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1、 2020.1 2020.1 -以近几年中考真题为例命题规律 省省/市市年份年份考察知识点考察知识点真题序号真题序号考查题型考查题型分值分值鞍山市2019-2018引导词17、24完形22017引导词12、28单选、完形1+12015引导词24、77完形、翻译句子1+22013时态、引导词34、44、48单选、完形2+1 2012引导词28、101 单选、翻译句子 1+2考点透视1.状语从句的连词2.状语从句的时态(主将从现)3.时间状语从句4.条件状语从句5.目的状语从句6.结果状语从句7.让步状语从句命题形式1.单选 2.完形填空 3.翻译句子定义考点梳理 表示动作发生的时间、地点、原因、

2、条件、目的、结果、方式等的句子成分叫做状语,而由句子来充当这些成分,这样的句子就叫做状语从句。状语从句同副词、介词短语等作状语一样,用于修饰谓语、整个句子,说明它发生的时间、地点、方式、手段、条件、程度、比较、原因、目的、结果等,即在复合句中,作状语成分的从句,叫状语从句 状语从句可放在句首、句中或句末。I get up at 6:00.I get up when it is dark.分类1.I will call you when I see him.2.If you try it,you will like it.3.Where there is water,there is life.

3、4.Because he likes the game,he works hard.5.He works hard so that he can win.6.Even though he wins,he is not happy.7.They tried their best,so they won.8.Please state the fact just as they are.9.He runs faster than his father does.时间状语从句条件状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句目的状语从句让步状语从句结果状语从句方式状语从句比较状语从句引导词考点梳理从句名称从句名称引

4、导词引导词时间状语从句when,while,as,before,after,until,as soon as(一.就),since(自从)条件状语从句if,unless,as/so long as(只要),once(一旦),as far as地点状语从句where,wherever原因状语从句because,as(由于),since(既然)目的状语从句so that,in order that让步状语从句though,although,even if=even though比较状语从句than,as.as,not so/as.as结果状语从句so that,so.that,such.that方

5、式状语从句as,as if/though1.时间状语从句考点梳理 1.当我再次遇见我的朋友们时,我感到很高兴。I feel very happy_I meet my friends again.when2.自从我们开始做饭,我们已经包了许多饺子了。We have made many dumplings_we began to cook.since3.他直到做完作业才睡觉。He didnt go to bed_he finished his homework.until4.他一回来我就给他打电话。Ill call him_he comes back.as soon as5.当我正在打电子游戏时,

6、爸爸在清洗汽车。Father was cleaning the car_I was playing computer games.while考点梳理1.在时间状语从句里,主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时(主将从现)Ill ring you up as soon as I get to New York.I will tell him everying when he comes back.He wont believe it until he sees it with his own eyes.2.若就时间状语从句提问,应用when来提问While we were sweeping the fl

7、oor,the bell rang.(就划线部分提问)考点诠释 辨析:when,while,as1).三者均可表示“当.的时候”,如果主句表示的是短暂性的动作,而从句表示的是一段时间,三者通用。2).as和when都可与终止性动词连用,while只能与延续性动词连用。It was snowing_we got to the airport.when She fell asleep_she was reading the newspaper.while 考点诠释 辨析:when,while,as3).as:强调主句与从句表示的动作同时发生,含“一边.,一边/随着”之意;while:强调主句表示的

8、动作持续于while所指的整个时间内;when:可指主、从句所述的动作同时/先后发生 He sang _ he went along.他边走边唱。as Please write_I read.我读的时候,请写下来。while _he reached home,he had a little rest.回到家后,他休息了一会儿。When拓展:while有时可作并列连词,表示对比,“.然而.”I am fond of English while he likes math.即时练习1._he had finished his homework,he took a short rest.When2.

