2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here 单元词汇详解(ppt课件).pptx

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2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here 单元词汇详解(ppt课件).pptx_第1页
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1、牛津英语单元词汇详解牛津英语单元词汇详解选择性必修三选择性必修三Unit 1 Wish you were hereUnit 1 Wish you were here1.*blooming/blum;blm/adj.盛开的,开花的(2)2.unfold/nfld/vi.&vt.开花;展开,打开;展示,展现(2)【原句背诵】Canada is like a blooming flower,unfolding with breathtaking beauty and richness to win the heart of those who enjoy what it has to offer.【

2、拓展】bloom n.花;青春;旺盛 vt.使开花;使茂盛 vi.开花;茂盛to unfold a map 打开地图【反义词】fold v.折叠;可折叠;包;n.褶层;褶痕;(地壳岩石层的)褶皱;折起的纸(或布)【经典例句】Unfold the flag first,and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole.先把旗子展开,然后迅速地把它升到旗杆的顶端。Have patience and let your life unfold like a budding flower.保持耐心,让生活如含苞待放的花蕾。The outcome d

3、epends on conditions as well as how events unfold.结果取决于条件以及事件如何发展。【链接高考】(2013湖南卷)In my living room,there is a plaque(匾)that advises me to“Bloom(开花)where you are planted.”在我的客厅里,有一块匾,建议我“随处开花”。(2013湖南卷)Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who“bloomed”in her remote area.在我的记忆中,多萝西是一个在她内心深处“绽放”的人。(20

4、18天津卷)Nature seems to unfold to people who watch and wait.大自然似乎向那些观察和等待的人展现出来。(2017天津卷)This photo,with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who“ruined”it,now hangs on a wall in my bedroom.这张照片,在我和那个“毁掉”它的女人面前展现出独特的美丽,现在挂在我卧室的墙上。3.ethnically/enkli/adv.种族地(2)4.distinct /dstkt/adj.截

5、然不同的,有区别的,不同种类的;明显的;独特的;清楚的(2)【原句背诵】It is also one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the world with distinct cultures.【联想拓展】ethnic adj.种族的;人种的 n.少数民族的人 be distinct from和不同distinction n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章distinctive adj.独特的,有特色的;与众不同的【经典例句】These two countries are different geographically,ethnical

6、ly and linguistically.这两个国家在地理上,种族上和语言上都不相同。Historically,there has been a lot of deep-seated prejudice against ethnically mixed people.历史上,对种族混杂的人有许多根深蒂固的种族偏见。Distinct from western paintings,Chinese paintings are more abstract.与西方画作不同,中国画更加抽象。Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from

7、one another and from science.工程学和工艺学是互不相同的学科,也不同于理科。5.territory/tertri/n.(加拿大)地区;领土,领地;领域(2)【原句背诵】In the ten provinces and three territories which make up Canada,there is great diversity in geography.【经典例句】They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their territory.他们拒不允许联合国部队驻扎在他们的国土上。T

8、he government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.该政府否认有任何领土被叛乱者控制。【链接高考】(2016江苏卷)Chimps(黑猩猩)will cooperate in certain ways,like gathering in war parties to protect their territory.黑猩猩会以某些方式合作,比如为了保护自己的领地而聚集在一起。6.valley /vli/n.山谷,溪谷(2)7.carve/kv/vt.侵蚀,冲刷;雕,刻(2)【原句背诵】To the east o

9、f the Pacific coast rise the grand Rocky Mountains,which are home to high peaks and deep valleys carved by ice and water.【经典例句】The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.这座雕像是用整块石料雕成的。The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.木头雕成了花朵状。8.*glacier /lsi(r)/n.冰川(2)【原句背诵】Ancient,slow-

10、moving glaciers hug the land and a huge variety of wildlife wanders the remote forests.9.mighty/mati/adj.巨大的,非凡的;强而有力的(2)10.splendid/splendd/adj.壮丽的,雄伟的;极佳的,非常好的(2)【原句背诵】One truly unique scenic spot in Canada is the mighty Niagara Falls with water rushing over its edge in a splendid display of sight

11、s and sounds.【经典例句】The book publishing world remains able to make the mighty Amazon budge.图书出版界仍有能力让强大的亚马逊做出让步。This mighty electricity-generating power station was built on the express orders of the president.这一大型电力发电站是按照总统的明确指令修建的。Some people think theyre mighty smart-always showing off!【本句中mighty是

