牛津译林版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷(含答案).doc

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1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷笔试部分(共100分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Whats your fathers hobby, Jane?He likes reading. He has read about three hundred books _ the past five years.A. with B. since C. over D. on( )2. Have you visited Shanghai Disneyland _?Yes. Its the most int

2、eresting theme park that I have _ visited.A. yet; ever B. ever; yet C. yet; yet D. already; yet( )3. The first settlers ( 移 民) from England were in a hard _ when they arrived in America because it was cold winter and they had little food.A. condition B. Situation C. Instruction D. vacation( )4. Mum,

3、 Im _ hungry. Please give me _ bread.A. a little of; a bit of B. a bit of; a littleC. a little; a bit D. a bit; a little( )5. The boy made the model plane on _ own.A. he B. his C. him D. himself( )6. Today Millie doesnt look as _ as before. Whats wrong with her?A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unha

4、ppily( )7. At the weekend, I often stay at home _ and feel _.Why not take part in some outdoor activities with your friends?A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone( )8. David, our project is difficult. _, we seem not to have enough time.Thats true. _, we must finish it wit

5、hin the given time. Lets hurry up instead of talking here.A. Moreover; Instead B. Instead; MoreoverC. Moreover; Anyway D. Anyway; Moreover( )9. _ have you lived in Nanjing?I moved here three years ago.A. How many B. How often C. How soon D. How long( )10. Jim, don t sing here! I m busy preparing for

6、 the English exam tomorrow.Sorry, I didnt _ it.A. understand B. realize C. accept D. improve( )11. Sandy, would you like to see the film with me tonight?Sorry. I _ the film twice.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see( )12. My father is crazy about playing Chinese chess. But he _ think Chinese chess

7、 was the most boring game.A. used to B. was used to C. is used to D. has used to( )13. _ is nice _ dinner for my family at weekends.A. It; cook B. It; to cook C. This; cook D. This; to cook( )14. My hometown has changed a lot during past years. It has _ a modern town.A. put into B. got into C. made

8、into D. turned into( )15. What do you think of life in the big city?_, its better than life in the country.A. By the way B. On the way C. In this way D. In some ways二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But onl

9、y one 16_ was the most important.It happened last term just after I had got a 17 _ result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence (信心). I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 18 _.The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking like a teacher. Instead, he held

10、 up a twenty yuan note!“Who wants this?” he asked. Unsurprisingly, 19_ of us in the class held up our hands.The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but 20_ nothing. Suddenly, he threw the not

11、e onto the floor. Then he asked the same 21 _a third time.I didnt understand what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didnt know what to do. I wanted the note, 22_ I put my hand up again. After a while, he picked up the note and started to laugh. “You have a

12、ll just told me how to become successful,” he said to us 23 _the note in his hand.“The note is worth twenty yuan. It is 24_ worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter what happens to you, you still have your worth.”When I heard those words, I was deeply

13、moved. Suddenly, I 25_ I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam, but itdoesnt mean I cant do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful!( )16.A. classroom B. subject C. class D. school( )17.A. same B. good C. lucky D. bad( )18.A. comfortable B. successful C. famous D

14、. rich( )19.A. both B. neither C. all D. none( )20.A. said B. bought C. saw D. wanted( )21.A. student B. teacher C. way D. question( )22.A. so B. but C. if D. or( )23.A. by B. with C. at D. without( )24.A. never B. sometimes C. hardly D. always( )25.A. realized B. forgot C. dreamed D. decided三、阅读理解(

15、共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ANow, ladies and gentlemen, please look to your left. This is the Century Hotel. It is one of Shenzhens most famous hotels because of the wonderful restaurant at the top of it.During the past thirty years, the biggest change in Shenzhen has been the

16、increasing height of the citys buildings. Before 1980, Shenzhen was only a small village with no skyscrapers. Now Shenzhen has many tall buildings.Look! That is the new train station. Before 1980, the people of Shenzhen could only take the bus or the train if they wanted to leave the city. Now they

17、can fly from the citys airport. The train station is much bigger now and there are many more buses to take people to every part of the city. Of course, other changes have also taken place in the city. There are more parks, museums and places for people to enjoy sports, music and art. They city gover

18、nment has built more roads. In Shenzhen, most people have stopped riding bicycles. Many people have bought cars or motorcycles (摩托车). The traffic has been very heavy now, so please be careful when you cross the road.Thirty years ago, there were only a few hundred thousand people living in Shenzhen.

19、Now there are over four million people living here with more people coming every year. More shops have been opened. Across the road you will see the Oriental Shopping Centre. When Shenzhen was just a village, it had very few shops.But now there are so many different shops that people who are from Ho

20、ng Kong come to shop here!( )26. What may the speaker be in the passage?A. A designer. B. A guide. C. A policeman. D. A teacher.( )27. What does the underlined word “skyscrapers” mean in Chinese?A. 公寓 B. 别墅 C. 写字楼 D. 摩天大楼( )28. What may be the best title for this passage?A. The trip to ShenzhenB. Sh

21、enzhen, a modern cityC. The changes of ShenzhenD. What happened to ShenzhenBMartin Glenn is fifteen years old and he likes sports very much. Theres nothing unusual about that, but Martins family is a bit different. They all like sports and they run a family sports business.Martins mum and dad set up

22、 the business ten years ago, when Martin was five. His dad worked in a bank before that, but he hated it. He wanted a job that had to do with his love for sports. At first, they had a small shop and only sold sports clothes. But thebusiness soon grew. Now they have a big shop and it sells different

