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1、太原五中2022年高三年级模拟考试(一)英 语 试 卷命题人:南睿、胡茜琼、张娜 校对人: 李军 第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AVisiting the Met Masters and Masterpieces: Chinese Art from the Florence and Herbert Irving Collection(January 30 - June 5)Anoutstandingselection of Chinese art gifted to th

2、e Met by Florence and Herbert Irving is the focus of this exhibition. Beginning in theearly 1970s, the Irvings built one of the mostcomprehensivecollectionsof Chinese art in the world. The approximately120 works on display cover almost all majorcategoriesof Chinese art.P.S. Art 2021 (January 23 - Ju

3、ne 5)P.S. Art is an annualcelebration ofachievementin the arts in New York City public schools. This exhibitionshowcases the creativityof 152prekindergartenthrough grade 12 students from all five boroughs (自治市镇).Baseball Cards from the Collectionof Jefferson R. Burdick (June 3 - November 22)The Burd

4、ick collection of baseball cards tells the history of popular printmakingin the United States. In 1947, Jefferson R. Burdick began to give away his baseball cards to the Met. This exhibitionfeatures over one hundred cards produced between the 1880s andthe 1950s.Relative Values: The Cost of Art in th

5、e Northern Renaissance(January 23 - August 7)Bringing together sixty-two masterpiecesof sixteenth-century northern European art from the Met collectionand one important loan, this exhibitioncenters around questions of historicalworth, exploring relative value systems in the Renaissance era.OpenSunda

6、y -Tuesday, and Thursday: 10:00-17:00Friday and Saturday: 10:00-21:00Closed: WednesdayClosed: Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first Monday in May Tickets$25 for adults; $17 for seniors; $12 for students; free for children under 12 l. What do “Masters and Masterpieces” and “Baseball

7、 Cards” have in common?A. They end in the same month. B. They focus on the same theme.C. They get their exhibits for free. D. They have the same number of exhibits.2. Which exhibition suits those who favor students works?A. Masters and Masterpieces. B. P.S. Art 2021.C. Baseball Cards. D. Relative Va

8、lues.3. When can you attend an exhibition in the Met?A. 10:00-17:00 Saturday.B. 18:00-21:00 Thursday.C. 18:00-21:00 Tuesday.D. 10:00-17:00 Wednesday.BWhen plumbing (水暖设备) makes funny noises, its not always a good sign. But John Kovac, a harpist (竖琴演奏者) from Virginia, likes the pipes to sing. He thin

9、ks plumbing pipes make good musical instruments.Kovac has made standard harps out of wood for more than 20 years. He says he feels excited when he creates an instrumentwith his hands and uses it to make music come alive. But it takes years of training and special tools to make atraditionalmusical in

10、strument. Kovac wanted to share the joy of making instrumentswith people who might not have the time or money to do it. So he decided to find an easier way.Plumbing was the answer. Kovac found PVC pipes at a local store. PVC pipes are the white tubing that many plumbers use. You might find some in y

11、our house under a sink or in the basement. Kovac says that PVC pipes are great for makinginstruments because they areinexpensive, come in many shapes and sizes, and fit together perfectly. Kovac makes harps, guitars, violins, and drums out of PVC pipes. He also makes uncommon instrumentslike the udu

12、 from Nigeria. His instrumentsmay look as if they come from outer space, but they really work. He and some of his music students and friends even started a band called the East Coast PVC Band.Sally Seabright is a violin teacher who plays the PVC violin with the band. At first, the rounded shape of t

13、he PVC violin made it difficult to hold between her chin and shoulder, but Kovac made a slight change by adding a piece that fits perfectly under her chin. That kind of adaptabilityis what Kovac admires about PVC. He says, “I know its not easy for the average person to make a musical instrument, but

14、 I hope to enable anyone who has ever dreamed of making a violin, harp, or guitar to fulfill his or her dreams.”4. What does the author intend to show in paragraph 2?A. The great hardships of being a harpist.B. The different instrumentsKovac has created.C. The process of making a musical instrument.