12、副词】有些人认为他们非常聪明老爱炫耀!The book includes a wealth of splendid photographs.这本书有大量非常好的照片。【链接高考】(2015天津卷)He looked at me for a moment,and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice Ive ever had:Be bold and brave and mighty(强大的)forces will come to your aid.他看了我一会儿,然后写了一句话,里面有我得到过的最好的建议:大胆、勇敢强大的力量会来帮助你

13、。(2018天津卷)The real McNay was splendid,but we felt nervous the whole time we were there.真正的McNay很壮观,但我们在那里的整个过程都很紧张。11.apart from 除了外(还),此外;除了外(都),要不是(2)12.urban/bn/adj.城市的,城镇的(2)【原句背诵】Apart from it geographical diversity,Canadas many rural areas and urban centers reflect the diversity of its residen

14、ts.【联想拓展】和apart from意义相近的表达还有:besides,except for,aside from,as well as,in addition to等。urban planning 城市规划;城镇规划urban construction 城市建设;城市工程urban development 城市发展;城市开发urban area 城市地区urban traffic 城市交通urban residents 城市居民urban environment 城市环境 urbanize vt.使都市化;使城市化;使文雅urbanization n.都市化;城市化;文雅【反义词】rur

15、al adj.农村的,乡村的【经典例句】I like all sports apart from football.除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。Apart from their house in London,they also have a villa in Spain.他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。It was a difficult time.Apart from everything else,we had financial problems.当时是困难时期。别的一切都不说,我们财政上也有问题。She was happy apart from the fact tha

16、t she could not return home.除了不能回家之外,她很快活。【链接高考】(2012广东卷)Apart from that,there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.除此之外,还有各种各样的灾难,经常发生在上下班的路上。(2018北京卷)They tolerate long,slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work,entertain themselve

17、s or sleep on the ride,which encourages urban spread.他们忍受在拥挤的高速公路上上、下班的漫长而缓慢的旅程,因为他们可以在路上工作、娱乐或睡觉,这促进了城市的扩张。(2020全国卷III)But the first places where they(driverless cars)will become dominant(统治的)are dense urban areas-precisely the spots most damaged by the automobile age.但它们(无人驾驶汽车)将率先占据主导地位的地区是人口密集的城

18、市地区正是那些受到汽车时代破坏最严重的地区。13.ancestor /nsest(r)/n.祖宗,祖先;原种(2)14.*indigenous /nddns/adj.本地的,土生土长的(2)15.strait /stret/n.海峡,水道(2)【原句背诵】Some of Canadas earliest settlers,who are thought be ancestors of the indigenous people,crossed the Bering Strait by means of a land bridge from a place now known as Siberi

19、a.16.minority /manrti/n.少数民族,少数群体;少数;少数人(3)【原句背诵】The major ethnic groups,for example,include the English,Scottish and French,while the minority groups include residents from Singapore and the Pacific Islands.【联想拓展】the rights of ethnic/racial minorities 少数民族族裔的权利minority languages 少数民族语言be in a/the m

20、inority 占少数minor adj.未成年的;次要的;较小的 n.未成年人;小调;辅修科目 vi.辅修【反义词】majority n.多数;大多数;成年【经典例句】Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.只有极少数人持这样极端的观点。Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days.目前,只有极少数同学对政治感兴趣。Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority

21、 groups.我们的提案尽量照顾到少数群体的特殊需要。A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备篡改规则。17.cuisine/kwzin/n.烹饪,风味;饭菜,菜肴(3)【原句背诵】This ethnic variety,in turn,brings about cultural diversity.Should you find yourself in one of these subcultures,languages,cuisine,architecture,art and music will defi

22、ne your encounter.【经典例句】The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。The restaurants cuisine is of a distinctive style and very popular among local residents.这家饭店的菜肴风格独特,广受当地居民的欢迎。18.dynamic adj.(事物)有活力的;动态的,发展变化的;充满活力的(3)【原句背诵】For example,in Vancouver,a dynamic city with

23、 the highest percentage of Chinese Canadians in the country,you can participate in the celebrations of the Chinese New Year,or you many take tea in the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.【经典例句】The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场的动力要求有不断的变化和调整。He seemed a dynamic

24、and energetic leader.他看来是个富有创新力与活力的领导。South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.南亚仍然是世界上最具活力的经济区。19.sample/smpl/vt.尝,品尝,体验,抽样检查 n.样本,样品,取样(3)【原句背诵】In Montreal,one of the largest French-speaking cities in the world,you can sample the food with a typical French flavor an

25、d see the original buildings in the French style of architecture.【经典例句】I sampled the delights of Greek cooking for the first time.我第一次品尝到希腊烹饪的美味。We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.我们品尝了挑选出来的各种瓶装水。The interviews were given to a random sample of students.随机抽选出部分学生进行了采访。The survey cover