23、kinds of sports equipment (器材).Martin cant really remember life before the business. “I have an early memory of helping my mum and dad in the shop,” he said. Now, Martin is very interested in the shop and the things they sell. “I am responsible (负责) for choosing what to sell each year. I love seeing

24、 all the new designs. And of course each year I get my new football shoes at a really good price!”Martins sister Amy helps with the business, too. She serves customers (顾客) in the shop at weekends. She says, “It isnt easy, especially when customers arent happy about something!” But she enjoys being

25、part of the family team.Martins mum organizes online orders. She started selling online about five years ago and its now an important part of the business. Both Martin and Amy want to work in the family business in the future. “It is hard work. But I know that if Martinand I work together, well make

26、 the business even better!” said Amy.( )29. What can we know about Martin?A. He likes playing basketball.B. He thinks serving customers is easy.C. He helps his parents choose what to sell.D. He learns how to design clothes from his dad.( )30. What do Martin andAmy have in common?A. They both like sp

27、orts.B. They are the same age.C. They go to the same school.D. They both work on the weekend.( )31. The passage mainly talks about _.A. Martins future planB. Martins family businessC. How to do sports businessD. How to choose sports clothesCThe Boston Marathon (波士顿马拉松) is one of the worlds oldest an

28、d most famous races. Nearly half the competitors in the 26.2-mile race are women. But for most of the races 120-year history, only men were allowed to compete.A woman named Gibb helped change that in 1966. That year she took part in the Boston Marathon and finished ahead of (在前面) most of the men.Gib

29、b first saw and got to know the Boston Marathon in 1964. And she wanted to run the race herself. For nearly two years, Gibb trained hard to prepare for the race. But when she sent in an application (申请) for the 1966 race, she was refused.At the time, the longest official races for women were only 1.

30、5 miles. Many people didnt think women were able to run longer than that. But the 23-year-old Gibb refused to give up her dream. She came up with a plan to run the race anyway. On April 19, she showed up at the marathon. She wore her brothers shorts and a sweatshirt to disguise that she was a woman.

31、Gibb hid near the starting line. When the race began, she jumped into the crowd. Shortly into the race, Gibb took off her sweatshirt. To her surprise, the crowd cheered when they realized she was a woman. Gibb finished the race in 3 hours and 21 minutes faster than two thirds of the men.In the years

32、 that followed, she and other women ran in the Boston Marathon, even though the rules still stopped women from running in the race. Finally, in 1972, the marathon was officially opened to women.( )32. What does the underlined word “disguise” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?A. 炫耀 B. 证明 C. 宣布 D. 掩饰( )3

33、3.As for Gibbs first Boston Marathon, she finished _.A. first B. lastC. faster than most of the men D. slower than most of the men( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Gibb saw the Boston Marathon for the first time in 1966.B. Gibbs brother took part in the Boston Maratho

34、n with her.C. It took Gibb about two years to train for her first marathon.D. People were angry when they saw Gibb running in the marathon.( )35. Whats the passage mainly about?A. The history of the Boston Marathon.B. Some famous Boston Marathon runners.C. How to prepare for the Boston Marathon.D. T

35、he first woman to run the Boston Marathon.四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A) 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。abroad, interview, blocks, in his life, taken place, return from36. Great changes have _ in our hometown in the past twenty years.37. I will see you again when I _ the palace.38. We decided to make a(n

36、) _ with the famous star.39. John was very hard-working. So he worked hard _.40. My uncle has gone _ on holiday. He left a week ago.B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。41.Air _(pollute) is a big problem in our city.42. There is going to be a strong wind in the _(north) part of China tomorrow.43. A report says _

37、(marry) men get fatter much more easily than single (单身) men.44. Ive made a lot of new friends _(recent).45. Its _(possible) for a little boy to answer this difficult question.五、阅读填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。My life has greatly changed ever since I had my first child. There a

38、re such clear differences between two kinds of life! Here are some examples.My hairI used to have long hair. I usually spent a full hour fixing my hair each day. The cabinet (陈列柜) in the bathroom was full of hair care products. Now I have short hair and I spend less than five minutes per day on my h

39、air and that includes washing it. I have products, but they last for a really long time because I seldom take the time to add them to my hair.My social timeBefore I have a child, my friends and I would go out to eat, drink and go shopping whenever Im free. But now my friends also become parents. So

40、my social time happens during our childrens activities. I wont dream of going out, because Im justtoo tired. I prefer to sleep, or watch mindless TV rather than hang out with my friends. Social life is too much work.My sleepIn the past, at weekends or on days off I would sleep until noon and then I

41、would curl up (蜷缩) on the sofa with a new book. Ever since my child was born, I have never really slept soundly (酣畅地) again. Even though my child is no longer a baby, I still sleep with one ear cocked (竖起) to listen if he needs me.PastPresentHairI had long hair and it used to take me an hour to (46)

42、_ myhair.In order to (47) )_ time, I cut my hair short andseldom add hair careproducts to my hair.SocialtimeI used to (48) )_ alot of time with my friends. Now I can only meetmy friends duringchildrens activities.Id like to have a good(49) )_ at home rather than hang out withfriends.SleepI didnt get

43、 up untilnoon on weekendsor on days off.I cant sleep soundly(50) )_I need to take care of my child.六、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读短文,按要求回答问题。My hometown used to be a quiet village near a big lake. But now it has turned into a busy, modern town. This is all because of the high-speed (高速的) railway station

44、.Five years ago, about three hundred people lived in the place. There was a small hill in the east of the village. Around the hill, there were small lakes and farmland. People grew crops for a living. Children went to a small primary school within threegrades. There were dirt (泥土) roads connecting the village to the town about 5 kilometres away.Now, the hill


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