15、D. The reason Kovac came up with his creative idea.5. Why have PVC pipes won Kovacs favor?A. They are environmentallyfriendly.B. They are highly available and adaptable.C. They can make better sounds than wood.D. They offer a selling point for his instruments.6. What can be learned about the PVC ins

16、trumentsfrom paragraph 4?A. They are a bit difficult to hold for players.B. They are very unusual in the way they look.C. They are inspired by outer space elements.D. They are designed to play traditionalmusic.7. Why does the author mention Sally Seabright in the last paragraph?A. To explain Kovacs

17、dream.B. To show the strength of PVC.C. To describe his passion for music.D. To introduce the East Coast PVC Band. CA homeowner in Massachusetts had a surprise visitor that came down the chimney (烟囱)and it wasnt Santa. A barred owl (横斑林鹗)was sitting in the fireplace in a home in the city of Bolton,

18、staring at the homeowner. Not sure how to deal with the bird, the homeowner called Mass Wildlife.“This individual was very calm and we simply reached in, gently grabbed it, and placed it in the animal carrier,” Mass Wildlife Central District Manager Todd Olanyk says. Before releasing the owl, Olanyk

19、 examined the bird for injuries and found none. “It was released just outside the house where it was found,” he says.Wildlife experts say barred owls may find chimneys enticing during this time of year because they begin laying eggs from February through May. Since they dont build their own nests, t

20、hey look for holes. Mass Wildlife has also received similar reports of this happening with other birds. To help prevent wild animals like birds and bats from entering your home, Mass Wildlife suggests placing a metal cap with a screen on your chimney. Chimneys arent the only places that pose a dange

21、r to birds and other wildlife.According to a 2014 study, 27% of the more than 100 uncapped bollards (路桩)had dead birds inside them. Bollards are used for traffic control or building security. Theyre usually capped but in this case, many of these posts were left open. They also looked at 88 open pipe

22、s used as gate posts and 11% contained dead birds. In another study on a nearby highway, 14% of the open pipes had dead birds. “The birds likely investigate the open pipe as a potential nesting site, and once inside they cannot climb the smooth metal or extend their wings to fly out. Alternatively,

23、birds may attempt to land on the upright open pipes and then fall in,” the researchers wrote.8. What did Olanyk find about the owl?A. It looked anxious. B. It was looking for a baby.C. It was in good shape. D. It missed its owner.9. What does the underlined word “enticing” in paragraph 3 mean?A. Nar

24、row. B. Attractive. C. Choking. D. Confusing.10. Which measure would Mass Wildlife agree with to protect birds?A. Making large carriers. B. Cleaning chimneys regularly.C. Fixing cameras on bollards.D. Placing caps on open pipes.11. What is the purpose of this text?A. To tell a story. B. To introduce

25、 a bird.C. To analyze a phenomenon. D. To advertise an organization.DHow might architecture aid in solving the housing crisis and help build a more sustainable future? In 2019, 3D printing company WASP and Mario Cucinella Architects (MCA) revealed their concept to design the first 3D printed house m

26、ade entirely from clay. Today, the joint project, known as TECLA, is finally complete and on display near Bologna, Italy.Over the past few years, a number of 3D printed homes and communities have been conceptualized. While previous structures were made from concrete or plastic, TECLA was built from

27、soil found at the site mixed with water, fibers from rice husks (壳) and a binder (粘合剂), the last of which is less than 5% of the total volume. Printing with clay does have its weaknesses. Its a much slower process than quick-drying concrete the design can be printed in 200 hours but the clay mixture

28、 can take weeks to dry, depending on climate, and it also has height limitations.Building homes from earth, Cucinella pointed out, is not new. “The challenge was really using an old material in the history of architecture with new technology to find a new shape of a house,” Cucinella said. To that e

29、nd, the Crane WASP printers mixed water with the local earth, and then printed the 60-square-meter TECLA model layer by layer. The design features two circular spaces joined together with skylights, inviting full natural light inside. The residence includes a living area, a bedroom and bathroom. Its

30、 furniture, including tables and chairs, can also be printed using WASPs machinery, while components like doors and windows were fixed post-printing.The idea behind TECLA isnt necessarily to copy the same home for any environment, but to adjust the design based on the location. “We are not producing

31、 one type of house that you can print and use everywhere, because its different if you design a house in the north of Italy, or in the middle of Africa,” Cucinella explained. “The house responds to different climates.” Additionally, the building process can be easily taught and widely used.12. What

