Unit2 Listening and Speaking-ppt课件--(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、高一人教版英语选择性必修一第二单元Looking into the futureL e s s o n4U s i n gL a n g u a g e:M a k ep r e d i c t i o n sa b o u tf u t u r ec h a n g e s广 州 市 第 六 中 学邓 静 燕After this lesson,you will be able to1.know the basic vocabulary about“future”;2.summarize the gist of an interview;3.tell how to listen for pre

2、dictions;4.predict and describe technology and life in the future.Learning objectivesPre-listeningPART 01 automation nanobots global warming artificialintelligence(AI)cloningP19,Ex1.What do these pictures show?Match the words with the pictures.Term explanationautomation:the technique of making a dev

3、ice,a process,or a system operate automatically.nanobot:a machine or robot built on the nanoscale(纳米级),still in the research-and-development stage,with potential applications in medicine and industry.global warming:the increase in temperature of the earths atmosphere,which is caused by the increase

4、of particular gases,especially carbon dioxide.artificial intelligence(AI):the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly connected with intelligent beings.cloning:the process of generating a genetically(基因地)identical(相同的)copy of a cell(细胞)or an organism(有机体)

5、._ a u t o m a t i o n_ nanobots_ global warming_ artificialintelligence(AI)_ cloningWhile most often when people think of a robot,they think of the android(human-like robot)in Picture 1,actually the vast majority of robots are like that in Picture 3,which is a robot arm used to assemble(组装)parts in

6、 a factory.In this activity,the robot arm in Picture 3 represents automation.Since an android is meant to be like a human in every way,the android in Picture 1 is being used to represent artificial intelligence(AI).Picture 2 is an artists rendering(透视图)of nanobots in the human blood stream.A nanobot

7、 is a microscopic(微小的)robot.While they are still in the development stage,it is thought that in the future,nanobots can be used within the human body to deliver carefully targeted doses(剂量)of medicine to areas in the body that need them and to repair human tissues(组织)and cells.The two monkeys in Pic

8、ture 4 are Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua,two crab-eating macaques(食蟹猕猴)which were produced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院)in Shanghai in 2017 through cloning.They were the first successfully cloned primates(灵长目动物).Watch a video“What is AI?”and prepare for the discussion.(视频源自网络)(1)How do you th

9、ink these events or such technology might develop in the future?(2)What challenges might they bring?(3)What opportunities might they bring?2.Discuss these questions in groups.(P18,Ex 2)(1)How do you think these events or such technology might develop in the future?No doubt,AI will develop to the poi

10、nt that humans and computers will be able to interface effortlessly.2.Discuss these questions in groups.(2)What challenges might they bring?With the development of AI,there may come a time when it becomes a real issue as to whether a computer or machine has in fact achieved consciousness,and whether

11、,as a conscious being,it deserves the same rights as a human being.2.Discuss these questions in groups.(3)What opportunities might they bring?Al may help us solve problems that are currently too big and overwhelming for us to solve on our own.For example,complex AI models may be able to use given da

12、ta to develop a workable solution to global warming.If you make a prediction about something,you say what you think will happen.(Collins Dictionary)The SimpleFuture tense一般将来时Listening strategy Listen for predictions Futurecontinuous tense将来进行时v.预测n.预测v.&n.预测PART 02While-listeningListening for gist(

13、P19,Ex 3)Listen to the radio interview with Dr Han and Vincent Black giving their predictions about the future,and then fill in the table below.NameOccupationPredictionDr Hancomputer scientistComputers will be cleverer than us;people will be programming computers to think like humans;well be program

14、ming them to not think in ways that may harm humans;well also be creating machines to help people internally.Vincent BlackarchitectThere will be cities floating on water and people could move into housing in cities that float.Listening for detailsListen to the tape for the second time and fill in th

15、e blanks.Host:On todays episode of Future Changes,we talk with two experts from different fields,Dr Han and Vincent Black,to hear their predictions aboutthe future.First,Dr Han,could you please tell our audience what you do?Dr Han:Certainly.Im a computer scientist.Host:And could you please tell us y

16、our prediction?Dr Han:Yes,well,I forecast thatcomputers will be cleverer than us in the future.I_t_h i n k t_h a_t people will also be programming computers to think like humans.Host:Thats very interesting,but arent you worried that such computers would be dangerous?Dr Han:Not at all.This is because

17、 w e_l l b_e p r_o g_r_a m m i n g_ them to not think inways that may harm humans.In fact,well also be creating machines to help people internally.For example,I think scientists will put some small intelligent machines,called nanobots,inside our bodies to increase ourabilities.Host:Wow!That would ma

18、ke each one of us superhuman!And Vincent,could you please tell us about your job?Vincent Black:Certainly.Im an architect.I design buildings.Host:And what is your p_r_e_d i_c_t_i_o_n a b_o u_t the buildings of the future?Vincent Black:Its about the cities of the future,actually.I believe thatcities f

