Unit 2 Reading (ppt课件) (4)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 ReadingStrangers under the same roof?Language points review the text;discuss how to use some of the words and phrases;practise using them in different situations.Review:Physical changesMental needsRegular and honest communicationEverything will turn out all right in the end.Language points:1.

2、Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.argument n.argue v.argue with sb.about/over sth.argue for/against argue that就某事与某人争论赞成/反对做某事主张,认为Exercises:1.Were always arguing _each other _money.我们总是为钱争吵。2.They _ the right to enjoy free medical care.他们为享受免费医疗的权利据理力

3、争。3.Most parents _students having class on weekends.大多数父母反对学生周末上课。4.He _they needed more time to finish the project.他提出理由说明他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。withabout/overargue forargue againstargued that2.Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tensions.result in 导致 导致了这场交通事故 Positive thinking and actio

4、n _success.正向的思维和积极的行动造就了成功。补充:result from 由于,因而发生 It is said that the forest fire _the recent dry weather.据说森林火灾是由于最近干燥的天气引起的。result in the traffic accidentresult inresulted from3.You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends,shooting up in height or getting left

5、far behind.rate n./v.at a/an rate 以的速度 Guess the meanings of rate in the following sentences.1.Australias unemployment rate rose to 6.5%in February.2.We offer special reduced rates this week.3.I may be away next week but at any rate Ill be back before the meeting.4.At this rate we wont ever be able

6、to afford a holiday.5.The university is highly rated for its research.6.He is currently rated number three in the world.比率,率价格无论如何,不管怎样这样的话,照此速度认为排名Translate the following sentences.1.评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。The show was rated(as)a success by critics and audiences.2.大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。Most people walk at

7、an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.3.不管怎样,下次会议将在星期三召开。At any rate,the next meeting will be held on Wednesday.4.On the other hand,when you are struggling to control your feelings,you wish they could be more caring and patientsometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride struggle vi.n.奋斗;

8、斗争;搏斗 1)struggle for 为而奋斗,努力做 2)struggle against/with 与斗争 3)struggle to do sth.艰难地做某事,挣扎着做某事 4)struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 5)be a struggle for sb.对某人而言是困难的事Exercises:1.Lisa struggled _ her conscience before talking to the police.莉萨经过一番良心上的斗争,终于对警方说了。2.Shes struggling _(bring)up a family alone.她独自一人

9、吃力地撑着一个家。3.He has been _ success in his business.为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。4.It was _ real struggle to be ready on time.要按时做好准备确非易事。5.I struggled _my feet and started yelling.She yelled back louder.我挣扎着站起来,开始大嚷大叫。她更大声地回击。with/againstto bring struggling forato5.AII of this can lead to a breakdown in your relat

10、ionship.break down breakdown n.破裂,故障 break through breakthrough n.突破 break out outbreak n.爆发 come out outcome n.结果是 put out output n.产量辨析:1.The printing machines are always breaking down.2.Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.3.She broke down in tears when she heard the news.4.He show

11、ed us the whole dance,and then broke it down so that we could learn it more easily.5.Her health broke down under the pressure of work.出故障破裂崩溃分解垮掉6.When you disagree with your parents,take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view.View:n.看法;视线;景色 vt.把视为;观看 in

12、ones view support a view from ones point of view in view in view of come into view view as 依某人看支持一个观点从某人的角度出发在视野中鉴于,考虑到映入眼帘把视为,看作Choose the phrases from the box to complete the sentences.1._ _ _ the weather,the event will now be held indoors.2.When the car was first built,the design _ _ _ highly ori

13、ginal.3.This evidence _ _ _ that there is too much violence on television.4.The lake soon _ _ _.5._ _ _ it was a waste of time.support the view come into view view as in view of in ones view In view of was viewed supports the viewcame into viewIn my view7.After you have thought it through,explain yo

14、ur actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their concernsGuess the meanings of concern/concerned/concerning in the following sentences.1.She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.2.What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the dry season.3.As far as Americ

15、ans are concerned,a lot of our hotels are below average.4.He asked several questions concerning the causes of the accident.concern n.concern v.concerned adj.concerning prep.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of concern.1.He expressed _ over the spread of the disease.2.Many people are _ about t

16、he current economic situations.3.Discussions _ the plan got under way on 15th March.4.Our primary _ is providing jobs for young school leavers.5.As far as Im _,the children come first.6.It _ me that you no longer seem to care.concernconcernedconcerningconcernconcernedconcerns8.Just remember that it

17、is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.stress n.精神压力,紧张;强调;重读 v.强调,使紧张;加压力于;用重音读 搭配:Reduce/relieve stress 缓解压力 Put/lay stress on 强调 Stress the importance of 强调的重要性 Stressed adj.感到

18、紧张的,感到有压力的 Stressful adj.紧张的,压力重的Guess the meanings of stress in the following sentences.1.The company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.2.She lays great stress on punctuality.3.I must stress that every one of you must keep the project a secret.4.He stressed the importance of

19、a good education.5.In“strategic”,the stress falls on the second syllable.6.You stress the first syllable in“happiness”.强调,把重点放在 n.强调 n.强调 v.强调 v.重读 n.重读 v.Translate the following sentences.1.一些人受工作压力的影响,最后病倒了。Some people suffer from stress at work and become ill as a result.2.She stresses the syllab

20、les as though teaching a child.她重读这些音节,像教小孩似的。3.我总是一紧张就吃东西。I always eat when Im under stress.9.Everything will turn out all right in the end,and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.turn out 结果是,原来是 1.I was positive that things were going to turn out fine.我

21、当时就确信情况最终会好起来。2.The film turned out to be a great success.这部影片结果大获成功。3.As it turned out,it was not as difficult a she had expected.事实证明,这并非像她想的那样困难。4.It turned out that this method doesnt work well in practice.结果是这方法在实践中不太管用。辨析 1.The factory turns out cars.2.Remember to turn out the lights before yo

22、u go to bed.3.A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.4.If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans.生产、制造关掉,熄灭(灯、煤气等)出席,参加,前去观看变得(尤指天气)Fill in the blanks with the following phrases.Change the form if necessary.1.He _the conflicts between the teenagers and adults.2.The battle _many th

23、ousands of deaths.3.She refused to _on the struggle.4.The argument in the book is written from the fathers _.5.Their kids have _since I last saw them.6.We waited inside until things_.think through,point of view,back down,calm down,shoot up,result in thinks throughhas resulted inback downpoint of vie

24、wshot upcalmed downstruggleanxiousnormalconcernargumentstresscalmed downgo through Word formation The article uses some abstract nouns.Note the following suffixes and think of more abstract nouns formed with them.Then fill in the tablebelow with as many words as you can.Parts of speechSuffixesWordsA

25、djectives-ce-ty/ity independence,silence,absence,significance,patience,confidence,evidence,intelligence,distance,importancehonesty,safety,certainty,difficulty,loyalty,cruelty,naughty,sincerity,majority,abilityParts of speechSuffixesWordsNouns-hood-shipadulthood,childhood,likelihood,boyhood,brotherho

26、od,manhood,neighborhood relationship,friendship,partnership,hardship,ownership,scholarshipVerbs-ment-tion/sion-thParts of speechSuffixesWordsargument,movement,punishment,achievement,development,improvement,treatment,judgment,agreementcommunication,decision,conclusion,action,solution,devotion,education,description,education,discussiongrowth,breathThank You!


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