1、2016年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 (A卷)*学科、专业名称:英语笔译(专业学位)研究方向:考试科目名称:357英语翻译基础考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 I. 词语翻译 (30%)I1 英译汉(15%)1. sleeping pills 2. wet blanket 3. black sheep4. VIP 5. A skeleton in the cupboard 6. fig leaves 7. APP 8. laughing stock 9. opinion poll 10. soul mate 11. renaissance 12. we
2、t blanket 13. brain storming 14. walking dictionary 15. smart phone I2汉译英(15%)1.中医 2.博爱 3. 支付宝 4.回扣 5.母校 6.计划生育7.数据库 8. 微信 9.转基因食品 10.两岸关系 11.往返票 12.听证会 13.情商 14. 货到付款 15. 绩点 II英汉互译(120%) II1英译汉(60%)At the theater Hargraves was known as an all-round dialect comedian, having a large repertoire of Ger
3、man, Irish, Swede, and black-face specialties. But Mr. Hargraves was ambitious, and often spoke of his great desire to succeed in legitimate comedy. This young man appeared to conceive a strong fancy for Major Talbot. Whenever that gentleman would begin his Southern reminiscences, or repeat some of
4、the liveliest of the anecdotes, Hargraves could always be found, the most attentive among his listeners. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the play actor, as he privately termed him; but soon the young mans agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the o
5、ld gentlemans stories completely won him over. It was not long before the two were like old chums. The Major set apart each afternoon to read to him the manuscript of his book. During the anecdotes Hargraves never failed to laugh at exactly the right point. The Major was moved to declare to Miss Lyd
6、ia one day that young Hargraves possessed remarkable perception and a gratifying respect for the old rgime. And when it came to talking of those old daysif Major Talbot liked to talk, Mr. Hargraves was entranced to listen. Like almost all old people who talk of the past, the Major loved to linger ov
7、er details. In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he had recalled the name of the negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient
8、or lost interest. On the contrary, he would advance questions on a variety of subjects connected with the life of that time, and he never failed to extract ready replies. II2汉译英(60%)六十整岁望七十岁如攀高山。不料七十岁居然过了。又想八十岁是难于上青天,可望不可即了。岂知八十岁又过了。老汉今年八十二矣。这是照传统算法,务虚不务实。现在不是提倡尊重传统吗? 老年多半能悟道。我老了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理: 老年是广阔天地,是可以大有作为的。七十岁开始可以诸事不做而拿退休金,不愁没有一碗饭吃,自由自在,自得其乐。要看书可以随便乱翻。随看随忘,便扔在一边。无忧无虑,无人打扰,不必出门而自有天地。真是无限风光在老年。考试科目: 英汉翻译基础 共 2 页,第 2 页