Unit 1-2 学考背诵材料-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.docx

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1、必修三 Unit 1 Nature in the balance一、 背阅读单词1. soil n.土壤;国土,领土,土地 3. continent n.大陆,陆地,洲2. ecosystem n.生态系统 4. biodiversity n. 生物多样性 5. towering ad j. 高大的,高耸的;出色的 6. nutrient n. 营养素,营养物 7. carbon n. 碳 8. oxygen n. 氧,氧气 9. global adj. 全球的;全面的 10. greenhouse n. 温室暖房11. gas n. 气体;煤气;汽油 12. drought n. 旱灾,久旱

2、 13.brochure n. 小册子 14. belt n. 地带,地区;腰带;传送带 15.medal n. 奖章,勋章 16. image n. 形象;图像;意象 17.habitat n. 生活环境,栖息地 18. nowhere adv. 无处,哪里都不 二、背重点单词1._ adj. 海外的,国外的 adv. 在海外,向国外 2. _ 地区,区域;行政区 3. _ num. 一百万;许多,大量 4._ n.(pl.species)种,物种5._ n. 野生动植物,野生生物 6._ prep. 在下面,在下方 7. _ n. 大量;团,块,堆;一大群 adj. 大批的,广泛的 8._

3、 adj. 活着的,活的;在使用的 n. 生计,谋生;生活方式 9._ adv. 因此,从而;这样 10._ n. 影响,作用;撞击,冲撞 vi.& vt. 有影响;冲击11._ vt.&n. 损害,伤害,损坏,破坏12._ n.气候;倾向,风气 13. _ vt.& vi. 跟踪,追踪 足迹,踪迹;小道n. 地区,区域;行政区 14._ n. 居民,住户 15._ n. 首领,最高领导人 adj. 主要的;首席的 16._ vi. 反对,抗议 vt. 反对;坚持声称,申辩 n. 抗议,反对 17._ n. 利润,收益;好处 vi.& vt. 获益,得到好处18._ n. 过程,进程;步骤,流

4、程 vt. 加工,处理 19._ vt.回收利用,再利用 20._ adj. 昔日的,前任的 21._ n. 官员,要员 adj. 公务的;正式的,官方的 22._ n.贫穷,贫困;贫乏 23._ adj. 更多的,更进一步的 adv. 较远,更远;进一步 vt. 促进,增进 三、双向翻译1.Welcome to the jungle, a huge sea of green alive with the sounds of animals.欢迎来到丛林,这是一片绿色的海洋,处处可闻各种动物的声音。2. The forests different levels support an unbel

5、ievable variety of wildlife.雨林的不同层次养活的野生动物种类多到难以置信。3.These frogs, in turn, feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit.相应地,这些青蛙的食物,是以树叶和水果为食的昆虫。4.The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen.亚马孙雨林通过固定碳(二氧化碳-译者注),并生成占全球总量2

6、0%以上的氢气,来为地球注入活力。5. Over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming.在过去的50年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,17%的雨林已经消失了。6. The smog in the air has coloured the sky a smoky grey; its also given me a cough that I cant get rid of.

7、空气中的烟雾把太空都染成了烟灰色,这还让我患上了咳嗽,久治不愈。7. In defence of the factories, however Id like to point out that we also try to control the amount of pollution we produce.不过,我要为工厂说句话,我想指出,我们也在努力控制我们制造的污染。8. A former UN official once said, “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth

8、 . these are one and the same fight.”一位联合国前官员曾经说过:“拯救我们的地球,让人们摆脱贫困,实现经济增长.这是同一场战斗。”四、课文缩写The Amazon rainforest is home to a great 1._(various) of plant life; however, its soil is 2. _ (surprising) poor in nutrients. In fact, the soil in the region cannot support3. _(agricultural) for more than a few

9、 years. If a scientist is shown a report 4._(list) the nutrients of that soil, he or she will probably think that only desert plants can survive in it! Then why is the soil so poor in nutrients? For one thing, the rainy season has an impact 5._ the soil. In the rainy season, the water level can rise

10、 to more than 12 metres. When the water goes away, it takes away the 6._(nutrient) in the soil. For another thing, due to the Amazons hot climate, it is difficult for the soil to build 7._enough nutrients. Dead plants and animals are 8._(break) down more quickly.The nutrients are soon taken in by th

11、e roots of the plants deep 9._the ground. As a result, most of the forests nutrients are locked up in the plants themselves, thus 10._(allow) them to grow at an unbelievable speed.必修三 Unit 2 natural disaster一、 背阅读单词1. county n. 郡,县 2. stair n.楼梯;梯级3. procedure n.程序,步骤,手续4. tsunami n. 海啸 5. odd adj.

