Unit2 Period 2 Reading and Thinking-(ppt课件+音频)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.rar

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    • Unit2 Period 2 Reading and Thinking-课件-湖北省利川市第一中学2020-2021学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修二.pptx--点击预览


read and learn the difficult situations the Tibetan antelope once faced;read and know what people have done to make better living environment for Tibetan antelopes;read and think how people live in harmony with wildlife.Unit2Wildlife ProtectionReading and Thinking-梁丹梁丹Gussing game Guess out the wild animals in EnshiYou perform,I guessGolden Monkey金丝猴Golden Cat金猫Butterfly中华虎凤蝶Frog虎纹蛙Two big and long horns(角)on the head.One of the rarest(最珍贵的)animals on the Tibetan Plateau(高原).Live in Changtang National Nature Reserve(羌塘国家自然保护区).Gussing Game Tibetan antelopeDo you think they are very lovely?Tibetan antelopes are being hunted illegally for their valuable fur.What happened to them?What should we do to protect them?What should we do to protect them?why not come to their habitat(栖息地)for a visit?Lets begin our journey to Tibet together with me!Predict A Day in the CloudsWhose day is it?Where do they go?Why do they go there?What do they see?A Day in the CloudsWhose day is it?Where do they go?A Day in the CloudsWhose day is it?VSBA WriterZhaxihunterWhere do they go?Changtang National Nature Reserve羌塘国家自然保护区Why do they go there?What do they see?A Day in the CloudsTo observe Tibetan antelopesA herd of graceful animalsThey move slowly across.What happened to Tibetan antelopes in the past?Reading for details(Para 4)Their population were_in the 1980s and 1990s.increasingdecreasing VS50%Reading for details(Para 4)Their population dropped by more than 50 percent.Here“dropped”can be replaced by _.A.increasedB.grewC.fell/decreasedReading for details(Para 4)Why did their number decrease in the 1980s and 1990s according to the passage?A.Hunters were shooting them to make profits.B.New roads and railways were bult.C.The enemies attack on the Tibetan Plateau.D.The natural disasters caused the death.make moneyWhat are people doing to help Tibetan antelopes at present?Reading for details(Para 5-6)1.What are people doing to help protect them according to the passage?A.Bridges and gates are added to let them move easily and keep them safe from train and cars.B.Ask for contributions from people all over the world.C.The Chinese government placed it under national protection.D.Set up/establish more nature reserves.E.Many volunteers watch over them day and night.Can you paraphrase this sentence?The Chinese government put the antelopes under national preservation,which further shows the importance of protecting this species from becoming extinct.Reading for details(Para 5-6)2.What was the result?Effective or ineffective?3.Why doesnt the government intend to stop the programme?Reading for structureParagraph 1Paragraph 2-3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5-6Paragraph 7A.We must change our way of life.B.Were here to observe Tibetan antelopes.C.The danger Tibetan antelopes are in.D.The goverment took effective measures.E.Tibetan antelopes had a hard time.Especially in Enshi,what can we do to protect wild animalsin the future?Only when we Only when we Only when we Only when we learn learn learn learn to to to to exist in exist in exist in exist in harmony withharmony withharmony withharmony with nature nature nature nature can we stop being can we stop being can we stop being can we stop being a threat toa threat toa threat toa threat to wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.Only when we Only when we Only when we Only when we learn learn learn learn to to to to exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony withwithwithwith nature can we stop being nature can we stop being nature can we stop being nature can we stop being a threat toa threat toa threat toa threat to wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.When we only When we only When we only When we only learn learn learn learn to to to to exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony withwithwithwith nature,we can stop being nature,we can stop being nature,we can stop being nature,we can stop being a threat a threat a threat a threat totototo wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.Can you paraphrase this sentence?Only when we Only when we Only when we Only when we learn learn learn learn to to to to exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony exist in harmony withwithwithwith nature can we stop being nature can we stop being nature can we stop being nature can we stop being a threat toa threat toa threat toa threat to wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.wildlife and to our planet.When human beings and nature are living When human beings and nature are living When human beings and nature are living When human beings and nature are living together together together together peacefullypeacefullypeacefullypeacefully,people will no longer,people will no longer,people will no longer,people will no longer be a be a be a be a dangerdangerdangerdanger to wildlife as well as their to wildlife as well as their to wildlife as well as their to wildlife as well as their planet.planet.planet.planet.Can you paraphrase this sentence?Post Reading-Design a slogan(口号口号)A.No sale,no killing.B.More volunteers,less killers.Post reading-Design a slogan(口号)Some useful structures:uNo ,no uMore ,less uLets uWhen stops,can,too.uTo is to Post Reading-Design a slogan(口号口号)Its your show time!Open their eyes with love;Dont close their eyes with grave.Dont be bitter;Save the critterShoot me with camera,Dont shoot me with gunDont cage the animals;Cage the crueltyPost reading-Take an oath(宣誓)More protecting,less huntingMore helping,less destroying Help wildlife,help ourselvesLets share the same world together!Unseen they suffer.看不见他们在遭受痛苦的折磨。Unheard they cry.听不到他们在哭泣。In agony they linger.它们在痛苦不堪中痛苦残喘。In loneliness they die.它们在孤独寂寞中死去。Keep wildlife in the wild.保持野生动植物在野外生存的状态吧!Keep wildlife in the WILD1.Watch the movie.Kekexili:Mountain Patrol.2.Make a poster to increase peoples awareness of wildlife protection.Expression-learningExpression-learning1.nature reserve2.make out3.a herd of4.on the plain5.be struck by 6.remind sb.of sth.7.drop by8.make profit9.place sth.under protection10.watch over 11.day and noght12.be removed from 13.intend to do sth.14.in harmony with15.be a threat to.自然保护区自然保护区看出,辨认出看出,辨认出一群一群(牛牛/羊羊/象象)a herd of elepants在平原上在平原上被被.打动打动/迷住迷住提醒某人某事提醒某人某事下降了下降了盈利盈利保护保护.看护,照管看护,照管日日夜夜日日夜夜now and then more or less here and there sooner or later back and forth up and down 从从.移除移除打算打算.和谐,一致和谐,一致对对.造成威胁造成威胁PracticePracticeremove from,make out,remind,reserve,intend to,in harmony with 1.I want to go and see the lions in the nature _.2.Can you _ what the object is on the other side of the valley?3.Just now,the girl _ me that I will attend the meeting tomorrow.4.At least three bullets _ his wounds last night.5.I _work as a volunteer in an environmental protection organization during the summer holidays.6.Your suggestions are not _ the aims of this project.7.He is likely to be _ the Spanish player in the final.reservemake outremindedwere removed fromintend toin harmony witha threat toSentence-learningSentence-learning1.To our left,snow-covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.2.The government,however,does not intend to stop the protection programmes,since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.3.Much is being done to protect wildlife,but if we really wantto save the planet,we must change our way of life.4.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to widlife and to our planet.e.g.Only in this way can we help the endangered animals.Only then did we know the animals were in danger.Only when we know the threat will we find out ways to help them.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and our planet.“Only+状语状语”位于句首,主句部分使用部分倒装。位于句首,主句部分使用部分倒装。部分倒装结构使用部分倒装结构使用“助动词助动词/情态动情态动词词/be动词动词+主语主语+谓语谓语”。
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