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1、Book 1 Module 5话题晨背 积累写作素材自主排查 夯实基础知识边讲边练 突破核心考点在高考语境中提升解题技能话题词汇话题词汇1.chairman n.主席2.donate vt.捐赠3.type n.类型4.arouse vt.唤醒5.curiosity n.好奇6.present n.礼物话题晨背 积累写作素材7.excitement n.兴奋8.the summer camp夏令营9.benefit from.从中受益10.choose from.从中挑选经典语篇经典语篇假如今天在物理老师的帮助下,你们做了一个有趣的实验。请根据以下实验步骤,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。1.

2、准备一支蜡烛、一个盆和一些水,一个比蜡烛稍高些的玻璃杯;2.将蜡烛置于盆底,并向盆中倒入一些水;3.点燃蜡烛,将玻璃杯罩在蜡烛上;4.当蜡烛熄灭后,看到玻璃杯中水面高于盆中水面。参考词汇:盆basin佳作欣赏佳作欣赏 Today,with our physics teachers help,we carried out an interesting experiment in class.Before we started,we prepared a candle,a basin and some water,a glass and the glass must be a little hig

3、her than the candle.First,we let the candle stand at the bottom of the basin and poured some water into the basin.Then we lit the candle and covered it with the glass that was full of air.We waited until the candle went out.To our astonishment,we saw that the water level in the glass was higher than

4、 that in the basin.How interesting an experiment lesson we had!思维发散思维发散1.将第句用另外一种方式表达2.将第句用定语从句改写3.将第句用what引导的感叹句改写with the help of our physics teachera glass that must be a little higher than the candleWhat an interesting experiment lesson we had!答案答案A.写作单词写作单词1.(n.)阶段;时期阶段;时期2.(n.)目标;目的目标;目的3.(vt.

5、)煮;煮沸煮;煮沸4.(adj.)普通的;平常的普通的;平常的5.(vi.)形成形成stageaim boil ordinary form 自主排查 夯实基础知识重点单词重点单词答案答案6.(n.)天平;平衡7.(n.)演讲8.(adj.)吃惊的;惊愕的9.(n.)设备;装备10.(n.)(大学的)科、系11.(n.)结论 (vt.)总结,推断12.(n.)反应(vi.)反应balance lecture astonished equipment department conclusion conclude reaction react 答案答案B.阅读单词阅读单词13.liquid(n.)1


7、(n.)22.facility(n.)23.mixture(n.)mix(vt.)24.electricity(n.)electrical(adj.)火焰火焰(常作复数常作复数)设备;工具设备;工具混合物混合物混合混合电电与电有关的;用电的与电有关的;用电的答案答案1.与反应2.使有条理;使整齐3.在的顶/底部4.防止进入;不让靠近5.为感到骄傲/自豪6.弄清楚;弄明白7.往加入react withput.in orderat the top/bottom ofkeep.out ofbe proud offind outadd.to.重点短语重点短语答案答案8.先走;发生;开始做,进行吧9.过

8、去(常常)10.应当;理应go aheadused to do.be supposed to答案答案1.of the earths surface water.地球表面三分之二是水。2.a world without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界。3.with the metals that react most at the top.下面是一张金属反应表,列于顶部的是反应最强的金属Two-thirdsIt is hard to think ofHere is a tableis经典句式经典句式答案答案4.you are,youll see.你离得越近,看到的就越多。5.Im go

9、ing to try to go to Montreal Ottawa University,as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我打算尽可能上蒙特利尔或者渥太华大学,因为这两所大学都有优秀的物理系。The closerthe moreeitheror答案答案Metals are very 1.(importantly)in the world.Different metals have different 2.(use).For example,steel 3.(use)in cars,and iron is used

10、in 4.(electric)equipment.When we use metals,5.is important to know 6.they react with different substances,for example,water and oxygen.7.reaction of metals with these substances can 8.(put)in order.Potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,aluminium and zinc react most,9.iron and copper react 10.(little).i

