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1、(被动语态被动语态)番禺新造中学 初三英语备课组1.The song by the students once a week.A.is sung B.was sung C.will be sung D.are sung 2.Many houses in Japan in the earthquake yesterday.A.were destroyed B.destroyed C.was destroyed D.has destroyed3.The 30th Olympic games in London in 2012.A.held B.will be held C.will hold D.

2、is held 4.These rules _ in the school from now on.A.must obeyed B.are obeyed C.must be obeyed D.must are obeyed5.Two i-phones_by Miss Smith since last year.A.were bought B.had been bought C.has been bought D.have been bought6.the film named“Let the Bullet Fly”last week?A.Did,be seen B.Was,seen C.Did

3、,was seen D.were,seen7.If you listened carefully,what the teacher said .A.could be understood B.can be understood C.were understood D.is understoodAABDB BA AC 1.被动语态句子结构顺序被动语态句子结构顺序 被动语态:被动语态:主语主语是动作的是动作的承受者承受者。句子结构的顺序:动作承受者(主语)动作承受者(主语)+谓语(被动结构)谓语(被动结构)+其他其他+by 动作执行者(人称代词宾格)动作执行者(人称代词宾格)主动变被动的方法 We

4、 play the piano every day.The piano is played(by us)every day.主语主语谓语谓语宾宾语语做题步骤:做题步骤:1 1、找出主谓宾、找出主谓宾2 2、宾变主、宾变主,(主变宾,(主变宾,)动词变结构动词变结构3 3、检查三个一致性、检查三个一致性时态一致时态一致主谓一致主谓一致句型一致句型一致被动结构被动结构 (含时态)(含时态)1)一般现在时:)一般现在时:is/are+及物动词过去分词及物动词过去分词 2)一般过去时)一般过去时:was/were+及物动词过去分及物动词过去分词词 3)一般将来时)一般将来时:will be+及物动词过

5、去分词及物动词过去分词 4)含情态动词)含情态动词:can/must/should be+及物动词过去分及物动词过去分词词 5)现在完成时)现在完成时:have/has+及物动词过去分及物动词过去分词词be+及物动词过去分词及物动词过去分词 要点要点1:双宾语的主动语态变为被动时,:双宾语的主动语态变为被动时,任何一个宾语都可以作主语。但是,如果任何一个宾语都可以作主语。但是,如果表示人的宾语位置不动,则要在它的前面表示人的宾语位置不动,则要在它的前面相应地加上相应地加上to 或或 for e.g.1.I gave him two pens.He a new pen by me.Two pen

6、s him by me.2.My mother bought me a watch.A watch me by my mother.I a watch by my mother.常考的有:常考的有:give,show,pass 加加 to;buy,bring 加加 for.were given towas given was bought forwas bought要点要点2:see sb.do sth.中的中的do 是省略了是省略了to 的的不定式,改为被动时要加上被省略的不定式,改为被动时要加上被省略的to We saw him pick up the wallet.He up the w

7、allet.此类动词有:一感(feel)二听(hear,listen to)三让(let,make,have)四看(see,watch,look at,notice)3.The policeman made the young woman move her car.(2003)The young woman her car by the policeman.was seen to pickwas made to move看图,用被动语态完成句子 use,for,photo football,play,world Football is played all over the world.Cam

8、eras are used for taking photos.bank,rob yesterday Guangzhou Tower,build,last year Guangzhou Tower was built last year.The bank was robbed yesterday.send to,hospital,right now a talk,give,soon They must be sent to the hospital right now.A talk will be given soon.The hamburger has been eaten up alrea

9、dy.hamburger,already,eat up Football is played all over the world.A camera is used for taking photos.A bank was robbed yesterday.Guangzhou Tower was built last year.They must be sent to the hospital right now.The hamburger has been eaten up already.A talk will be given soon.做题技巧:做题技巧:1 1、选项出现被动态,优先考

