2023年中考英语一轮复习:完形填空 专项练习题汇编(Word版含答案).docx

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1、2023年中考英语一轮复习:完形填空 专项练习题汇编一完形填空(共32小题)1(2022巴中)Its March 12th.Li Li and Lin Tao are digging on a hill not far from their school.In China,people across the country plant trees(1) on this day.The idea of planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Zhongshan,the great(2) in Chinese history.He s

2、aid more trees were needed as a(3) against flood and drought(干旱).In 1915,April 5th was named as Tree Planting Day.Then in 1979,the day was(4) to March 12th to (5) the date on which Sun Zhongshan died.The Gobi(戈壁) Desert in the north of China was(6) every year.So in 1978,the government started a tree

3、 planting project to(7) the Gobi spreading.The government and local farmers have been planting millions of trees to build a great green wall along the edge of the desert. Have you heard of the Green Wall of China?Thats the biggest tree planting(8) of all. says Li Li.Tree planting has become a tradit

4、ion in China now. says Lin Tao, Almost everyone does it on March 12th.Many people also plant a tree on a (9) day.My parents planted a tree when I started school.And my cousin planted(10) on his wedding day.We do it for the environment and for ourselves.(1)A.silentlyB.wiselyC.slowlyD.actively(2)A.art


6、)A.oneB.thatC.itD.this2(2022绵阳)There was a little boy called John,who was very playful.He played hard at the playground and was(1) when he got home.His father told him to get undressed and ready for a bath.The little boy(2) and went straight to his room.His father was(3) John in the bathroom but he

7、never came.His father went to Johns room.He saw that John was already(4) in his bed fully clothed.And one shoe was off but one shoe was still on his right foot.His father took(5) Johns shoe and trousers,leaving him to sleep.(1)A.tiredB.angryC.surprisedD.active(2)A.jumpedB.noddedC.stoppedD.explained(

8、3)A.waiting forB.looking atC.talking aboutD.laughing at(4)A.crazyB.missingC.asleepD.scared(5)A.upB.onC.inD.off3(2022绵阳)On a beautiful day in Mianyang this week,I went for a bike ride around the city and into the countryside.I(1) groups of Chinese men standing in a circle.They paid careful attention

9、to what was happening at the center.Many newcomers to China are surprised to discover that these onlookers are(2) watching a wonderful side of Chinese culture:Chinese chess.Chinese chess has been played in China for at least two thousand years.It can quickly be(3) by anyone who knows how to play int

10、ernational chess,whose rules are very similar.I am a big fan of board games, (4) I decided to stop and watch.There were five people watching and two men(5) .Some of the onlookers were strangers to the players,others were friends,but all tried to offer(6) for the players next move.Within a few minute

11、s of stopping to watch the game,I was talking with the onlookers and players.I was giving my own suggestions of moves to make and(7) why one of the players didnt take a clear capture(吃掉).When the game ended,I was invited to play against the winner and I was soon left wondering how I was(8) so quickl

12、y (but I think I tried my best).Everyone I spoke with wanted to share their (9) of Chinese chess with me and they asked me lots of questions about my experiences in Mianyang.I lost the game,but I was happy.The game I played is a great example where trying is more(10) than winning,and there are lots

13、to try in Mianyang!(1)A.noticedB.heardC.feltD.considered(2)A.suddenlyB.actuallyC.luckilyD.lonely(3)A.put upB.taken upC.picked upD.set up(4)A.butB.orC.yetD.so(5)A.fightingB.playingC.sayingD.singing(6)A.adviceB.moneyC.timeD.space(7)A.shoutingB.repeatingC.forgettingD.asking(8)A.hitB.beatenC.discoveredD

14、.caught(9)A.knowledgeB.imaginationC.ruleD.result(10)A.difficultB.seriousC.importantD.useful4(2022宜宾)Good relationship can make us happy and comfortable.But(1) can we get on well with others?First of all,we should believe in others.Everybody has their own ways to(2) things,so we should understand eac

15、h other.Besides,it is(3) for us to communicate with each other.We can(4) happiness and sadness with our friends.Whats more,we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those in trouble.Treating others honestly is also a good way to get on well with others.These(5) will help us to g

16、et along well with others.(1)A.whereB.whenC.howD.why(2)A.doB.findC.useD.keep(3)A.difficultB.necessaryC.interestingD.dangerous(4)A.offerB.makeC.refuseD.share(5)A.coursesB.decisionsC.ordersD.suggestions5(2022宜宾)Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present.When Paul came out of his offic

