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1、2020-2021学年高中英语Unit1课件外研版必修第三册-21147素养导航导航 主题语境人与自我生活与学习 Going to a new school can feel like starting all over again.You may feel sad or angry about leaving your old school or friends.You may feel excited about a new beginning or a“fresh start”.You may feel nervous about having to meet new people.Al

2、l of these feelings are normal when you start at a new school.Most kids worry about fitting in at their new school.Its common for a new kid to feel like an outsider for the first few weeks.Although you can be lonely,you can help yourself fit inby being friendly.Even if you are nervous,try to smile,s

3、ay hello and ask questions.Here are two places where you might meet friends in a new school:The classroom:Look around you.Is there anyone who you can talk to?Do you take part in group activities in class?If so,try to join a new group every time.Playground:Most schools offer many team sports.Try to j

4、oin in these sports.Some kids worry about their teachers when they start at a new school.Even if the teachers are supportive,it can take some time to adjust to new rules or ways of teaching.Try talking to them about your problems.词海拾贝nervous adj.紧张的,害怕的fit in适应,相处融洽supportive adj.支持的,给予帮助的adjust v.调

5、整,适应典句欣赏Even if the teachers are supportive,it can take some time to adjust to new rules or ways of teaching.译文:即使老师能够给予帮助,适应新的规则或教学方法仍需要一些时间。分析:本句是一个主从复合句。even if 引导让步状语从句,主句中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to adjust to.。探究思辨1.What do the kids feel when they start at a new school?2.What do the kids worry abou

6、t?答案 1.They may feel sad or angry/excited/nervous.2.Most kids worry about fitting in at their new school.Some kids worry about their teachers when they start at a new school.Section AStarting out&Understanding ideas.知识体系图解 重点词汇 1.v.解决(问题、困难)2.n.计谋,策略;行动计划 3.n.信号;暗号 4.n.呼出的气 5.n.忧虑,担心 6.steam n.7.loo

7、se adj.8.lip n.9.sink v.10.fault n.resolve strategysignalbreathconcern蒸汽,水蒸气控制不严的(嘴)唇使(船)沉没责任,过错重点短语 1.agony aunt 2.help out 3.let down 4.let off steam 5.loose lips sink ships 6.take a breath 7.做好分内事,尽职 8.适应,适合 9.混乱 10.专心于,集中精力 11.解决;锻炼 12.别紧张,放松点 知心阿姨帮一把使失望,辜负发泄怒火;宣泄情绪祸从口出吸一口气pull ones weightfit in

8、 within a messconcentrate onwork outtake it easy重点句式1.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.2.Filled with anger,you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.词汇拓展1.loose v.adv.2.concernadj.prep.3.sink(过去式)(过去分词)4.fault adj.5.resolve n.6.strategy(pl.)7.breath v.adj.adv.loosenlooselycon

9、cernedconcerningsanksunkfaultyresolutionstrategiesbreathebreathlessbreathlessly.阅读导学根据P2-P3课文内容,回答下列问题。1.Why did Ben let off steam?2.Why was Ben angry with his friend?3.What does Ben do well in?4.What does the saying“Loose lips sink ships.”mean?5.What does Ben need to do according to the agony aunt?

10、6.What is Bens fault?答案 1.Because he was angry.2.Because his friend went and told everyone else what he had said.3.He does well in basketball.4.It means that if you speak too much about something,especially to people who you dont know so well,itll cause all kinds of trouble.5.Firstly,apologise to hi

11、s teammate.Secondly,talk to his friend.Thirdly,think about his own behaviour.6.He shouldnt let off steam and should always think before he speaks.重点词汇1.I was just letting off steam really,because I was so angry.(教材P2)因为我太生气了,我当时真的只是在宣泄情绪【词汇精讲】let off 是及物动词短语,意为“放出;引爆;宽恕”。let off steam 意为“发泄怒火,宣泄情绪”。

