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1、Part 2Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第第二二部部分分 语语音音、语语法法和和词词汇汇)II.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A.If you subtract 30 from 45,you will get 15.B.Numbers are an international language all over the world.

2、C.An abacus is a frame with small beads used for counting and calculatingD.It is difficult to get accurate figures on the population of the whole country.27.The twin brothers have different hobbies.Tom likes playing _ rugby while John likesplaying _ guitar.A./;/B./;theC.the;/D.the;the28.Is their nat

3、ionality _ or _?A.Egypt,GreeceB.Egyptian,GreekC.Egyptians,GreeksD.Egyptian,Greece29.-Would you like to go shopping with us this evening?-Yes,Id love to,but I have to _ an important meeting this evening.A.joinB.join inC.attendD.take part in30.The traffic in Beijing is _ that in Shanghai,both of them

4、are always heavy.A.different fromB.similar toC.interested inD.close to31.There were over _ people who went to the Bund to enjoy the light show on NationalDay.A.300 thousandsB.300 thousandC.thousands ofD.thousand of32.Jim found it important _ spoken English.A.practiseB.to practiseC.practisingD.practi

5、sed33.There were too many people standing at the door and it was too difficult for the small boy tomove _ the crowd.A.betweenB.acrossC.amongD.through34.We are _ that the Indian woman has such an _ brain.A.amazed,amazingB.amazing,amazedC.amazed,amazedD.amazing,amazing35.The mountain is too high for _

6、 to get to the top of it in half an hour.A.someoneB.anyoneC.no oneD.everyone36._ useful advice you have given to me!A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.What an37.Ayoung American doctor was sleeping _ suddenly his doorbell began to ring.A.ifB.althoughC.whenD.because38.Im so sleepy,because I _ a new movie last night

7、.A.watchB.watchedC.was watchingD.will watch39.She noticed Tom _ the young trees when she was passing by.A.shookB.shakingC.to shakeD.shake40.-_?-He is tall and has short hair.A.What does he look likeB.What does he likeC.What does he doD.What would he likeIII.Complete the following passage with the wo

8、rds in the box.Each can only be used once(将将下下列列单单词词填填入入空空格格。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次)A.explanationB.useC.relaxesD.beginningE.strongF.exactlyDo you want to use all your files(文件)at all the times from all of your devices(设备)?Storing them in the cloud makes that possible.But what _41_ is the clou

9、d?Here is a simple_42_.The best way to understand the cloud is to go back to the _43_,go back in the days whenyour photos or music used to be stored on a piece of hardware,perhaps on a soft disk(软盘),aCD or a hard disk in your computer.But today,you might look at a photo on Weibo or listen to music o

10、n Apple Music.You mighteven use iTunes to watch movies.The photo,music or movie isnt on your computer,itssomewhere else.And that place is called the cloud.Basically,the cloud refers to the Internet.It lets you store and _44_ data on a remoteserver(远程服务器).Since your data lives in the cloud,you can ma

11、ke use of your things fromany device with an Internet connection.This can be useful for working together to share orexchange files.And this ability can also be used to back up(备份)your important work.However,be careful when you store your important files in the cloud.As they live in otherplaces than

12、the hard disk in your computer,make sure your passwords(密码)are _45_ enoughto keep them safe.41._42._43._44._45._IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)46.Air conditioners were one of the most important _ in the 20thc

13、entury.(invent)47.The twin brothers were almost the same _ and they ran perfectly at the same speed.(high)48.She was a very well-educated girl with a lively mind,a girl with _.(ambitious)49.Do you want to do those _ with the help of the computer?(calculate)50.They were still _ because I could hear t

14、he noise down the road.(argument)51.He knows so much that we all call him a _ dictionary.(live)52.AI(人工智能)technologies make it easier for people to be _ in their jobs.(succeed)53.Thanks to my friend Jim,I worked out the _ to the difficult math problem at last.(solve)V.Rewrite the following sentences

15、 as required(根根据据要要求求改改写写句句子子)54.This vase cost him two thousand dollars.(改为否定句)This vase _ _ him two thousand dollars.55.Susans seldom late for school because she always starts early.(改为反意疑问句)Susans seldom late for school because she always starts early,_ _?56.Alice has lived in Shanghai since she

