《硕士博士毕业论文写作教程》课件Chapter 14 Paper Presentation.ppt

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1、Week 14 Paper PresentationZhencong LiuContentsw Purposes of presentationw Audiencew Contentsw Skillsw Preparationw Principlesw Presentationw PosterQuestionw“What do you do?”We are expected to provide the essence of our activities within 6090 seconds.Otherwise,our conversation partner loses interest.

2、Answerw Most conference talks are no longer than 20 minutes,including Q&A.w In all contexts,it is helpful to think of the summary we provide as a response to the question“Why should I care?”Why you should listen to this talkResearch is communication Think:how often have you said“Im really glad I wen

3、t to that talk”Some simple,actionable ideas that can make your talks much better You will have more fun A research talk gives you access to the worlds most priceless commodity:the time and attention of other people.Dont waste it!The purpose of your talk is not:w To impress your audience with your br

4、ainpowerw To tell them everything you know about your topicw To present all the technical detailsPurposeThe purpose of your talk is:w To give your audience an intuitive feel for your ideaw To make them foam at the mouth with eagerness to read your paperw To engage,excite,provoke themw To make them g

5、lad they camePurposeYour audienceThe audience you would like Have read all your earlier papers Thoroughly understand all the relevant theory of your field Are all eager to hear about the latest developments in your work Are fresh,alert,and ready for actionYour actual audienceThe audience you get Hav

6、e never heard of you Have heard of the relevant theories,but wish they hadnt Have just had lunch and are ready for a dozeYour mission is to WAKE THEM UP and make them glad they didWhat to put in presentation?1Motivation(20%)2Your key idea(80%)3There is no 3MotivationThey are thinking Why should I tu

7、ne into this talk?What is the problem?Why is it an interesting problem?Does this talk describe a worthwhile advance?You have two m i n u t e s t o engage your a u d i e n c e before they start to doze.MotivationYou have 2 minutes to answer these questions.Dont waste those 2 minutes.Example:Java clas

8、s files are large Java class files are large(brief figures),and get sent over(brief figures),and get sent over the network.Can we use the network.Can we use language-aware compression to language-aware compression to shrink them?Y es,and Im going to shrink them?Y es,and Im going to show you how we c

9、an do 50%show you how we can do 50%better than the best generic better than the best generic z i p p i n g t e c h n o l o g yz i p p i n g t e c h n o l o g yExample:Synchronisation errors Synchronisation errors in concurrent programs are a in concurrent programs are a nightmare to find.Im going to

10、 nightmare to find.Im going to show you a type system that finds show you a type system that finds many such errors at compile time.many such errors at compile time.Motivationw You must identify a key idea.”What I did this summer”is No Good.w Be specific.Dont leave your audience to figure it out for

11、 themselves.w Be absolutely specific.Say“If you remember nothing else,remember this.”w Organise your talk around this specific goal.Ruthlessly prune material that is irrelevant to this goal.If the audience remembers only one thing from your talk,what should it be?Your key ideaNarrow,deep beats wide,

12、shalloww Avoid shallow overviews at all costsw Cut to the chase:the technical“meat”w Its ok to cover only part of your paperNO!YES!w To motivate the workw To convey the basic intuitionw To illustrate the Idea in actionw To show extreme casesw To highlight shortcomingsWhen time is short,omit the gene

13、ral case,not the example.Examples are your main weaponExampleswwwWhat to leave out?Outline of my talkNo outline!“Outline of my talk”:conveys near zero information at the start of your talk.Worse,since your audience only gives you 2 minutes before dozing,youve just lost them But maybe put up an outli

14、ne for orientation after your motivation and signposts at pause points during the talkRelated workDo not present related workButYou absolutely must know the related work;respond readily to questionsAcknowledge co-authors(title slide),and pre-cursors(as you go along)Praise the opposition“Xs very inte

15、resting work does Y;I have extended it to do Z”Technical detailOmit technical detailsw Even though every line is drenched in your blood and sweat,dense clouds of notation will send your audience to sleepw Present specific aspects only;refer to the paper for the detailsw By all means have backup slid

16、es to use in response to questionsArt of the Conference Paperw Find a suitable conferencew Write a strong abstractw Write the paperw Prepare the presentationw At the eventHow to present your talkenthusiasm!Enthusiasmw If you do not seem excited by your idea,why should the audience be?w Enthusiasm ma

