(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册unit 2澳大利亚ppt课件.pptx

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1、澳大利亚 There is no time to lose. Thats the stark warningstark warning from Australian researchers about the health of the worlds largest reefreef system. 情况紧迫,时不我待。这是澳大利亚研究人员对世界上最大的珊瑚礁系统健康状况发出的严厉警告。 They say its coralcoral has been under a sustainedsustained attack by warmer seas driven by climate cha

2、nge. This causes bleachingbleaching. 研究人员们说,由于气候变化导致的海水升温,大堡礁的珊瑚受到了持续攻击。这会导致珊瑚白化。 Under stress, the corals expelexpel symbiotic algaesymbiotic algae which lives in their tissuestissues and gives them their colour and energy. 面对环境压力,珊瑚会排出生活在其细胞组织中,并为其提供颜色和能量的共生藻。 The study asserts that this is compro

3、misingcompromising the Great Barrier Reefs ability to recover. 这项研究坚称,这损害了大堡礁的恢复能力。As a 27-year-old Chinese Australian fashion influencer, Margaret Zhang is the youngest person to land an editor-in-chief role at the magazine and replaces Vogue China founding editor-in-chief Angelica Cheung, who had

4、led the title for 16 years.27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚博主章凝成为Vogue中国版新主编,接替任此岗位长达16年的前主编张宇,成为Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。Margaret Zhang是澳大利亚华裔,时尚圈的斜杠少女。她曾经做过倩碧全球代言人,掌镜拍摄过施华洛世奇广告大片,摄影师/设计师/作家/时尚顾问/制片人/创意总监都是她的标签。 About 380 whales have died in what is suspected to be Australias largest stranding on record, officials say. 澳大利亚官员表

5、示,该国发生有记录以来规模最大的鲸鱼搁浅事件,大约有380头鲸鱼死亡。 Since Sept 21, hundreds of long-finned pilot whales have been found beached on Tasmanias west coast. 自9月21日以来,人们在塔斯马尼亚州西海岸发现数百头搁浅的长肢领航鲸。 It is not fully understood why the whales became stranded. 目前还不完全清楚鲸鱼搁浅的原因。 The species is known to be prone to getting beached

6、. 众所周知,鲸鱼容易搁浅。 Researchers say its possible that one leading individual could have mistakenly led the whole group to shore. 研究人员表示,有可能是某头领航的鲸鱼错误地将整个鲸鱼群带到岸边。 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has back-tracked after suggesting vaccinations against the coronavirus could become mandatory. 澳大利亚总理斯

7、科特莫里森曾建议强制接种新冠肺炎疫苗,但现在他收回了这一建议。 Vaccinations are not mandatory in Australia. Behavioural scientist Julie Leask told the Sydney Morning Herald it was premature and unhelpful to talk about mandating a vaccine for Covid-19 when we dont even have a vaccine that we know actually works, and she warned of

8、a possible backlash. 在澳大利亚,疫苗接种不是强制性的。行为科学家朱莉莱斯克告诉悉尼先驱晨报:“在我们甚至还没有一种已知真正有效疫苗”的情况下,谈论强制接种新冠疫苗是“过早和无益的”。她警告说,这可能会引起“强烈反对”。 Back-trackbktrk:改变主意 Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has expressed regret over his handling of the bushfire crisis ravaging the country. 澳大利亚总理斯科特莫里森近日为自己处理肆虐全国的森林大火不力致歉。

9、 Since September, bushfires have killed at least 28 people and destroyed thousands of homes. 自去年9月以来,澳大利亚森林大火已造成至少28人死亡,数千座房屋被毁。 On Sunday, Morrison conceded there were things I could have handled on the ground much better. 12日,莫里森承认,有些事我可以在现场处理得更好。 Last month, Morrison was criticized for going on h

10、oliday to Hawaii as the bushfire crisis worsened. 上个月,就在森林大火危机恶化时,莫里森前往夏威夷度假,因而受到批评。 The rising public anger at his absence eventually forced him to cut that trip short. 公众对他的缺席越来越愤怒,最终迫使他缩短了行程。 Koalas could be classified as an endangered species due to the fires in Australia. 由于澳大利亚的火灾,考拉可能被列为濒危物种。

11、 The wildfires are believed to have killed a third of the koala population in Australia. 森林大火估计已导致澳大利亚三分之一的考拉死亡。 The fires have burned through more than 20 acres of land, killing at least 25,000 koalas according to estimates. 大火烧毁了20多英亩的土地,估计造成至少25000只考拉死亡。 WWF Australia said the fires have destroye