11、mportantusesis usedelectricalithowThebe putandleast课文语法填空课文语法填空答案答案返回返回aim n.目的;目标;瞄准;目的;目标;瞄准;v.瞄准;针对;努力瞄准;针对;努力应试指导活动类写作高频词汇应试指导活动类写作高频词汇边讲边练 突破核心考点(1)with the aim of以期;意在take aim at把目标对准without aim漫无目的地(2)aim at doing sth./aim at/for sth.力求达到,力争做到aim to do sth.志在,目的在be aimed at目的是;旨在(1)Now we hav

12、e to take aim at the difficult problem and try to get it solved.现在我们不得不正视这个难题并试图解决它。(2)The programme is aimed at teenage audience.这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。(3)I aim at learning ten new words by heart every day.I aim to learn ten new words by heart every day.我的目标是每天记十个新词。图解助记图解助记 特别提醒特别提醒(1)由于aim可用作及物或不及物动词,所以类

13、似以下这样的句子可用主动语态或被动语态:My remarks were not aimed/didnt aim at you.我的话并非针对你说的。(2)在take aim中,aim前不能加冠词,即使aim前有形容词,也不可加冠词。多维训练(1)单句语法填空This activity is aimed at(improve)the students ability of listening and speaking.I dont know whom the Ministers remarks were aimed,but he ought not to say such things.His

14、brother aims (be)a policeman.Never do anything aim,or youll gain nothing.improvingatto bewithout答案答案(2)Mr.Green visited China the Great Wall.格林先生来访中国的目的是参观长城。(3)单句改错When shooting an arrow,one must aim the target.Now we have to take the aim at the problem and try to get it solved.with the aim of seei

15、ngaim后加后加at去掉第一个去掉第一个the答案答案form n.类型;种类类型;种类(type,variety);形式;外表;样;形式;外表;样子子(looks,appearance);表格;形状;体形;表格;形状;体形(shape);v.(使使)出现,产生出现,产生(begin or make.exist);(使使)形成;组成;组织,形成;组成;组织,建立建立(1)in/out of form处于良好的/不好的状态in the form of以的形式take the form of采取的形式(2)form the habit of养成的习惯(1)This footballers bee

16、n out of form.这个足球运动员的状态不好。(2)The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops.这次培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。(3)I have formed the habit of writing diaries,and met lots of friends online.我已经养成了写日记的习惯,并且在网上认识了很多朋友。多维训练(1)用form短语的正确形式填空Help money will be very welcome.At the moment,most mobile adverti

17、sing text messages.If shes ,she can win the match easily.(2)同义句改写She has fallen into the habit of biting her nails when she is nervous.She biting her nails when she is nervous.in the form oftakes the form ofin formhas formed the habit of答案答案add.to.把把加到加到里里应试指导应试指导 addadd非谓语动词作定语或状语的考查非谓语动词作定语或状语的考查a

18、dd to增添add up to加起来达到,总计为;总的来讲;等于说add up合计,加起来;合情理;说得通(1)You should add an entry to this section.你应该给这部分增加一个入口。(2)The heavy rain added to the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.大雨增加了营救被掩埋群众的困难。(3)Add up all the money I owe you.把我应付你的钱都加在一起。图解助记图解助记 图解助记图解助记 多维训练(1)单句语法填空Rude words,namecalling,

19、and accusation only add fuel the emotional fire.The teacher asked me if I was ready,(add)that everybody was waiting for me at the school gate.It was raining cats and dogs,thus (add)to their difficulty in transporting the supplies to the earthquakestricken areas.Hearing how others react to the book y

20、ou have just read creates an(add)pleasure.(toaddingaddingadded答案答案(2)一句多译三加四等于七。(add to)(add up to)(add.to)(3)单句改错I dont want to add your trouble.Three added to four makes/equals seven.Three and four add(s)up to seven.If you add three to four,you get seven.add后加后加to答案答案be supposed to.应该应该;被认为是;被认为是应

21、试指导应试指导 suppose/supposingsuppose/supposing作连词的用法作连词的用法be supposed to have done.本该做(但实际上未做)suppose v.猜想;假设;假定;认为suppose sb./sth.to be.认为某人(物)suppose that.假定;认为suppose/supposing(that)引导条件状语从句,相当于if,表示“如果,假设”。(1)You are supposed to study harder.你应该更努力地学习。(2)I know.Waiting is not supposed to be art and

