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1、2022人教版初中英语中考培优拔尖精品卷第二部分基础知识运用选择填空。A从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 ( )31. Germany is European country that is good at making cars. A. a B. an C. the( )32. - Grace, I heard that you lost your wallet last week. - Yes, but luckily there was valuable in it.A. something B. nothing C. anything( )33. Many boys in m

2、y school those great basketball players and want to be like them.A. take care of B. look forward to C. look up to ( )34. - Is that book Lilys? - It be hers. She doesnt like science fiction at all.A. cant B. must C. might( )35. _ Chuck _ I am interested in inventing things. We both are members of our

3、 schools invention club. A. Either; or B. Not only; but alsoC. Neither; nor( ) 36. By the end of the last year, there _ five new subway lines running in Chengdu including the self-driving Line 9.A. had beenB. wereC. have been( ) 37. -The great popularity of the blind boxes this year must be their ni

4、ce appearance.-Maybe. But I think the excitement of being surprised is _. However, wed spend smartly.A. importantB. more importantC. the most important( ) 38. -Linda, I think you should choose your smart clothes _ are proper for todays formal meeting.-Great! I will have a try.A. whatB. whoseC. that(

5、 ) 39. Nobody is perfect _ the imperfect parts, life isnt complete.A. WithB. WithoutC. Besides( ) 40. -I saw Wang Ming studying in the library half an hour ago. Could you tell me _ now?-Oh, yes, he is still there.A. what he is studying forB. who he is studying withC. whether he is there答案:31-35 ABCA

6、B36-40:ABCBC完形填空。AIt is winter now. At school, sometimes I fall asleep in class. Many of my classmates are the same.Why are we so tired in the winter? Some say its because of the cold weather, others say that schoolwork is too heavy. One day while I was having a sleep at break time, someone said to

7、me, “Dont sleep. Look! The weather today is so _46_, I stood up and looked outside. It was foggy (有雾的), and I dont usually think foggy weather is fine. That day, _47_, I tried to enjoy the scene.All of a sudden I started to see the day _48_. The sun was shining through the fog it was beautiful. I wa

8、s enjoying what I could see so much that I forgot my _49_. I felt happy. I understood why I was tired. It wasnt schoolwork; it wasnt the weather. It was because I wasnt optimistic (乐观的) enough.If we can learn how to enjoy it, winter can be beautiful too. If we learn to love this icy, foggy time of t

9、he year, it will be so much _50_ to love the other seasons. If we stay awake, are optimistic and look at life with a fresh eye, we will find much beauty in winter.46. A. strangeB. badC. nice47. A. thoughB. soC. however48. A. clearlyB. differentlyC. beautifully49. A. sadnessB. tirednessC. pleasure50.

10、 A. easierB. harder C. funnier答案46-50 CCBBABAshley was outspoken , fashionable , and the “ Queen Bee in my school . I listened to the music she listened to , wore the clothes she wore . I even took art class 51 I really wanted to take theater . I finally fitted in her group . One day , I went to the

11、 dining hall early to get seats for our group . I didnt notice they had sat down 52 me . Before I could say a word , I realized what they were 53 “Shes such a loser ,” one girl said .“Ashley , she always follows you , trying to 54 you ,” another girl added .“We were in the same summer school and now

12、 she thinks we re best friends ,” Ashley said .“ I 55 she would leave us alone . I felt heart - broken for the very first time . I ran home . My mother just 56 me while I sobbed (呜咽) for hours . Just be yourself and people will like you for who you are ,” she said . Then and there I 57 to find mysel

13、f back . That was exactly what I did . Over the next month , I went through a lot of 58 I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear . I no longer went to art class with them , and took theater . I began making new friends . I developed my own 59 and never again followed the crowd . I had an amazing s

14、chool year . When I look back , I think it was the year when I 60 the person I was going to be .51.A. though B . butC . because52.A. beside B . behindC . next to 53.A. looking up B . dealing with C .talking about 54.A. copy B . memorizeC . admire55. A .requireB . wishC. suggest 56.A. held B . treate

15、dC . punished57.A. rushed B . forcedC. decided 58.A. requests B . changesC. patterns 59.A. skills B . habitsC. opinions 60.A. created B . interviewedC. discovered60.A. decided B . producedC. processed答案:51-55 ABCAB 56-60阅读理解Several train passengers have made people angry across the country. On Aug.

