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4、而诞挽救民族危亡额促进民族发展而诞生的生的”。我们党的。我们党的这种产生的历史背景这种产生的历史背景,让让新冠状病毒相关练习novel coronavirus rational cloze 1 His days are long,12 hours crisscrossing(贯穿)the city and ferrying local residents to buy groceries,get medicine and go to the hospital.And the roads he travels are _1_(most)empty since the city was seale

5、d off.In his blue and white car,Zhang Lei is a rare sight on the streets of Wuhan.During normal times,Mr.Zhang,32,is _2_ taxi driver in this Chinese city at the epicenter(中心)of the outbreak.But after the local government suddenly_3_ down(封锁)the city late last month,Mr.Zhang became one of the thousan

6、ds of people _4_ have volunteered to help ease the transportation woes(困难).Most of _5_ passengers are poor,elderly residents who dont have children or whose family is outside Wuhan and cant come home because _6_ the quarantine.“Its_7_(heartbreak),”he says.“There is no one to take care of them.”mostl

7、yalockedwhohisofheartbreaking The free _8_(ride)are arranged by neighborhood committees,which typically serve as a go-between for residents and the local government.Like other drivers,Mr.Zhang doesnt get_9_(pay).Many Chinese have praised these volunteer drivers for_10_(donate)their time and energy t

8、o help out their fellow residents.ridespaiddonatingrational cloze 2.Dr.Li Wenliang,one of the eight“whistleblowers(告发者、举报人)”who tried _1_(warn)fellow medics(医师)of _2_ novel coronavirus when it first emerged(出现)in Wuhan,died early on Friday.Wuhan Central Hospital confirmed in a statement released on

9、_3_(it)official Weibo account.“Our hospitalsophthalmologist Li Wenliang was _4_(unfortunate)infected with coronavirus(新冠状病毒)during his work in the fight _5_ the coronavirus epidemic,”the statement read,_6_(add)“He died at 2:58 a.m.on February 7 after attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful.”“After

10、 emergency treatment,LiWenliang _7_(pass)away,”the Central Hospital of Wuhan announced on Weibo,Chinas version of Twitter.“We deeply regret and mourn Lis _8_(die).”Dr.Li is a hero,_9_will live in our hearts forever.May God bless all the courageous doctors and_10_(nurse)fighting on the front line.to

11、warnthe passedits unfortunately againstadding death who nursesrational cloze 3 The novel coronavirus,which_1_(origin)in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has now spread to 12 countries,has much in common _2_ seasonal flu.They are both viral infections,share similar symptoms and crucially can spread from

12、 human to human.In the midst of flu season in much of the northern hemisphere,_3_(tell)the difference between the two will be vital in stopping its spread.Human coronaviruses,of _4_there are four,can cause infections similar to flu:while many symptoms are mild,both can lead _5_ pneumonia(肺炎)and beco

13、me lethal(致命的).However,the novel coronavirus(新冠状病毒)is _6_(serious)than a typical influenza infection,says Ian Jones,a professor of virology at the University of Reading.While the mortality rates and symptoms of flu and novel coronavirus may end up being similar,humans _7_(able)to fight off the virus

14、es differ greatly.originatedwithtellingwhich tomore seriousability Flu can spread from person to person from up to six feet away,_8_(large)caused by liquid emitted when the inflicted cough or sneeze.Those infected are usually contagious for around three days following the beginning of _9_ illness,al

15、though this time-frame could stretch to over a week.All this and more remains a mystery as for the new coronavirus.To understand the virility of the outbreak,Jones urges a focus _whether or not international cases lead to secondary infections.If they dont,he explains,it would suggest that the virus

16、doesnt transmit quite so well:clearly all the people on the airplane(that traveled from an infected zone)didnt get it.largelytheiron七选五How to keep yourself safe from new virus?After a new-typecoronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central Chinas Wuhan citya month ago,more cases have be

17、en reported in recent days._1_:1.Wear masksoutdoors Wearing a mask is oneof the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected.Make sure to wear itproperly by tightening up the nose clip and pulling the bottom of it over yourchin._2_,a mask isalso needed to prevent you from spreading germs

18、 to others.2.Cover yourcoughs and sneeze with tissue Cover your mouthand nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze,or you can cough or sneezeinto your sleeve,but avoid covering with your hands directly.3._3_ Wash your handswith soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.GFC Before e

