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1、Love of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo EmersonBrain StormWhen it comes to ART, what comes into your mind? Can you list some forms of art? Do you know what influences ART?artsculpturememorialarchitecturephotographypaintingmusicdance literature operamovieWhat do you know abo

2、ut these paintings?Maybe you dont know the exactname of each painting, but you know they are masterpieces of famous western painters.How to quickly recognize the painter of famous paintings 如果这画上每个人都是一副受尽认识苦难的45度仰望星空的折磨脸,而且全是黑森森的背景的话, 不用说, 一定是提香。 如果每个男人都画得像个卷发加娘炮,而且还拿着水果和花之类的,那就是卡拉瓦乔。 如果画面上永远有一坨一坨又一

3、坨的人。而且看上去正常的话,那就是勃鲁盖尔。 如果画面上还是一坨一坨又一坨的人, 但是还有其他一坨一坨又一坨稀奇古怪的东西的话, 那一定是波西。 如果画面上的人全都帅哥美女,还都很健美,而且还人靠着人的话,那就是米开朗基罗。 如果背景像指环王里一样壮阔,却笼罩着乖乖的蓝色迷雾;圣母玛利亚总有着同样的卷发与贵族式的鼻子,那是达芬奇。 如果每个人都长着副死气沉沉普京脸,那是凡艾克。 如果把什么人都画得像只有一盏小蜡烛下的流浪汉的话,那就是伦勃朗没错了。 看上去永远像是眼睛起了一层雾, 什么都看不清, 那就是莫奈了。 如果画里的人都有那么些残疾部位,那就是毕加索。 如果画的东西,像是出现幻觉后看到的

4、东西,那是达利。 如果碰到充满填充色块的Excel表格,那就是蒙德里安。Reading and ThinkingA Short History of Western PaintingWhy is the title “A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING”?As there have been so many different styles of Western art, it is impossible to describe them all in a short text. Consequently, the best way to understan

5、d Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.Fast ReadingHow to develop?. Identify the major stages of the history of Western paintings.5th C AD15th 17th 19th 20th The Middle AgesThe RenaissanceImpressionismModern Art History Period & Painting Characteristics14t

6、h The Renaissance1. a precise definition2._ there have been so many._is impossible to describe them all in a short text. 3.the best way to .4.The best way to understand western art is_(look)at the development of western painting.1. 2.由于西方艺术风格各种各样,由于西方艺术风格各种各样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。面的描述。

7、34.了解西方艺术最好的方法是了解西方艺术最好的方法是_(看看)看西方绘画的发展。看西方绘画的发展。Asitto look 一个精确的定义一个精确的定义.的最佳的最佳方法方法2. be interested in doing 3. realistic scenes 4. works 5.main characters 6._his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment.7.in particular 8. set apart from 9. realistic hu

8、man faces 10.deep emotional impactWhileto teach1.西方艺术的目的是向人们传授基督教因此西方艺术的目的是向人们传授基督教因此 23. 4. 作品作品 5. 6.尽管他的画仍然带有宗教主题,但它们展示的是真实的环境中的尽管他的画仍然带有宗教主题,但它们展示的是真实的环境中的真实人物。真实人物。7. 8. 9 10.真实场景真实场景主角主角 尤其尤其使与众不同使与众不同 逼真的人物面貌逼真的人物面貌 深刻的情感冲击深刻的情感冲击.对对.感兴趣感兴趣to teach people about Christianityreligious themesGio

9、tto di BondoneMain purpose of the art:Characteristics:Representative artist:In this period, the main characters in paintings were often made much _than everyone else to show their importance. largerbefore 13th century: not realistic; primitive and two-dimensionalfrom 13th century: more realistic and

10、 showed people in a real environment Works of the Middle Ages_themes_symbolsreligiousreligious More Works from Giotto di Bondone1.new ideas and values1.new ideas and values2.2.as a resultas a result3.3.concentrate onconcentrate on4.adopt a more humanistic 4.adopt a more humanistic attitude toattitud

11、e to life life5.an important breakthrough5.an important breakthrough6.influential painters6.influential painters7.7.build on/uponbuild on/upon1.新的观念和价值观新的观念和价值观2. 因此,结果因此,结果3.关注关注4.对生活采取更加人对生活采取更加人性化的态度性化的态度5.一个重要突破一个重要突破6. 有影响力的画家有影响力的画家7. 以以.为基础为基础1.innovation2.the use of oil paints3.look like4.as

12、 early as 5.technique6.reach its height7.gain a reputation8.a master of shadow and lightPara41. 创新创新2. 油料的使用油料的使用3. 看起来像看起来像4. 和和.一样早一样早5. 技术技术6. 达到顶峰达到顶峰7. 获得名声获得名声8. 光影大师光影大师1.in subject matter2.emphasis3.shift from.to.4.people of high rank5.accurate pictures6.important historical events7.be inter

13、esting to look atPara51. 在题材方面在题材方面2. 重点重点3. 从从.转移到转移到.上上4. 有地位的人有地位的人5. 精确画像精确画像6. 重要历史事件重要历史事件7. 看起来有趣看起来有趣Characteristics:Representative artists:adopted a more humanistic attitude to lifeLeonardo da Vinci MichelangeloRaphael RembrandtWorks of the Renaissance Do you know who painted it? What can y

14、ou see in the painting? Who are these people? What are they doing?School of Athens Raphael The School of Athens is a description of philosophy. The scene takes place in classical times, as both the architecture and the garments(服饰服饰) indicate. Figures representing each subject that must be mastered

