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1、EnvironmentalPollutionPleasecareforourEarth The current situation of environment Withthedevelopmentofindustryandtechnology,theproblemoftheenvironmentbecomesaseveretesetforourhumans.Thereisatendencythattheenvironmentalpollutionisbecomingmoreandmoreserious.Soitistimeforhumanstocomeupwithsomeeffectivem

2、ethodstolimithumansinfluenceontheenvironmentsoastosolvethissevereproblem.The types of environmental pollution:1.Air pollution 1.Air pollution 2.Water pollution 2.Water pollution 3.Noise pollution 3.Noise pollution 4.Soil pollution 4.Soil pollution Major air pollution sources1.Industrial production i

3、s an important source of air pollution.2.Theburnofgasolineandotherhydrocarbonfuelsinautomobiles,trucks,andjetairplanesproducesseveralprimarypollutants.3.Life stoves and heating boilers.u1.Reduce the emission of all industrial pollutants.u2.Rational plan of industrial areas and non-industrial zone.u3

4、.Use public transportation system,bicycles.u4.Use more clean and renewable energy,such as wind and solar power.u5.Plant more trees.Control of air pollution Major water pollution sources1.The discharge of untreated industrial waste water;2.The discharge of untreated domestic waste water;3.Extensive u

5、se of fertilizers,pesticides;u1.Reduce and eliminate emissions of waste water.u2.Strengthen the protection of drinking water source.u3.Adopt new agricultural science to reduce reliance on fertilizers and pesticides.Control of water pollution Major noise pollution sources1.The heavy street traffic 2.

6、Industrial operations3.Construction activities 4.Celebrations&electric home appliancesu1.Reduce the sources of noiseu2.Use soundproof materials to build housesu3.Adopt anti-noise measures in urban construction.Control of noise pollution Major soil pollution sources1.Farmers over-irrigate their agric

7、ulture with pesticide and chemical fertilizer.2.Many chemical factories and citizens deal with dirty water and solid waste improperly.3.Many natural disasters contribute to the soil pollution such as acid rain,sandstorm,ectu1.Adopt new agricultural science to reduce reliance on fertilizers and pesti

8、cides.u2.Waste water should be properly treated before discharging them on the soil.u 3.Solid wastes should be properly collected and disposed off by appropriate method.Control of Soil pollution Some suggestionsFirst,for individuals,the environmental protection is everyones responsibility.As far as

9、I am concerned,it is really important for every citizen to strengthen the awareness of environmental protection.Maybe we can not change the situations in a minute,but we can do little things to contribute ones effort to the career of environmental protection,for example,we can minimize the use of on

10、e-time items,drive low-emission cars,etc.Here Id like to give some suggestions to protect environment.Secondly,as for companies and factories,I think the way they produce products should be environmental friendly and the leader of the companies or factories should research and develop new equipments

11、,which can reduce the pollution.Factories can use some advanced manufacturing technologies to reduce the noise and improve their capacities of recycling.Exhaust gas and waste water should be well disposed of before they are discharged.At last,for the government,they should punish the individual and

12、factory that pollute the environment harshly and reward those who contribute to the environmental protection.Also,the government can open a tip-off hotline and they should also encourage citizens to say more.Whats more,government should improve the system of public transportation in order to reduce the use of private cars.Thanks for your appreciation!


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