17、e,a street boy was walking around the shining new car, (1) it. Is this your car,sir? he asked.Paul nodded, My brother gave it to me for Christmas.Your brother gave it to you,and didnt(2) you anything?I wish. the boy stopped.Of course Paul knew the boy wished to have a brother like that.But what the

18、boy said surprised Paul.The boy went on, I wish I could be a(3) like that.Paul looked at the boy in(4) ,then he added, Would you like to take a ride in my car? Yes,but would you mind driving to my house?,the boy said excitedly.Paul thought the boy wanted to show his(5) that he had a rich friend.But

19、Paul was(6) again.When Paul stopped in front of the(7) ,the boy got off and ran upstairs.After a little while he carried his little disabled brother downstairs and set him(8) on the step and pointed to the(9) . It was given to him by his brother for Christmas.Someday,I will give you one just like it

20、.That Christmas Eve,Paul learned it is more encouraged to(10) than to receive.(1)A.washingB.admiringC.cleaningD.repairing(2)A.costB.sendC.spareD.bring(3)A.boyB.workerC.brotherD.friend(4)A.needB.useC.happinessD.surprise(5)A.bossB.neighborsC.classmatesD.driver(6)A.wrongB.rightC.worriedD.glad(7)A.offic

21、eB.streetC.shopD.house(8)A.downB.upC.fastD.of(9)A.manB.parkC.carD.seat(10)A.takeB.giveC.wantD.leave6(2022内江)Kate came to China with her parents at a young age.Her(1) in China was an important influence on her choice to become a(2) .My decision to(3) education is a direct result of having wonderful t

22、eachers and education in China.They open the door for my growth and chances.My parents(4) to China when I was 5 years old.They(5) told me that China was a good place.People came here to follow their(6) .At a very young age,I was told that the way to achieve dreams was through a college education.Whe

23、n I first started school in China,I knew very(7) Chinese and had no friends.But with the help of my teachers,I was able to learn and(8) other students.As education opened many doors for me,I (9) in college that I wanted to do the same for my country.I thought,through teaching,I could (10) the lives

24、of many students.They experienced(11) problems as I did.I would help them just as my teachers did in China.At 22,Kate returned to her hometown.She says, To this day,I know that every student should get a(12) education like any other student in the country.My (13) for learning and teaching continues

25、to(14) me to become a better teacher and to spread the value of lifelong learning in other.Now Kate(15) as the headmistress(女校长) in a primary school.She often helps students practice Chinese so that theyre also able to go to China for education.(1)A.workB.familyC.experienceD.knowledge(2)A.doctorB.di

26、rectorC.learnerD.teacher(3)A.understandB.enterC.doubtD.avoid(4)A.walkedB.movedC.returnedD.replied(5)A.alwaysB.finallyC.nervouslyD.suddenly(6)A.dreamsB.parentsC.friendsD.rules(7)A.easyB.straightC.littleD.useful(8)A.look around forB.ask help fromC.take care ofD.keep up with(9)A.warnedB.fearedC.decided

27、D.forgot(10)A.influenceB.chooseC.controlD.copy(11)A.strangeB.similarC.environmentalD.necessary(12)A.difficultB.goodC.specialD.famous(13)A.recordB.regretC.loveD.plan(14)A.promiseB.orderC.forceD.encourage(15)A.servesB.thinksC.is treatedD.is described7(2022广安)Do you often smile?Do you like a smiling fa

28、ce?Smile is very nice.It lets us feel warm in(1) hearts.Smile is important.When you are sad,make a big smile,and it can make you happy again.When you are worried,make a big smile,and it can help you keep cool again.When you arent successful,make a big smile and it can(2) you to try again and work ha

29、rder.Smile is very easy,but it is very(3) .So lets learn to smile.Everyone(4) smiles.When we give others a smile,we can feel happy,too.When you(5) others smiling faces,you can feel warm.Lets smile every day.Dont you think so?(1)A.hisB.yourC.ourD.her(2)A.takeB.haveC.playD.help(3)A.usefulB.thankfulC.h

30、opefulD.awful(4)A.doesB.buysC.watchesD.needs(5)A.makeB.seeC.giveD.do8(2022广安)Once there were three trees on a hill.They were(1) their hopes and dreams.The first tree said, I want to be a treasure box.Then I could be filled with(2) . The second tree said,Someday I will be a ship.I will take the king(

