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1、Unit 1 Art Introduction to Raphaels School of Athens1. The painting takes 2 years to finish, which describes the wonderful minds of the old times.2.They take part in the inquiries that have brought them to the excellence.3.Plato points to the heavens and indicates his theory that we are born with pr

2、ecious innate knowledge.4.Aristotle points to the world, urgingus to go out. 5. All of ancient academia seems to flow across the fresco.Brainstorming 1.Why did the painter put all these people living at different times together? 2.Why do you think the painter created this work of art? 3. What idea d

3、id the painter want to convey?1.They all symbolised human pursuit of wisdom and truth.2.The painter created this work of art to praise the Golden Ageand 3.convey a yearning for a free and open future.A Short History of Western painting Mind Map The Middle Ages (5th C. to 15th C) purpose: teach Chris

4、tianity no interest in realistic scenes (religious themes) (not realistic) characteristics: primitive and two-dimensional main characters (larger) Representative: Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) Uniqueness: show real people in a real environment (逼真的人脸和强烈的情感冲击) (set apart from) by realistic human face

5、s and deep emotional impact. Works:The Flight Into Epypt 逃往埃及 Judas Kiss 犹大之吻 The Lamentation of Christ 哀悼基督 thuspioneerAppreciate Middle Ages Paintings The Renaissance (14th C. 17th C) humanistic attitude (人性化态度) New ideas and values use perspective (运用透视法) use oil paints (油性颜料) emphasize people an

6、d the world Representatives I. Masaccio (1401-1428) Works: Holy Trinity 圣三位一体 2.Leonardo Da Vinci Works: Mona Lisa The Last Super 3. Michelangelo (1475-1564) The Last Judgment 4.Raphael (1483-1520) School of AthensSelf-portrait with Shaded Eyes眼部蒙上阴影的自画像眼部蒙上阴影的自画像创作者:伦勃朗创作者:伦勃朗 RembrandtThe man who

7、gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light光影大师光影大师 Impressionism (late 19th- early 20th) Event: the invention of phtograph challenge for paintings: no need to preserve what people and the world looked like Result: find a new way of looking at their art. Origin of the name: Impression, Sunri

8、se by Claude Monet (1840-1926)该画描绘了晨雾笼罩中的日出港口景象,用美妙的光的变幻与运动展现了迷人景色,以及画家用轻快跳跃的笔触刻画了光在宽阔的海面上反射与颤动的生动景象。Monets aim: to convey the light and the movement in the scene-the subjective impression the scene gave him克劳德莫奈(Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日),法国画家,印象派代表人物和创始人之一。莫奈擅长光与影的实验与表现技法。one of the foun

9、ding fathers of French impressionism one of the most prolific paintersfamous for drawing exaggerated portraits by age15Not happy about the traditional techniquesmore interested in capturing the feeling of the color and light.Pierre Auguste Renoir油画作品VS 19世纪照片style: full of light, shadow, color and l

10、ife.show warmth and humanity19th centurys photograph (Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853-1890),荷兰后印象派画家。Starry Night“我想画上半打的向日葵来装饰我的画室,让纯净的铬黄,闪闪发光;我要给这些画配上最精致的涂成橙黄色的画框,就像哥特式教堂里的彩绘玻璃一样。”梵高确实做到了让这些色彩炽热的阳光,在画面上大放光芒,是他发自内心虔诚的精神情感。 Modern Art (20th-today) 毕加索 Pablo Picasso立体主义的艺术家追求碎裂、解析、重新组合的形式,形成分离的画面-以许多组合的碎片形态为艺术家们所要展现的目标。analyse the shapes existing in the world but in a new way


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