16、21, a video posted online showed a man sitting in the wrong seat on a train from Jinan to Beijing. And he refused to take his own seat because he wanted to sit by the window. When a train conductor(乘务员) asked him to move, he said he could not stand and needed a wheelchair. The China Railway Jinan Gr

17、oup later prevented the man from train travel for 180 days and he was also fined(罚款)200 yuan. A similar case also happened on Sept. 23. A foreign woman took another persons seat on a train and refused to leave. When passengers began shooting video of her with their phones, she shouted and threw wate

18、r at them. The woman was then taken away. Later, she realized that she was wrong and said sorry to the passengers she had attacked(攻击)These cases are like a mirror that shows our societys attitudes. They show that we need to behave in a more proper way. If people dont follow laws and rules in public

19、, they should be punished.( )61. A video posted online showed a mans bad behavior on the plane.( )62. The man didnt move back to his own seat because he couldnt stand and needed a wheel chair.( )63. The man will not be allowed to take the train for about 6 months. ( )64. The foreign woman who took a

20、 wrong seat behaved badly from the beginning to the end.( )65. The writer suggests that we should pay more attention to our behavior in public. 答案:61-65 BBABA阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。ATwenty-five years ago, most young people in Britain wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, to take up singing. But

21、 today, things stand differently.According to a survey by Tesco Mobile, a UK telecoms company(电子通信公司), the “dream job” of youngpeople aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger( 视频博主), or “vlogger”. The survey, carried out among 1,002 people, found that as many as 40 percent of them put “vl

22、ogger” as their number one choice on a list of ideal careersThis change is undoubtedly the result of the Internet and social media(社交媒体). They have made it so much easier to reach audiences worldwide, without having to choose the job as actors in the traditional way.“In years gone by, the biggest st

23、ars were trained by the Hollywood Studios; now, anyone with a computer camera can become an icon,” a Tesco Mobile spokesperson said. “Vloggers are the big stars of today because they are normal people interacting(互动) with their fans about everyday life.”However, what people see is only the bright si

24、de of being a vlogger and they fail to notice the fact that onlythose who are successful can achieve fame and wealth. For every success there are a hundred others who have never been known.This is why although vloggers are in fashion now, some young people chose to follow careers that dont necessari

25、ly earn them fame, but allow them to make good use of the Internet to share their hobbies.1.Which of the following is NOT an easy way of being known by others according to the passage?A. To be an actor.B. To be a vlogger.C. To be a doctor. 2.Some young people choose jobs that dont earn them fame bec

26、ause .A.they know success never comes easilyB.they believe being vloggers is their first choiceC.theyare not confident3.Why are vloggers the big stars of today?A.Because they are normal people interacting with their fans about big events.B.Because they are common people communicating with their fans

27、 about daily life.C.Because they never interact with their fans.4.What does the underlined word “icon” in this passage mean?A. 偶像B. 图标C. 肖像5.From the story, we learn that .A.Internet can never be made good use ofB.most young people in Britain today wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, to take

28、 up singingC.only those vloggers who get success can be famous and wealthy1.【答案】C 2.【答案】A 3.【答案】B 4.【答案】A 5.【答案】C BSpeaking English fluently (流畅地) might be difficult for you now . But all you need are the right methods and confidence (自信). I have prepared some advice for you . Stop Being a Student S

29、top thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English , and think of yourself as someone who speaks English . It s a small change , but it will make you feel more confident and help , you use the English you already know better .Try to Learn Phrase Speaking English fluently means being able to

30、 express your thoughts and feelings . Your goal is to speak English in full sentences , so why not learn it in full sentences ? Youll find that English is more useful in your life if you study whole phrases , rather than just simple words . Studying English for an hour once a week isn t usually enou

