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1、考点分类练(三)推理判断题写作意图类A(2022山东潍坊高三一模)Thirty-five years ago,with just one acre of land,a couple of seeds and a bucket of hope,one Nigerian-born scientist began his mission to defeat famine(饥荒) on his continent.News of the drought across Africa in the early 1980s troubled Nzamujo.Equipped with a microbiol

2、ogy PhD and his faith,he travelled back to Africa.There,he found a continent ecologically rich,diverse and capable of producing food.He believes drought wasnt the only reason for widespread hunger,and that sustainability had been left out.Nzamujo began designing a “zero waste” agriculture system tha

3、t would not only increase food security,but also would help the environment and create jobs.In 1985,he started his sustainable farm “Songhai” in the West African country of Benin.Nzamujo lives on the farm and constantly updates his techniques.He credits his degrees in science and engineering with So

4、nghais success.But he also thanks his spiritual and cultural roots,and his fathera driving force in his life who encouraged him to pursue his studies to the highest degree and to use Songhai to share his knowledge.Songhai has several “eco-literacy” development programs.They range from 18-month train

5、ing courses for farmer-enterprisers,to shorter stays to learn techniques like weeding.People come from all over the world to study Nzamujos methods.After seeing success on his first zero waste farm,he expanded throughout Benin and western Africa.Today,the Songhai model is applied across the continen

6、t,including Nigeria,Uganda,Sierra Leone and Liberia.Nzamujo says theyve trained more than 7,000 farmer-enterprisers and more than 30,000 people in total since it began.Nzamujo believes zero waste agriculture is now steadily tackling the issues he set out to defeat:hunger,unemployment and environment

7、al declines.And he wants to see it go further.1.Which factor related to famine was unnoticed in Nzamujos eyes?A.Poor soil.B.Water shortage.C.Lack of resources.D.Sustainability.2.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?A.Introduce a solution.B.Give examples to the readers.C.Add some backgrou

8、nd information.D.Summarize the previous paragraphs.3.How does Songhai help to ease the problem of famine?A.By offering land.B.By trading seeds.C.By educating farmers.D.By selling technology.4.Which of the following best describes Nzamujo?A.Critical and careful.B.Learned and responsible.C.Optimistic

9、and generous.D.Considerate and ambitious.BSculpted by wind and water over millions of years,the remote canyons(峡谷) and plateaus(高原)of southeastern Utah were among the last parts of the American West to be seen by travelers from the East.Today,that rocky landscape is home to some of the most popular

10、national parks in the country.Youll need several days to take in all of the natural wonders,starting with the red rock landscape of deep opening gardens at Zion National Park.The views here may make you feel as if youre flying,especially at Angels Landing,which stands 1,488 feet above the Virgin Riv

11、er.Heading 75 miles northwest along 89A to Bryce Canyon National Park,youll see the high-rising orange rock formations,called hoodoos,long before you arrive at the park gates.Next up,the red sandstone of Capitol Reef National Park,100 miles to the northeast,resembles the look of the Red Planet.Roll

12、130 miles north for another otherworldly sight:Arches National Parks more than 2,000 dazzling(眼花缭乱的)stone arches,the largest collection of natural arches in the world.Finally,drive on to the remote canyons carved by the Colorado and Green Rivers at neighboring Canyonlands National Park.The vast wild

13、erness area offers crowd-free experiences in its remote reaches that will make you feel as if youre all alone with these spellbinding(迷人的) landscapes.5.In which park can you see the hoodoos?A.Zion National Park.B.Bryce Canyon National Park.C.Arches National Park.D.Canyonlands National Park.6.Why doe

14、s Capitol Reef National Park look like the Red Planet?A.It gives tourists a feeling of flying.B.It has opening gardens.C.It has dazzling hoodoos.D.It has red sandstone.7.What is implied in the last paragraph?A.Wonderful scenery is always far from cities.B.You will find almost no other travelers come

15、 here.C.Canyonlands National Park is a very vast park.D.You will discover the real landscapes when alone.8.What can be the purpose of the author in writing this passage?A.To introduce the amazing landscapes to tourists.B.To explain the geographic formation.C.To tell his traveling experience in Utah.

16、D.To sing high praise of the natural beauty.C(2022广东茂名二模)Using the power of artificial intelligence (AI),scientists have revealed new insights into the creation and destruction of mass extinction.Contrary to conventional knowledge,their study suggests that larger extinction is not always a form of “

17、creative destruction” that allows new organisms(生物体) to radiate and evolve.Instead,it suggests that mass extinction is rarely associated with new species of radiation.Dr.Hoyal Cuthill,the lead study author from the University of Essex in the UK and the Tokyo Institute of Technology,said in a stateme

18、nt,“Some of the most challenging things to understand the history of life are the vast timelines involved and the number of species.New machine learning applications can help us understand this information in human-readable form.This means that we can,so to speak,hold the evolution of half a billion

19、 years in the palm of our hand and gain new insights from what we see.”They concluded that mass extinction and later radiation were not connected as previously thought.Within 5 percent of the most significant periods of disruption(中断),AI detected “big five” mass extinction,seven times of more mass e

20、xtinction,two mass extinction-radiation events,and 15 times of mass radiation.Most importantly,it discovers that massive radiation and extinction rarely occur with each other,changing the view that greater extinction leads to a kind of deep cycle-like species radiation of nature.It appears that larg