12、Please forgive me for saying that;I just needed to let off steam.请原谅我讲的那些话,我只不过是要宣泄情绪而已。After the mid-term exam,the students decided to go on an excursion to let off steam.期中考试以后,学生们决定远足来放松一下紧张的情绪。let out发出(叫声等);泄露let.in 让进来;放进let go(of)放开;放手;释放let down使失望;辜负let alone更不用说;听任;不打扰When someone has deep

13、ly hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.当有人深深地伤害了你时,放下仇恨是非常困难的。For most people,it was impossible to operate a computer without a mouse,let alone surf the Internet.对大多数人来说,没有鼠标几乎就无法操作计算机,更不用说上网了。2.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.(教材P2)我感觉既尴尬又羞愧,不能把注意力集中

14、到任何事情上。【词汇精讲】句中的concentrate on意为“专心于,把思想集中于”。I have quit my job to concentrate on writing fictions.为了专心写小说,我已经辞职了。My throat constricted,so that I had to concentrate on breathing.我的嗓子发紧,所以我不得不把注意力集中在呼吸上。【词汇拓展】concentrate v.集中(注意力、思想等);专注;集中concentrated adj.全神贯注的;浓缩的concentration n.专心,专注;集中We must con

15、centrate our attention on efficiency.我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。3.There is an old American saying,“Loose lips sink ships.”(教材P3)有一句古老的美国谚语,“祸从口出。”【词汇精讲】sink 是动词,意为“使(船)沉没”。The ship struck a rock,and began to sink.船撞上了礁石并开始下沉。In a naval b

16、attle your aim is to sink the enemys ship.在海战中你的目标就是击沉敌船。【词汇拓展】sink n.洗涤池,洗碗槽,水槽v.(日、月)下落;(头、目光等)下垂;消沉,陷入sink into 陷入sink down下沉;沉没sink in渗入;被完全理解The sink was full of dirty dishes.水槽里堆满了脏碟子。Dont let yourself sink into despair.别让自己陷入绝望的境地。4.You admit that you were“letting off steam”.(教材P3)你承认你在“发泄怒气”

17、。【词汇精讲】句中的admit是及物动词,意为“承认,供认”,后接名词、动词-ing形式或宾语从句。此外,还表示“让进入;招收;容纳”。We all admit the task to be very difficult.我们都承认这项任务很艰巨。The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生。【词汇拓展】admission n.准许加入,加入权;接纳;承认admit of sth容许某事物;对某事物留有余地admit to(doing)sth承认/招供/坦白(做)某事be admitted to/in

18、to被录取;获准做某事It is generally admitted that.人们普遍赞同make an admission that.承认He admitted having stolen the car.他承认偷了那辆汽车。They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到拒绝。He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。5.First,apologise

19、to your teammate.(教材P3)首先,向你的队友道歉。【词汇精讲】句中的apologise是不及物动词,意为“道歉,谢罪”。I have come to apologise to you.我是来向您道歉的。I must apologise for the untidy state of the room.屋子这么不整洁,实在抱歉。【词汇拓展】apologise to sb for(doing)sth因某事向某人道歉apologise for oneself 为自己辩解或辩护apology n.道歉,认错accept sbs apology 接受某人的道歉owe sb an apo

20、logy 应向某人道歉make an apology to sb for(doing)sth因某事向某人道歉I apologise for having taken too much of your time.我为占用你很多时间而表示歉意。I apologised to her for stepping on her feet.=I made an apology to her for stepping on her feet.我因踩到她的脚而向她道歉。6.Take a deep breath,calm down,and always remember:think first,speak la

21、ter.(教材P3)深呼吸,让自己平静下来,并谨记:先想,后说。【词汇精讲】breath 为名词,意为“呼出的气”。We had to stop for breath before we got to the top.我们不得不喘口气,然后再登顶。He took a deep breath,and began to climb the stairs.他深吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。【词汇拓展】breathe v.呼吸breathless adj.气喘吁吁的breathe in 吸气breathe out 呼气take a deep breath 深吸一口气 out of breath 气喘吁吁

