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1、一、一、话题相关词汇话题相关词汇1祖先_ 2亲属,亲戚_ 3警察,巡警_ 4会计,会计师_5建筑师,设计师_6药剂师;化学家_7运动员_8物理学家_9教授_ancestor relative policeman accountant architect chemist athlete physicistprofessor 10记者,新闻通讯员_11教师,教员_12训练人;教练_13翻译家,译者_14同事;工友_15积极的,主动的_16无私的_ 17体贴的_18精力旺盛的_ 19诚实的,正直的_20仁慈的;宽大的_ 21完美的,极好的_22个人的,私人的_ reporter teacher tr

2、ainer translator workmate active selfless/unselfishconsiderate energetic honest merciful perfect personal 23灵巧的,伶俐的;时髦的_24有希望的_25挑战的_26热情的,热心的_27代替,顶替 adv.28乐意地_29故意地_ 30敏感的_31友谊_32友好的_33珍贵的_34通情达理的_ smart hopeful challenging enthusiastic instead willingly deliberately sensitive friendship friendly

3、precious understanding二话题相关词组二话题相关词组1.熟知某人_2.和某人交朋友_3.一个很强的个性_4.一个亲密的朋友_5.相互信任_6.与分享_7.对忠诚_8.与保持联系_9.守信用;履行诺言_10.照顾_ know sb.well make friends with sb.a strong personality a close friend trust each other share with sb.be loyal to keep in touch with sb.keep ones promise/word look after/take care of.1

4、1.看不起,轻视_12.炫耀_13.坚持_14.向某人求助_ look down upon show off stick to turn to sb.for help三、实用句子操练1.他不是个随和的人,很难相处。_ _2.这是我第一次举办画展。_ _3.他学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。_ 4.她把日记作为最好的朋友;在日记中她表达(reveal)了过上正常的生活的渴望。_ _He is not easy-going.Its very hard to get along with him It is/was the first time that I has/had held an art e

5、xhibition.Hard as he worked,he failed in the exam She regarded the diary as her best friend,and in it she revealed her desire for a normal life.5.他在想是否因为她的朋友对她很关心所以她的心情 才平复下来。_ _ _6.他想感激他的教练和朋友们对他的帮助。_ _He wonders whether it is because her friends are so concerned about her that she has calmed herse

6、lf down.I want to thank my coach and my friends for all their help.7.我觉得非常荣幸有机会和这么多优秀的同学一 起学习,有些非常热心,有些非常勤奋,有些 非常善良。_ _ _ _8.在我们遇到麻烦时他总是乐于帮助我们,尤其 是在我们在英语学习中遇到困难时。_ _ _ _I find it an honor for me to have the chance to study with so many excellent/good students,some warm-hearted,some diligent and some

7、 kind.He is always ready to help us when we are in trouble,especially when we come across some difficulties in our English studies读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。I have been a friend with John since we went to primary school.We have the same interest in football and films and we like the same food.

8、But the most interesting thing is that we studied in the same class in the same primary school and middle school!But something terrible happened to us.We had a math examination last week.When I was busy checking my answers,my deskmate,John,whispered to me.“Could you please show me your answers?”I fe

9、lt very bad at that moment.After all,it was en examination.We would cheat at it if I said“yes”to him.On the other hand,we are good friends,so how can I say“no”when he asks for help.In my opinion,honesty is more important than the score.Therefore,I finally did not show John my answers.Alter the exami

10、nation.I explained to John why I said“no”to him at that time.He accepted my explanation and we are good friends again.写作内容 1概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约30;2就“我难忘的友谊”这个主题写一个故事,至 少包括以下的内容要点,该部分的词数大约120;(1)叙述你与你的朋友之间一件难忘的往事;(2)你如何评价自己对朋友的态度?(3)这件往事使你对友谊有什么看法?写作要求 1可以使用实例或者其他论证方法支持你的观 点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但是不得直接引 用原文中的

11、句子;2标题自定 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。This text tells us the true meaning of friendship.In the exam,the author refused to show his friend,John,the answers,which made John very unhappy.Finally,they became friends again after the authors explanation._ Now I think of my friend.Liu Hua was slow in English and I

12、often helped him.He helped me with math,so we became good friends.Slowly his English got better but my math remained the same.I felt very bad.One day I asked him for the dictionary I had lent him.He said he had returned to me and I got angry with him.Later,he went to England and I found my dictionar

13、y under the bed.I got a letter of thanks and also a new dictionary from him._ I was wrong.I was not a true friend to Liu Hua.I didnt trust him and easily got jealous of him.I didnt feel really happy for his progress.In my opinion,true friends can correct each others mistakes,help each other with trouble and must be true to each other.A friend in need is a friend indeed._ _


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