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1、2020学年奉贤区学业质量绿色指标调研八年级英语(202106)(满分95分,考试时间90分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题,共83小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,若在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)I.Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共20分)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(4分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the que

2、stion you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(5分)5. A.To listen to the radio B. To play the piano.C.To work on the farm. D. To watch TV.6. A.Father and daughter. B.Teacher and student.C.Doctor and patient. D. Waiter and customer.7. A.At 6:45 B.At 7:00 C.At 7:15 D.At 7:308. A.In a bookshop B. At a restaurant.

3、 C. In a hotel. D.At a bank.9. A. Mr. Jones knows how to fix the computer. B.He doesnt want to ask Mr.Jones.C.Mr.Jones has bought many computers. D.She doesnt want to work for Mr.Jones.C.Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判 断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,

4、不符合的用“F”表示)(5分)10.A lion first asked the question to a horse.11.A small monkey and a horse considered that the lion was the strongest animal in the forest.12.A lion with a bad mood shouted at three animals and got the same answer.13. A lion was caught by the elephants trunk and thrown against a tree

5、14.With a cry of pain, the lion stil thought that he was the strongest animal in the forest.D. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.(听短文,完成下列句子。每空限填一词)(6分)15 -16.In Washington State,an _ _was built for squirrels.17-18.And every Christmas,the local people add a small Christmas tree to the

6、 centre of it._ _!19-20.The local people created a squirrel festival and they _ _to build two moreones for these nice animals.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)(共40分).Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)21.Can I have _look at the photo of your pen friend?A)a B).an C)the D)/22.We are sad to k

7、now that Yuan Longping,Father of hybrid rice,passed away_ May25,2021.A).in B).on C)at D) from23. Lilys wish is to be a reporter when she grows up,whats _Tony?A)you B)your C) yours D)yourself24.I didnt buy anything expensive in France,just _small things.A)few B) a few C) little D) a little25. The lit

8、tle girl finished her apple quickly and asked for _one.A)another B)other C) the other D)the others26.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is famous enough to become a_in Shanghai.A)location B) laboratory C)library D) landmark27.I feel thankful to my class teacher because she always encourages me _easily.A)to

9、 give up B)give up C)giving up D) not to give up28. The students were having classes when the fire alarm _.A)went off B)went out C)went on D)went away29.Our life is influenced by the computer _.A)on the way B)in some ways C)by the way D) in the way30.-Kitty,its late.Why dont you go to bed?- Mary has

10、nt come back yet.I_for her.A)waited B)have waited C)am waiting D)was waiting31.Angela,you _give me your reply at once.You can think it over and tell me later.A)cant B)neednt C)mustnt D)shouldnt32._the mobile phone rings during an interview, you should turn it off at once.A)Although B)Since C)If D) B

11、efore33.Nowadays Chengdu is one of _in China.A)the popular tourist destinations B)the more popular tourist destinationsC) the most popular tourist destination D)the most popular tourist destinations34.A: As teachers,we should show more concern to the students.B:I think so,too.The students should als

12、o try to _ _teachers more often.A) complain about B)worry aboutC) communicate with D)agree with35.I wondered _.A) that we will have a meeting next Friday.B) when we will have a meeting next Friday.C) whether we would have a meeting next Friday.D) what we would have a meeting next Friday.Complete the

13、 following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only beused once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共5分)A.comfortable B.activity C.pleasant D.again E.take actions F. knowHow do you like riding bikes when you are free? Do you feel really relaxed?It may be cool to ride a bike on the road.

