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1、选修(四)选修(四) Unit 2Reading and Thinkingiconic foundationpolitical didgeridoolocated equator koala barbecue bakery joint butcher adj.符号的符号的;图标的图标的n.创建创建;基础基础;地基地基adj.政治的政治的n.迪吉里杜管迪吉里杜管adj.位于位于n.赤道赤道n.考拉考拉:树袋熊树袋熊n. abbr. BBQ户外烧烤户外烧烤;烤架烤架n.面包面包(糕饼糕饼)店店;面包厂面包厂n.公共场所公共场所 ;关节关节adj.联合的联合的;共同的共同的n.肉贩肉贩;屠夫屠夫:刽

2、子手刽子手premier herb dim sim hollow vibrate horn pitch straightforward slogan Minister prime minister a adj.最著名的最著名的:首要的首要的n.总理总理;首相首相n.药草药草;香草香草;草本草本(特指澳大利亚的特指澳大利亚的)点心点心adj.中空的中空的;空心的空心的vt. &vi. (使使)振动振动n. (乐器乐器)号号n.音高音高adj.坦率的坦率的:简单的简单的n.标语标语;口号口号n.部长部长:大臣大臣;外交使节外交使节首相首相;总理总理frog arrow entitle getawa

3、y dive vi. & n. kayaking peak seasonfreedom domain sponsor liberty n.蛙蛙;青蛙青蛙n.箭箭;箭头箭头vt.给给-命名命名(或题名或题名) ;使享有权利使享有权利n.适合度假的地方适合度假的地方潜水潜水;跳水跳水;俯冲俯冲n.划皮艇划皮艇高峰季节高峰季节n.白由;不受白由;不受.影响的状态影响的状态n.领域领域;领土领土;范围范围vt.倡议倡议;赞助赞助;主办主办n. (法案等的法案等的)倡议者倡议者;赞助者赞助者n.自由自由What is the first thing you think of when you think

4、 about Australia?Questions:The first things that I think of are kangaroos, beaches, and deserts.要求:要求:听课文音频,依据导纲提示听课文音频,依据导纲提示 独立思考;认真解答独立思考;认真解答“基础基础 感知感知”的的题目。题目。注意:注意:请使用请使用三三色色笔(勾笔(勾划划重点)。重点)。AustraliaPositionLocated to the south of the equator,its often informally 1.( )as “down under”.Iconic si

5、tesand animalsTheSydney Opera House and the Great Ocean Road.The cute 2.( ) and kangaroos.Different but yummy mealsThe Sunday 3.( )Australian versions of 4.( ) like the Chineseinspired dim sim.The Aborigines In Katherine,5. ( ) in Australias Northern Territory.The population might be small,but 6. (

6、)is still visible.They are in close contact with nature.The didgeridooIt is made from a tree branch which is 7.( )Unlike a horn,there are no finger holesThe didgeridoo player has to change the 8.( ) of his mouth in order to change pitch.referred tokoalasroastfoodsa town its influencehollowshapePart

7、1: 25 SepPart 2: 1 OctPart 3: 3 OctPart 4: 6 OctA.The experiences and feelings in Australia.B. The Aborigines in Australia.C.Australian different but yummy foods.D. Be ready to Australia. locate找出位置;安置在找出位置;安置在 location n. 地点,位置地点,位置/定位定位be located + adv./prep. 位于位于 The small town located in Chicago

8、.The West Lake is located in Hangzhou.Located in Hangzhou, the West Lake is a beautiful spot.1. 我的房子在顶楼,夏天很热。我的房子在顶楼,夏天很热。 _the top floor, my house is very hot in summer.2. _(locate) in the northwest of China, Xian is seen as an important place concerning the countrys civilization. refer to 参考;查阅;提及

9、;涉及参考;查阅;提及;涉及 refer to A as B 将将A称为称为B1. If you want to know his telephone number, you may refer to the telephone directory. _2. Please dont refer to his past again._3. These books refer to Asian problems._ 4. He is referred to as a living Lei Feng._ Located onLocated 表示表示“查阅查阅”或或“参考参考”表示表示“谈到谈到”或或

10、“提到提到”表示表示“适用于适用于”或或“涉及到涉及到”“把把称作称作” major in 主修主修 major v. 主修主修 n.专业专业 adj.主要的主要的minor次要的次要的She majored in History at Stanford.Her major is History at Stanford.她在斯坦福主修历史。她在斯坦福主修历史。We have encountered major problems. 我们遇上了大问题。我们遇上了大问题。joint adj. 联合的联合的/共同的共同的/共有的共有的/连带的连带的 n. 关节关节/接缝接缝/娱乐场所娱乐场所join/

