2020届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解14 Word版含解析.docx

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1、 - 1 - 阅读理解专题阅读理解专题 14 A (2019 全国卷,C) Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beachs Bar Louie counter by herself,quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad.What is she reading?None of your business! Lunch is Bechtels “me” time.And like more Americans,shes not alone. A new report found 46 percen

2、t of meals are eaten alone in America.More than half (53 percent) have breakfast alone and nearly half (46 percent) have lunch by themselves.Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore,74 percent,according to statistics from the report. “I prefer to go out and be out.Alone,but together,you kno

3、w?” Bechtel said,looking up from her book.Bechtel,who works in downtown West Palm Beach,has lunch with coworkers sometimes,but like many of us,too often works through lunch at her desk.A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.She returns to work feeling energized

4、.“Today,I just wanted some time to myself,” she said. Just two seats over,Andrew Mazoleny,a local videographer,is finishing his lunch at the bar.He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom hes on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction

5、(交流).“I reflect on how my days gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said.“Its a chance for self-reflection.You return to work recharged and with a plan.” That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a

6、 table for one,but those days are over.Now,we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table.“It doesnt feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,” said Laurie Demeritt,whose company provided the statistics for the report. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章通过具体的数据和例子说明,由于有智能手 机相伴,单独就餐已

7、成为一种趋势。 1.What are the statistics in Paragraph 2 about? A.Food variety. B.Eating habits. C.Table manners. D.Restaurant service. 答案:B 解析:推理判断题。 根据本段提到的数据以及“meals are eaten alone in America”“have breakfast alone”“have lunch by themselves”以及“eating together”可知,这些数字是关 于饮食习惯的。 2.Why does Bechtel prefer t

8、o go out for lunch? A.To meet with her coworkers. B.To catch up with her work. C.To have some time on her own. D.To collect data for her report. 答案:C - 2 - 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “Lunch is Bechtels me time.”以及第三段 的最后一句“Today,I just wanted some time to myself.”可知,她喜欢出去吃午饭是因 为她想有一些属于自己的时间。 3.What do we know

9、 about Mazoleny? A.He makes videos for the bar. B.Hes fond of the food at the bar. C.He interviews customers at the bar. D.Hes familiar with the barkeeper. 答案:D 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“or chat up the barkeeper with whom hes on a first-name basis”可知,他对酒吧的老板可以直呼其名,由此推测他们应该很熟悉。 4.What is the text mainly about

10、? A.The trend of having meals alone. B.The importance of self-reflection. C.The stress from working overtime. D.The advantage of wireless technology. 答案:A 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段中的“That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.”可知,本文主要介绍了人们单独就餐的趋势。故 选 A 项。 B (2019 北京朝阳高三一模) Flying

11、 High Barrington Irving made his historic flight and founded an educational non-profit-making organization.His message for kids:“The only thing that separates you from scientists is determination,hard work and a strong liking for what you want to achieve.” The secret,he believes,is having a dream in

12、 the first place,and that starts with learning experiences that inspire kids to build careers. The moment of inspiration for Irving came at the age of 15 in his parents bookstore.One customer,a professional pilot,asked Irving if hed thought about becoming a pilot.“I told him I didnt think I was smar

13、t enough;but the next day he took me to the cockpit(驾驶舱) of the commercial airplane he flew,and just like that I was hooked.” To follow his dream,Irving turned down a football scholarship to the University of Florida.He washed airplanes to earn money for a flight school and increased his flying skil

14、ls by practising at home on a $40 flight simulator(模拟器) video game.Then another dream took hold:flying alone around the world.He faced more than 50 rejections for sponsorship before convincing some companies to donate aircraft components.He took off with no weather radar,no de-icing system,and just

15、$30 in his pocket.“I like to do things people say I cant do.” After 97 days,26 stops and dozens of thunderstorms,he touched down to a cheering crowd in Miami.“It was seeing so many young people watching and listening that pushed me into giving back with my knowledge and experience.” Irving has been

16、doing it ever since.He set up his non-profit-making organization,Experience Aviation(航 - 3 - 空),aiming to increase the numbers of youth in aviation and science-related careers.Kids attend programmes dealing with hands-on robotics projects and flight simulator challenges. “We want to create chances f

17、or students to accomplish something amazing,” he notes.Perhaps Irvings most powerful educational tool is the example his own life provides.After landing his record-breaking flight at age 23,he said,“Everyone told me I was so young that I didnt have enough experience,strength,or knowledge.They told m