26、s a representative sample of schools.调查覆盖了有代表性的一些学校。20.off the beaten track 不落俗套,打破常规;远离闹市,偏远(3)21.*fiddle /fdl/n.小提琴(3)22.*Celtic /keltk/adj.凯尔特人的,凯尔特语的(3)【原句背诵】Finally,if you are looking for something off the beaten track,you may visit Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia,where you ca

27、n dance to fiddle tunes and enjoy the cultures and traditions of Celtic settlers.【联想拓展】back on track 重新步入正确轨道;恢复正常be on track 稳步前进;做法对头keep/lose track of sb/sth了解不了解的动态;与保持失去联系on the right/wrong track 思路对头不对头;做法对路不对路【链接高考】(2016浙江卷)We had to keep track of our belongings,and if something was lost,it w

28、as not replaced.我们必须记录我们的财物,如果有东西丢了,也不能补上。(2015全国卷II)Begin keeping track of the time,and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.开始记录时间,尽量让晚餐持续至少30分钟。e as no surprise 不足为奇,毫不奇怪(3)【原句背诵】As you are exposed to diverse cultures,you may feel transported through time and space.Given these cultural dif

29、ferences,it comes as no surprise that Canada has been celebrating Multiculturalism since 2002.【经典例句】These research findings should come as no surprise to therapists,however.然而,研究发现对治疗学家来说并不奇怪。It may come as no surprise,but they also stress the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.也许听起来没什么好惊奇的,但他

30、们也强调吃一顿健康早餐的重要性。24.depth/dep/n.最深处;深(度);深刻;深厚(3)【原句背诵】From the towering mountain peaks to the depths of the forests to the urban centers,Canadas geographical wonders,ethnic groups and their cultures make it a unique place to live and visit.【联想拓展】deep adj.深的,纵深的;有深的;低沉的;深色的deeply adv.非常,极其;深深地deepen

31、vt.使加深;使强烈;使低沉;vi.变深;变低沉以th结尾的名词:width宽度;广度 length 长度;strength 力气;力量;长处,优势 growth 增长;发展;生长 warmth 温暖,暖和;热情 etc.【经典例句】Whats the depth of the water here?这儿的水有多深?Water was found at a depth of 30 metres.在30米深处找到了水。The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth.油井向下延伸了数百英尺。The smaller lake range

32、s from five to fourteen feet in depth.这个较小的湖的深度在5至14英尺之间。The countrys leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis.这个国家的领导层低估了这次危机的严重程度。【误区】注意在句子What is the depth/width/length of?中,表示“多少”,英语中用what不能用how。【链接高考】(2012全国卷II)Dwecks book,Mind-set:The New Psychology of Success,and online instructi

33、onal program explain this in depth.德韦克的书心态:成功的新心理学和在线教学项目对此进行了深入的解释。25.suburb/sbb/n.郊区,城郊(5)【原句背诵】As an exchange student,Im staying with a nice host family in the suburbs for two weeks.【联想拓展】suburban adj.郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的;n.郊区居民26.botanical adj.植物学的(5)【原句背诵】(2)Apart from enjoying my school life at a

34、 local high school,Ive been shown around the sights of Calgary,such as the Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs.【拓展】botany n.植物学;地区植物总称botanist n.植物学家botanic adj.植物的;植物学的【经典例句】The botanical garden in our city is beautiful with plants from all over the world.收集了世界各地的植物使市里的植物园非常美丽。27.*Clobvis/kluvis/ad

35、j.克洛维斯的(5)【原句背诵】Clovis people are believed to be the(4)ancestors in the Calgary area.28.blanket/blkt/n.厚层;毛毯(5)【原句背诵】Calgary is located near the Rocky Mountains.Theres a thick blanket of snow in some mountain areas over much of the winter.【联想拓展】a blanket of fog/snow/cloud 厚厚的一层雾雪云【经典例句】The mud disap

36、peared under a blanket of snow.泥地在一层白雪的覆盖下消失不见了。She put a blanket over the sleeping child.她给熟睡的孩子盖上毯子。【熟词生义】blanket作动词时,意思是“vt.覆盖,掩盖;用毯覆盖”。Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground.冻土上很快就形成了一层厚厚的积雪。More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan.一英尺多厚的白雪覆盖了密歇根州的部分地区。29.*hockey/hki/n.冰球运动,冰上曲棍球;曲棍球(