12、奇怪的,怪异的 6. destructive adj. 引起破坏(或毁灭)的 7. conference n. 会议,研讨会;讨论,商谈 8. charity n. 慈善机构(或组织)9. staff n. 全体职工;管理人员 vt. 在工作,任职于 10.slide n. 幻灯片;降低;滑行;山崩 11. fund n. 资金;基金 有条理的,整齐 12. downstairs adv. 在楼下,往楼下 n. 楼下 13. document n. 文件;(计算机中的)文档14.dawn n. 黎明,破晓;开端,萌芽 vi. 开始;开始清楚15. bar n. 酒吧;小馆子;吧台 vt.封;阻

13、挡;阻止二、背重点单词1._ n. 灾难,灾害;彻底失败 2._ n. 碰撞;崩溃 碰撞声,破裂声;vi.&vt. 碰撞,撞击;崩溃 3._ vi.&vt. 发信号,示意;标志 n. 信号,暗号;信号灯 出口 4._ vt.&vi. 出去,离去,退场;退出 n. 出口,通道;离开 5. _ n. 名单;卷;一管;翻滚 vi.&vt翻滚,滚动;翻身;卷起6._ vt. 拥抱,搂抱;抱紧 7. _ vi. 发生,出现;存在于 8._ n. 震惊,惊愕;剧烈震动 vt. 使震惊 9._ n. 补给,补给品;供应 vt. 供应,供给,提供 10._ n. 洪水,水灾;大量 vi.&vt. 淹没,泛滥;

14、大量涌入11. _ vt. 使出土,挖掘,发掘 12. _ n. 目的地,终点 13 _ adv. 否则,不然;除此以外 14._ adv. 在(或向)较远处 prep.在(或向)较远处,超出15. _ n.&vt. 救援,营救,抢救 三、双向翻译1.Her students reaction was quick and correct- they moved under their desks, head first,and held on to the legs of the desks.她的学生们反应迅速正确-他们头朝里,钻到桌子下面,并紧紧抓住桌腿。2.After a roll cal

15、l confirmed that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, laughing, crying and hugging each other.点名确认所有人都安然无恙后, 哭啊,互相拥抱着3.Only 5 students suffered slight injuries, despite the current figures of 7 killed and over 200 injured in the disaster area at large.尽管目前整个灾区伤亡数据为7人死亡,200多人受伤,(弗尔蒙特小学)却仅有5名学生受轻伤。3

16、. Her students reaction was quick and correct- they moved under their desks, head first, and held on to the legs of the desks.她的学生反应迅速、正确他们头朝里,爬到课桌下面,并紧紧抓住桌腿。5.At that moment, they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet; beyond in the distance, they heard the crash of falling roofs.那一刻,他们感到脚下的大地正

17、在颤抖;他们听到远处有屋顶坍塌的巨响。6.Over the empty streets-over the forum-far and wide-with many a noisy crash in the stormy sea -fell that awful shower!(它们)落在空荡荡的街道,落在广场上,四面八方,还有许多掉在波涛汹涌的大海里,发出阵阵巨响 下了一场可怕的大雨! 7. It took the form of a huge tree: the trunk, blackness, the branches, fire!它形似一株巨树:树干,黑魆魆的;枝叶,那是火!8.At

18、that moment, they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet; beyond in the distance, they heard the crash of falling roofs.那一刻,他们感到脚下的大地正在颤抖;他们听到远处有屋顶坍塌的巨响。9.To her great relief, the officer immediately realized the coming danger.使她大为宽慰的是,安全员立即意识到危险即将来临。9. Its ashy rocks, now dark, now light, told a

19、 story of past eruptions that might have warned the city what was to come!火山岩忽明怨籍,讲述着几度喷发的往事,这原本可以警告这座城市里的人们即将到来的是什么!四、课文缩写In spite of 7 killed and over 200 injured in an earthquake, 476 students and 36 teachers at Falmont Primary School 1._(escape) the disaster. Only5 students suffered slight injur

20、ies.The head teacher 2._(name) Alice Brown was teaching when the floor began to shake. Her students 3._(react) was quick and correct. Miss Brown 4._(quick) opened the classroom door 5._ might be damaged 6._case it could not open. The moment 7._ shaking stopped, Miss Brown sensed it was the best time

21、 for the class to make their escape. She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an 8._(order) line After a roll call confirmed that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, 9._(laugh), crying and hugging each other. The earthquake safety procedures 10._(practise) twice a year, so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.


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