17、kes people dramatically more receptivew It gets you loosened up,breathing,moving aroundWrite your slides the night before(or at least,polish it then)Your talk absolutely must be fresh in your mind Ideas will occur to you during the conference,as you obsess on your talk during other peoples presentat

18、ionsDo not apologisew“I didnt have time to prepare this talk properly”w“My computer broke down,so I dont have the results I expected”w“I dont have time to tell you about this”w“I dont feel qualified to address this audience”The jelly effectIf you are anything like me,you will experience apparently s

19、evere pre-talk symptoms Inability to breathe Inability to stand up(legs give way)Inability to operate brainw Deep breathing during previous talkw S c r i p t y o u r f i r s t f e w s e n t e n c e s p r e c i s e l y (=no brain required)w Move around a lot,use large gestures,wave your arms,stand on

20、 chairsw Go to the loo firstYou are not a wimp.Everyone feels this way.What to do about itBeing seenw Face the audience,not the screenw Know your materialw Put your laptop in front of you,screen towards youw Dont point much,but when you do,point at the screen,not at your laptopBeing heardw Speak to

21、someone at the back of the room,even if you have a microphone onw Make eye contact;identify a nodder,and speak to him or her(better still,more than one)w W a t c h a u d i e n c e f o r questionsw Questions are not a problem.Questions are a golden golden golden opportunity to connect with your audie

22、nce.w Specifically encourage questions during your talk:pause briefly now and then,ask for questionsw Be prepared to truncate your talk if you run out of time.Better to connect,and not to present all your material.QuestionsBeing a good audience member Eye contact with speaker.Nod frequently.Ask ques

23、tions.Dont wait for the speaker to invite questions;askStart doing so the moment you lose contact with the talk.The rest of the audience will thank you for it.Stop when you sense that you are beginning to de-rail the entire talk.Presenting your slidesw Use a wireless presenter gizmow Test that your

24、laptop works with the projector,in advancew Laptops break:leave a backup copy on the web;bring a backup copy on a disk or USB keyPresenting your slidesA very annoying techniqueyour pointsoneby oneby one,unlessthere is a punch lineUse animation effectsPresenting your slidesveryveryveryveryveryveryver

25、ysparinglyw Audiences get restive and essentially stop listening when your time is up.Continuing is very counter productive.w Simply truncate and concludew Do not say“would you like me to go on?”(its hard to say“no thanks”)Absolutely without fail,finish on time.FinishingYou will attend 50 x as many

26、talks as you give.Watch other peoples talks intelligently,and pick up ideas for what to do and what to general standard is often low.You dont have to be outstanding to stand out.Conclusion:there is hopeWhat your talk is forYour paper=the beefYour talk=the beef advertisementDo not confuse the two.Do

27、it!Do it!Do it!Good papers and talks are a fundamental part of research excellenceInvest timeLearn skillsPracticeWrite a paper,and give a talk,about any idea,no matter how weedy and insignificant it may seem to you.w Research iscommunicationYour papers and talks Crystalise your ideas Communicate the

28、m to others Get feedback Build relationships(And garner research brownie points)w The greatest ideas are worthless if you keep them to yourself.Preparationw Rehearse,rehearse,rehearse.Time yourself.w Get plenty of sleep.w Avoid caffeine,but do hydrate with water.w Practice safe redundancybring backu

29、ps of your presentation.w Bring physical aids throat lozenges,tissues,water.w Dress comfortably but professionally.Presentationw Just before you go on,breathe deeply and slowly a few times.Open your throat and breathe from the diaphragm.This both oxygenates you and strengthens your voice.w Begin S-L

30、-O-W-L-Y.You will naturally speed up as you speak,especially if you are nervous.w Speak to the whole room.Make eye contact or pretend to if the audience area is darkened.w Project your voice to the back of the room or auditorium.w Use your bodybut dont fidget with jewellery or clothing.Principles of

31、 Presentationw 1.Focus on the critical points.You can amplify during the question period.w 2.Content should be self-explanatory or should be explained.w 3.Define specialized terminology that you believe will not be known to your audience.w 4.Announce your graphics.w 5.Slides should be visually inter