9、_he walked along the lake,he sang happily.As3._she was typing the letter,the telephone rang.While拓展 根据主从句的三种时间关系,分为主从句同时发生,主从句都没有发生,主从句一前一后发生三类句型,每种句型分别对应独特的句式1.主从句同时发生 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?What are you doing when the UFO arrived?过去类:过去进行when一般过去 现在类:现在进行when一般现在三类时间拓展 2.主从句都没有发生

10、 I would leave if he came.I will leave if he comes.过去类:过去将来when一般过去 现在类:一般将来when一般现在3.主从句一前一后发生 The train had been away when I arrived.过去完成when一般过去三类时间考点诠释 before:1.“在.之前”It will be half a year before I come back.2.it will be+段时间+before.“多久之后才.”It will be half a year before we meet again.3.it wont b

11、e+段时间+before.“过不了多久就.”It wont be half a year before we meet again.肯定句中“才”,否定句中“就”考点诠释 辨析:till,until,not.until1.until/till引导时间状语从句用于肯定句时,主句的动词是延续性动词,表示动作/状态一直持续到until/till所表示的时间,意为“某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止”We waited until he came.2.用于否定句时,主句谓语动词是非延续性动词,从句为肯定,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”He wont go to bed till/until she ret

12、urns.“延肯瞬否”即时练习1._he comes here tomorrow,I will call you.When2._he was walking in the street,he met Tim.When/While3.She sang_she worked.as4.It wont be long_he finishes his writing.before5._he had finished his work,he left there.After6.It is two years_he came here.since7._she told me,I had no idea of

13、 what they had said.Until真题练习1.Its quite common in Britain to say“Thank you”to the drivers _people get off the bus.A.after B.since C.until D.when2.-Will you please give the dictionary to Jane?-Sure.Ill give it to her_she arrives here.A.before B.until C.because D.as soon as 真题练习3.I ll send you an e-m

14、ail as soon as I _in Canada.A.arrive B.arrived C.am arriving D.will arrive4.-What was your brother doing at this yesterday?-He was reading a magazine_I was writing an e-mail at home.A.before B.until C.while D.as soon as 2.条件状语从句考点梳理1.Well start our project_the president agree.if2.You will certainly

15、succeed _you keep on trying.as long as3._it doesnt rain tomorrow,we will go there by bike.If条件状语从句也像时间状语从句一样,如果主句用将来时,从句要用现在时代替将来时。(主将从现)考点诠释 辨析:if(如果),unless(除非)unless在意义上相当于if.not,“如果不.”。You will fail unless you study hard.=You will fail if you dont study hard.拓展1.“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”在意义上相当于一个带条件状语从句的

16、复合句。其中,and表示顺承;or表示转折,“否则”。Hurry up,or youll be late.=If you dont hurry up,you;ll be late.Study hard and you will pass the exam.=If you study hard,you will pass the exam.2.用介词with,without可以把条件状语从句改写成简单句If there is no water,the fish may die.=Fish may die without water.If you help me,Ill finish my tas

17、k on time.=With your help,Ill finish my task on time.即时练习1._you touch an English person,you should say“sorry”.If2._they are dirty,certain seas are not able to clean themselves.Once3._we dont lose heart,well find a way to overcome the difficulty.As long as4._I know you shouldnt have any problem there

18、.As far as即时练习5.Youll be late_you dont get up early tomorrow morning.A.if B.when C.before D.until6.If he_on time,we will go without him.A.doesnt come B.dont come C.didnt come 7.If you_him tomorrow,please ask him if he_to work on the farm with us.A.see;goes B.will see;goes C.will see;will go D.see;wi

19、ll go 真题练习1.-Well go for a picnic if it_this Sunday.-Wish you a lovely weekend.A.rain B.doesnt rain C.wont rain 2.They will lose the game_they try their best.A.unless B.once C.since D.after 3.We will have no water to drink_we dont protect the earth.A.until B.before C.though D.if 3.地点状语从句考点梳理You can

20、take a walk wherever you like to.-Mom,what did your doctor say?-He advised me to live where the air is fresher.1.where+地点从句,译为“哪里.哪里就.”或“.的地方”You should have put the book where you found it.你本该把书放回原来的地方。They were good persons.Where they went,they were warmly welcomed.他们都是好人。他们走到哪里都受到热烈欢迎。考点梳理2.anywh

