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1、2020高考英语外刊学习专题(六):新型冠状病毒(来自CNN)By b&fWuhan coronavirus continues its global spread with more than 6,000 casesBy Helen Regan, Jessie Yeung and Steve George2020/1/29What you need to know about the coronavirus关于新型冠状病毒,你需要了解什么A Chinese worker is dressed in a protective suit as he takes the temperature o

2、f a woman at a subway station during the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival holiday on January 28 in Beijing. Kevin Frayer/Getty Images1月28日,在北京,一名中国工人穿着防护服,在地铁站给一个女人量体温。The death toll from the Wuhan coronavirus now stands at 132, and authorities in China and across the world are working to contai

3、n the disease.武汉冠状病毒的死亡人数目前为132人,中国和世界各地的当局正在努力控制这种疾病。Heres what you need to know:以下是您需要了解的内容: The casualties:132 people have died, all in mainland China. There are 5,974 confirmed cases across the country, and more than 70 confirmed cases outside China, including the US, Australia, France and Germa

4、ny.伤亡人数:132人死亡,全部在中国大陆。全国共有5974例确诊病例,其中美国、澳大利亚、法国和德国等70多例确诊病例。 Accelerating spread: The virus appears to be spreading rapidly-there was a 30% jump in reported cases in mainland China in just one day.加速传播:病毒似乎正在迅速蔓延中国大陆报告病例在短短一天内激增了30%。 Human-to-human infections: Germany and Japan have both confirmed

5、 cases of patients who tested positive for coronavirus, but who had not visited Wuhan.人际感染:德国和日本都确诊了冠状病毒检测呈阳性但未到武汉的患者。 Chinas response: Some 60 million people are under travel restrictions in Hubei province. The provincial capital, Wuhan, is under almost complete lockdown, with no movement in or out

6、. In several cities, businesses and schools have been closed for the next few weeks.中国的回应:湖北省约有6000万人受到旅行限制。省会武汉几乎处于完全封锁之下,没有进出。在一些城市,商业和学校已经关闭了几个星期。 Hospitals under strain: Hospital staff in Hubei province are struggling to cope with the number of patients, and supplies are running low. China has d

7、eployed 1,800 more medical personnel to the province to help.受压医院:湖北省医院工作人员正在努力应对患者人数,而且供应不足。中国已经向该省增派了1800名医务人员前往救援。 Global response: Numerous countries, including the US, have stepped up airport screenings and warned their citizens not to travel to China. Some countries, including Indonesia and th

8、e Philippines, have restricted Chinese tourists. Others have begun to plan for the evacuation of their citizens from Wuhan. Hong Kong is to stop issuing individual travel permits for travelers from mainland China.全球响应:包括美国在内的许多国家都加强了机场安检,并警告本国公民不要前往中国。一些国家,包括印度尼西亚和菲律宾,已经限制中国游客。其他人已经开始计划从武汉撤离他们的公民。香港

9、将停止为来自中国内地的旅客发放个人旅行许可证。 WHO delegation goes to China: World Health Organization sending a team of international experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak, and US health experts expect the countrys Center for Disease Control staff to be among them. 世卫组织代表团访问中国:世界卫生组织派遣一个国际专家小组前往中国调查冠状病

10、毒疫情,美国卫生专家预计中国疾病控制中心的工作人员也在其中。Japanese evacuee from Wuhan says they are relieved to be home, situation in Wuhan deteriorating从武汉撤离的日本人说,他们放心回家,武汉的情况正在恶化From CNNs Yoko Wakatsuki in TokyoTakeo Aoyama and Takayuki Kato speak to journalists following their charter flight arranged by Japans government to

11、 evacuate Wuhan at Haneda airport in Tokyo. Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images青山和高桥加藤在日本政府安排的包机撤离武汉后对记者说。Two Japanese evacuees who arrived in Tokyo Wednesday morning on a flight from Wuhan said they are relieved to be home.周三早上从武汉乘飞机抵达东京的两名日本撤离者说,他们回家感到宽慰。Speaking at a press conference after they la

12、nded, Takeo Aoyama and Takayuki Kato, both board members of the Japan Chamber of Commerce in Wuhan, said the situation in the city - which is ground zero for the outbreak - is rapidly deteriorating, and while they can still access food and other necessities, they cannot freely shop and work.在登陆后举行的记