32、esting but not overwhelming:w 6.Principle of emphasis:place the most important material first and come back to it at the end.w 7.Use headings and repetition to make your organization clear.w 8.Use numerical listings Our first experiment.w 9.Use wording that establishes a hierarchy of importance Our

33、most important result.PPTw Use bulleted points and parallel constructions test 1.test 2w Use an Arial font,at least 16 point,boldedw For tables/figures,make sure the reproduction is clear and darkw Dont overcrowd but do fill the framew Dont overdo multiple colours&whizzing objects.Using two colours

34、based on the same primary(red,yellow,blue)will disadvantage viewers who are colour blind.Creating a posterA Poster SessionPosterwconcise,wwell-presented,and weye-catchingTIPS FOR DESIGN AND FORMATTING POSTERSw Shorten your text linesw Justify the right way:to the leftw Consider your fontw Dont put c

35、onclusions on the floorw Bigger is betterw Dump PowerPoints color palettew SundriesWhat to Include on a Posterw 1.Titlew 2.Abstractw 3.Introductionw 4.Methodsw 5.Resultsw 6.Discussionw 7.Conclusions/Recommendationsw 8.Referencesw 9.Conflict of Interestw 10.AcknowledgementsDos and Donts of Poster Des

36、ignw 1.Follow conference guidelines for dimensions and materialsw 2.Choose an overall layout that suggests an arrangement of communication areas.w 3.Leave sufficient white spacew 4.Label figures and tables clearlyw 5.Use large typeface.w 6.Dont use more than two fonts throughout.w 7.Be creative,but

37、dont overdo the formatting to the extent that it obscures the information.w 8.DO NOT WRITE ALL IN CAPITALS.IT IS IRRITATING.Presenting Your Posterw Arrive early and always be near your posterw Be ready to expand on the poster contentsw NETWORKING:Be ready to exchange contact information with interes

38、ted viewersw Be ready to respond to both praise and criticism graciously.Possible Comments from Audiencew This really is an outstanding poster;Im really impressed.How do I quote you?w I know you dont get much space for your poster,but my impression is that the data look pretty thin.w Havent you read

39、 _s latest paper in _?w I dont see any references to the work of our research group.w(this list reproduced from Swales,J.M.,&Feak,C.B.,2000,English in todays research world:A writing guide.Ann Arbor,MI:University of Michigan Press,p.107)Tips for Poster Presentationw Dont talk to the poster.Face the

40、audience and turn to the poster only to point to some specific item you want them to focus on.Then turn back to them.w Use verbal cues to direct their focus(e.g.,“If you look at the results of our second experiment point at figure,youll notice that”).w Look around at your audience and make eye conta

41、ct.Dont stare ahead of you,at the floor,or at your poster.w Speak clearly and slowly the acoustics in poster rooms are rarely favorable.w You should prepare several versions of your remarks for different audience,from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.Samples and Resourcesw The Craft of Professional Speaking

42、w Alley,M.(2003).The craft of scientific presentations:critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid.New York:Springer-Verlag New York,Inc.w Sample posters(NAU doctorate,BISU students)w Questions for oral defenseAssignmentw 1.Paper Presentation:Perform an oral presentation of your paper wit

43、h PPT.Assignmentw 2.Paper Presentation:Each of you will deliver a conversational academic minute of 60120 seconds long.Assume your audience members are part of the BISU community,but not in your area of expertise.Your tone should be conversational and your delivery should be extemporaneous(that is,n

44、ot memorized or read from a text).Q&Aw Feedback:Your classmates and I will provide feedback on the success of your strategy and delivery.Assignmentw 3.Poster Design:Design a poster for your proposal/paper/thesis.Referencesw Day,R.,Gastel,B.(2012).How to write and publish a scientific paper(7th edn).

45、Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,Chapter 29,How to Present a Paper Orally,pp.182-188;Chapter 30,How to Prepare a Poster,189-192.w Angelini,Alessandro.Art of the Conference Paper.Inside Higher Ed,November 3,2010.w Connor,Carol Waite.The Poster Session:A Guide for Preparation.(PDF)w Alley,Michael.The Craft of Scientific Presentations:Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid.(PDF-3.0MB)Springer,2002.ISBN:9780387955551.w Zielinska,Edyta.Poster Perfect:How to Drive Home Your Science with a Visually Pleasing Poster.The Scientist,September 1,2011.


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