Unit 1 Extended reading-Project 词汇讲解(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、单词预习检测单词预习检测 英汉互译英汉互译1.交换;交流 n _ 2.主人;东道主 n _ 3.上午;午前 n _ 4.下午;午后 n _ 5.生物学 n _ 6.艰苦的;艰难的 adj _ 7.闹钟 n _ 8.贡献 n _ 9.幸运地;幸亏 adv _ exchangehost a.m./A.M.p.m./P.M.biologytoughalarmcontributionfortunately 单词预习检测单词预习检测 英汉互译英汉互译10.不幸地;遗憾地 adv _ 11.随着时间流逝;久而久之 _ 12.吸引;引起(的兴趣)v _ 13.有吸引力的 adj _ 14.吸引;有吸引力的事

2、物/人 n _ 15.secondary adj _ 16.hostess n _17.biologist n _ 18.fortunate adj _unfortunatelyover timeattractattractedattraction中等(教育)的中等(教育)的生物学家生物学家幸运的;吉利的幸运的;吉利的女主人女主人单词预习检测单词预习检测 英汉互译英汉互译19.unfortunate adj _ 20.option n _ 21.optional adj _22.butter n _ 23.pudding n _ 24.rugby n _25.calligraphy n _可选

3、择的事物;选择;选修课可选择的事物;选择;选修课可选择的可选择的黄油;牛油黄油;牛油布丁;甜食布丁;甜食橄榄球橄榄球书法书法不幸的不幸的exchange一词多义一词多义熟词生义熟词生义contribute&contribution一词多义一词多义辨析义辨析义句子副词句子副词正式用语与正式用语与非正式用语非正式用语隐喻隐喻重重难难点点词词精精讲讲exchange 的词源义是的词源义是“act of reciprocal giving and receiving”。它是由。它是由前缀前缀 ex-(out)和和 change 组成,可以理解为组成,可以理解为“拿拿出去换成出去换成”,其基本义是其基本

4、义是“交换交换”。在原始社会,人们“物物交换物物交换”,交换自己所需要的物资。但是有时候受到用于交换的物资种类的限制,不得不寻找一种能够为交换双方都能够接受的物品,这种物品就是最原始的货币货币。随着商品生产和交易量逐渐增大,商人们为了谈生意就必须商定一个固定的地点定期会见,就产生了“交易所交易所”。express explain 表达解释ex-意为“out 向外”ex-+change=?exchange n C&U 交换;交流:交换;交流:an exchange student 交换生交换生Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera

5、?C(商品的商品的)调换:调换:The stores policy is not to allow returns or exchanges.foreign exchange 外汇外汇 an exchange rate 汇率汇率 U(货币的(货币的)兑换:兑换:C 交易所:交易所:New York Stock ExchangeYou can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.Before graduation,students exchange presents with each other.vt 交换;交流:交换;交流:“交换”

6、时与 with 搭配“更换”时与 for 搭配exchange views/ideas 更换;兑换更换;兑换 (change):Id like to exchange this dress for one in a larger size.交换交换基本义基本义exchange人与人或物与物人与人或物与物之间的之间的“交换交换”商品之间的商品之间的“交换交换”货币之间的货币之间的“交换交换”“交换交换”的场所的场所exchange语义网络图语义网络图交换;交流交换;交流(商品的)(商品的)调换调换(货币的)货币的)兑换兑换交易所交易所nv交换;交流交换;交流更换;兑换更换;兑换拓展拓展 这是特朗

7、普和希拉里在这是特朗普和希拉里在2016年竞年竞选美国总统时的情形。选美国总统时的情形。据说这是美国据说这是美国史上最没底线的总统大选辩论。史上最没底线的总统大选辩论。Why?因为因为Trump and Clinton exchanged heavily in personal attacks.exchange的意义的意义由交换具体的人或物到交换抽象的由交换具体的人或物到交换抽象的东西东西如思想或信息如思想或信息的的转变转变。如果双方心平气和地交换思想或信息,。如果双方心平气和地交换思想或信息,可可称为称为“交流交流”。如果双。如果双方怒气冲冲地交换的内容是人身攻击方怒气冲冲地交换的内容是人身

8、攻击(personal attacks),严肃的说,严肃的说法是法是“争论争论”,通俗的说法是,通俗的说法是“互撕互撕”。contribute tribe由tri(three,三)+-be构成,来自拉丁语 tribus,部落、宗族、地区,特指古罗马城邦三个三个宗族集团 Latins(拉丁人),Sabines(萨宾人),Etruscans(伊特鲁里亚人)。tribe(部落)tribute 贡品、贡金 con-(一起)+tribute contribute(一起把贡品献给)贡献贡献contribute由由con-+-tribute构成。构成。contribute v vt&vi 贡献;捐助;捐献:

9、贡献;捐助;捐献:It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money.contribute(sth)to sth:Immigrants have contributed to American culture in many ways.contribute(money)to the Red CrossHe never contributes(ideas)to the discussion.vi 造成造成 /促使(某事发生)促使(某事发生)to help to make sth happen:Loneliness is a

10、 serious social problem that can contribute to depression and even crimes.2020 天津Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.vt&vi 投(稿);撰投(稿);撰(稿):稿):She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.contribution n C 贡献:贡献:I admire Edison a lot because he made a greatcontribution to the wor

11、ld.2008 湖南书面表达改 捐款;捐献物:捐款;捐献物:I gave a contribution of$100 to/toward the church.稿件;作品:稿件;作品:This is a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers.contributor n C 捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素同结构:同结构:way to sth,key to sth,solution to sth二者均可表示“捐献”,其后均可接to。表示捐钱或衣物时,二者可互换使用。It is more mea

12、ningful to donate/contribute books and sports goods to children in need.2013 江苏改donate 还有“献血”之意。Many people have donated that type of blood.2012 北京contribute 侧重指“贡献”,通常指贡献财力、物力、智力等。此外,contribute 还可表示“促成”、“起作用”、“投稿”的意思。I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.Honesty and ha

13、rd work contribute to success and happiness.The scientist often contributes to an academic journal.辨辨 donate,contributecontribute语义网络图语义网络图贡献贡献基本义contribute“贡献贡献”人力、人力、物力、财力等物力、财力等为某事的发生做为某事的发生做“贡献贡献”“贡献贡献”稿件等稿件等贡献;捐助;贡献;捐助;捐献捐献造成造成/促使促使(某事发生)(某事发生)投投(稿);撰(稿);撰(稿(稿)贡献贡献contribution捐款;捐献物捐款;捐献物稿件;作品稿

14、件;作品J.K.Rowlings novel Harry Potter made a great contribution to the world literature.She has contributed a lot of money to the charity since she became rich.To inspire other writers,she shared some rejection letters from the publishers.Those letters related to The Cuckoos Calling.J.K.Rowling contri

15、buted the novel to a magazine under the name of Galbraith without revealing her true identity.The first was rejected by several publishers,and Rowling was even advised to take a writing course.When The Cuckoos Calling eventually found a publisher in 2013,it was achieving respectable sales before the

16、 secret of its authorship broke,and it contributed to the novel reaching the top of the bestseller lists.句子副词修饰整个句子,多置于句首,也可以在句中甚至可以在句末,通常表示说话人的态度或语气。在高考的语篇填空、短文改错和书面表达等题型中,常有对句子副词直接考查的情况。特别是在写作中,句子副词让文章衔接更流畅、观点更清晰。什么是句子副词?什么是句子副词?1.A fire broke out in the market yesterday,but fortunately no one was

17、 hurt.2.Interestingly,I write more now than ever before.3.Unfortunately,you were out when we called.4.Hopefully,Ill be able to stay at home for three weeks this time.5.The composition is all right;theres room for improvement,however.找出句子副词并仔细体会找出句子副词并仔细体会其用法。其用法。比较下面两个句子,说说比较下面两个句子,说说gain confidence

18、和和acquire confidence 的区别是什么?的区别是什么?He gained confidence when he went to college.He acquired confidence when he went to college.正式用语多用在严肃的正式场合,如商业信函、报告、讲座、会议,以及与陌生人和比自己级别高的人的礼貌交谈中。非正式用语则多用在放松的非正式场合,如与熟人的日常交流,包括会话和书信往来等。总的来说,书面语多用正式用语,口语多用非正式用语。acquire是正式用语正式用语正式用语与非正式用语正式用语与非正式用语Informal Neutral(中性的)

19、(中性的)Formal获得自信 /gain confidenceconfidence提出建议/make a suggestion make a 没有选择 /have no choice have no 孩子 aa child/上火车/the trainboard the train acquire proposal option kid get on 英语中的 metaphor(隐喻)来源于希腊语 metaphora,该词由 meta-(over)和 pherein(to carry)合成,合起来意思是 to carry over(拿过来)。因此,隐喻的本质是用一种事物来理解另一种事物,并且多是参照熟悉的、有形的、具体的事物来认识和表达无形的、抽象的事物。隐喻是一种思维方式,无处不在,它是多义词产生词义的主要理据。建立隐喻思维能更好地理解和掌握由基本义到衍生义这一思维。隐喻隐喻 metaphor本单元典型词本单元典型词单词单词基本义基本义比喻义比喻义 balance(身体的)平衡path小路 material材料 advance向前移动contribution捐款 (事物间的)平衡(事物间的)平衡 途径途径 做做事的料事的料/当当的料的料 发展发展 贡献贡献


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