31、3) the sea. Finally,the third said, I want to grow to be the(4) tree in the forest.People will see me on the top of the hill.However,several years later,the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals.And the second tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there,but(5) knew him.Then

32、one day,a(6) mother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby.She had no money(7) she chose the wooden box.The first tree could feel the baby was the greatest treasure for the mother.The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain.For the last tree,when the villagers were tired,they(8) take a brea

33、k under it on hot days.The three trees(9) come true.Sometimes,when things dont happen as you expect,dont lose(10) .Wherever you are,please remember the decision youve made at first.Hold on to it!Thats what we call dream.(1)A.looking forB.making upC.talking aboutD.writing about(2)A.moneyB.timeC.foodD

34、.love(3)A.throughB.againstC.fromD.across(4)A.shortestB.tallestC.oldestD.newest(5)A.everyoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.somebody(6)A.poorB.richC.strangeD.proud(7)A.becauseB.orC.soD.till(8)A.shouldB.couldC.needD.must(9)A.reportsB.risksC.interestsD.dreams(10)A.hopeB.wayC.changeD.choice9(2022雅安)Once a man and his

35、 wife worked for a businessman.There was a big box in the businessmans living room.The businessman pointed at the box and said, Theres only one thing you mustnt do.Dont(1) the box. After saying this,he left for the company.The woman said to her husband, There must be something expensive in the box.L

36、ets open it,shall we? Her husband said no to her.The woman didnt give up her(2) .One day,she decided to find out what was in it.Her husband didnt stop her.She opened the box and looked inside.She found nothing in the box and tried hard to close it.But she(3) .That evening,the businessman came home a

37、nd found the box was open.He was very(4) and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.But there was nothing in the box, the woman said. We havent taken anything at all. The businessman shouted at them, The box is not important.I cannot believe you.Thats(5) !(1)A.moveB.openC.closeD.touch(2)A

38、.ideaB.habitC.attentionD.job(3)A.succeededB.failedC.finishedD.continued(4)A.excitedB.gladC.angryD.worried(5)A.interestingB.wonderfulC.usefulD.important10(2022雅安)There are many festivals around the world.Dads have Fathers Day.Mums have Mothers Day.But do our grandparents have (1)a ?Yes,they do.The Do

39、uble Ninth Festival is (2)a day for old people in China.The festival is on lunar September 9th.On this day,people show(3) and respect(尊敬)for their grandparents.Respecting old people is a tradition in China.There are many ways for Chinese people to(4) their respect.When an old person enters a room,ev

40、eryone should stand up.Also,people are introduced from the(5) to the youngest.When we give something to an old person,two hands are used.The old usually dont have to buy tickets for buses and young people always(6) their seats to old people on a crowded subway or bus.However,in western countries,old

41、 people have(7) lifestyles from those in China.They dont often live with their childrenthey live(8) .They dont want to get help from others.They even dont want to be offered seats by others.Westerners(9) respect old people.For holidays,families usually(10) at the grandparents homes.A great smile and

42、 a warm hug are enough for grown children to show their respect.(1)A.houseB.festivalC.partnerD.relative(2)A.boringB.simpleC.specialD.surprising(3)A.loveB.interestC.hopeD.invitation(4)A.stopB.expressC.findD.refuse(5)A.richestB.tallestC.oldestD.strongest(6)A.offerB.lendC.sellD.take(7)A.usualB.strangeC

43、.sameD.different(8)A.wiselyB.easilyC.aloneD.sadly(9)A.stillB.evenC.onlyD.just(10)A.grow upB.get offC.make upD.get together11(2022凉山州)Shen Zhou13 has caught the worlds attention.Lets get more about it.On April 16th,2022,Shen Zhou13 was (1) to land after taking off last October 16th.It was the eighth

44、time for Chinese to visit space after Yang Liwei went as the first Chinese.(2) Chinese astronauts,Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu completed many tasks.They lived and worked together at the space station for six(3) .They took spacewalks to make preparations for the future work.As special visi

45、tors,they (4) in space like taking trips there.These photos are valuable for further research on space.In order to let more people learn about life in space and be interested in space,they gave science lessons from space.Now more and more young people(5) walking in space like them.(1)A.strangeB.safeC.sudden(2)A.ThreeB.FourC.Six(3)A.daysB.monthsC.minutes(4)A.took notesB.took breaksC.took photos(5)A.dream ofB.give upC.have trouble12(2022凉山州)It was Mothers Day,a sunny day.But Cin


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