37、5)【原句背诵】This weekend,my host family will take me to ski.We will enjoy the(8)splendid scenery of Banff National Park too.I also cant wait to have a go at the national winter sportice hockey.30.neice n.侄女;外甥女(5)【联想拓展】nephew n.侄子;外甥 31.welfare/welfe(r)/n.幸福,福祉;福利(6)【原句背诵】These industries,in turn,give j

38、obs to the local population,whose welfare depends on tourism.【经典例句】We are concerned about the childs welfare.我们关注那个孩子的福祉。The state is still the main provider of welfare.政府仍然是福利的主要提供者。Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive.儿童福利机构发展成熟、体系完善。【链接高考】(2015湖南卷)The real problem is that

39、 some pedestrians seem to be,at least for the moment,in worlds of their own that are,to them,much more important than the welfare of others.真正的问题是,至少在目前,一些行人似乎在他们自己的领域里,对他们来说,他们的领域比其他人的福利更重要。(2015江苏卷)Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens,not because it was forced on him from the outsid

40、e,but because the city was his pride and his safety.每个人都觉得对雅典的幸福负有责任,不是因为这是外界强加给他的,而是因为这座城市是他的骄傲和安全。32.accommodation/kmden/n.住处(6)33.surrounding adj.周围的,附近的(6)【原句背诵】The prices of tourist essentials such as transport,accommodation and food usually increase too,which brings even more wealth to the sur

41、rounding community.【联想拓展】accommodate vt.容纳;使适应;供应;调解 vi.适应;调解accommodate sb(with sth)帮忙;给提供方便accommodate to sth顺应,适应(新情况)accommodate sth/oneself to sth 顺应,适应(新情况)surround vt.围绕;包围【误区】表示“环境;周围的事物”时,要用surroundings。The buildings have been designed to blend(混合)in with their surroundings.这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑

42、然一体。【经典例句】Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿在内。The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供住宿和早餐的服务。The village itse

43、lf is pretty,but the surrounding countryside is rather dull.村子本身很美,但周围的田野相当单调。The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.这个地点的开发将会影响周围的乡村。【链接高考】(2016天津卷)They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort.他们一到机场就会被送到舒

44、适的住处。(2011天津卷)Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice,cereal(谷物类食品),bread and tea or coffee.您的饮食包括欧式早餐,通常包括果汁、麦片、面包、茶或咖啡。34.harmony/hmni/n.融洽,和睦;和谐(6)【原句背诵】More nature-centered tourist attractions,where man and nature live in harmony,can be greatly im

45、pacted or even destroyed by the flood of tourists.【联想拓展】in harmony adj.和谐无间in harmony with 与协调;与一致live in harmony 和睦相处,和谐共处perfect harmony 水乳交融;完美无谐波;十分和谐social harmony 社会和谐new harmony 新和谐harmonious adj.和谐的,融洽的;和睦的;悦耳的harmonic adj.和声的;谐和的;音乐般的;n.物 谐波;和声harmonize vt.使和谐;使一致;以和声唱;vi.协调;和谐;以和声唱【误区】注意名词

46、harmony到形容词harmonious的词形变化!【经典例句】The only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.我们生存的唯一途径就是与自然和谐相处。Some people delight in helping others,which contributes to social harmony.有些人别人为乐,这有助于社会和谐。The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmo

47、ny with nature.这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。35.sustain /ssten/vt.使保持,使稳定持续;维持(6)【原句背诵】As resources are used more rapidly than they can be sustained,wildlife habitats are likely to suffer,which could endanger the local plants and animals.【联想拓展】to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat 遭受损失;受伤;遭到失败susta

48、inable adj.可持续的;可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的sustainable development 可持续发展sustainable tourism 可持续旅游sustainability n.持续性;永续性;能维持性【经典例句】Which planets can sustain life?哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?The love and support of his family sustained him during his time in prison.家人的关爱和支持帮助他度过了狱中的岁月。She managed to sustain everyones intere

49、st until the end of her speech.她使每个人兴趣盎然,一直听她把话讲完。The company sustained losses of millions of dollars.公司遭受了数百万元的巨大损失。Weve talked recently about the importance of sustainable energy.我们最近讨论了可持续能源的重要性。【链接高考】(2018天津卷)Sustainability is becoming a necessity.可持续性正在成为一种必需。(2014湖南卷)But this report shows that

50、 sustainable building design on its own though extremely importantis not enough to achieve such reductions:the behaviour of the people using the building has to change too.但这份报告表明,可持续建筑设计本身尽管极其重要还不足以实现这种减排:使用该建筑的人的行为也必须改变。36.manner/mn(r)/n.方式,方法;举止;(manners)礼貌(7)【原句背诵】It is important to travel in an


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