Unit 1 重点单单词及例句 (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 1 重点单单词及例句 (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Laugh out loud 单词部分及例句单词部分及例句1.mood n.心情be in a good/bad mood 心情好/不好be in no mood for sth./to do sth.没心情/不想做某事be/feel in the mood for sth./to do sth.有(做)某事的心情/兴致moody adj.闷闷不乐的;喜怒无常的例句:He is always in a good mood.他总是心情很好。He was in no mood to celebrate.他没心情庆祝。It is difficult to predict his rea

2、ction because he is so moody.他喜怒无常因此我们很难猜到他的反应 例句:She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing.她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。The idea obviously amused him.这个想法显然把他逗乐了。To my amusement,he couldnt spell this simple word.让我感到好笑的是,他拼不出这个简单的单词2.amusement n.消遣、娱乐 amuse v.使某人感到好笑的是 amused adj.觉得好笑的 amusing ad

3、j.令人发笑的 be amused at/by.被.逗乐3.entertain v.使快乐、娱乐、招待、考虑 entertainment n.娱乐 entertaining adj.令人愉快的 entertained adj.感到快乐的 entertain sb.with sth.用.使人快乐 entertain sb.to sth.用.招待例句:She entertained the children with stories and songs.她用讲故事和唱歌来让孩子们开心。They entertained us to a delicious meal as the reward for

4、 our help.他们设盛宴款待了我们作为对我们帮助的回报。His acting made everything entertaining.他的表演让一切变得那么有趣。例句:I was trying to cheer him up.我试着让他振作起来。A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one.与深绿色房间相比,黄色的房间能让人感到更快乐、更放松。4.cheer up(使)高兴起来;(使)振作起来 cheerful adj.快乐的 高兴的 cheer sb.

5、on 为.加油例句:I dont know what it was that did the trick,but I am definitely feeling much better.我不知道是什么起的作用,但我确实觉得好多了。Sometimes the kids would play a trick on their teacher.有时孩子们会和老师恶作剧 He is a tricky fellow to do business with.他是一个很难打交道的人。5.do the trick做恶作剧,玩鬼把戏;获得成功,达到目的,奏效play a trick on 捉弄 trick or

6、 treat 不给糖就捣蛋trick sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做.trick sb.out of sth.从某人那里骗走.tricky adj.狡猾的,诡计多端的;棘手的6.examine 检查身体、检查、测验 examination n.考试 examiner n.考官例句:The doctor examined her patient carefully。医生仔细为病人检查7.advertisement n.广告 advertise vt.(为)做广告例句:If you want to sell your books,you may advertise them.如果你

7、想要卖掉你的书,你应该为书做广告。8.employ vt.雇用;使用,利用 n.受雇;服务;工作 employment n.工作;就业;受雇 unemployed adj.失业的 unemployment n.U失业人数;失业 employee n.雇员;受雇者 employer 雇主 be employed in doing sth忙于做某事 be employed as sth被雇为 employ to do sth雇用某人做某事例句:She is employed as headmistress at a school.她被聘为一所学校的校长。9.essential adj.基本的;必要

8、的;本质的;精华的 n.必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西 essentially adv.本质上 根本上 It is essential to do sth.做某事是必要的 It is essential that 很重要;有必要例句:Its essential to bring warm clothes.有必要带点保暖衣物。Play is an essential part of a childs development.玩耍是儿童成长的重要组成部分。10.impress v.盖印;强征;传送;给人印象 n.印象,特征 impression n.印象 impressive adj.给人印象深

9、刻的 令人钦佩的 impress sb.with/by sth.某物使某人印象深刻 impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人了解某事的重要性 leave/make an impression on sb.给人留下印象例句:I was hoping to impress my new boss with my diligence.我一直希望以自己的勤奋给新上司留下深刻的印象。What impressed him most was their speed.给他印象最深的是他们的速度。Parents have always tried to impress on kids the dan

10、gers of driving.家长们一直试图让孩子们牢记开车的危险。11.deserve v.应受,应得deserve to do sth应该得到sb./sth.deserve doing=sb./sth.deserve to be done 某人/某事值得被例句:They deserve their success.他们的成功理所应当。He deserves to be remembered for charity and forgiveness.=He deserves remembering for charity and forgiveness.他的仁爱和宽宏大量值得被铭记。12.w

11、itty adj.妙趣横生的 wit n.风趣、机智例句:He is a very witty speaker.他说话非常风趣。13.fame n.名声;名望 vt.使出名 famous adj.著名的例句:The film earned him international fame.这部电影为他赢得了国际声誉。14.linguist n.语言学家 linguistic adj.语言学的 lingual adj.语言的 bilingual adj.双语的15.emotive adj.使情绪激动的 emotion n.情绪情感 emotional adj.情感的16.remark n.注意;言辞

12、 v.评论、说起 remarkable adj.非凡的、显著的 remark on 谈到例句:He made an interesting remark.他的评论很有趣。17.interaction n.一起活动;合作;互相影响;互动 interact v.相互交流、互动例句:There is a need for more interaction between staff and children.教工与学生之间需要更多的交流。18.spot n.场所;职位;斑点;少量;聚光灯;粉刺 v.玷污;注意到;用灯光照射 spotted adj.有斑点的 spot sb./sth.doing 看到

13、某人/某物做.on the spot 在现场例句:Theres a spot on your shirt.你衬衣上有块污渍。They stayed at several of the islands top tourist spots.他们在岛上最著名的几处旅游景点作了停留。They know whats going on because theyre on the spot.他们知道是怎么回事,因为他们就在现场。19.cruel adj.残酷的,残忍的;无情的 cruelly adv.残忍地 cruelty n.残忍 be cruel to sb.对.残忍例句:I cant stand pe

14、ople who are cruel to animals.20.whisper vt.低声说;私语;vi.沙沙地响 n.低语,耳语;飒飒声;in a whisper 低声地 悄声地例句:He whispered the message to David.他悄声把这个消息告诉了戴维。21.roar v.吼叫;咆哮、哄笑 n.吼声;轰鸣;喧闹例句:I could hear the roar of traffic outside.我能听到外面车辆的轰鸣声。22.gently adv.温柔地;轻轻地;gentle adj.温和的 轻柔的 gentlemen n.绅士23.illuminate v.照

15、亮 照明 illumination n.阐明plicated adj.难处理的 难懂的 complicate v.使复杂化、使困难化 complication n.使复杂化的问题例句:The situation is very complicated.局势非常复杂。25.conclude v.结束、终止 conclusion n.结论、结局 conclusive adj.毫无疑问的 确定性的例句:What do you conclude from that?你能从中推断出什么?In conclusion,I would like to wish you all a happy and pros

16、perous New Year.总之,我祝愿你能度过一个开心幸福的新年。poser n.作曲家 compose v.组成,构成;创作(乐曲、诗歌等);为谱曲 例句:Ten men compose the committee.委员会由十人组成。amusement circus mood examining 单词拼写1The girl couldnt hide her _(快乐)when she saw the funny clown.2His father worked in a _(马戏团)when he was young.3He listens to rock or classical music,depending on his _(心情).4Do you know the doctor _(检查)the old patient over there?entertain ankle employer advertisement


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