21、ere/wherever+地点从句,+主句。anywhere本身是个副词,但可以引导从句,相当于连词,意思类似于wherever;引导的从句可位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后 wherever:连词,表“在何处,无论何处”Wherever the sea is,you will find seamen.3.地点状语从句的省略 Fill in the blanks with articles(where it is)necessary.在需要的地方天填上冠词。(括号内部分可省略)考点梳理4.地点状语从句与定语从句的区别:二者区别在于分句在句中作什么成分。作状语,则是状语从句;作定语修饰名词,则是

22、定语从句。where引导定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词做先行词;而状语从句前则无需先行词。Go back where you came from.(地点状语从句)你从何处来就到何处去。Go back to the village where you came from.(定语从句)回到你来的那个村子里去。即时练习1.You should let your children play_you can see them.A.where B.when C.in which D.that2.Now he works in the factory_his father used to work

23、.A.where B.when C.in which D.that 4.原因状语从句考点梳理 1.通常由because,since,as引导。because:回答why引导的疑问句,该从句一般位于主句后;as:语气较弱,较口语化,所表示的原因较明显;since:表对方已知的事实,相当于汉语的“既然”。since比as正式,两者不回答why引导的问句,而且其从句一般放在句首。He didnt come to school because he was ill.As it is raining,we shall not go to the zoo.Since you cant answer the

24、 question,Ill ask someone else.考点梳理 2.because和so不能同时用在一个句子里3.for是并列连词,引导的句子不置于句首,是一种非直接的、随便附加说明的理由或推断 The oil must be out,for the light went out.4.because和because of的区别:because后面跟从句;because of后面跟名词短语。He is late for school because it rains heavily.He is late for school because of the heavy rain.即时练习1

25、._he was ill,he didnt go to school.Because2._you dont understand,I will explain again.Since3._she was late for class,she had to say sorry.Now that4.He must be ill,_he is absent today.for5.I eat potatoes_I like them.because6._I didnt know thw way,I asked a policeman.As7._you wont help me,Ill ask some

26、one else.Since真题练习1.He didnt go to school yesterday_he was ill.A.because B.because of C.if D.so 2.There will be a flower show in the park_we visited last week.A.who B.when C.what D.which 3.I didnt buy the dictionary yesterday_my aunt would give me one.A.until B.because C.before D.if 真题练习4.-Why did y

27、ou come to school late this morning?-_I watched the football World Cup until 12 oclock last night.A.Because B.Since C.If D.Though 5.目的状语从句考点梳理 1.Speak clearly so that they may understand you.2.He spoke slowly in order that everyone could understand.目的状语从句常由so that,in order that 等词引导,从句中常含有情态动词(may/m

28、ight/shall/should/will/would/can/could),常放于主句之后。即时练习1.They set out early_they might arrive there in time.so that/in order that2.Take your raincoat_it should rain.in case3.The boy hid himself behind the tree_his father should see him.in case/for fear that6.结果状语从句考点梳理1.他如此小以至于他不能上班。He is _young _he ca

29、nt go to work.so that2.他工资如此少,他的家人不得不靠救济金生活。He got _little pay_his family had to live on welfare money.so that3.机会这样好,我们绝不能失掉。Its _a good chance _we mustnt miss it.such that考点诠释 辨析:so that,so.that,such.that1.so that:“以便,结果”,表目的和结果 区别:1).目的状语从句里往往带有情态动词 2).从意思上看,目的状语从句往往表示的目的很明确 Speak clearly so that

30、 they may understand you.(目的状语从句)Jack is badly ill so that he has to rest.(结果状语从句)考点诠释 辨析:so that,so.that,such.that2.so.that:“如此.以至于”,表结果。常有以下结构:1).so+形/副+that 2).so+形+a/an+单数可数名词+that 3).so+many/much/few/little(“多多少少”)+复数名词/不可数名词+that考点诠释 辨析:so that,so.that,such.that3.such.that:“如此.以至于”,表结果,常有以下结构:

31、1).such+a/an+形+单数可数名词+that 2).such+形+复数名词/不可数名词+that注意:so+形+a/an+单数可数名词+that =such+a/an+形+单数可数名词+that She is so beatiful a girl that everyone likes her.She is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes her.考点诠释 1.It was such a wonderful film that all of us wanted to see it again.=The film was so wond

32、erful that all of us wanted to see it again.2.He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling(天花板).3.Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.4.He has so little time that he cant go to the cinema with you.拓展so.that与too.to do(太.而不能)、enough+形/副+to do(足够的.可以.)的转换:He

33、 is so young that he cant go to school.He is too young to go to school.He is not old enough to go to school.真题练习1.The book was written in_easy English_even primary school students could understand it.A.so;that B.such;that C.too;to D.very;that 2.Mr.Green speaks very loudly_all the people can hear him

34、 clearly.A.so that B.when C.because 真题练习3.Teresa is_nervous_she cant talk in front of the class.A.so;that B.such;that C.too;to D.very;that 4.Ann listened carefully_she could discover what she needed.A.such that B.in order that C.because D.even though 真题练习5.Ann is too young to go to school.(同义句转换)Ann

35、 is_go to school.so young that she cant6.His plan was such a good one_we all agreed to accept it.A.so B.and C.as D.that 7.让步状语从句考点梳理 1.Though he was ill,he was still working.2.Although it is difficult,we shall do it.3.Even though/if you say so,I do not believe it.“让步”:即“退一步说.”的意思,有一种转折关系在里面。让步状语从句,表

36、示“虽然、尽管、即使、无论”等概念,常由though/although/even though(if)/while/as/whether.or./no matter+疑问词/疑问词-ever等词引导;考点诠释 1.辨析:though、although “虽然、纵然”二者意思大致相同,在一般情况下可互换。口语中,though较常用。although较正式。二者都可与yet,still,never,the less连用,但不能与but连用。Although/Though he is very old,(yet)he is quite strong.注意:although引导的让步状语从句位于主句之

37、前的情况较多,though引导的可位于主句之前/之后考点诠释 2.辨析:though、as “虽然.但是、纵使.”as引导的让步状语从句必须以部分倒装形式出现,被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语或动词原形,though也可用于此结构,但although不可这样用。Hard as/though he works,he makes little progress.=Though he works hard,he makes little progress.考点诠释 3.辨析:even though、even if “即使.、纵使.”,含有一种假设。二者意思基本相同,常互换,但意义有细微差别。even i

38、f:含强烈的假定性,可表示与事实相反的假设,但不能用来描述已经发生的事实;even though:是以从句的内容为先决条件的,即说话人肯定了从句的事实,表示已经发生了的事 Well make a trip even if/though the weather is bad.考点诠释 3.辨析:even though、even if “即使.、纵使.”,含有一种假设。二者意思基本相同,常互换,但意义有细微差别。even if:含强烈的假定性,可表示与事实相反的假设,但不能用来描述已经发生的事实;even though:是以从句的内容为先决条件的,即说话人肯定了从句的事实,表示已经发生了的事 We

39、ll make a trip even if/though the weather is bad.考点诠释 4.whether.or.“不论是否.,不管是.还是.”由一个复合连词引导让步状语从句,说明正反两方面的可能性都不影响主句的意向或结果。Youll have to attend the ceremony whether youre free or busy.考点诠释5.no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever “.都.,不管.都.”二者可互换。No matter what happened,he would not mind.=Whatever happened,he would n

40、ot mind.“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词-ever”还可以引导名词性从句 Whatever/No matter what you say,I wont believe you.(让步状语从句)Ill eat whatever you give me.(宾语从句)即时练习1._he is old,he works hard.Even if/though2._you say so,I dont believe it.Although/Though3.Smart_he is,he doesnt study hard.as4.The old tower mus

41、t be saved,_te cost.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever8.比较状语从句考点梳理 1.He runs as fast as I(do).2.The more I see him,the more I like him.比较状语从句,常由than/as.as/the more.the more等词引导;than:表两者的比较;as.as:表程度相同的比较;the more.,the more.:越.,就越.比较状语从句后面的主语,在口语中,常可省略;比较连词前后的结构要一致考点诠释 1.表示甲与乙在某一方面相同时,用“as+原