22、craft.我很清楚,等待并不被认为是一种艺术或工艺品。(3)They suppose that all rich men are bad.他们认为凡是有钱人都很坏。多维训练单句语法填空(1)(suppose)she doesnt come,what shall we do?(2)The message is very important,so it is supposed(send)as soon as possible.(3)Community organizers (suppose)to speak truth to the public.(4)Youre supposed (atten

23、d)yesterdays meeting.Supposing/Supposeto be sentare supposedto have attended答案答案 stage n.阶段,状态阶段,状态(period or state),时期;舞台;,时期;舞台;v.上演;举办上演;举办(put on)多维训练单句语法填空(1)He was the first comedian I ever saw the stage.(2)this stage in the development of the theory,Tom made a contribution.onAt答案答案(3)Stage st

24、age,they were getting close to the intersection.(4)Today we have reached a stage we can do shopping without going out.bywhere答案答案equipment n.器材;设备;装备器材;设备;装备多维训练单句语法填空(1)They equipped themselves a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.(2)She was fully equipped the climbing.(3)Your education

25、will equip you your future life.(4)This is a large factory whose task is to produce automatic(equip).withforforequipment答案答案react vi.作出反应;回应作出反应;回应多维训练单句语法填空(1)We reacted the limitations of us.(2)How do you react this modern artists paintings?(3)Many plants could move northward and toward the Pacifi

26、c coast in (react)to rising temperatures and changes in rainfall.againsttoreaction答案答案astonished adj.吃惊的;惊愕的吃惊的;惊愕的多维训练(1)单句语法填空I was astonished (see)him here.You look astonished the news.It is (astonish)to hear him say so.He stared complete astonishment at the child and held on to the pot for suppo

27、rt.to seeat/byastonishingin答案答案 my astonishment,he was the first to come.We were (astonish)to find the temple still in its original condition.(2)一句多译她几乎没改变令我惊讶。a.(it作形式主语)b.(what引导主语从句)c.(astonished adj.)ToastonishedIt astonished me that she had changed so little.What astonished me was that she had

28、changed so little.I was astonished that she had changed so little.答案答案这消息使他很吃惊。a.(astonish v.)b.(astonished adj.)c.(astonishing adj.)The news astonished him.He was astonished by/at the news.The news was astonishing to him.答案答案Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.地球表面的三分之二是水。地球表面的三分之二是水。句型公式:主谓一

29、致句型公式:主谓一致Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.地球表面的三分之二是水。地球表面的三分之二是水。句型公式:主谓一致句型公式:主谓一致(1)分数、百分数或half of/part of/the rest ofn./pron.作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由后面的n./pron.决定。(2)one ofn./pron.作主语时,谓语动词用单数。(3)表示“时间、重量、长度、距离、金钱”等的名词的复数形式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,这时作主语的这些名词看作一个整体。(1)Forty percent of my task has been done

30、.我的任务已经完成百分之四十。(2)30 percent of the students in our class are girls.我们班有百分之三十的同学是女生。(3)Five minutes isnt enough to finish this test.要完成这个测试5分钟是不够的。(1)单句语法填空Sixty percent of the members present at the meeting (be)old people.Twenty dollars (be)enough.One of the books (be)about English grammar.Onethird

31、 of the country (cover)with trees and the majority of the citizens are black people.(2)单句改错Ninety percent of the work have been done.多维训练areisisis coveredhavehas答案答案The closer you are,the more youll see.你离得越近,看到的就越多。你离得越近,看到的就越多。句型公式:句型公式:thethe比较级比较级.,thethe比较级比较级.边讲边练 突破核心考点“the比较级.,the比较级.”句型:(1)

32、意为“越就越”,表示主、从句的两个谓语是同时进行的,一方随另一方程度的变化而变化。(2)从结构上看,第一个“the比较级”是表示条件的状语从句;在表示将来意义的情况时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。第二个“the比较级”是主句,用一般将来时。(3)本结构中常用省略结构。(1)The longer the war lasts,the more the people there will suffer.战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。(2)The sooner(you do it),the better(it will be).越快越好。多维训练(1)完成句子(越多)you eat,(越胖)yo