21、er extinction is certainly not the engine of evolutionary radiation.Take the Cambrian eruption for example and it was about 41 million years ago when a large group of animals first appeared on the record of the first fossil record and the dawn of a high mobile animal equipped with modern physical fe

22、atures.This new study found that a handful of other notable explosions of biodiversity,including the Cambrian eruption,usually occurred at a time when they were largely isolated(隔离) from extinction.Dr.Nicholas Guttenberg,a study co-author from the Tokyo Institute of Technology explained,“Ecosystems

23、are dynamic and you dont need anything to exist to allow something new to appear.”9.What does the first paragraph serve as?A.An explanation of artificial intelligence.B.A background of researchers study.C.The reasons for creative destruction.D.The result of researchers new study.10.What can we infer

24、 from Dr.Hoyal Cuthills words?A.AI contributes a lot to the study of evolution.B.Understanding the history of life is very difficult.C.New AI machines learn applications better.D.The result of researchers new study.11.What is the researchers discovery?A.Mass extinction is unlikely to cause evolution

25、ary radiation.B.The first animal with modern features occurred during eruption.C.The volcanic eruption led to a mass extinction and radiation.D.The idea of deep cycle-like species radiation has turned out true.12.What is the text mainly about?A.New processes of biological evolution.B.New view of rad

26、iation from natural species.C.New understanding of mass extinction.D.New outbreaks of biological populations.考点分类练(三)推理判断题写作意图类【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了尼日利亚籍科学家Nzamujo建立可持续发展的农场,并在非洲其他地方加以推广,旨在解决饥荒、就业和环境问题。1.D解析: 细节理解题。由第二段中“He believes drought wasnt the only reason for widespread hunger,and that sustain

27、ability had been left out(他认为干旱不是造成饥荒的唯一原因,可持续性方面明显被忽略了).”可知,答案为D项Sustainability(可持续性)。2.A解析: 推理判断题。由第三段内容可知,科学家Nzamujo设计了一种零浪费的农业系统,该系统不仅增加粮食安全,而且有助于环境的改善,同时能增加就业,并在1985年,在西非贝宁这个国家创办了可持续发展农场,由此可推知,该段主要在介绍一种解决办法,故选A项。3.C解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“to use Songhai to share his knowledge”以及第五段中的“Songhai has seve

28、ral eco-literacy development programs.They range from 18-month training courses for farmer-enterprisers,to shorter stays to learn techniques like weeding.”可知,Songhai主要是通过教育的方式来解决饥荒问题,故选C项。4.B解析: 推理判断题。由第一段中的“began his mission to defeat famine on his continent”以及第二段中的“Equipped with a microbiology PhD

29、 and his faith,he travelled back to Africa.”可推知,Nzamujo既有学识,又有担当,故选B项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国西部犹他州地质公园的瑰丽风景,在这里你不仅可以欣赏到类似火星的地质岩层,还能看到别具特色的拱形石门。5.B解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“.along 89A to Bryce Canyon National Park,youll see the high-rising orange rock formations,called hoodoos.”可知,沿着 89A公路,到达布莱斯峡谷国家公园后,你会

30、发现高耸的橙色的岩层,称为岩柱。也就是说岩柱在布莱斯峡谷国家公园,故选B项。6.D解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Next up,the red sandstone of Capitol Reef National Park,100 miles to the northeast,resembles the look of the Red Planet.” 可知,圆顶礁国家公园的红色砂岩在东北方向100英里处,非常像红色星球的外观,故选D项。文章中的resembles与题干中的look like 同义。7.B解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句中的“.as if youre all al

31、one with these spellbinding landscapes” 可知,这片广袤的荒野提供渺无人迹的体验,这将让你觉得自己好像在与这些迷人的风景独处,故选B项。选项中的no other travelers与句中的alone同义。8.A解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中“.the remote canyons and plateaus of southeastern Utah were among the last parts of the American West to be seen by travelers from the East”可知,犹他州东南部偏远的峡谷和高原

32、是来自东部的游客最后能看到的美国西部地区,由此推知,本文的目的是为游客介绍美国西部的风景,故选A项。选项中的tourists与句中的 travelers 同义。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了研究人员借助人工智能的力量揭示了关于创造和大规模灭绝的新见解。9.D解析: 推理判断题。第一段主要交代了研究人员利用人工智能的力量得出了大规模灭绝很少与新物种的辐射联系在一起的研究成果。由此可知,本段的写作目的是“提出一个新研究的结果”,故选D项。10.A解析: 推理判断题。由第二段中的“New machine learning.This means that we can,so to spe

33、ak,hold the evolution of half a billion years in the palm of our hand and gain new insights from what we see.”可知,科学家可以掌握5亿年的进化情况是借助于人工智能来完成的,故选A项。11.A解析: 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“It appears that larger extinction is certainly not the engine of evolutionary radiation.”可知,大规模灭绝不可能引起进化辐射,故选A项。12.C解析: 主旨大意题。本文第一段揭示了科学家关于创造和大规模灭绝的新见解;第二、三段提到科学家们对这个新见解展开研究,最后证实他们的新结论。由此可知,文章主要介绍了利用人工智能对大规模物种灭绝进行的研究情况及产生的新认识,故选C项。


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