42、级+as”句型;表示甲在某一方面不如乙时,用“not as/so+原级+as”句型 Dalian is as beautiful as Shenzhen.I dont run as/so fast as Jim.2.表示甲超过/不及乙时,用“比较级+从句”(从句中常省略意义与主句相同的部分);如果后面的句子主语为主格时,可以加助动词、情态动词等 He runs faster than you(do).Today is less cold than yesterday.考点诠释 3.注意:表“越来越.”的两个句型:1).比较级+and+比较级 The days are getting longe

43、r and longer.The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.2).the+比较级.,the+比较级.The harder you study,the more you can learn.即时练习1.He doesnt work so hard _you do.as2.The more you worry,_youll succeed.the less3.She did worse in the test_she expected.than9.方式状语从句考点梳理 1.I couldnt move my legs.It wa

44、s as if they were stuck to the floor.2.You can do it as what I just did.3.He sounds as though hes got a sore throat.方式状语从句,常由as(按照),(just)as.so.,as if(似乎、好像),as though(似乎、好像)等词引导;考点诠释 1.as,(just)as.so.“按照,正如”引导的从句常位于主句后;当(just)as.so.结构位于句首时,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,多用于正式文体。Please do as what I told you.As water

45、 is to fish,so air is to man.Just as we sweep our room,so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.考点诠释 2.as if,as though “仿佛.似的,好像.似的”二者意义、用法相同,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反;有时也用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实/实现的可能性较大。He looks as if/though he had been hit by lightning.他那样子就像被雷击了似的。(与事实相反,谓语用虚拟语气)It looks as if the

46、weather may pick up very soon.看来天气很快就会好起来。(实现的可能性较大,谓语用陈述语气)注意:as if/though也可以引导一个分词短语、不定式短语或无动词短语 He cleared his throat as if to say something.The waves dashed on the rocks as if in anger.考点诠释 3.其他引导词:1).the way:Please pronounce the word the way I do.请按照我这样,读这个单词。2).口语中常用like:He sit there smiling l

47、ike it was his birthday.他面带微笑坐在那儿,像是过生日似的。(此处用了虚拟语气,注意be动词用的是was;而表虚拟,as if 引导的be动词只能是were)拓展作方式状语as:连词,后接从句,Please do it as I did it.可省略为:Please do it as I.like:介词,后接宾语 Please do it like me.真题练习1.She looks _she is ill.A.as if B.though C.because D.since2.-Look!Some people are running the red lights.

48、-We should wait _others are breaking the rule.A.if B.although C.because D.unless真题练习3.Debbie is growing fast.She is even _than her mother.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest4.-Remember this,children._careful you are,_mistake you will make.-We know,Mr.Li.A.The more;the more B.The fewer;the more C

49、.The more;the fewer D.The less;the less真题练习5.-The boy can speak both English and Japanese _he is only ten.-Wow,what a clever boy!A.if B.because C.though 6.English isnt as_as Chinese.Maybe,perhaps its just because Chinese is your native language.A.easy B.easily C.easier D.easiest复习指导123理解状语从句的含义熟记时间/

50、条件/地点/原因/目的/结果/让步/比较/方式状语从句引导词注意易混连词的辨析及用法理解地点状语从句与定语从句的区别掌握状语从句与时态的结合考查重点掌握常考的引导词:when/if/so that等THANK YOU!1.满含泪眼问问春花,春花却不答语,零乱的落花已经飘飞过秋千去。2.怎能忍受这孤独的馆舍正紧紧关住的春寒,特别在杜鹃悲啼不停夕阳将暮之时。3.辞官归隐田园后融入大自然怀抱里的悠闲自得,忘却了荣辱得失,尽享田园生活之恬淡。4.惜别之情不是很浓烈,更没有悲伤,竟被眼前美丽的景观吸引了,若非急着去赴任,诗人定会继续欣赏下去,与大自然共享闲暇。5.文本解读本文是一篇论述生物社会行为的文章


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