(推荐)七年级英语下册 Unit 2 I'm going to study computer science Section A(1a-2c)课件.ppt

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1、Unit 2 Im going to study computer science.,Section A(1a-2c),a computer programmer,an astronaut,What are their jobs?,a singer,a dancer,a professional basketball player,a doctor,a pianist,a teacher,a policewoman,a writer,an engineer,a pilot 飞行员,an actoractress,a soldier,a reporter,a cook,a violinist,a

2、 scientist,waitress,bus driver,Pair work: What are you going to be when you grow up?,长大,Im going to be,I want to be a basketball player.,I want to be a teacher.,I want to be an actor.,What do you want to be when you grow up?,1a Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them 1-12.,_computer progr

3、ammer _ cook _ doctor _ engineer _ teacher _ violinist _ bus driver _ pilot _ pianist _ basketball player _ scientist _ actor,Pair work:,A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be a/an,A:How are you going to do that? B:Im going to,A:Where are you going to work? B:Im going to wor

4、k in,1b Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.,puter programmer a. take _ lessons 2.basketball player b. study_ science 3.engineer c. practice _ every day 4.actor d. study _ really hard,acting,computer,basketball,math,1c Pair work,A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im goi

5、ng to be a basketball player. A: How are going to do that? B: Im going to practice basketball every day.,engineer study math hard,-What are you going to be when you grow up? -Im going to be an engineer. - How are you going to do that? - Im going to study math hard.,actor take acting lessons,-What ar

6、e you going to be when you grow up? -Im going to be an actor. -How are you going to do that? -Im going to take acting lessons.,2a Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check ( ) the correct boxes in the picture.,2b Listen again. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the chart.,He is go

7、ing to be a teacher.,He is going to move to Beijing.,He is going to learn how to teach children.,He is going to finish high school and college first.,B: He is going to be a teacher.,B: He is going to move to Beijing.,B: He is going to learn how to teach children.,B: He is going to finish high school

8、 and college first.,A: What is Cheng Han going to be?,A : Where is Cheng Han going to move?,A: What is Cheng Han going to do?,A: When is Cheng Han going to start?,2c Ask and answer questions,2d Role-play the conversation.,Andy: What are you reading, Ken? Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. An

9、dy: Wow, now I know why youre so good at writing stories. Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer. Andy: Really? How are you going to become a writer? Ken: Well, Im going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be?,Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that. Ken:

10、Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! Andy: Yes, youre right.,1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 1) 这是一个be going to用于特殊疑问句 的句子, be going to用于疑问句中将be 放在主语前。如: Are you going to hike to the top of the m

11、ountain?你们要徒步登上山顶吗?,Language points,How are you going to do that? 你打算怎么做? be going to表示将要发生的动作, 含有“计划, 打算”的意思, 后跟动词 原形。常跟表将来的时间连用。 如: next Sunday下星期天, next month下个月, next year 明年等。,如: I am going to play football this afternoon 我打算今天下午踢足球。 Im not going to swim this Sunday. 这个星期天我不打算去游泳。,2) grow up 指人

12、或动物长大、成年、 成熟。 如: Shes growing up fast. 她长得很快。 A close friendship gradually grew up between them. 他们之间的友谊日益亲密。,2. He is going to move to Beijing. 他将搬去北京住。 1) move v. a. (使) 移动 Who has moved my book? 谁动我的书了?,Who Moved My Cheese is a popular book. 谁动了我的奶酪是一本很畅销的书。 b. 迅速移动 That car was really moving. 那汽

13、车跑得可真快。 c. 搬家 Were going to move next week. 我们打算下周搬家。,I. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。 1.Tom is going to be a p_ because he loves planes. 2.Jimmy likes computers very much, so he is going to be a computer p _. 3.Im going to be a d_ in a hospital, because I want to help sick people. 4.My sister loves children very

14、 much, so she is going to be a t_.,Practice,ilot,rogrammer,octor,eacher,II.根据汉语,翻译句子。 1.-你长大了干什么? -我想当一名记者。 2.-他打算怎样成为一名演员? -他打算去上表演课。 3.-他们打算搬往哪里? -他们打算搬往上海。,- Where are they going to move? - Theyre going to move to Shanghai.,- How is he going to be an actor? - He is going to take acting lessons.,-

15、 What are you going to be when you grow up? - Im going to be a reporter., Match these questions and answers: 1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Are you going to sing country music? 3. How are you going to become a singer? 4. When are you going to start? 5. Where are you going to take s

16、inging lessons?,c,e,b,a,d,a. Im going to take singing lessons. b. Im going to start next month. c. Im going to be a singer. d. In New York City. e. No, Im not.,New Years Resolutions,Next year, Im going to :,learn to play an instrument,make the soccer team,get good grades,eat healthier food,get lots of exercises,Homework,根据图片提示或自己的实际想法编写一个对话。,-What are you going to be when you grow up? -Im going to be a/an -How are you going to do that? -Im going to,Hold fast to dreams. They will come true one day! 紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天 梦想会成真。,


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