Unit 6 Lesson 2 History makers 词汇课件--(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂版本:新北师单元:必修二 Unit 6(LESSON 2)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.independence 来自independent;词块:gain sbs independence from 2.peacefulpeace+-ful;词族:peace,peaceful,peacefully3.protestpro-(forth,before 在面前)+test(testify 验证)在面前验证,即为表示“抗议;反对”4.racialrace(种族)+-ial(的)词块:racial discrimination 5.discrimination 构词法:discri

2、minate discrimination6.inspiringinspire+-ing(分词形容词)7.skin隐喻:人的“皮肤”野兽的“皮肤”(兽皮)植物、果实等的“皮肤”皮;壳派生词:skinny(-y 充满的)8.self-evidentself-(自己)+evident(显然的)不证自明的9.judge一词多义:基本义“判断”词块:judge by/fromDont judge a book by its cover.派生词:judg(e)ment10.impressiveimpress(给留下印象)+-ive(的)词族:impress,impressed,impression,im

3、pressive,impressionist11.respectre-(back 向后,回)+spect(look at 看)再看、反复看 尊重词块:show respect for,with respect to词族:respect,respectable,respectful,respective,respectivelypick out熟词生义熟词生义短语动词短语动词judge一词多义一词多义熟词生义熟词生义respect习语熟词生义熟词生义搭配义搭配义重难点词精讲pick out根据所给汉语,用适当的单词或词块完成句子。It was a big deal for us go to th

4、e local library,where my kids could _(精心挑选)books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.(2020 全国改)select/pick out6pick out 选出;拣出:Perhaps you can help me pick out a pair of jeans,since you are an expert.2014 四川His story was picked out as the best by the judges.区别出;辨别出:See if you can pick me

5、out in this photo.There have been experiments where people could pick out a particular smell.2008 北京pick out 语义网络图语义网络图pick out选出出具体的人或物选出出的结果和影响 选出;拣出选出;拣出 区别出;辨别出区别出;辨别出含有out的短语动词“消失消失”“动态趋势动态趋势”carry out 执行;hold out 坚持下去 help out 帮助从出来;“可明显看到可明显看到”pick out 挑出out 基本义:“(从里)出来”,某物从某个空间内迁移到空间外一个新位置。d

6、ie out 灭绝;run out 用完;put out 扑灭;burn out 烧尽judge“不要以貌取人”这句话还有很多说法。其中一个著名的版本出自圣经约翰福音第7章。原文是“Never judge from appearances,but judge with right judgment.”“不可按外貌定是非,总要按公平断定是非”。即不可以貌取人,判断事物不应受表面现象蒙蔽。Dont judge a book by its cover.You might miss out an amazing story!judge v vi&vt 判断判断 to form an opinion a

7、bout sb/sth:Judging from her accent,she must be from Sichuan.Judging by his last letter,they are having a wonderful time.vt 估计 to guess the size,amount,etc.of sth:Its difficult to judge how long the journey will take.vt&vi 评价 to be critical about sb,to decide whether sb is good or badIve learnt a go

8、od lesson:not to judge people.2010 北京Im in no position to judge whether what she is doing is right or wrong.vt&vi 裁判;评判:裁判;评判:She was asked to judge the English speech competition.vt 审判;判决:judge a case/judge sb guilty n C 法官;裁判员;鉴定人:She is a very good judge of character.judge语义网络图vn判断judge(基本义)根据所见、

9、所闻、所学“判断”某事物“判断”大小、数量等不公正或批评地对某人作出“判断”“判断”比赛结果“判断”案件审判;判决判断估计评价裁判;评判裁判员鉴定人法官judg(e)ment U 判断力;辨别力判断力;辨别力 the ability to form opinions or to make sensible decisions:He showed excellent judgement in choosing a friend.C&U 意见;看法;评价意见;看法;评价 an opinion that you form after thinking carefully:make a judgeme