19、atingand after using the toilet After returninghome After touchingtrash or garbage After contactingwith animals or handling animal wastes 4.Strengthen yourimmune system and exercise regularly Exerciseregularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catchingany infections.Make s

20、ure thatshared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such ashospitals,railway stations and airports._4_.Seek promptmedical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection.Avoid closecontact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms._5_.Avoidcontact with w

21、ild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.BEA.If your handsare not visibly dirtyB.Eat thoroughlycooked meat and eggsC.Wash your handsfrequently and properlyD.Protect yourselfand others from getting sickE.Wear a maskif transport or movement is necessaryF.If yourenot feeling well or have

22、symptoms of feverG.To preventcatching the infection,heres what you can do 阅读理解 A new Chinese coronavirus,a cousin of the SARS virus,has infected more than 1000 people since theoutbreak(爆发)began in Wuhan,China,in December.Scientist Leo Poon,who first decoded the virus,thinks it likely started in an a

23、nimal and spread to humans.What we know is it causes pneumonia(肺炎)and then doesnt respond to antibiotic(抗生素)treatment,which is not surprising,but then in terms of mortality(死亡率),SARS kills 10%of the individuals,Poon,a virologist(病毒学家)at the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong,said

24、.TheWorld Health Organizationoffered guidance to countries on how they can prepare for it,including how to monitor for the sick and how to treat patients.Here are seven things you should know about a coronavirus.What is a coronavirus Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among a

25、nimals.In rare cases,they are what scientists call zoonoticzntk(人畜共患病),meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans,according to theUS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.ACoronavirus symptoms(症状)The viruses can make people sick,usually with a mild(轻度)to moderate(中度)upper respirator

26、y tract illness(上呼吸道疾病),similar to a common cold.Coronavirus symptoms include a runny nose,cough,sore throat,possibly a headache and maybe a fever,which can last for a couple of days.For those with a weakened immune system,the elderly and the very young,theres a chance the virus could cause a lower,

27、and much more serious,respiratory tract illness like a pneumonia or bronchitisbrkats(支气管炎).There are a handful of human coronaviruses that are known to be deadly.Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(中东呼吸综合征),also known as the MERS virus,was first reported in the Middle East in 2012 and also causes respi

28、ratory problems,but those symptoms are much more severe.Three to four out of every 10 patients infected with MERS died,according to the CDC.Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(严重急性呼吸综合征),also known as SARS,is the other coronavirus that can cause more severe symptoms.First identified in the Guangdong p

29、rovince in southern China,according tothe WHO,it causes respiratory problems but can also cause diarrheadari(腹泻),fatigue(疲劳),shortness of breath,respiratory distress(呼吸窘迫)and kidney failure(肾衰).Depending on the patients age,the death rate with SARS ranged from 0-50%of the cases,with older people bei

30、ng the most vulnerable.How it spreads Viruses can spread from human contact with animals.Scientists think MERS started in camels,according to the WHO.With SARS,scientistssuspected civet cats(狸猫)were to blame.When it comes to human-to-human transmission of the viruses,often it happens when someone co

31、mes into contact with the infected persons secretions skri()n(分泌物).Depending on how virulent vrlnt(有毒的)the virus is,a cough,sneeze or handshake could cause exposure.The virus can also be transmitted by touching something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth,nose or eyes.Caregi

32、vers(护理人员)can sometimes be exposed by handling a patients waste,according to the CDC.1.Which of thefollowing can explain the underlined word in paragraph 1?A.to find or discover sth.B.to put sth.into a code C.to change sth.into ordinary language D.to change sth.into a form that can be processed 2.Wh

33、at are the symptomsof the novel Coronavirus?A.much more severe upper respiratory tract illness B.a runny nose,cough,sore throat,possibly a headache andmaybe a fever C.diarrhea,fatigue,shortness of breath,respiratorydistress and kidney failure(肾衰)D.a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness,s

34、imilar to a common cold.3.How do the Viruses spread?A.Viruses can spread from human contact with animals.B.the viruses can transmit from human to human C.The viruses can be transmitted by touching sth polluted and droplet transmission.D.The viruses can be transmitted by touching something an infected person has touched.CCA


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