10、虑被动态。、选项出现被动态,优先考虑被动态。2 2、注意主语与动词的关系:、注意主语与动词的关系:主语为执行者,用主动态。主语为执行者,用主动态。主语为承受者,用被动态。主语为承受者,用被动态。3 3、注意观察动词是及物还是不及物。、注意观察动词是及物还是不及物。遇到遇到happenhappen、take place take place 多多留意。多多留意。4 4、注意看清动词表动作还是说明状态。、注意看清动词表动作还是说明状态。遇到遇到sellsell、openopen多加小心。多加小心。中考链接(单项选择)中考链接(单项选择)1.-Excuse me,whats this for?(20

11、10 广州)广州)-Its a cleaner and it to pick up dirt.A.uses B.is used C.is using D.used2.-The APEC meeting in Shanghai last autumn.(2008 广州)广州)-I hear it in different countries every year.A.is held;is held B.was held;is held C.was held;has held D.is held;was held3.I think that bicycles for this trip.It wi

12、ll be fun and good for our health.(2007 广州)广州)A.should use B.will use C.should be used D.will be able to use4.As usual,Meihua at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.(2006 广州)广州)A.has woken up B.woke up C.wakes up D.was woken up5)-Its said that around 11 underground lines in Guang

13、zhou in 5 years.-Really?That sounds great.A.are built B.were built C.have built D.will be builtBBBCDD中考链接(完成句子)中考链接(完成句子)1)(2010 广州)昨天的会上问了很多问题。广州)昨天的会上问了很多问题。Many questions at yesterdays meeting.2)(2009 广州)去年我们学校建了一个新的游泳池。广州)去年我们学校建了一个新的游泳池。A new swimming pool in our school last year.3)(2008 广州)这些花

14、必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。广州)这些花必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。All these flowers every day,they will die.4)每天有成千上万的人参观广州塔。每天有成千上万的人参观广州塔。The Guangzhou Tower by thousands of people every day.5)在在2010年年11月,广州成功地举办了第月,广州成功地举办了第16届亚运会。届亚运会。The 16th Asian Games successfully in November,2010.were askedwas builtmust be wateredoris vis

15、itedwere held中考链接(完型填空)中考链接(完型填空)A:Only about thirty people _(_1_)_ in each camp.The men would go hunting while the women and children _(_2_)_food from the trees around the camp.All the food _(_3_)_ between everyone in the group.(2008,广州),广州)(1)A.lived B.talked C.came D.danced(2)A.planted B.collecte

16、d C.watched D.bought(3)A.was found B.was used C.was shared D.was sold B:Then something very surprising _(_1_)_.In the autumn of 1958,scinetists foundthat the monkeys on other nearby _(_2_)_ began washing their sweet potaotes too.Scinetists still dont fully understand how this knowledge _(_3_)_ from

17、one island to antoher.(2010,广,广州)州)(1)A.took on B.took off C.took place D.took away(2)A.trees B.islands C.beaches D.rivers(3)A.was lost B.was dropped C.was passed D.was left CCTalking:请使用被动语态,根据所给的情景和内容请使用被动语态,根据所给的情景和内容用用5句或以上的英语句子在句或以上的英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。秒钟内进行叙述。通知初三学生参加毕业晚会的有关活动适宜。通知初三学生参加毕业晚会的有关活动适宜。1.毕业晚会毕业晚会(party)将在将在6月月1号晚号晚7点在礼堂(点在礼堂(hall)举行。举行。2.全校师生将被邀请出席(全校师生将被邀请出席(attend)晚会。晚会。3.要求要求(ask)每个班级准备每个班级准备(prepare)一个节目表演一个节目表演(show)4.要求每人给老师写一张卡片要求每人给老师写一张卡片(card).5.出席时(出席时(attend),所有学生要求(),所有学生要求(ask)穿校)穿校服(服(school uniform)。)。


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