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1、50分阅读限时满分练(四)(限时35分钟).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)A(2022广东湛江第二次模拟)Xian enjoys a reputation as a “Living History Museum” due to its rich,diverse collection of historical and cultural treasures.Apart from the Terracotta Warriors,there are also some other attractions in the city.Here are some of them.An

2、cient City WallXian City Wall was built in the 14th century in the Ming Dynasty as a military defense system.Now it is one of the oldest and best preserved Chinese city walls.The wall is now a landmark,dividing the city into inner and outer areas.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda(塔)Situated in an ancient temp

3、le,the pagoda built with layers of bricks was built in the Tang Dynasty.It is traditional Chinese architecture.One of the main functions of the pagoda was to store Buddhist scriptures(经文) and figurines brought to China from India by the famous monk and traveler Xuan Zang,who stayed here for 19 years

4、 translating Buddhist scriptures.Shaanxi History MuseumThe Shaanxi History Museum,built in 1991,is home to over 370,000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years.The museum consists of three main sections.Its collections range from bronze ware(器皿) to pottery ware,gold and silver ware and m

5、ural paintings from the Tang Dynasty tombs.The Muslim QuarterOne of the highlights is its local snacks when you tour Xian.The best food destination is the Muslim Quarter,which has a history of several hundred years.Consisting of a number of food streets,the area has become a famous attraction in the

6、 city for its rich and authentic Muslim cultural atmosphere.1.In which place can you know more about Buddhism?A.Ancient City Wall.B.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.C.Shaanxi History Museum.D.The Muslim Quarter.2.What can you do when you visit the Muslim Quarter?A.Create bronze ware.B.Eat diverse delicious s

7、nacks.C.Visit some watchtowers.D.Translate Buddhist scriptures.3.What do you know from the text?A.The Shaanxi History Museum has exhibits made of gold.B.Xuan Zang died in the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.C.The Xian City Wall is the oldest Chinese city wall.D.The Muslim Quarter has a history of 100 years.

8、B(2022湖南湘潭高三第三次模拟考试)Six-year-old Kendall Johnson has been in love with gardening all her life.Now,the native of Georgia is the states youngest certified farmer.Taught by her grandmother,Kendall started her first garden on a backyard,and by her fourth birthday,she had a backyard garden filled with ca

9、rrots,tomatoes,onions,cucumbers and strawberries.Her green thumb just didnt extend in the walls of her garden.She started a monthly gardening club with subscription food boxes,to help spread awareness about farming among her peers.Kendalls journey to becoming a certified farmer didnt happen overnigh

10、t.First,she had to get a business unit at the state and federal levels.Then she joined various farming organizations associated with Georgias Department of Agriculture and Georgia Farm Bureau.This made her qualified to be certified.The ambitious grower was to apply for scholarships so she can purcha

11、se her own land and run the business,which she can legally do now that she is certified.She also hopes to raise $10,000 for an outdoor agricultural science lab to begin composting.Kendalls mother told ABC News her daughter was “the example of young entrepreneurship and the future of Black farmers”.B

12、lack farmers are few and far between.According to the U.S.Department of Agriculture,of the farmers in the United States,less than 2% are black.However,Black people do have a strong history in farming.In 1920 there were nearly a million black farmers in the United States:there are just 45,000 now.But

13、 Kendall can help change that.Kendall regularly attends farming conferences and Agriculture summits and is committed to making a difference in the field.Throughout it all,she is still a kid and says her main goal is to make new friends.But along the way she also hopes to motivate those friends to gr

14、ow an interest in farming.4.What can we learn about Kendalls gardening club?A.It took her over a month to prepare.B.It made her the youngest certified farmer.C.It was created as a gift for her fourth birthday.D.It is aimed at teaching other kids about farming.5.What does the author intend to convey

15、in paragraph 2?A.Getting certified as a farmer is not easy.B.Kendall is the youngest farmer in the USA.C.The journey to Kendalls garden is difficult.D.Kendall is popular among farming organizations.6.What enables Kendall to buy land for her business?A.Asking for scholarships.B.Raising money by deliv

16、ering speeches.C.Earning money through her science lab.D.Selling her own produce from her garden.7.What is Kendalls wish according to the last paragraph?A.To educate the black farmers.B.To organize more farming meetings.C.To teach other kids to plant vegetables.D.To make more friends and inspire the

17、m.C(2022河北保定高三一模)Extremely energetic light from space is an unexplained wonder.Scientists dont know where that light comes from,exactly.And now astronomers have spotted this light,called gamma(伽马) rays,at higher energies than ever before.You cant see gamma rays with your eyes.They are much more ener

18、getic than the light that we can see.So,you need a fancy detector to spot them.The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is an experiment in China.It searches for extremely high energy gamma rays.Scientists have spotted 12 gamma-ray hot spots.These are parts of the sky from which the g