33、u will be.(越长)you stay,(越好)(it will be).(2)单句改错The harder you study,the more better your study will be.The morethe fatterThe longerthe better去掉去掉more答案答案I never used to enjoy science,but last year I changed schools,and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.我以前一点都不喜欢科学,但去年我我以前一点都不喜欢科学,但

34、去年我转学了,并且新学校里教科学的老师都很优秀。转学了,并且新学校里教科学的老师都很优秀。句型公式:句型公式:used to do.used to do.边讲边练 突破核心考点used to do.过去常常做be used to(doing).习惯于(做)be used to do.被用来做(1)We used to work more than ten hours a day.我们过去常常每天工作十个小时以上。(2)I am not used to eating so much at lunchtime.我不习惯午饭吃那么多。(3)The wood can be used to make d

35、esks and chairs.木材能被用来制作桌椅。特别提醒特别提醒 含有含有used toused to的句子的否定式和疑问式有两种形式:的句子的否定式和疑问式有两种形式:主语主语didnt use to.didnt use to.或主语或主语usednt to.usednt to.Did Did主语主语use to do.use to do.?或?或UsedUsed主语主语to do.?to do.?He didnt use/usednt to come.He didnt use/usednt to come.他过去不常来。他过去不常来。Did there use to be/Used

36、there to be a hotel on that corner?Did there use to be/Used there to be a hotel on that corner?那个拐角处过去有家宾馆吗?那个拐角处过去有家宾馆吗?词义辨析词义辨析 used to used to,wouldwould(1)used to(1)used to强调过去经常做,现在不做了,既可以表示动作也可以表强调过去经常做,现在不做了,既可以表示动作也可以表示状态。示状态。(2)would(2)would多表示动作,并不暗示现在如何。多表示动作,并不暗示现在如何。(1)用used to,would填空W

37、henever Tim was angry,he eat a lot.The successful young man be a naughty boy.(2)单句语法填空She used(wash)dishes in a restaurant.Youll soon get used to(speak)in public.The information is used(develop)games and quizzes for the site.多维训练wouldused toto washspeakingto develop答案答案返回返回语境填词1.When camping or picn

38、icking,use (设备)provided.(facilitiesbalancereactexpand在高考语境中提升解题技能答案答案5.Small talk can help people (形成)new friendships.(formaimequipmentordinary答案答案5.Small talk can help people (形成)new friendships.(formaimequipmentordinary答案答案9.The project aims to get kids to a (阶段)called“deep reading”,where they can

39、 read to learn.(stageboil答案答案单句语法填空1.conclusion,I like being praised,but I know sometimes its not always good.(Inelectricalwith答案答案4.The wellknown (lecture)will give us a lecture on literature next week.5.The (astonish)look on his face suggested that he was astonished at the astonishing news.lecture

40、rastonished答案答案短语填空1.We must when Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.(find outwere supposed to beAddto答案答案add.to.,go ahead,be supposed to,keep.out of,put.in order,find out,be proud of,to ones astonishment4.Compared with the escaped driver,I what I did.(am proud ofto go aheadPutin orderto k

41、eepout ofToastonishment答案答案完成句子1.They gave money to the old peoples home personally through their companies.(eitherorThe morethe more答案答案3.I dont think about it.我认为没有必要告诉你这件事。4.who is famous for his sense of humor.因为幽默而出名的那位老师来了。5.of the products exported to Japan.五分之三的商品出口到日本。it is necessary to tel

42、l youHere comes the teacherThree fifthsare答案答案1.李华过去经常上学迟到,他的父母认为他应该努力学习。2.自从他参加了一次讲座之后,他改变了许多。3.他已经学会了如何平衡学习和休息。4.他的目标是成为一名大学生。5.因为这样,他的父母为他感到自豪。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用that引导的宾语从句,不定式作表语。写作素材(关于改变)微写作连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Li Hua used to go to school late and his parents thought that he was supposed to study hard.Since he attended a lecture,he has changed a lot.He has learned how to balance study and rest.His aim is to become a university student.Because of this,his parents are proud of him.答案答案返回返回


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