22、,上气不接下气hold ones breath 屏住呼吸If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn to breathe more deeply.如果你在户外运动,你的身体就会学会更深地呼吸。She was soon out of breath,but went on running.她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续跑。7.If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight,then raise your concerns in a professional way with

23、 your team coach.(教材P3)如果你发现你们有一个队员没有尽责,那么可以从专业角度向你们队的教练提出你的担忧。【词汇精讲】句中concern 是名词,意为“担心,忧虑”。concern 既可以用作名词,又能作动词。用作动词时,意为“(使)担忧;涉及;关系到;与有牵连”。His concern was that people would know that he was responsible.他担心大家会知道是他的责任。Without her care and concern,he had no chance at all.若非她的关心和照顾,他根本没有机会。I voiced

24、my biggest concern to my mother.我把我最大的担忧告诉了我妈妈。【词汇拓展】concerning prep.关于concerned adj.有关的;关心的have/feel/show concern about/for/over.对关心/担忧be concerned about=be worried about 关心;挂念as far as sb/sth be concerned 就而言 She has deep concern for the safety of the children.她深深地关心儿童的安全问题。As far as Im concerned,

25、I dont object to your marriage.就我而言,我不反对你们的婚姻。重点句式1.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.(教材P2)我感觉既尴尬又羞愧,不能把注意力集中到任何事情上。【句式剖析】Embarrassed and ashamed为形容词化的过去分词作状语,表示状态,修饰句子的主语。Dressed in white,she looked really pretty.穿着白色衣服,她看起来确实很美。【句式拓展】(1)形容词化的过去分词作状语,表示伴随,可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾。Overjo

26、yed,they rushed to the front.他们非常高兴,疾步跑到了前边。(2)形容词(短语)作原因状语,通常放在句首。Thirsty and eager to get a little rest,he went into the tea-house and seated himself at a little table.因为非常渴,并且迫切想要休息一下,他进了茶室坐在了一张小桌子旁。(3)形容词(短语)作结果状语,一般位于句末。They returned from war,safe and sound.他们安然无恙地从战争中归来。(4)形容词(短语)作让步状语,可位于句首也可

27、位于句尾。Old and young,the peasants are busy with autumn harvest.无论年轻的还是年长的,所有的农民们都在忙着秋收。2.Filled with anger,you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.(教材P3)充满了愤怒,你通常会想说什么就说什么。【句式剖析】whatever comes to your mind是宾语从句,作动词say的宾语。whatever充当关系代词引导名词性从句时,相当于anything that。whatever在从句中通常作主语或宾语等。We will do what

28、ever is necessary to stop them.我们要采取一切必要措施去阻止他们。I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get.我告诉自己,不管得到什么我都会心满意足的。【句式拓展】whatever还可以引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。Whatever you have done,Ill not scold you.不管你做了什么,我都不会责骂你。The building must be saved whatever the cost(is).不论花多少钱,这幢建筑物必须保留。.课文

29、语法填空Ben is in 1.total mess now.They lost a basketball match and he thought the team 2.(let)down by one member.But a friend of him shared his 3.(disappoint)with others.Now Ben is turning 4.Agony Aunt for help.Agony Aunt shared an old saying:“Loose lips sink ships”.She asked Ben 5.(apologise)to his te

30、ammate first 6.talk to his friend because friendship is one of the 7.(great)things in the world.And most 8.(important),Ben should think about his own behaviour.9.(fill)with anger,we tend to speak out our minds quickly without thinking clearly.Agony Aunt suggested Ben raise his 10.(concern)with his t

31、eam coach.a were letdisappointmenttoto apologiseandgreatestimportantlyFilledconcerns.概要写作根据P2-P3课文内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。参考范文I was a member of our basketball team.The point guard let us down.It was like he wasnt even on the court!I said this to my best friend,but he told everyone else what I had said.I felt embarrassed and ashamed,and asked the Agony Aunt for help.She gave me some suggestions.


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