19、amma rays are sent out.Those hot spots show that our galaxythe Milky Way,has powerful particle accelerators(加速器).But those particle accelerators arent made by humans.Instead,they come from violent events in the universe.They might be exploding stars,for example.Such violent events make electric and

20、magnetic fields,which can speed up protons(质子) and electrons.Those fast particles can then produce gamma rays with a lot of energy.That can happen when protons interact with other matter in space,for example.Scientists arent sure what could produce gamma rays with the extreme energies observed.But t

21、he new observations point to two possibilities.One hot spot was associated with the Crab Nebula.Thats the remains of an exploded star.Another possible source was the Cygnus Cocoon.Thats a region where massive stars are forming.The stars send out intense winds in the process.LHAASO is located on Haiz

22、i Mountain in Chinas Sichuan Province.It is not yet fully operational.Its due to be completed later this year.Then,it could find even more gamma rays.8.What can we learn about gamma rays?A.They are invisible.B.They are often ignored.C.They contain little energy.D.They are used to explore universe.9.

23、Why are some examples used in paragraph 3?A.To make the explanation lively.B.To help understand the Milky Way.C.To illustrate the universe is expanding.D.To show how gamma rays might be produced.10.Which word can describe the astronomical observation mentioned in this text?A.Disappointing.B.Exciting

24、.C.Accurate.D.Unconfirmed.11.What is a suitable title of this text?A.Gamma Rays Come from Multiple SourcesB.The Universe Is Exploding with Great EnergyC.Light from Space Has Recorded-Breaking EnergyD.Gamma Rays Can Only Be Seen by AstronautsD(2022广东五月模拟押题卷)The COVID crisis has led many scientists to

25、 take up arms (or at least keyboards) to defend their companies and to be sure,science needs defenders these days.But in their passion to fight back against vaccine(疫苗) rejection and other forms of science denial(否定),some scientists say things that just arent true.One popular move is to insist that

26、science is right and that once we discover the truth about the world,we are done.Anyone who denies such truths (they suggest) is stupid or ignorant.Even a modest familiarity with the history of science offers many examples of matters that scientists thought they had decided,only to discover that the

27、y needed to be reconsidered.Some familiar examples are Earth as the center of the universe,the absolute nature of time and space,the stability of continents,and the cause of infectious diseases.Science is a process of learning and discovery,and sometimes we learn that what we thought was right is ac

28、tually wrong.Science can also be understood as an institution (or better,a set of institutions) that promotes this work.To say that science is “true” or “permanent” is like saying that “marriage is permanent”.At best,its a bit off-key.Marriage today is adapted to a world that is very different from

29、what it was in the 16th or 18th century,so are most of our “laws” of nature.They are at best,true for now or true until proven otherwise.In my view,the biggest mistake scientists make is to claim that this is all somehow simple and therefore to imply that anyone who doesnt get it is dumb(愚蠢的).Yet sc

30、ience is not simple,and neither is the natural world where the greatest challenge of science communication lies.Scientific theories are not perfect copies of reality,but we have good reasons to believe that they capture(捕获) significant elements of it.And experience reminds us that when we ignore rea

31、lity,it sooner or later comes back to bite us.12.What can we learn from paragraphs 1 and 2?A.What scientists said is absolutely trustworthy.B.Scientific findings call for further consideration.C.Its unwise to deny some truths scientists have found.D.Social common sense contributes to discovering a s

32、cientific theory.13.Why does the author compare science to marriage?A.Neither science nor marriage is reliable.B.Both science and marriage are true and permanent.C.Neither science nor marriage remains the same all the time.D.Both science and marriage can help us tell right from wrong.14.What can we

33、know about scientific findings?A.They are always permanent.B.They can be proven by experiments.C.We should be ready for their changes.D.Different scientific methods reach more scientific findings.15.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Are Scientists Dependable?B.Is Science Ac

34、tually “Right”?C.Does Truth Really Function?D.Whats the Scientific Method?.七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)(2022山东济宁高三第三次模拟)Why do visitors go to museums?I often ask this question to those who have ever come to a museum.16 As an artist and part of the educational staff at the Walker Art Center,I hope to di

35、g into visitors need so that we could tailor museum experiences to create more successful visitor experiences.Here is my observation of each motivational identity and characterization of different types of visitors.ProfessionalsThis category includes teachers,educators,museum professionals,artists,a

36、nd people in related fields.17 For example,a photographer may attend with the goal in mind to take pictures or to learn about photography through exhibits.An art educator may be interested in the art to broaden the knowledge of his own field or to plan a lesson.Explorers18 If you ask them if they li

37、ke art they will say “yes”;but if you ask them if they come for something in particular,they will probably say “no”.They do not have concrete learning goals but they like to know new things.They may or may not know how to use the museum.Experience SeekersAn experience seeker is a person who is check

38、ing off a list of landmarks to visit,whether personal or as a tourist.19 They simply want to do “what youre supposed to see in that city or area”.This type of visitors may need to see the museums highlights to feel satisfied.FacilitatorsFacilitators come because of someone else.They are perhaps brin

39、ging a friend or a group of peoplepossibly the children or studentsbecause they think the visit would benefit others,not out of a personal need.20A.They want to see what is typical of that place.B.Their goals may range by their particular roles.C.There are different reasons for visitors coming here.