12、d or severely damaged the habitats of three critically endangered species: the southern corroboree frog, the regent honeyeater bird, and the western ground parrot. 世界自然基金会澳大利亚分会表示,大火已经摧毁或严重破坏了三种极度濒危物种的栖息地,它们分别是:南角蛙、王吸蜜鸟和西部陆地鹦鹉。 澳大利亚将射杀1万只骆驼,原因是它们喝水太多 10,000 camels to be killed in Australia Amid the

13、devastating wildfires spreading across Australia, up to 10,000 camels will be shot and killed by professional firearms experts from helicopters, following complaints that they are drinking too much water. Dog owners who dont walk their dogs daily could be fined up to AU$4,000 in the Australian Capit

14、al Territory. 在澳大利亚首都直辖区内,没有每天遛狗的狗主人将被处以高达4000澳元的罚款。The Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill became law and recognizes animals are sentient beings. 动物福利立法修正案草案成为法律,并承认动物是“有意识动物”。Pet owners will also be fined AU$4,000 for not providing animals with adequate food, water, and shelter. 宠物主人还会因为没有给动

15、物提供足够的食物、水和住所而被罚款4000澳元。Residents involved with dog fighting can also face fines up to AU$48,000 and three years in prison. 参与斗狗的居民还将面 临最高4.8万澳元的罚款和三年监禁。 Australian swimmer Shayna Jack announced that she has tested positive for Ligandrol, a muscle growth agent. 澳大利亚游泳运动员Shayna Jack宣布,她的Ligandrol检测呈阳

16、性,Ligandrol是一种肌肉生长剂。 Jack has denied knowingly taking the banned substance and suggests she could have taken contaminated supplements. Jack否认故意服用违禁药物,并暗示她可能服用了受污染的补充剂。Her failed drug test was revealed just days after teammate Mack Horton protested Sun Yangs victory at the World Aquatics Championship

17、 in Seoul, Korea. 就在她药检不合格的几天前,队友Mack Horton在韩国首尔举行的世界游泳锦标赛上抗议孙杨夺冠。Horton is drawing backlash for his actions and Australian swimming is being accused of hypocrisy. Horton的行为引起了人们的强烈反应,澳大利亚游泳运动员被指责虚伪。 Millions of A$50 banknotes in Australia have an embarrassing typographical error that was overlooke

18、d by the countrys central bank before they were printed and circulated. 由于澳大利亚央行在纸币印刷和流通前的疏忽,数千万张新版50澳元(约合238元人民币)纸币上出现了一个令人尴尬的印刷错误。The goof first became known on Thursday when a listener on radio outlet Triple M sent the station a magnified photo of the Reserve Bank of Australias (RBA) new A$50 not

19、e highlighting the word “responsibility” misspelt as “responsibilty” three times.本周四,电台节目三倍M的一位听众首先发现这个错误后,向电台发送了一张新版50澳元纸币放大照。照片显示,英文单词responsibility(“责任”)在纸币上拼成了responsibilty,字母“l”后面少了“i”,且错误出现了三次。纸币由澳大利亚储备银行发行。你要是没戴口罩就进门,我们可要量你体温了。P.S. 我们只有肛门体温计。 【Emoji plates to be launched 澳洲车牌可添表情符号】Drivers in

20、 Queensland, Australia, will be allowed to add their favorite emoji to a personalized number plate starting next month. The emojis will cost extra and are only for decoration, rather than car identification. The emoji will be added to the letters and numbers on the plate. The personalized plates hav

21、e a price point of $340, and some think this is a nifty way for authorities to make more money. The emojis that can be used are also limited: drivers can only pick from five positive faces: laughing out loud, winking face, cool sunglasses, heart eyes, and smiley face. Some drivers said theyd conside

22、r adding one to their license plate if the full spectrum of emojis was available. 从下月开始,澳大利亚昆士兰将允许当地司机将其钟爱的表情符号添加到个性化车牌上。这些表情符号将另外计费,且仅作装饰不具有车辆识别功能。表情符号将被添加到车牌的字母、数字中去。个性化车牌的价格为340美元,有些人认为这是有关部门创收的绝妙方法。可以添到车牌上的表情符号也有限:司机只能从大笑、眨眼表情、戴墨镜酷表情、桃心眼和微笑表情5种正面表情中挑选。一些司机称,如果所有表情符号都在选择之列才会考虑给车牌添加表情。 For the fir

23、st time in more than a century, bilbies are running wild in Southeastern Australia.The small animals were once widespread across much of Australia, but were last observed in the wild in New South Wales state in 1912.Every year bilby populations continue to decrease. Wildlife experts are afraid that