16、came here with her parents.(对划线部分提问)_ _ hasAlice lived in Shanghai?57.I really like playing basketball to keep myself healthy at weekends.(保持句意基本不变)I am _ _ playing basketball to keep myself healthy at weekends.58.Numbers are very important in our daily life.We cant live without numbers nowadays.(两句

17、合并成一句)Numbers are _ important in our daily life _ we cant live without themnowadays.59.hid,a special pocket,inside,the birds,in his trousers,he(连词成句)_.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第第三三部部分分阅阅读读和和写写话话)VI.Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解)A.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)Having friends and finding

18、new friendships are important development tasks for preteens(未满十三岁的孩子)and teens(十几岁的少年).While they have learned to play well with othersduring their childhood,developing independent friendships is a different thing.Preteens and teenswill be allowed to use their own resources to decide whether to be

19、someones friend or not,insteadof being taught by their parents.Parents must give their teenagers some freedom in choosing whothey want to hang out(闲逛)with.You can help your teens to choose their friends,although its your teenagers who make thefinal decision.You can use teachable moments to talk abou

20、t what makes a good friend.Here aresome points to remember when you talk about friendships with your teenagers:1.You are allowed to have many friends.2.Honesty is important in a friendship.3.Friends sometimes hurt each other,but they can say sorry and forgive.4.Friends can influence each other,somet

21、imes they will help you but sometimes they will hurtyou,too.5.Who you choose to be your friend is important,so choose wisely.6.It takes many learned skills to make and keep a friendship,and it also takes many skills to end afriendship.7.It is okay and even helpful to make friends with the opposite g

22、ender(异性).8.It takes time to make a good friend,but it is worth the effort.9.Spending time together will help you get to know your friends well and you will feelcomfortable sharing feelings.10.Agood friendship will make you feel good about yourself.Choose the best answer.60.What should their parents

23、 do when teenagers make friends?A.Do nothing but give them all the freedom.B.Talk with them and give some help.C.Decide and choose friends for them.D.Stop them from making friends with opposite gender.61.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word forgive?A.原谅B.独立C.自私D.帮助62.Which point is about

24、 how to end a friendship?A.Point 3B.Point 4C.Point 5D.Point 663.Which of the following is NOT included in making friends according to this passage?A.HonestyB.EffortC.SuccessD.Skills.64.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.TeachersB.ParentsC.PreteensD.Teens65.Which of the following statements is t

25、rue?A.Friends never hurt each other.B.There is no need to forgive friends.C.Teenagers are allowed to have many friends.D.Girls should never make friends with boys at school.B.Choose the words and complete the passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词,完完成成短短文文)ABlind Man with a LampOnce upon a time,there was a small

26、town.There lived a man by himself who couldnt see.Yet,he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out a night.One day,after dinner,the blind man decided to take a walk.He brought his lamp with him,_66_ the door and went out.The small town didnt have street lights,so it as pitch black at nigh

27、t.As the old man waswalking,he came across some young men.The young people saw the lighted lamp.But when they saw that a blind man was carrying thelamp,they all _67_ and made fun of him.One of them said,Hey,blind man!Why do you carrya lamp?What _68_ would it make to you since you cant see anything e

28、ven with the light?The blind man replied,Yes,_69_ I am blind and I cant see anything.But the lighted lampwhich I am carrying is for people like you who can see.On such a dark night,without a lightedlamp,you may not see a blind man coming and end up bumping into him.That is why I amcarrying a lighted

29、 lamp.The group of young men felt ashamed.They _70_ for their rude words and behavior.Perhaps that blind man was only ultimately(最终地)carrying that lamp for himself.But incaring for himself,he cared of others at the same time.A little bit of _71_ to ones self and a little bit of consideration(体贴、关心)f

30、or otherswould make this world a more pleasant place to live in.66.A.openedB.checkedC.answeredD.locked67.A.answeredB.laughedC.warnedD.replied68.A.impressionB.differenceC.importanceD.decision69.A.unluckilyB.surprisinglyC.basicallyD.generally70.A.thankedB.paidC.apologizedD.applied71.A.limitB.solutionC

31、.pleasureD.difficultyC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在在短短文文的的空空格格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词,是是其其内内容容通通顺顺,每每空空格格限限填填一一次次,首首字字母母已已给给)When a computer works on a group of programmes,it can get very hot.Cooling thecomputer can cost a lot.So some scientists w_72_ what would happen if the h