14、You can feel_36_ and happy with a gentle wind.But it is important to wear a helmet(头盔)for safety,”Sanders,a swimming champion said.On October the fourth last year, Sanders was there to start the campaign(运动)called Helmets on Heads by teaching students about helmet safety.Action speaks louder than wo

15、rds. That means you should_37_yourself if you want yourkids to listen and do w hat you want them to do,”she said.Thats why she was in the campaign.Its high time for more kids to_38_the importance of helmet safety, Sanders is goingaround the USA.She has several stops.New York is the first.The big thi

16、ng is just through wordsof mouth, making biking safety a fun_39_. It is said that about 80% school students dontwear the helmets.So its necessary for Sanders to start the campaign.I love to ride bikes. I feel like a kid_40_when I do that.Whenever I ride with my kids,Ienjoy that look in their eyes.It

17、s something we can all do together,”said Sanders.IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)41.People all over the country hold all kinds of events to celebrate the_birthday of theCommunist Party of China this year.(hundred)42.They repaired the hous

18、e_before moving into it in two months.(they)43.The firefighters always try their best to save peoples _.(life)44.Remember not to show your _information to others easily.(personally)45.We get a bill for the amount of electricity we use _(month)46.Nowadays people plant more trees to fight against _.(p

19、ollute)47.Daisy is a_secretary,she always makes mistakes in her work.(careful)48.These ways will _you to study Chinese well in the future.(able)V.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 改写下列句子。 每空格限填一词)(共12分)49-50.The old man has realized that he had too much unhealthy food.(改为一般疑问 句)_th

20、e old man _that he had too much unhealthy food?51-52.Benny is clever enough to write an English letter on his own.(保持原句意思不变)Benny is _ clever _he can write an English letter on his own.53-54.Trees can clean the air.Trees can cool it,too.(将两句合并成一句)Trees can clean the air _ _as cool it.55-56.To keep h

21、ealthy,Tony goes to the fitness centre once a week.(划线部分提问)_ _ does Tony go to the fitness centre to keep healthy?57-58.It is not right to do exercise immediately after a full meal.(改为反意疑问句)It is not right to do exercise immediately after a full meal,_ _?59-60.washing hands,and,by,can,protect-oursel

22、ves,we,wearing masks(连词成句)_.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)(共35分)VI.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共23分)A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(5分)COVID-19 VACCINATION GUIDEFOR FOREIGNERS IN CHINAChina has begun inoculation foreigners in the country with COVID-19 vaccineson a voluntary basis.Who i

23、s eligible for vaccination?Those 18 years old and aboveCost:Free for those who have joined Chinas social medical insuranceAround 100 Yuan per dose for those who have not been coveredHow to apply:Online appointment,application through employers or other methodsWhere is it available now?So far,the vac

24、cination is available for foreigners in Shanghai, Beijing, TianjinZhejiang province,Jiangsu Province and Guangdong Province.Notes:vaccination n.疫苗 inoculation n. 接种 on a voluntary basis 自愿原则eligible adj.有资格 dose n.一剂61.Who will find this guide useful?A.People in China. B.Foreigners around the worldC

25、.Foreigners in China. D.Foreigner students in China.62.Peter is NOT eligible for vaccination,whats his possible age?A.17 years old. B.75 years old.C.60 years old. D.18 years old.63. How much should Peter pay for two doses if he has joined Chinas social medical insurance?A.0Yuan. B.100 Yuan. C.200 Yu

26、an. D.300 Yuan.64.According to this poster,which area of the following is the vaccination available now inChina?A.Guangxi Province. B.The West. C.Big cities. D.Guangdong Province.65.Whats the purpose of doing this poster?A.Informing the foreigners in China what to do after getting vaccination.B.Tell

27、ing the foreigners in China which is the best way of getting vaccination.C.Making the foreigners in China understand why they should get vaccination.D. Guiding for the foreigners in China ho w to get vaccination in ChinaB.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(5分)

28、Candles in SpaceMy birthday was going to extra special for two reasons. For one thing,like Captain Park said,“Nobodys ever turned thirteen in space before, David.”Mom,my sister Lily,and I were moving to Mars for a year. Wed spent almost two weeks in the spaceship so far. It would take another thirty

29、 days before we got to the Martian colony(殖民地).I was trying to keep_66_reason secret. But the day before my birthday, Lily caught mewith my cheeks puffed way out(鼓起腮帮子).“What are you doing?Practicing to blow out all thecandles this year?”she laughed.This time I will,”I said.“Everybody on the ship wi

