设计grammar部分练习)These kids are so _ (absorb) in their studies that I just sit back.(全国卷全国卷)We succeed in our field of specialization and then become _ (trap)

39、in it.(天津卷天津卷)The _ look on her face suggested that she was _ by the _ scene. (frighten)The news was _ and they were all _ at it. (excite)We all felt _ at the _ news. (encourage)The audience were all _ to tears by the _ film. (move)absorbedtrappedfrightenedexcitingexcitedencouragedencouragingfrighte

40、nedfrighteningmovedmoving即时训练 2 (P65创新设计grammar部分练习)_ (develop) by two doctors in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, its an excellent water collector.Technological innovations, _ (combine) with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.(2020江苏卷江苏卷)Children, when _ (accompany) by thei

41、r parents, are allowed to enter the stadium._ (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art._ (translate) into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.DevelopedcombinedaccompaniedFoundedTranslated即时训练 2 (P65创新设计grammar部分练习)(2)

42、同义句转换同义句转换When it is seen from the top of the hill, the town looks more beautiful.Because they were deeply moved by the film, the children began to cry.If we were given more time, we could do it much better.The president of the company came to the factory, and he was followed by some workers.Seen fr

43、om the top of the hill, the town looks more beautiful.Deeply moved by the film, the children began to cry.Given more time, we could do it much better.The president of the company came to the factory, followed by some workers.即时训练 3 (P65创新设计grammar部分练习)(1)用独立主格结构作状语改写句子用独立主格结构作状语改写句子After the lecture

44、 was given, a lively questionandanswer session followed._, a lively questionandanswer session followed.The factory produced many famous cars, none of which were shipped to foreign countries.The factory produced many famous cars, _Because extra money was given to the poor, he felt very happy._, he fe

45、lt very happy.(2)用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, _ (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.Where is Jimmy?Just now I saw him sitting under the tree, _ (absorb) in his video games.The lecture givennone of them shipped to foreign countriesExtra money given to the

46、 poortellingabsorbed运用*语法规则 (P66创新设计grammar部分练习:1. 单句语法填空) 1As well as the weather, the relaxed atmosphere and nightlife are very _ (appeal) 2It was _ (amaze) that our class won second place. Our efforts paid off. 3One was that I was _ (amaze) at the fact that a sick person could feel much better af

47、ter seeing a doctor. 4_ (compare) with the Western medicines high fees, Chinese herbal medicines have a reasonable price that ordinary people can afford. 5Generally speaking, if _ (take) according to the directions, the drug has no side effects.appealingamazingamazedComparedtaken运用*语法规则 (P66创新设计gram

48、mar部分练习:1. 单句语法填空) 6The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ (seat) as the plane was making a landing. 7_ (face) with such a troublesome woman, he didnt know what to do, _ (stand) there with his mouth wide open. 8Dina, _ (struggle) for months to find a job, finally took a position at

49、a local advertising agency. 9 _ (spend) the past year as an exchange student in America,Linda appears more mature than those of her age. 10 _ (question) by the police now, the boy is very nervous.seatedFacedstandinghaving struggledHaving spent Being questioned (P66创新设计grammar部分练习:2. 补全句子) 1_, in wha

50、tever form, all of us react both mentally and physically. 当暴露在压力之下时当暴露在压力之下时,不管以什么形式,我们所有的人都会从精神和身体上作出反应。,不管以什么形式,我们所有的人都会从精神和身体上作出反应。 2_, Andy has a chance to become famous. 由于得到了一部新电影里的重要角色由于得到了一部新电影里的重要角色,安迪有机会出名了。,安迪有机会出名了。 3_, we jumped and cheered with joy. 沐浴在阳光中沐浴在阳光中,我们高兴得欢呼雀跃。,我们高兴得欢呼雀跃。 4


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