15、in order to hold a true philosophic debate astronomy(天文学天文学), geometry(几何几何), and arithmetic(算数算数) - are described in concrete form. The arbiters (仲裁仲裁) of this rule, the main figures, Plato and Aristotle, are shown in the center, engaged in such a dialogue.Works of the RenaissanceThats why the pain

16、tings in the Renaissance could tell more details about people and important historical events or stories.1. the development of2. the invention of photography3.No longer4.preserve vt.5.hence adv.6.a new way of doing7.impressionism emergedPara6的发展摄影的发明不再保持,保留因此,一种新的做事方式于是,印象派出现。para 7While自然或日常生活的场景专注

17、于要充满光、影、色和生命寻求做某事不仅仅只而且外在的形象内心的温暖和人性to convey the light and movementClaude MonetRenoirMain purpose of the art:Characteristics:Representative artist: nature or daily life subjective impression peoples inner warmth and humanityfull of light, shadow, color and lifeWorks of Impressionism1.subsequent art

18、ists2.try to analyse the shapes3.exist in the natural world4.a realistic but dream-like quality5.turn to abstract art6.attempt to do 7.some.others.still others.Para 8后来的艺术家试着分析形状存在于自然世界中现实而梦幻的品质转向抽象艺术尝试去做有些还有一些人To analyze the shapes existing in the natural worldrealistic but dream-like; abstractPica

19、ssoMain aim :Characteristics:Representative artist:TheThe Renaissa RenaissancePicasso was regarded as the most creative and contemporary western most far-reaching artist. He and his paintings took art history in the world the immortal (不朽的不朽的) status. Match the paintings below with the correct perio

20、d of art. Use the information in the reading passage to help you. ImpressionismModern ArtModern ArtThe RenaissanceIdentify change本本文按时文按时间顺间顺序介绍西方绘序介绍西方绘画画史。使史。使用用表示变表示变化的表化的表达呈现变达呈现变化发展过程。化发展过程。在中世纪时期,绘画在中世纪时期,绘画有有特特殊殊的的服务使服务使命,因而这一阶段画作命,因而这一阶段画作的特的特征是凸显主要人征是凸显主要人物。物。而在而在13世纪发生了改世纪发生了改变变change。到到文艺

21、文艺复兴时期,人文主义思想取代复兴时期,人文主义思想取代了了replaced旧旧理念,画理念,画家开始家开始began对对生活采用更加人文主义的态度生活采用更加人文主义的态度。透。透视法是这一时期的重大视法是这一时期的重大突突破破breakthrough。另一项创另一项创新新innovation是是油画颜料的使油画颜料的使用。主用。主题题也转向也转向shifted人人与周围的事物。与周围的事物。19世纪中叶,摄影的发世纪中叶,摄影的发明明invention驱驱使画家们寻使画家们寻找新方式找新方式find a new way来来审审视艺视艺术,促进了印象派的出术,促进了印象派的出现现emerge

22、d。到了现代,绘画呈现出多元化发到了现代,绘画呈现出多元化发展展趋趋势。立体势。立体派代派代表人物毕加索以新的方表人物毕加索以新的方式式a new way来来描绘自然界;还描绘自然界;还有画有画家转家转向向turned to抽抽象艺术。象艺术。 综综上可上可以看出本文使以看出本文使用和用和变化相关的表达有:变化相关的表达有:change, replaced, began, breakthrough, innovation, shifted, invention, find a new way, emerged, turned to。阅。阅读时捕读时捕捉这捉这些与变化发展有关些与变化发展有关的表

23、的表达,有助于快速锁定事物各个发展阶段的特征。达,有助于快速锁定事物各个发展阶段的特征。语篇的时语篇的时间顺序间顺序本文介本文介绍发绍发展史,此类语篇最常采用的语篇顺序是时间顺展史,此类语篇最常采用的语篇顺序是时间顺序序。四四个小标个小标题题The Middle Ages (from the 5th to the 15th century),The Renaissance (from to ),Impressionism (late to )和和Modern Art ()构构成完整成完整时时间链,将整个西方绘画艺术的发展过程清晰地展间链,将整个西方绘画艺术的发展过程清晰地展现出来。现出来。在在

24、介绍各个阶段的发展时介绍各个阶段的发展时,也,也是时间顺序。如在第三个小标题之下:是时间顺序。如在第三个小标题之下:The development of Western art slowed until the invention in the mid-19th century. After that, paintings were no longer needed to . Hence, painters had to find a new way of . From this, Impressionism emerged in France.句子间句子间使用了使用了until, in th

25、e mid-19th century, After that, From this表明时表明时间顺序的词语,间顺序的词语,使段使段落自然流畅落自然流畅。可可找找出其他小标题下表示时间顺序的词出其他小标题下表示时间顺序的词语语,看如,看如何通过这些词语使句子之间达到衔接连贯的。何通过这些词语使句子之间达到衔接连贯的。目录.Choose the best answer according to the text.1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic

26、.B.Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.C.The Impressionists paintings were painted mainly indoors.D.Modern art began in the Renaissance.答案答案B目录2.In the Renaissance,painters .A.painted religious scenes in a more realistic styleB.focused more on religion than on humansC.began to paint

27、outdoorsD.painted people and the world around them答案答案D目录3.The reason that Impressionism began was that .A.the artists wanted to convey the light and movement in detail.B.paintings were not needed to maintain what people and the world looked like.C.the artists didnt like the cold,black-and-white col

28、or.D.paintings could show the outer image of color and life.答案答案B目录4.What does the text mainly tell us?A.How religious paintings developed.B.How oil paintings developed.C.How Impressionists paintings developed.D.How Western art developed.答案答案DInspiration exists, but it has to find you working.Pablo Picasso


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