10、nt on/aboutIn her judgment,it was a wrong thing to give children so much pocket money.C&U审判审判respect词源解读:re-(back 回、再)+-spect(to look at 看)往回看、再次看 尊重respect vt 尊重;尊敬;遵守:The media should respect famous peoples privacy.She has always been honest with me,and I respect her for that.respect the law n U 尊

11、敬;尊重:尊敬;尊重:The Chongyang Festival,also called Double Ninth Festival,is a day for people to show respect to seniors.Friendship is built upon respect for each other.2014 浙江win the respect of 复数 正式用语 问候:Give my respects to your father.C 关系;方面:关系;方面:Tom is really good with computers.He has no superior i

12、n this respect.in respect of正式用语关于;就而言with respect to正式用语关于;就而言 respectable adj 值得尊敬的 respectful adj 恭敬的英语习语英语习语英语中有很多习语(idioms),是人们经过长时间的使用提炼出来的含有特殊意义的固定词语组合,其真正的意义和字面意义往往相差甚远,不好理解和记忆。学习时,可以借助习语背后的词源故事或文化内涵来理解和学习,加深对它们的认知深度。英语习语英语习语l behind bars bar:铁栏杆behind bars:被关在铁栏杆后面监狱的牢房都是用金属栏杆(bar)做成的,被关在栏杆

13、后指的就是“被监禁”“坐牢”。The man spent most of his life behind bars.That area is much better now since the murderer was put behind bars.英语习语英语习语l Dont judge a book by its cover.dont judge a book by its cover 的字面意思是“不要根据一本书的封面来判断它里面的内容”。人们多用它来强调在对人和事物做评价时“不要以貌取人”“不能光看表面”,只凭外表不能看出一个人或一件事情的真实情况。dont 可以用 never,ca

14、nt,shouldnt 来替代。Maria is only fifteen years old,but she is knowledgeable,so it shows you cant judge a book by its cover.英语习语英语习语l cost an arm and a legcost an arm and a leg 可不是真的要你一条手臂和一条腿,而是比喻某样东西非常昂贵,要花费很多很多钱,类似 very very expersive(贵得好像要花掉你一条手臂一条腿,相当于我们常说的“剁手”,手不够时就腿来凑。)My son wants that mountain

15、bike for his birthday,but itll cost an arm and a leg!这个习语最早出现在第二次世界大战之后的美国,因为很多士兵由于战争而失去了手臂或腿;很多报纸报道士兵们为了保卫世界和平而付出了相当大的代价(也就是失去手臂和腿);因此,之后就引申为获得某些事物代价很高,多用于购物当中。随堂检测随堂检测选出适当的短语选出适当的短语并用其正确形式并用其正确形式填空填空1.I have money you can borrow if you _.2.The wild population of koalas is in danger of _.dying outr

16、un outdie out,run outpick outu out表示:表示:_消失消失3.We can stay here for as long as our supplies _.4.Turn off the water supply before _ repairs.23hold outcarrying outhold out,carry outu out表示:表示:_动态趋势动态趋势5.Well have to _ how much food well need for the party.6.She was able to _ her father at the other si

17、de of the room.pick out,work outu out表示:表示:_可明显看到可明显看到pick outwork outjudge一、根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。一、根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。1.Judging from the writing style of the passage,it is a piece of advertisement._2.I judged him to be about 50._3.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.(2010 重庆)_4.Ive been asked

18、 to judge the essay competition._5.She is a famous judge in court.(2016 上海)_判断判断估计估计评价评价担任裁判担任裁判法官法官二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.The crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races,_(judge)by their happy faces.2.I respect his _(judge)and Ill follow any

19、advice he gives me.3.He refused to make a judgement _ the situation.judg(e)mentjudgingabout/on一、填入适当的介词完成下列各句。1.His work is good _ respect of quality.2.Children should have respect _ their grandparents.(2014 广东)3._ respect to your other suggestion,I am not yet able to tell you our decision.二、写出下列句子中respect的汉语释义。1.When visiting another country,you should be aware of those differences and respect them.(2014 重庆)_ 2.She respected him for his honesty._ 3.The new leader has promised to respect the constitution(宪法)._ inforWithrespect尊重尊敬遵守谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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