24、the bilby, a small marsupial, could eventually disappear forever, either because of land clearing or fires. Another reason is a threat from cats and foxes, which hunt down and kill bilbies.一个多世纪以来,兔耳袋狸首次奔跑在了澳大利亚的南部地区。这种小动物曾经广泛分布在澳大利亚的大部分国土,但是最后一次在野外看到它,是在1912年的新南威尔士州。兔耳袋狸种群每年都在缩减。野生动物专家担心兔耳袋狸这种小型有袋动

25、物可能会因为开垦土地或火灾而永久灭绝。另一个原因是来自猫和狐狸的威胁,它们捕杀兔耳袋狸。【Laws targeting social media 社交媒体将为反恐担责?】Social media executives could spend up to three years in prison and have their firms fined 10% of the turnover if they fail to quickly remove violent material from their platforms, according to a new law proposed by

26、 the Australian government. 根据澳大利亚政府推动的一项新的法案,如果社交媒体平台没有快速删除平台上的暴力内容,公司高管可能面临最高3年的刑期,而平台也将面临额度为其营业额10%的罚款。A government push to use the Sydney Opera Houses sails to advertise a horse racing event over the wishes of the buildings management sparked uproar among many Australians over the commercializat

27、ion of an iconic landmark. 近日,澳大利亚政府不顾悉尼歌剧院管理层的意愿,力推用这一标志性建筑物的帆船外墙为赛马比赛做广告。这一将悉尼歌剧院商业化的举动令澳大利亚民众群情激愤。Austrias capital Vienna has beaten Melbourne to be ranked the worlds most livable city in a new annual survey released Monday, ending the southern Australian citys seven-year reign. It is the first t

28、ime a European metropolis has topped the annual chart compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Japans Osaka took third place.在13日发布的最新年度调查中,奥地利首都维也纳击败澳大利亚南部城市墨尔本成为全球最宜居的城市。此前,墨尔本曾连续七年蝉联榜首。这是欧洲大都会首次问鼎经济学人智库编纂的年度榜单。日本的大阪市排名第三。 Australia axed Victoria states belt and road pact with China 澳大利亚撕毁维多利亚

29、州与中国的“一带一路”协议 Australia announced it would revoke(撤销)Victoria states participation in Chinas Belt and Road Initiative. Foreign Minister Marise Payne said she had cancelled a memorandum(备忘录)of understanding and “Framework Agreement” signed between the state of Victoria and Chinas National Development

30、 and Reform Commission in 2018 and 2019. Payne said the deals were “inconsistent with Australias foreign policy” under legislation passed last year that gave the top diplomat veto(否决)powers over deals signed between foreign countries and subnational authorities such as state governments, local counc

31、ils and publicly-funded universities. In response, Chinas embassy in Australia said Canberras decision was “bound to bring further damage to bilateral relations” as it voiced “strong displeasure and resolute opposition” to the move. 澳大利亚宣布,将不再同意维多利亚州加入中国“一带一路”倡议。外交部长玛丽斯佩恩表示,她已取消了维多利亚州和中国国家发展和改革委员分别于

32、2018年和2019年签署的谅解备忘录和“框架协议”。佩恩称,这些协议“不符合澳方外交政策”,澳去年通过了一项法律,赋予了这位最高外交官否决外国与州政府、地方议会和公立大学等次级国家机构之间签署协议的权力。中国驻澳大利亚大使馆回应称,澳方的决定“势必对双边关系造成进一步损害”,对此表示“强烈不满和坚决反对”。澳大利亚总理乘充气艇出海未穿救生衣遭罚款250欧元:At the end of 2017, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull learned a lesson about water safety, after being fined 2

33、50 Australian dollars. According to The Guardian(卫报), the prime minister was wearing a rash vest but no lifejacket while steering his inflatable dinghy outside his waterfront mansion(豪宅on Sydney Harbor, which is a breach(违反)of New South Wales maritime regulations.Australian cyclists have used “GPS a

34、rt” to turn a 202km (125-mile) ride into the outline of a goat.The four men plotted their route on an app before using it track their journey around Perth.澳大利亚珀斯四自行车运动员用GPS艺术功能将骑行路线连成山羊样子 Thirsty snakes are moving into north Queensland homes with two pythons recently found in toilets. 口渴难耐的蟒蛇正溜进澳大利亚昆士兰北部的民宅。近日,先后有两条蟒蛇在当地民宅的马桶里出现。


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