11、 join in v. 参加参加/加入加入 = take part in/ participate in/attendOver 200 members of staff joined the strike. (罢工)(罢工) premier 首要的首要的/显著的;显著的; 总理;首相(总理;首相(prime minister)one of the countrys premier chefs 国家国家名厨名厨之一之一the countrys premier opera company 这个国家的顶尖歌剧团这个国家的顶尖歌剧团native 本土的本土的/本国的本国的 n.本地人本地人 【 be

12、. to 】unique 独特的独特的 homeThe tiger is native to India.这种虎原产于印度。这种虎原产于印度。be native to 原产于原产于The kangaroo is a native of Australia.袋鼠是产于澳大利亚的动物。袋鼠是产于澳大利亚的动物。 break over 冲破冲破 break over rock 冲破岩石冲破岩石break相关短语相关短语 (1) break away from 脱离,背叛脱离,背叛(2)break down 毁坏毁坏/破坏;谈判失败;身体破坏;谈判失败;身体/精神垮了;分解;出故障精神垮了;分解;出故

13、障(3)break into 强行强行闯入闯入(4)break out 战争战争/火灾火灾/疾病等的爆发疾病等的爆发(5)break up 分开,解散,结束分开,解散,结束(6)break off 停顿,中断停顿,中断(7)break through 突破突破 spiritual 灵魂的;精神的灵魂的;精神的 = mental 心理的心理的 spiritual home 精神家精神家园园 spirit 灵魂灵魂 in spirit在心里;在精神上在心里;在精神上mind 心灵心灵 body 身体身体 physical 身体的身体的/物理的物理的 (PE 体育课)体育课)身心健康身心健康 hea

14、lthy in mind and body / mentally and physically healthymental/ manual labour 脑力劳动脑力劳动/体力劳动体力劳动She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.追求精神上满足,完全生活在一个诗歌和想象的世界里。追求精神上满足,完全生活在一个诗歌和想象的世界里。 hollow 中空的;空心的中空的;空心的 【类类】shallow 肤浅的肤浅的 narrow 狭窄的狭窄的 hollow words 空洞的语言空洞的语言

15、 hollow pipes 空心的管子空心的管子A bar of iron is solid while a pipe is hollow. 铁棍铁棍/管子管子vibrate v. 使振动;振动使振动;振动 vibrate to 对对.激动激动 vibrate with因因.而激而激动动 Every time a train went past the walls vibrated.每当火车驶过,这些墙都会振动。每当火车驶过,这些墙都会振动。convinced 确信的确信的 convincing adj.令人信服的令人信服的convince sb. of sth/ that从句从句. 使某人相

16、信某事使某人相信某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服说服sb做某事做某事 Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。The data you have collected is not convincing.你收集的资料说服力不足。你收集的资料说服力不足。 straightforward 坦率的;简单的坦率的;简单的 straightforwardly ad.直截了当直截了当 straightforward circui

17、t 直通线路直通线路 straightforward routine 简单程序简单程序straightforward instructions 简明的指令简明的指令【近近】simple; easy 【反反】complex/complicated/difficult 【例句例句】His wife is a straightforward woman and often makes complicated questions simple. entitle v.给给.命名命名/使享有使享有 title 标题;头衔;加标题标题;头衔;加标题entitle sb. to do sth. 给某人做某事的

18、权利给某人做某事的权利 entitle to sth. 有权有权/有资格有资格【例例】His long years experience entitled him to be respected. dive 潜水潜水/跳水跳水/俯冲俯冲 (dove/dived;dived) diver 潜水者潜水者/跳水运动员跳水运动员dive into the river 跳进河里跳进河里 go diving 去潜水去潜水 make a dive 跳水跳水dive into sth. 迅速将手伸入迅速将手伸入sponsor v.倡议倡议/赞助赞助/主办主办 n.倡议者倡议者/赞助者赞助者 sponsor a

19、 show 赞助赞助sponsor sb to do 资助某人做资助某人做 a sponsor of .的赞助商的赞助商【近近】 fundbe located + adv./prep. 位于位于 refer to A as B 将将A称为称为Bmajor in 主修主修 premier chefs 名厨名厨be native to 原产于原产于break out 战争战争/火灾火灾/疾病等的爆发疾病等的爆发spiritual home 精神家园精神家园mentally and physically healthy 身心健康身心健康 一、反刍内化,归纳总结。二、翻译下面的短语。一、反刍内化,归纳

20、总结。二、翻译下面的短语。hollow words 空洞的语言空洞的语言vibrate to 对对.激动激动 convince sb. to do sth. 说服说服sb做某事做某事 convince sb. of sth/ that从句从句. 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 straightforward routine 简单程序简单程序entitle sb. to do sth. 给某人做某事的权利给某人做某事的权利dive into the river 跳进河里跳进河里sponsor sb to do 资助某人做资助某人做 一、反刍内化,归纳总结。二、翻译下面的短语。一、反刍内化,归纳总结。二、翻译下面的短语。


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