13、者招待会上,位于武汉的日本商会理事小山和高田加藤(Takayuki Kato)表示,该市局势正在迅速恶化,尽管他们仍然可以获得食物和其他必需品,他们不能自由购物和工作。Both evacuees urged support for the Chinese people in Wuhan and spoke of their Chinese colleagues and other citizens who stayed behind.两位撤离者都呼吁支持武汉的中国人民,并谈到他们的中国同事和其他留下来的市民。The two were among 206 Japanese nationals w

14、ho arrived on a chartered flight operated by ANA, according to Japanese officials.据日本官员称,这两人是乘坐日本国民日航包机抵达的206名日本国民之一。The passengers are all quarantined on board and those with any pneumonia-like symptoms will be taken to a special medical center for treatment. Passengers without symptoms will be tak

15、en to separate hospitals for further screening. 乘客均被隔离在飞机上,有肺炎样症状的乘客将被送往特殊医疗中心接受治疗。没有症状的乘客将被送往不同的医院接受进一步检查。Japanese citizens who live close to the Huanan Seafood Market and highly-populated areas in Wuhan, were given priority on first flight. Chinese authorities have said the market is the likely so

16、urce of the coronavirus.居住在武汉华南海鲜市场和人口稠密地区的日本公民,在首航时优先选择。中国当局表示,该市场可能是冠状病毒的来源。Medical supplies for the Chinese government, including thousands of surgical masks, safety goggles and 50 protective suits, were also flown into Wuhan.中国政府的医疗用品,包括数千个外科口罩、安全护目镜和50件防护服,也空运到武汉。Australia to evacuate its natio

17、nals out of Hubei澳大利亚将其国民湖北撤离From journalist Anna Kam in Hong KongAustralian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced that his government will be evacuating Australian citizens from Hubei. Rohan Thomson/Getty Images澳大利亚总理斯科特莫里森宣布,他的政府将从湖北撤离澳大利亚公民。Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has annou

18、nced that his government will be evacuating all Australians out of the Hubei province amid the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.澳大利亚总理斯科特莫里森宣布,在武汉冠状病毒疫情期间,澳大利亚政府将疏散所有澳大利亚人离开湖北省。Morrison said theyll be focusing on the young, especially infants and the elderly for repatriation.莫里森说,他们将关注年轻人,特别是婴儿和老年人回国。Ther

19、e are more than 600 Australian citizens in the province of Hubei, including its capital city of Wuhan, according to CNN affiliate Nine News.据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)下属的九新闻报道,包括首都武汉在内的湖北省有600多名澳大利亚公民。This will be done in a last in, first out basis, Morrison said, adding that they are looking into those who hav

20、e been there who do not have established support infrastructure in where they are living.莫里森说,这将在后进先出的基础上完成,他们正在调查那些在那里没有建立支持基础设施的人。The operation, which will be aided by Australian flag carrier Qantas Airways, is still tentative, however.不过,这项由澳大利亚旗舰航空公司澳洲航空(QantasAirways)协助的行动,目前仍只是暂定。I want to str

21、ess that we cannot give a guarantee that this operation is able to succeed, Morrison said. I also want to stress very clearly that we may not be in a position if were able to do this on one occasion to do it on another.”莫里森说:我想强调,我们不能保证这次行动能够成功。我还想非常明确地强调,如果我们能够在一次做另一个场合这样做,我们可能无法处于一个位置。The move com

22、es as Australia raised its travel advice to reconsider all travel to China, due to concerns over the coronavirus. 此举正值澳大利亚提出重新考虑所有前往中国旅行的建议,原因是担心冠状病毒。Controversy of Christmas Island used as a quarantine圣诞岛作为检疫的争议Morrison said that Christmas Island will be used as a quarantine area, for returning Aus

23、tralians from Hubei.莫里森说,圣诞岛将被用作隔离区,为从湖北返回的澳大利亚人。While the Australian citizens will wait out their quarantine on the Pacific island before heading home, the use of Christmas Island to house them has drawn uneasy comparisons with the plight of refugees who have been detained there.虽然澳大利亚公民将在太平洋岛上等待隔离

