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1、Letter of apology道歉信不能与留学生朋友约好去书店 假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.表示歉意;2.说明原因;3.另约时间注意:注意:1.词数词数100左右;左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Bob,Im writing to say sorry(to you)for not being to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.I have just found that I have to attend an

2、important class meeting that afternoon.I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.Shall we go on Saturday morning?We can set out early so that well have more time to read and select books.If its convenient for you,lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.If not,let me know what time suit

3、s you best.I should be available any time after school next week.make full preparations.And more importantly,it is such a good chance for me to show my talent that I cant afford to miss it.(Apologizing and the reason)Of course,Cantonese Opera is absolutely fantastic and well worth watching.Luckily,t

4、here will be another show next Sunday.Shall we go and watch it then?(Making another time to watch)By the way,although we cant spend this weekend together,you can still enjoy yourself by doing some other leisure activities,such as climbing,cycling,or watching a good film.(Making a recommendation)Once

5、 again,Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.Id appreciate it if you could accept my apology.(Apologizing again)Wish you a nice weekend.Yours,Li Hua道歉信的基本句型:道歉信的基本句型:lIm writing to apologize/to make an apology(to you)for not being able to attend/go tolIm writing to say sorry(to you)for failing to lI

6、mterriblysorrythatImnotabletogotoyourbirthdaypartythisSaturdayafternoon.lThank you for your invitation to dinner at your home,but unfortunately it is much to my regret that I cant lThe reason why I cant go with you is thatlThis is becauselLets make it another time.How about May Day?lIs it possible f

7、or us to meet some time later?lPleaseallowmetosaysorryagain.lOnce again,Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.lId appreciate it if you could accept my apology.2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载 各种书信开头句型:各种书信开头句型:lI am writing to express/voice concern about/over some immoral b

8、ehavior problems involving drivers and passengers.(投诉信)(投诉信)l Im writing to make a complaint about the book(that)I recently purchased from your website.(投(投诉信)诉信)2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载lSo Im writing to request/ask you to publish it sooner for several reasons.(请求信)

9、(请求信)lIm writing to ask you a favor/ask for help.(求助信)(求助信)lIm writing to express my sincere thanks/gratitude for what you did for me during my stay at your home.(感谢信)(感谢信)2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载lIm writing to apply(for the chance)to join(in)the fun.(申请(申请信)信)lI am

10、 writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech competition/contest.(邀请信)(邀请信)lIm writing to invite you to attend a lecture to be given in our school hall from two to four oclock this Friday afternoon.(邀请信)(邀请信)2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载lIm writing to invit

11、e you to join me in visiting a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition to be held in our school next week.(邀请信)(邀请信)lIm writing to invite you to join some international students in visiting National Art Museum of China(on)Saturday.(邀请信)(邀请信)2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载lIm writ

12、ing to express my sincere congratulations to you on winning first prize in the“Chinese Bridge”Speech Contest.(祝贺信)(祝贺信)lI am writing to apply for admission to the English Department in your university and Im confident I meet both your academic and language requirements.(申请信)(申请信)2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文

13、课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载 2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载1应该认识到,阅读是学校教育的重要组成部分,一个孩子如果在十多年的教育历程中没有养成阅读的习惯、兴趣和能力,一旦离开校园,很可能把书永远丢弃在一边,这样的结果一定是我们所有的教育工作者不想看到的。2对教育来说,阅读是最基础的教学手段,教育里最关键、最重要的基石就是阅读。3但是现在,我们的教育在一定程度上,还不够重视阅读,尤其是延伸阅读和课外阅读。4.“山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵”四句,简洁有

14、力,类比“斯是陋室,惟吾德馨”,说明陋室也可借高尚之士散发芬芳5.这是一篇托物言志的铭文,本文言简义丰、讲究修辞。文章骈散结合,以骈句为主,句式整齐,节奏分明,音韵和谐。6.了解和名著有关的作家作品及相关的诗句、名言、成语和歇后语等,能按要求向他人推介某部文学名著。7.能够根据所提供的有关文学名著的相关语言信息推断作品的作者、作品的名称和人物形象,分析人物形象的性格和作品的思想内容并进行简要评价。8能够由具体的阅读材料进行拓展和迁移,联系相关的文学名著展开分析,提出自己的认识和看法,说出自己阅读文学名著的感受和体验。9巧妙结合故事情节,在尖锐的矛盾冲突中,充分深刻显示人物复杂内心世界,突出了对人物性格的刻画,使其有血有肉,栩栩如生。10保尔身上的人格特征或完美的精神操守:自我献身的精神、坚定不移的信念、顽强坚韧的意志11把记叙、描写、抒情和议论有机地融合为一体,充满诗情画意。如描写百草园的景致,绘声绘色,令人神往。12简爱人生追求有两个基本旋律:富有激情、幻想、反抗和坚持不懈的精神;对人间自由幸福的渴望和对更高精神境界的追求。2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载2020高考书面表达练习道歉信原创范文 课件集1PPT下载


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