18、e it would take forever and Id never come home.Well.guess what?” 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了 Barrington Irving 学习飞行、独自一 人飞越全球并成立公益组织传播飞行知识及经验的故事。 1.According to Irving,what is the most important in achieving success? A.Meeting people who provide unexpected help. B.Getting a chance to study technical knowle

19、dge. C.Having something specific that you want to accomplish. D.Developing communication with different organizations. 答案:C 解析:推理判断题。 根据文章第一段最后一句“The secret,he believes,is having a dream in the first place,and that starts with learning experiences that inspire kids to build careers.”可知,Irving 认为最重要的

20、是首先要有梦想,也就是首先你要有自己迫切想 要完成的具体事情。 2.What Irving replied to the pilot in the bookstore suggested that . A.he felt embarrassed to refuse the offer B.he was doubtful about his own abilities C.he knew his efforts would be rewarded D.he realized immediately how lucky he was 答案:B 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“I told hi

21、m I didnt think I was smart enough” 可知,Irving 告诉对方自己可能不够聪明,说明他怀疑自己的能力。 3.What can we learn about Irving in Paragraph 3? A.He chose to reduce his budget as low as possible. B.He was finally given enough money to keep going. C.He got the most useful flying tips from his video game. D.He took on a furt

22、her challenge after he knew how to fly. 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“Then another dream took hold:flying alone around the world.”可知,在学会飞行以后,他有了另外一个梦想:独自飞越全球。 4.Why did Irving set up his non-profit-making organization? A.He hoped to become a public figure. B.He expected to start a business in other fields.

23、 C.He saw many people were interested in what he was doing. D.He thought he could teach more than flight schools could do. 答案:C - 4 - 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“It was seeing so many young people watching and listening that pushed me into giving back with my knowledge and experience.”可知, 促使他建立这个公益组织的是他看到了很多年

24、轻人都对他做的事情感兴趣。 C Children can make some pretty lofty statements and grand promises.And an 8-year-old boy who promised to get his dad his dream car was no exceptionbut then he actually fulfilled his promise. A Reddit user going by the username Belairboy wrote that when he was 8 years old,he told his d

25、ad he would buy him a 1957 Chevy Bel Air on his 57th birthday. “He grew up poor in a family of children.He never thought he would be able to own his dream vehicle but would talk about it all the time,” Belairboy wrote. Then the day came. He tricked his father to look in the garage while the older ma

26、n was trying to fix a cornhole board.When the dad finally looked up from his project and his son said,“Happy Birthday,” all the father could say in a whimpering tone was “no,” as he tearfully went in for a hug. “Oh my,oh my.This is real.This is real,” the father said as he climbed into the drivers s

27、eat.“Youre kidding me.This is spotless,man.” Later,Belairboy revealed that he has hung onto the car for two years to make the promise come true. “We would talk about older vehicles so to gauge(判断,估计) how much he would enjoy it.I would show him pictures of it from the listing I found,unknown to him t

28、hat it would actually be his one day,” Belairboy wrote.“He would get so excited and talk about owning something that he knew he never would be able to.” 【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个儿子兑现自己 8 岁时的承诺, 送父亲爱车,使其热泪盈眶的故事。 1.Why did the father say “no” when seeing his birthday present? A.He didnt know what happen

29、ed. B.He wanted to hug his dear son first. C.He was too excited to say anything else. D.He knew little about this type of vehicle. 答案:C 解析:推理判断题。 根据第五段最后一句话中的“.could say in a whimpering tone was no, as he tearfully went in for a hug.”可知,这位父亲非常激动,简直不敢相信自 己的眼睛。 2.What did the father think of his dream

30、 car at first? A.He wouldnt like it at all. B.He would own one some day. C.His son would buy one for him. D.He would never have it in his life. 答案:D 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段 Belairboy 说的话中的“He never thought he would be able to own his dream vehicle but would talk about it all the time.”可知,父亲从来没 有想过自己能拥有这样的车。

31、- 5 - 3.Which of the following can best describe Belairboy? A.He is worth trust. B.He is warm-hearted. C.He is well-received. D.He is hard-working. 答案:A 解析:推理判断题。根据本文的描述可知,儿子从小立志在父亲 57 岁生日时给父亲 买一辆父亲喜欢的豪车,最后承诺得以实现,因此他是一个值得信任的人,答案为 A 项。 D According to researchers,money can buy happiness,but only if yo