24、,然后返回,但利用圣诞岛安置他们,与在那里被拘留的难民的困境产生了令人不安的比较。Australia has a strict border protection policy and sends all asylum seekers arriving on its shores by boat to detention centers for processing - Christmas Island houses one such facility.澳大利亚有严格的边境保护政策,所有乘船抵达其海岸的寻求庇护者都送到拘留中心处理 - - 圣诞岛设有一个此类设施。There have been

25、 repeated allegations of abuse and even torture of those held in Australias offshore detention centers.一再有人指控虐待甚至酷刑被关押在澳大利亚境外拘留中心的人。Morrison said that Australian returnees who do arrive on the island, would be there, we envisage, for up to 14 days. But that will be subject to the medical advice we r

26、eceive.莫里森说,抵达该岛的澳大利亚返回者将在那里,我们预计,最多14天。但是,这将受到我们收到的医疗建议的约束。He said that measure would be put in place to ensure support is provided directly to the Christmas Island community completely separate and quarantined from the support that is being provided in the quarantine zone. 他说,将采取措施,以确保支持直接提供给圣诞岛社区

27、完全分离和隔离,从隔离区提供的支持。China denounces Danish cartoon about Wuhan virus for breaching the ethical boundary of free speech中国谴责丹麦关于武汉病毒的漫画违反言论自由的道德界限From CNNs James GriffithsThe Chinese embassy in Denmark has blasted one of the countrys top newspapers for a cartoon about the Wuhan coronavirus that riffed o

28、n Chinas national flag.中国驻丹麦大使馆因一幅有关武汉冠状病毒的漫画而轰动了该国一家顶级报纸。The cartoon, published in Jyllands-Posten on Monday, showed the red flag with its yellow stars replaced by virus molecules.这幅漫画于周一发表在Jyllands-Posten上,展示了红旗,其黄色恒星被病毒分子所取代。In a statement published online, an embassy spokesperson said the drawin

29、g was an insult to China and hurts the feelings of the Chinese people.在一份在线发表的声明中,大使馆发言人表示,这幅画是对中国的侮辱,伤害了中国人民的感情。Without any sympathy and empathy, it has crossed the bottom line of civilized society and the ethical boundary of free speech and offends human conscience. We express our strong indignati

30、on and demand that Jyllands-Posten and (cartoonist) Niels Bo Bojesen reproach themselves for their mistake and publicly apologize to the Chinese people, it added.没有任何同情和同情,它跨越了文明社会的底线和言论自由的道德边界,冒犯了人类的良知。我们表示强烈愤慨,并要求吉兰兹-波斯滕和(漫画家)尼尔斯博博耶森责备自己的错误,并公开向中国人民道歉。According to Agence France-Presse, Jyllands-Po

31、stens chief editor Jacob Nybroe said the paper would not dream of poking fun at the dire situation the virus has caused in China, but refused to apologize for something we dont think is wrong.据法新社报道,Jyllands-Posten的总编辑雅各布尼布罗说,该报不会梦见病毒在中国造成的可怕状况,但拒绝为我们认为没有错的事情道歉。We have no intention of being demeanin

32、g or to mock, nor do we think that the drawing does, Nybroe said. As far as I can see, this here is about different forms of cultural understanding.Nybroe说:我们无意贬低或嘲笑,我们也不认为这幅画确实如此。就我所见,这里是关于不同形式的文化理解。Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was quoted by the Politiken newspaper as saying we have free

33、dom of expression in Denmark. Also to draw.政治报援引丹麦首相梅特弗雷德里克森的话说:我们在丹麦有言论自由。也绘制。Jyllands-Posten is no stranger to cartoon controversy. In 2005, it published depictions of the Prophet Mohammed deemed offensive by many Muslims, including one showing the founder of Islam wearing a bomb as a turban. The paper apologized, but the cartoons were seized upon by radical preachers in the Middle East and sparked several riots and attacks on Danish embassies in the region.吉兰兹-波斯滕对卡通争议并不陌生。2005年,它刊登了许多穆斯林认为具有冒犯性的先知穆罕默德的描绘,其中一幅描绘了伊斯兰教的创始人戴着炸弹作为头巾。该报道歉,但漫画被中东的激进传教士抓住,并引发了多起骚乱和袭击丹麦驻该地区的大使馆。5 / 5


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