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1、Saving lives though rescue and mountain safety education通过救援和教育挽救生命通过救援和教育挽救生命 我们是谁?The Mountain Rescue Association is a all volunteer organization that is committed to improving the quality, availability, and safety of mountain search and rescue. 山地救援协会是一个全部由志愿者构成的组织,我们致力于改善山地搜索和救援的质量,并提高其有效性和安全性。q

2、 MRA founded in 1957 by 14 local mountain rescue team at Mt.Hood ,Oregen the northwestern United States. q Formed to share mountain rescue techniques to improve on rescue safety.q MRA now has teams in 9 different regions, over 15 different states, including the US National Parks Service, and the Nat

3、ional Ski Patrol. 1957年,位于美国西北部的14支山地救援队在俄勒冈州的胡德山发起成立了山地救援协会(MRA)成立的目的是为了分享山地救援技术以提高其救援的安全性山地救援协会的救援队分布在美国9个地区的15个州,其中包括美国国家公园管理局和国家滑雪巡逻队qMRA, the only national accrediting organization in North America.qMember teams trained in Rock, Search, and Snow and Ice rescue techniques.qEvery team must pass a

4、n accreditation/reaccreditation every 5 years to stay current, and remain a full member of the MRA.qThe MRA and its teams support “No Charge for Rescue”我们是如何工作的?山地救援协会是北美地区唯一的国家认可的组织。下属的救援团队要经过在岩壁上、雪地上、冰面上的搜索和救援技术培训每一只救援团队每五年要重新考试以获得认证山地救援协会坚持“免费救援”的原则qMRA is the national body that sets the bylaws,

5、policies and guidelines for member teams.qEach region, and each team, has its own Board of Directors.qEach member team and region also has its own bylaws and guidelines based on those set by the MRAqMember teams are required to pay dues to the MRA based on team size山地救援协会作为全国性的机构为各救援团队制定规则、政策和指导方针。每

6、个地区、每个团队都有自己的执行委员会。每个地区、每个团队在山地救援协会规则的基础上制定自己的规则和指导方针。每个会员团队根据自身团队的规模向山地救援协会缴纳会费qEach region sets forth its own bylaws and guidelines based on the MRA standardqThese includes how each of its teams will accredit/ reaccredit .qEach region reports to the MRA on the status of all its member each year 地区

7、层面每个地区基于山地救援协会的标准阐述自己的规则和指导方针这包括如何认证本地区的救援团队每个地区每年向山地救援协会报告其所辖救援团队的状况qEach member team is ALL volunteersqVolunteers purchase their own personal equipment qTeams purchase common gearqTeams responsible for training of each membersqTeams must raise their own money. 救援团队层面每一支会员救援队都是由志愿者组成的志愿者自己购买个人装备救援团

8、队负责购置共用设备救援团队负责培训会员山地救援协会不向任何救援团队提供资金救援团队需自己筹集经费qEach team has a different way of raising money. qMany of the teams get some funding from government, while others rely on private donations. qMost teams hold fundraiser, either through private hosting or through public eventsqSome teams charge their t

9、eam members dues每个救援团队都有获取经费的方法很多救援团队从政府获得经费支持,也有一些团队依靠私人捐款大多数救援团队通过募捐活动获得经费有些救援团队则向其会员收取会费qResponsibility of each team to make sure its members are trained properly.qTeams will hold weekly, or biweekly trainings.qMost teams require a minimum amount of trainings a member has to attend to remain curr

10、ent. qUsually teammates with higher skills will run the trainings.救援团队是如何训练的?确保其会员得到正确的培训是每个救援团队的责任救援团队每周或每月两次进行培训会员需保持一定的培训以维持自己参与救援的资格。 通常情况下,水平较高的队友组织培训qTeam members are trained in three areas of rescue:Rock(High/low angle)SearchAvalanche/snow/ice会员的培训主要包括以下三个方面内容:岩壁上(高角度、低角度)救援技术搜索技术雪崩/雪地/冰面上救援技

11、术10HIGH ANGLE 高角度LOW ANGLE 低角度qMost teams carry the same basics; Rope, carabineers, ascending/ descending devices, a litter, a wheel, and medical gear.qMost teams will carry additional gear depending on their call out areas, such as snowmobiles and ATVs.救援团队使用的设备:绳子铁索上升/下降器担架(带轮子)轮椅医疗设备雪地摩托四轮摩托车个人装备

12、:由个人负责救援团队一般与户外设备公司有协议,会员可优惠购置设备一套个人救援装备的价值在2000美元左右q Personal gear is the responsibility of each member.q Team all have “Pro Deals” with outdoor gear companies so that individuals can afford the right gear. q Most rescue packs have about $2000 worth of gear in themqMountain Rescue teams follow the

13、Incident Command System ( ICS) for the organization of all rescuesqUsed as a universal method to organize missions large and small山地救援程序救援团队按照标准的“事故指挥体系”来实施所有的救援活动“事故指挥体系”作为一种通用的方法适用于各类搜救任务,不管是大型的还是小型的。它确实管用!qTraining is done on a seasonal basis all year longqRetraining is constantqNeeded skills depends on mission loadqTraining hours match or exceed mission hours如何训练救援队根据季节安排不同的训练科目长期坚持再培训根据任务的要求进行不同的技术培训培训时间要等同或超过执行任务时间Thank you for listening from


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