32、u spend it on someone else. Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly bring you happiness,the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found. Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably(明 显地) happier when they spent

33、money on otherseven if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier. “We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn,” said Elizabeth Dunn,a psychologist at the University of British Columbia. They asked th

34、eir 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness,report their annual income and detail their monthly spending including bills,gifts for themselves,gifts for others and donations to charity(慈善机构). “Regardless of how much income each person made,those who spent money on others reported greater

35、 happiness,while those who spent more on themselves did not,” Dunn said in a statement. Dunns team also surveyed(调查) 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus(奖金) of between $3,000 and $8,000. “Employees who devoted more of their bonus to proso

36、cial(有益社会的) spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus,and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor(预示) of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself,” they wrote in their report,published in the journal Science. They gave their volunteers

37、 $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it.Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it. “These findings suggest that very minor alterations(改动) in spending allocations(分配)as little as $5may be enough to produce real gains in happiness o

38、n a given day,” Dunn said. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要用科学实验阐述当金钱花在别人身上 时个人更能得到理想中的幸福。 1.According to the passage, . A.the more money you spend on yourself,the happier you are B.spending money on others can bring you happiness C.Elizabeth Dunn is a psychologist from Harvard Business School - 6 - D.six hundre

39、d volunteers took part in the experiment 答案:B 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“According to researchers,money can buy happiness,but only if you spend it on someone else.”可知在别人身上花钱可以给你自 己带来幸福。故选 B 项。 2.The 16 employees mentioned in the passage . A.were given clear instructions on how to spend the bonus B.had more ha

40、ppiness when spending money on themselves C.experienced greater happiness after receiving their bonus D.felt happier after they contributed much of the bonus to charities 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。根据题干关键词“The 16 employees”找到文中对应段是第七、八 段,根据第八段的“Employees who devoted more of their bonus to prosocial spending expe

41、rienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus,and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself.”判断这些雇工在做了慈善之后感到更幸福。故选 D 项。 3.Dunns statement suggested that . A.those who spent money on others felt happier no matte

42、r how much they earned B.those who spent more money on themselves felt happier C.people thought spending money could make themselves happier D.the money spent was as important as the money earned 答案:A 解析:推理判断题。 根据题干关键词“Dunns statement”找到文章对应段落是第六段, 根据“.those who spent money on others reported greate

43、r happiness.”可知那些在别 人身上花钱的人会感到更快乐。故选 A 项。 4.The best title of this passage is . A.Experiment on Money Spending B.Devoting Your Money to Charities C.Spending Money on Others Makes One Happier D.Bonus and Prosocial Spending 答案:C 解析:主旨大意题。A 项 Experiment on Money Spending“有关花钱的实验”;B 项 Devoting Your Mone

44、y to Charities“向慈善团体捐款”;C 项 Spending Money on Others Makes One Happier“在别人身上花钱使人更幸福”;D 项 Bonus and Prosocial Spending“奖金和有益社会的支出”。 通读全文,并根据文章第一段可知全文阐述的是 在别人身上花钱,进而买到自己的快乐。故选 C 项。 E (2019 全国卷) Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question:“Should I jump?” T

45、his is what motivation or the lack of it can do.Motivation and goal setting are the two sides of the same coin. 1 Like the child on the diving board,you will stay undecided. - 7 - 2 More than that,how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal?First,you need to evaluate yourself,your values,your

46、strengths,your weaknesses,your achievements,your desires,etc.Only then should you set your goals. You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation.This is quite important,because it is directly related to your commitment.There are times when your heart is not in your work. 3 So,slow d

47、own and think what you really want to do at that moment.Clarity(清晰) of thoughts can help you move forward. Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives,keeping in mind your beliefs,values and strengths.Remember that goals are flexible. 4 They also need to

48、be measurable.You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals. Your personal circumstances are equally important.For example,you may want to be a pilot but cant become one because your eyesight is not good enough. 5 You should reassess your goals,and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal

49、. You will surely need to overcome some difficulties,some planned,but most unplanned.You cannot overcome them without ample motivation.Make sure that you plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals. A.This can affect your work. B.So how should you motivate yourself? C.However,this should not discourage you. D.So why should we try to set specific goals? E.They can change according to circumstances. F.Motivation is what you need most to do a good job. G.Without motivation,you can neither set a goal nor reach it.


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