
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3190935 上传时间:2022-07-31 格式:PPT 页数:23 大小:402KB
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1、1 酒店客房精细化管理与细微服务酒店客房精细化管理与细微服务(四四)讲师:赵莉敏讲师:赵莉敏 2对生病客人的服务对生病客人的服务生病客人的特点:(1)生理痛苦、心理脆弱(2)容易被我们的服务所感动,是提供细微服务的好时机。3对生病客人的服务对生病客人的服务(1)入住之前:提前得知则提前准备(2)入住当天:欢迎客人,表示关心和慰问,询问特殊需求。4对生病客人的服务对生病客人的服务(3)在住期间A.当做房时发现客人抱恙在身B.当见到书桌上突然多了几盒“感冒药”C.当见到房间内放着几剂中草药D.如果客人发热发烧E.如果客人胃痛或畏冷F.如果客人受了风寒G.如果在流行病高发时期发现房间有相关的治疗药物

2、,或者客人有明显的传染病、皮肤病症状5对生病客人的服务对生病客人的服务突发意外,客人求救 服务中心接到客人的求助电话,应根据实际情况选择合适的人员。服务员接到通知后应立即赶到房间,配合医务室医生对客人进行救护。在未弄清楚原因之前,不得移动客人,以免造成更大伤害。必要时灵活变通服务规范及程序。6严守规范:服务员应熟知酒店医疗室的地点、电话、出诊程序,以便清晰地向生病客人介绍。服务员需严格遵守不得擅自承诺客人外购药品的规定。完善客史:分辨清楚客人此次反映的身体不适是偶然而至还是“老毛病”,在客史资料上详细注明,以免下次客人入住后闹笑话。7把握分寸服务员在关注生病的客人、为其提供服务时,注意不可热心

3、过度。用药安全-为了保证客人的用药安全,服务员绝对不能自作主张给客人提供药品或向客人推荐药名。信息保密-对于生病客人的病情等各种信息,服务人员有为客人保密的义务,不得随意将有关信息泄露。8对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人的服务 客人醉酒在酒店是经常出现的情况,对于醉酒客人的服务经常要落在客房服务员的身上。用不正确的方式处理醉酒的客人会增加客人的痛苦,严重的可能会产生生命危险。9对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人的服务(1)进房之前服务要点 A.接到前台通知有醉酒客人开房,服务中心应做好记录,知会相 关人员,以确保服务的快捷、周到、安全。B.当楼层女员工接到为醉酒客人服务的通知时,应尽量找男同事 一同完成,服

4、务时注意语言简洁、反应迅速,适当保持距离。C.在通道发现客人喝醉酒,服务员应主动搀扶或护送客人回房 间,注意验证房号、钥匙。10对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人进行服务时,应注意性别问题,如果是男宾醉酒应安排男服务员进行服务,同时尽量安排两名服务人员同时在场,避免产生不必要的误会。必要时通知大堂副理和保安到场。11对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人的服务(2)进房服务 A.发现客人醉酒,服务员主动送上热毛巾、或大量温开水解酒,也可提供柑或橙之类的水果。B.劝慰客人卧床休息帮助客人保持侧卧姿势,将枕头适当垫高,避免客人因呕吐物而窒息。将垃圾桶、纸巾放在床前,如客人呕吐及时清理。12对醉酒客人的

5、服务对醉酒客人的服务C.撤出房间内的锋利物品,以免客人受到伤害。D.当客人看起来很痛苦或情况危急时,应通知医生上房诊治。E.如果客人有不当行为,应及时回避,做好自我保护,同时上报。13对醉酒客人的服务对醉酒客人的服务(3)服务延续 A.醉酒客人有人陪护时,服务员应告知客人需要服务时致电服 务中心。B.较严重醉酒客人独自在房,服务员应联系其亲戚朋友或接待单位,以便看护。C.及时上报及交班,注意观察动静,以防意外。D.再次整理房间时,应注意查看房间设施是否被损坏或受污染,打开窗户排气。14对残疾客人的服务对残疾客人的服务 残疾客人是一个极为特殊的客人群体,虽然人数比例极少,但服务员对这些客人要特别

6、细心、周到;要能设身处地地站在每一位残疾客人的角度考虑他们的特殊需求以提供恰当的服务;要充分了解他们的心理,避免一些容易引起他们猜疑的行为。15对残疾客人的服务对残疾客人的服务(1)入住之前服务要点 A.将客人安排在靠近客梯间并且卫生间较宽敞的房间,方便搀扶。为方便客人走动,可将原来放于卫生间地板的脚巾收起放回浴缸边上。为方便客人洗澡,可在卫生间增加塑料凳。B.将房间有棱角的家具更换成圆形家具,以免碰伤客人。16对残疾客人的服务对残疾客人的服务C.了解客人伤残情况,做到心中有底,以免见到客人时大惊小怪。D.如果伤残客人是来酒店开会的,在会场的布置方面,尽可能保证通道宽敞,以方便客人进出会场。E

7、.如果是伤残人士团体入住,客房部应进行针对性的培训,要求服务员对这些客人要特别细心、周到,要充分了解他们的心理,避免一些容易引起他们猜疑的行为。17“教育是为美好生活作准备!教育是为美好生活作准备!”斯宾塞斯宾塞Thanks!18 Chinese except friendships to be more lasting.Different foundations for friendships.Westerns expect friends to be independent.Chinese usually expect more from their friends.19Chinese e

8、xcept friendships to be more lasting.For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes.Chinese are friends even if they havent spoken for 20 years.If you shared something at one time,then all your life you are friends.This is the best of guanxi(关系关系),the Wide Web that connects Chinese th

9、rough time and space.So,we can say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born.In North America,even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city,graduation from a university or marriag

10、e.If the people do not see each other regularly,the relationship is likely to die.20Different foundations for friendships.Chinese friends share“things in common”:a task,a class,the hometown.Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together.You may or may not like the person,but if h

11、e or she can do something for you because of his position or job,you can be friends.But in North America,business and friendship are kept separate.The friendships are usually tied to specific activities.A person may have work friends and leisure(休闲时休闲时)activity friends.Also friends tend to have simi

12、lar financial circumstances,because friendship in the West is based on equality.21Westerns expect friends to be independent.Why?Its because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together,so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one per

13、son is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving.A westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking“What do you want to do?”The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution.Chinese friends gi

14、ve each other more concrete help.A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain.They give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.22Chinese usually expect more from their friends.In the West,you can certainly ask a friend to

15、do something with you,but you recognize that your friend may say no,if he or she gives you as reason.You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping.Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them.A friend i

16、n China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked.There are few limits to what you can expect from a friend.You can feel free to tell your friend what he or she can or should do or help or please you.23 Good friends are like stars.You dont always see them,but you know they are always there.


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