读后续写 (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、读后续写读后续写1.温暖的温暖的 2.寒冷的寒冷的 3.炎热的炎热的 4.天气晴朗的天气晴朗的 5.吸引人的吸引人的 6.令人愉快的令人愉快的 7.浪漫的浪漫的 8.瘦的瘦的 9.强壮的强壮的 10.有礼貌的有礼貌的 11.仔细的仔细的 12.勇敢的勇敢的 13.善于交际善于交际的的 14.悲观的悲观的 15.幽默的幽默的 16.自信的自信的 warm cold hot sunnyattractive pleasantromantic thinstrong polite careful brave sociable pessimistichumorous confidentWarmming-u

2、pWarmming-up一、写出下列词语的英文单词一、写出下列词语的英文单词1.He was tired.He stood up by a stick and went on.2.Mary Brown was in a shining dress.Mary danced in the middle of the stage.3.We must reach the cabin as soon as possible.We will be getting wet in the rain.4.She was frightened.She stood there and said nothing.Wa

3、rmming-upWarmming-up二、将下列句子合并为一句二、将下列句子合并为一句1.在续写的文章中能增加新的人物作为主线人物在续写的文章中能增加新的人物作为主线人物 2.续写内容中可随意变换场景地点和时间续写内容中可随意变换场景地点和时间 3.续写续写内容可以对话形式进行内容可以对话形式进行 4.续写内容的结续写内容的结尾一定是积极正面的尾一定是积极正面的 5.续写内容可以全在续写内容可以全在第一段,第二段写一两句结尾即可第一段,第二段写一两句结尾即可 6.为了丰富故事为了丰富故事情节,续写的内容可以适当增加场景描写情节,续写的内容可以适当增加场景描写 7.为了使为了使主人公结局完美,

4、可以增加玄幻灵异类的人物出场主人公结局完美,可以增加玄幻灵异类的人物出场 8.主人公的性格可以极端反转主人公的性格可以极端反转 9.可以通过可以通过重点描写解决矛盾的过程和期间主人公的心理变化来完成主人重点描写解决矛盾的过程和期间主人公的心理变化来完成主人公的性格升华公的性格升华 lead-inlead-inT T oror F FFFFTFTFFTPracticePractice One weekend in July,Jane and her husband,Tom,had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the fore

5、st.Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.By the time they reached the lake,Jane was so angry that she said to Tom,“Im going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away.With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time.After she had

6、 climbed to a high place,she turned around,hoping to see the lake.To her surprise,she saw nothing but forest and,far beyond,a snowcapped mountain top.She suddenly realized that she was lost.“Tom!”she cried.“Help”No Reply.If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.Jane kept moving

7、,but the farther she walked,the more confused she became.As night was beginning to fall,Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.Lying awake in the dark,Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.Jane rose at the break o

8、f day,hungry and thirsty.She could hear water,trickling(滴落)(滴落)somewhere at a distance.Quickly she followed the sound to a stream.To her great joy,she also saw some berry bushes.She drank and ate a few berries.Never in her life had she tasted anything better.Feeling stronger now.Jane began to walk a

9、long the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.As she picked her way carefully along the stream,Jane heard a helicopter.Is that for me?Unfortunately,the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above.A few minutes later,another helicopter flew overhead.Jane took off her yellow blo

10、use,thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.It was daybreak when Jane woke up.浏览所给信息,确定主旨大意浏览所给信息,确定主旨大意whowho whatwhat wherewhere whenwhen whywhy 文章大意文章大意 表达主题表达主题梳理已知段落,确定主要情节梳理已知段落,确定主要情节beginning

11、 development climax ending借助段落开头,确定续写内容借助段落开头,确定续写内容1.How did Jane feel then?2.How did the giants struggle through the night?3.Did she fall asleep and what did she think of?4.Was Jane rescued and who rescued Jane?5.How was she rescued and how did she feel then?增加细节增加细节Para.1Para.2天气:温暖的warm,热的hot,多雨

12、的rainy,多云的cloudy,下雪多的snowy,有雾的foggy,潮湿的wet,寒冷的cold,晴朗的clear,变化无常的changeable,有暴风雨的stormy,可怕的scary,有雨的rainy,风大的windy,糟糕的terrible,霜冻的frosty,阳光充足的sunny,令人愉快的pleasant,温和的mild词汇积累词汇积累场景描写:多石的stony,多岩石的rocky,咆哮的roaring,狭窄的narrow,给人印象深刻的impressive,长满草的 grassy,金色的golden,冰冻的frozen,平坦的 flat,干燥的dry,吸引人的 attract

13、ive,横越全国的cross-country,令人愉快的enjoyable,激动人心的exciting,难忘的unforgettable;memorable,美好的lovely,历史上著名的historic,多山的mountainous,遥远的distant;remote,浪漫的romantic,荒凉的desolate;wild,美妙的wonderful人物外貌描写:衣着不整洁scruffily dressed,衣着干净整洁neatly dressed,衣着讲究的well-dressed,衣着得体smartly dressed,相貌平平的plain,好看的good-looking,穿着优雅el

14、egantly-dressed,强壮的strong;muscular,个子矮的short,高的tall,超重的overweight,丰满的plump,瘦的thin,极瘦的skinny,苗条的slim,中等身高medium height,矮胖的tubby人物性格特征描写:头脑简单的simple-minded,有礼貌的polite,谦虚的modest,知识渊博的 knowledgeable,富于想象力的imaginative,举止粗鲁的rude;ill-mannered,工作努力的hard-working,急躁的impatient,和蔼的amiable;sweet,勇敢的brave,仔细的care

15、ful,粗心的careless,好心肠的kind-hearted,有责任心的responsible,勤奋的diligent,有经验的experienced,健忘的forgetful冷酷的cold,镇定的calm,坚强的strong,自私的selfish,浪漫的romantic,文静的quiet,焦虑的anxious;nervous,可爱的lovely,温柔的gentle,大方的generous,喜欢冒险的 adventurous,精力旺盛的energetic,有吸引力的attractive,自信的confident,幽默的humorous,乐观的optimistic,杰出的outstandin

16、g,悲观的pessimistic,令人愉快的pleasant,骄傲的proud,没礼貌的impolite,善于交际的sociable并列:not only.but also.;both.and.;neither.nor.;and对称:On the one hand,On the other hand;for one thing,for another;对比:on the contrary;while递进:even;whats more;besides;whats worse;to make things worse,worse still转折:but,however,otherwise因果:as;because;since;for让步:though;even if/though;no matter.;whether.or.常用连词常用连词完成完成practicepractice这篇读后续写这篇读后续写HomeworkHomeworkThank Thank you!you!


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