40、D.You may wonder why Im interested in this question.E.Others will naturally pay a visit to museums regularly.F.Their personal need is to make a good experience for others.G.They come because attending museums satisfies their curiosity.50分阅读限时满分练(四).【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了西安的四个旅游胜地古城墙、大雁塔、陕西历史博物馆和穆斯林区

41、。1.B解析: 细节理解题。根据Giant Wild Goose Pagoda部分的介绍可知,在那里你可以更多地了解佛教,故选B项。2.B解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,在穆斯林区你可以品尝到各式各样美味小吃,故选B项。3.A解析: 细节理解题。根据“Shaanxi History Museum”部分的最后一句“Its collections range from bronze ware to pottery ware,gold and silver ware and mural paintings from the Tang Dynasty tombs.”可知,那里的展品有金器,故选A

42、项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。六岁的Kendall Johnson热爱园艺,开办了一个每月一次的园艺俱乐部,以帮助她在同龄人中传播关于农业的意识。4.D解析: 细节理解题。由第一段中“She started a monthly gardening club with subscription food boxes,to help spread awareness about farming among her peers(她开办每月一次的园艺俱乐部,提供订阅食物盒,以帮助她在同龄人中传播农业意识).”可知,Kendall的园艺俱乐部目的是教其他孩子农业知识,故选D项。5.A解析: 推理判断

43、题。由第二段“Kendalls journey to becoming a certified farmer didnt happen overnight.First,she had to get a business unit.Then she joined various farming organizations.This made her qualified to be certified.”可推知,作者在第二段中想表达获得农民资格证不容易,故选A项。6.A解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中“The ambitious grower was to apply for scholarship

44、s so she can purchase her own land and run the business,which she can legally do now that she is certified.”可知,申请奖学金使Kendall能够为她的企业购买土地,故选A项。7.D解析: 细节理解题。由最后一段中“Throughout it all,she is still a kid and says her main goal is to make new friends.But along the way she also hopes to motivate those frien

45、ds to grow an interest in farming.”可知,Kendall的愿望是结交更多的朋友并激励他们,故选D项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。天文学家发现了一种被称之为“伽马射线”的光,这种光的能量巨大,文章对此做了介绍。8.A解析: 细节理解题。由第二段中“You cant see gamma rays with your eyes.”可知,伽马射线是肉眼看不见的,故选A项。9.D解析: 推理判断题。由第三段中“.they come from violent events in the universe.They might be exploding stars,for

46、 example.”和“Those fast particles can then produce gamma rays with a lot of energy.That can happen when protons interact with other matter in space,for example.”这些信息可以推知,本段中的例子是为了说明伽马射线很可能出自这些宇宙中的强烈事件,故选D项。10.D解析: 推理判断题。由第四段中“Scientists arent sure what could produce gamma rays with the extreme energi

47、es observed(科学家们不确定是什么能产生观测到的有极端能量的伽马射线).”可知,文中提到的天文观测的结果尚不能确定,故选D项。11.C解析: 主旨大意题。由全文内容尤其是第一段中主题句“And now astronomers have spotted this light,called gamma rays,at higher energies than ever before.”可知,本文主要围绕天文学家发现的能量巨大的伽马射线展开,故答案为C项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。文章就“科学是否是正确的”这一话题展开论述。作者认为科学应该是一个学习和发现的过程,科学发现不是永久的,人

48、们应该为变化做好准备。12.B解析: 推理判断题。由第一段中“But in their passion to fight.arent true.”和第二段中“Even a modest familiarity.needed to be reconsidered.”可知,科学家可能会说不真实的事情,有些科学家认为已经解决的问题也可能需要重新思考,由此推知,科学发现需要进一步考虑,故选B项。13.C解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中“To say that science is true or permanent.our laws of nature.”可知,作者将科学与婚姻相比较是因为科学与婚姻都不是一成不变的,故选C项。14.C解析: 推理判断题。由第三段中“Science is a process.actually wrong.”以及全文内容可推知,科学发现并不是一成不变的,由此推断“我”们应该为变化做好准备,故选C项。15.B解析: 主旨大意题。文章主要就科学是否正确进行论述,说明科学应该是一个学习和发现的过程,因此B项“科学真的是正确的吗?”是最佳标题,故选B项。.【语篇导读】本文是一


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