32、eat from thecomputer could be used.Large Internet companies such as Google(谷歌)and Microsoft(微软)have thousands ofcomputers.When these computers d_73_ with information,they produce lots of heat,so theyneed huge cooling systems.These systems send the heat into the air.A company in Holland thinks paying

33、 to make the computers work and then paying again tocool them are a waste of energy.So the company developed a s_74_ device-e-Radiator(电子散热器).Boaz Leupe,head of the company,says that e-Radiator works as a heating system and savesmoney.He explains that the energy is used t_75_-once to heat the home a

34、nd once to cool thecomputer and that the users dont have to pay to cool their computers.Five homeowners in Holland are testing the heating system in their homes.We pay for the computer using,so,in that way,homeowners get heating for f_76_,Boazsays.Jan Visser is one of the homeowners.If you use the c

35、omputer more,the e-Radiatorproduces more heat,he says,It cannot provide e_77_ heat if you dont use your computeroften.But he is ready to try it.Its a great help for his family.The company says e-Radiators produce heat temperatures of u_78_ to 55.It says thesystem could save its users about 440 dolla

36、rs a year.72._73._74._75._76._77._78._D.Read the passage below and answer the following questions(根根据据文文章章内内容容回回答答下下列列问问题题)A boy called Mario had many friends,and he was proud of it.Whoever he met,he would liketo show off how popular he was at school.One day,his grandpa said to him,Mario,I know that

37、 you dont have as many friends as youthink.Many of them are not true to you.Mario thought maybe his grandpa was right.However,he wasnt sure how he could test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not,so he asked hisgrandpa.The old man answered,I have just what you need.Its in my room.Wait a m

38、inute.Theold man left.Soon he returned as if(好像)he carried something in his hand,but Mario could seenothing there.Take it.Its a very special chair.Because its invisible(看不见的),it will be hard for you tosit on it.However,if you manage to sit on it,you can use the chairs magic power to tell who yourrea

39、l friends are.The next day Mario took the strange invisible chair to school.At break time he askedeveryone to form a circle,and he put himself in the middle,with his clear.Nobody moves.Youre about to see something amazing,said Mario.Then he tried sittingon the chair.Its difficult for him to see the

40、chair,so he missed and fell to the ground.Everyonelaughed.Wait,wait,said Mario,and he made another try.But again,he missed the seat.Mario didnt give up.He kept trying to sit on the magic chair.Finally,he did it.This time hefelt himself in mid-chair.Then he experienced the magic that his grandpa had

41、told him.Lookingaround,Mario saw George,Lucas and Diana holding him up,so he wouldnt fall.But someschoolmates whom he had regarded as(当作)friends had done nothing but made fun of him.Mario was quite thankful to his grandpa because he helped him test who his true friends were.79.Mario was proud of hav

42、ing many friends,wasnt he?80.What did Grandpa think of Marios friends?Grandpa thought _.81.What did Mario ask Grandpa to tell him?To tell him the way to _.82.What did Mario take to school the next day?He _ to school the next day.83.Why could Mario sit on the magic chair at last?84.According to Mario

43、s grandpa,who are true friends?VII.Writing85.Write a passage of at least 60 words according to the topic:AValuable Experience I Had.(根据题目“我的一次宝贵的经历”写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)在生活中,每天我们的身边都会发生很多事,碰到很多人。在这些经历中,我们会感悟到很多,也会学到很多。请谈谈某一个让你觉得有价值的经历,并表达你的感受。参考答案II.26.D 27.B 28.B.29.C.30.B 31.B 32.B.33.D 34.A 3

44、5.B 36.B37.C38.B 39.B.40.AIII.41.F.42.A43.D.44.B45.EIV.46.inventions.47.height48.ambition49.calculations50.arguing.51.living.52.succeed.53.solutionV.54.didnt cost.55.is she56.How long.57.keen on 58.so that59.He hid the birds inside a special pocket in his trousers.VI.60.B 61.A62.D 63.C64.B 65.C66.D6

45、7.B.68.B69.A.70.C 71.B72.wonder73.deal74.special75.twice.76.free.77.enough 78.up79 Yes,he was.80.he didnt as many friends as he thought and many of his friends were not true to him.81.test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not.82.took a very specialinvisible chair83.Because George,Lucas and Diana held him up.


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