32、is the disadvantage of printing with clay?A. 3D printers are costly. B. Clay is not strong enough.C. Its not easy to mix rice husks with clay.D. It takes a long time to dry the mixture.13. Which of the following best describes TECLA?A. It is air-conditioned.B. It is the first 3D printed house.C. It

33、is fully equipped.D. It adopts a solar heating system.14. What is the significance of TECLA?A. It adapts to different climates. B. It limits the height of buildings.C. It uses few binders in printing. D. It can be moved without effort.15. What is the best title for the text?A. The challenges for 3D

34、printingB. Is this 3D printed home the future of housing?C. The ways to renew 3D printing machineryD. Can we simplify the instructions on 3D printing?第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Whether youre in high school or college, classes will be over in a few short months. If

35、youd like to work this summer, have you started looking for a job? If not, nows the time to search for positions, fill out applications, and get yourself hired. To get the process started, follow our tips below.Make or update your resume. Even if potential positions require you to submit an applicat

36、ion, some may also ask for anaccompanyingresume. _16_ You can also use free online tools to easily create a resume in minutes.Look ahead. _17_ Think forward to your hopes for the future, and try to find a position that might help you develop relevant skills or make helpful contacts.Drop by. If there

37、s a certain place where youre interested in working, put on an appropriateoutfit (装束), get your resume in hand, and drop by. _18_ Be ready to give your 30-second speech that answers two questions: “Why do you want to work here?” and “Why should I hire you?”_19_ You might need to providereferencesto

38、a potential employer, so chat with former bosses, current mentors (导师), and anyone else you want to include on your list.Remember, its important to get started on the summer job search now, as so many others will be looking for seasonal work. _20_ Keep looking foropportunities, using your networks,

39、and thinking creatively. Soon youll have something lined up to keep you busy and earn you money for the summer months.A. Get your referenceslined up.B. Ask to speak with the manager.C. Contact former employers immediately.D. What do you want to do after you graduate from college?E. It might make sen

40、se for you to stay in your college town or city.F. Drop by the career services office at your school for resume help.G. And dont getdiscouragedif you cant find something immediately.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In Laura Ingalls Wilders autob

41、iography These Happy Golden Years, Laura spends her weekdays boarding with a poor family while teaching in a school. On the _21_, she goes home to Ma and Pa. In one scene, she identifies a major _22_ between the two homes: her own family says good morning while the other doesnt. “Laura had never _23

42、_ before that saying good morning made the morning good,” she writes in her book._24_ I live more than 130 years later after the book was published, heres the thing: its still _25_!Many years ago, when I went _26_ in the Grand Canyon, I realized its hikers etiquette (礼节) to say good morning to every

43、 person you _27_. Its such a cheerful thing to do: on this entire planet, you and I _28_ to find ourselves together at this one spot. So I brought the _29_ home with me. When I ran in the park, whoever passed in the _30_ direction got a “good morning”. People were _31_ at first, but after a few week

44、s, they started _32_. In fact, I saw one guy on my street so _33_ that I sometimes said good morning to him when it was dawn. He _34_ said good morning back to me, and we _35_. Because thats what _36_ do!A few weeks ago, while we were walking our dog, my daughter _37_ that anyone we passed on our bl

45、ock got a “good morning”, and when we turned onto an avenue the greeting continued but _38_ a brief “hi”. I didnt realize that, but I was _39_ she did. And I hope she takes the habit of greeting with her _40_ she goes.21. A. streets B. phone C. journey D. weekends22. A. conflict B. contest C. bounda

46、ry D. difference23. A. noticed B. admitted C. believed D. mentioned24. A. until B. since C. while D. because25. A. easy B. true C. strange D. simple26. A. hiking B. diving C. camping D. hunting27. A. follow B. encounter C. consult D. interview28. A. hesitate B. pretend C. happen D. desire29. A. prac

47、tice B. memory C. trouble D. wealth30. A. exact B. wrong C. opposite D. original31. A. excited B. surprised C. relieved D. disappointed32. A. competing B. appearing C. interrupting D. responding33. A. often B. soon C. long D. well34. A. fortunately B. honestly C. delightedly D. precisely35. A. cheered B. argued C. sighed D. smiled36. A. neighbors B. frien


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