31、gh to make any real progress . The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day . Dont Be Afraid to Make Mistakes Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence . Dont let the fear of saying something

32、 wrong stop you from speaking . Even ( if you think youre making a mistake , keep speaking anyway . Most of the time , people will understand what youre trying to say . The more you speak ; the easier it will be .71.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?A . Practicing English

33、every day helps you make greater progress .B . Studying whole phrases makes you express your thoughts and feelings worse .C . Thinking of yourself as an English speaker can make you more confident and use English better .72.What should you do if you make a grammar mistake when you are talking to a n

34、ative English speaker ?A . Just keep speaking B . Stop speaking right away .C . Think of yourself as an English speaker .73.Which of the following titles can be put into “ ”?A . Hard Work Pays off B . Practice Makes Perfect C . Failure Is the Mother of Success 74. Where do we most probably see the a

35、bove passage ?A . In a students diary .B . In a travel magazine C .In a study newspaper75.Who will be most interested in this material ?A . A writer who writes novels B . A teacher who teaches history C . A student who wants to improve English答案:71-75 BABCC B卷(共50分)一、根据首字母填词,请在答题卡上写出完整单词。1. Jack dre

36、ams of becoming a p_doctor so he can treat the patients with theknowledge and skills he has learned2. What our human beings did has i_ environment greatly. So taking action now is necessary.3. How many made-in-China p_intotal are sold in that American supermarket?4. He values time a lot, so he alway

37、s makes an effort to be on time e_ being in a traffic jam.5. Sam, who paints pictures in the park, always makes his paintings even l_ than the real plants.【答案】1.professional 2.influenced 3.products 4.except 5.livelier 二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Hi, Lin Hui, can you go camping with me

38、 this weekend?B: Sorry, Jenny. Id love to, but I have running classes.A: Running classes? Whats that for?B: Oh, next year most provinces around the country will _1_ the weighting of physical education in zhongkao, the high school entrance examination.A: You mean your running classes have something _

39、2_ to that?B: Yes, you know I am. _3_ in PE, especially in running. It is one of the requirements in PE test. My parents wish, which is also _4_, is that I can study in the best high school in my city. The problem is PE might get in my way.A: So you are just trying to get yourself well _5_ for zhong

40、kao in two years.B: Yes. At a news meeting, the spokesman from education department said that PE will _6_ be paid more attention to. In Sichuan, there will be ten more PE scores next year. This is just the first step. The rule makers hope that the points of PE will be as high as those main subjects

41、like Chinese or math one day. I just dont want to _7_ by then.A: Maybe I should learn from you. This is a good move. The purpose of the education department is to make people realize the _8_ of childrens health.B: Thats true. However, there are _9_ among people. Some think PE just does good for futu

42、re health while zhongkao means to decide those with more academic potential (学术潜力) for higher education in the future. In their opinions, more PE classes would be a better _10_ to childrens health problems than more scores in zhongkao.A: Sounds reasonable.B: Anyways, we can only do what we can.1. _2

43、. _3._4._5. _6. _7. _8._9._10. _三、短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词fail hard low other possible prepare punish repeat risk silence star wantA young man didnt know how to face his work . He went to the park and sat 1 under the tree .Then a sound from the tree bothered him . He looked up and found a squirrel (松鼠) run

44、ning in the tree . The squirrel was jumping from one high tree to 2 . Minutes later , it jumped to get to a higher branch (树枝), but the branch was so far out of reach that the jump looked 3 . And sure enough , the squirrel missed . But it didnt matter . The squirrel still landed (降落) safely on a bra

45、nch several feet 4 . Then it just climbed up a little higher and reached the branch it really 5 .An old man sitting near the young man said ,“ I saw a lot of squirrels jump like that . A lot of them 6 , but none of them got hurt . I guess they need 7 it if they dont want to spend their whole life in one tree ? The young man thought , If a little squirrels is 8 to take a chance (机会), do I have less courage (勇气) than a squirrel ?”The young man decided to put what he had been thinking about into practice . And sure enough , he landed safely in a position (位置) he 9 thought possible .Shoot for the


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