30、ll be watching,so -”Oh, David,”my sister_67_. Your cake cant have candles”“Why not?”“Everyone knows fire on a spaceship is too dangerous.When I turned away,she patted myshoulder,_68_you dont have to worry about blowing them all out.”Yeah.Look,dont tell Mom about this,okay?I dont want her to feel sor

31、ry about it. Its not herfault candles arent safe in space.” After dinner on my birthday, mom floated into the cafeteria,carrying my birthday cake.I wasso_ 69_ _. Candles! I shouted, staring at the thirteen shining on top of the cake.I thoughtfire wasnt allowed on a spaceship.”Look closer,”my mother

32、said.The candles were really electrical lights,with tiny flame-shaped bulbs on top.Awesome,” I said.“But I wish I could blow them out.”She laughed.Wouldnt be real birthday candles if you couldnt! She_ 70_, and allthirteen went out.Another puff,and they lit up again.“Did you invent those?”Lily asked.

33、No,these have been around since way back in the twenty-first century.”( )66. A.another B.each C.the other D.this( )67. A.answered B.exclaimed C.replied D. interrupted( )68. A.At least B.At last C.At once D.At all( )69. A.amazed B. interested C.frightened D. disappointed( )70. A.ordered B.blew C.flew

34、 D.breathedC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(7分)The future of flyingImagine a scene: Millions of people going to and fro,traveling to different destinations.Robots work here and there,helping people g_ 71_around.There are various garden

35、s in which people can sit and relax.Does it sound l_72_a small town from the future? It is, in fact,the Beijing Daxing International Airport,which topped the Guardiansseven wonders of the modern world list.After nearly five years of construction(建 设)the airport officially opened on Sept 25.Located a

36、t the southern border of Beijing,it is the worlds largest integrated transportation hub(枢纽) . It is quite large b_73_its area and its travel capacity (承载量) .It has the worlds largest flight terminal(航站楼)in a single building.The building has anarea of 700,000 square meters-the s_74_of 98 soccer field

37、s. It will eventually be able tohandle more than 100 million passengers a year,China Daily reported.Thats around the totalpopulation of the UK and Canada.A part fro m this,the airport has attracted attention because it uses new technologies that make it s_75_ and more efficient.For example, airport

38、luggage tracking(追踪) technology a_76_ passengers to track theirluggage in real time by using a mobile app.The airport will also use a robot-operated parking system.Drivers only need to park their carsin designated(指定的)locations.Robots will then lift the cars and carry them to an empty space.W_77_col

39、lecting their vehicles, drivers simply need to scan(扫描) a parking ticket to findout where to collect their cars.D.Answer the questions(根据短文回答问题)(6分)An old man,who works to build houses,was ready to retire.The employer(雇主)was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more h

40、ouse.The old man said yes,but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.He turned to bad workmanship and used poor building materials.It was an unlucky way to end his working life. When the old man finished his work and the employer came to see the house,the employer handed the f

41、ront door key to the old man.This is your house,my gift to you.”What a shock! What a shame! If the old man had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently.Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.So it is with us. We build our lives in a distrac

42、ted(不 专 注 的)way,willing to put up less than the best.At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized that, we would have done it differently.It is the

43、 only life you will ever have. Even if you live it for only one day more,that daydeserves to be lived with dignity(尊严)The sentence on the wall reads,“Life is a do-it-yourself project.”Who could say it moreclearly? Your life today is the result of_(1)_(n.)in the past.Your lifetomorrow will be _(2)_.7

44、8.What did the old mans employer ask him to do before he retired?79. The old man put all his heart in his last work,didnt he?80. How did the old man feel when he realized that the last house he built was his ho me?81.Why does every day deserve to be lived with dignity?82. What can be filled (in the first line with at least a noun and the second line with propermeaning)for the last paragraph?Your life today is the result of_ (1)_(n.)in the past.Your life tomorrow will be _(2)_.VII. Writing:(12分)83. Write at least 60 words


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