19、_l_o_a t i_n g o_n w a_t_e_r_ are part of the worlds future.Host:Oh,really?What might make us want to do that?Vincent Black:Yes.With global warming causing p_o l_a_r i c_e t_o m e_l_t,the sea level rising by many metres is a very realistic prospect.Instead of moving people away from the sea,I t_h_i_

20、n k t_h_a t people could move into housing in cities that float.Host:That sounds very innovative.Could you please give us more details?Vincent Black:Sure.Well,Ive developed a plan by _d_e s_i_g_n i n g a c_i_t_y that borrows many ideas from the giant water lily,a flowerthat_f_l_o_a t_s_o n w a_t_e r

21、_.Moreover.DiscussionP19,Ex 4.Work in pairs.Discuss whether you think Dr Han and Vincent Blacks predictions are possible.Why or why not?Tips:Sentence patterns used to express predictions:I forecast that/I think that/I believe that Tenses used to express predictions:will be doing/will do Possible ans

22、wers:l agree on Dr Hans idea that computers will be cleverer than us in the future.Actually there are already computers,like AlphaGo,that are smarter than most people.l dont agree on Vincent Blacks idea about floating cities,because I doubt that sea levels will rise that much.Post-listeningPART 03(P

23、19,Ex 5)In groups,brainstorm about the future.Discuss these points.future events or problems the world might facefuture technologieshow these things will change the way we livethe challenges and opportunities these things might bring(P19,Ex 6)Imagine that you have a job that makes you an expert in t

24、he future.In pairs,interview each other about your jobs and predictions.Sample DialogueA:Good afternoon,Ms Zhang.Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.B:Id love to.A:First,could you please tell our audience what you do?B:Certainly.Im a doctor.I perform transplant surgery every week.A:That soun

25、ds like a very high-tech job.How do you think the surgery will be operated in the future?Do you have any predictions about that?B:Yes,well,I believe that doctors in the future will have much better means to help people.I can imagine that nanobots will be put in patients body to detect the illness.An

26、d in the future,there will be adequate supply of organs for patients who need transplant.A:Well,that would be really good news for all of us.Could you please explain how this will be possible?B:It will be possible because of special 3D printers.In the future,doctors will be using them in hospitals r

27、egularly to create healthy copies of peoples organs.Then they will replace the unhealthy organs with the healthy copies.Thank your for inviting me./Its my pleasure.SummaryIn this lesson,we have learned:1.the basic vocabulary about“future”;2.to summarize the gist of an interview;3.how to listen for p

28、redictions;4.to predict and describe technology and life in the future.Finish the“Listening and Speaking”exercises in the workbook(Ex 1-5,P70).高一人教版英语选择性必修一第二单元Looking into the futureLesson4UsingLanguage:Makepredictionsabout futurechanges答疑课广州市第六中学邓静燕(P70,Ex 1)Look at the photos and the captions.Dis

29、cuss what you think is happening.Picture A.Garry Kasparov feels disappointed after he lost his chess match to a computer.Picture B.An android is playing the winning move in a game of chess.Picture C.Ke Jie is thinking hard as his computer opponent is winning.(P70,Ex 2)Listen to this conversation fro

30、m the future between Yueyue and Huimin,an android that uses AI(artificial intelligence).Order the pictures above(A-C)according to when the events occurred by writing 1-3 in the blanks.A 1BC 23(P70,Ex 3)Listen to the conversation again and write down the dates when the following events occur.They are

31、 having this conversation in the year 2310.1.Al research begins2.Garry Kasparov defeated by Deep Blue3.Ke Jie defeated by AlphaGo4.Al computers put into androids5.First novel written by an android_i_n 1_95_6in 19_9_7in 2_01_7in t_he_mi_d_-_2_1s_tc_e_nt_u_r_y_in t_he mid-22_n_d c_e n_t_u_r_y_6.First

32、android president of a country_i_n the mid-23_r_dc e_n_t_u_r_y_(P70,Ex 4)Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.1.What are Yueyue and Huimin doing while they are talking?They are playing chess.2.What does Yueyue want Huimin to do differently?To make the game easier.3.What does Hui

33、min offer to do for Yueyue while she is thinking?To offer some tea for her.4.What happens in the end?Huimin wins the game.5.What does Yueyue ask Huimin to do when they are finished?Let her win the next game.(P70,Ex 5)What do you think AI will be able to do in the future?How will it affect humans?Dis

34、cuss your predictions about AI and other future technologies.AI is able to understand and manipulate data so much faster that it can help us to spot patterns more quickly.Thus,in the future,AI will help us to solve problems that we consider too complex to solve now.It is already helping us in a wide

35、 variety of fields such as medicine and human-to-machine communication.The effect of this is that we can more easily communicate with our devices such as smartphones,and better organise our time.I think in the future many devices will work automatically,like cars will be self-driving and safe,which gives us more time to focus on other important things in life.


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