Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good 单词讲解(ppt课件) (3)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good 单词讲解(ppt课件) (3)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good 单词讲解(ppt课件) (3)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good 单词讲解(ppt课件) (3)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good 单词讲解(ppt课件) (3)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、MIU4 Looking good,feeling goodVocabulary1.skip 1)vt.to not do sth that you usually do or should do 不做不做(应做的事等);不参加(应做的事等);不参加I often skip breakfast.我常常不吃早饭。我常常不吃早饭。2)vt./vi.to leave out sth 跳过(正常的步骤等)跳过(正常的步骤等),略过略过You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class.如果你要是在课堂上已经讲到了,你

2、可以跳过下一章。如果你要是在课堂上已经讲到了,你可以跳过下一章。I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。3)vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走蹦蹦跳跳地走She skipped happily along beside me.连蹦带跳高高兴兴地跟连蹦带跳高高兴兴地跟着我着我2.faint vi.become unconscious昏厥昏厥 The beggar fainted from hunger.饿昏过去饿昏过去adj.1)not before noun昏眩昏眩,快要昏厥快要昏厥 The

3、beggar was faint from hunger.饿得头昏眼花饿得头昏眼花 2)that cannot be clearly seen,heard or smelt(光、(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的声、味)微弱的,不清楚的 a faint glow/light 微弱的光亮微弱的光亮光光 a faint smell of perfume 淡淡的香水味淡淡的香水味 3)possible but unlikely 微小的,可能性不大的微小的,可能性不大的 slight There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.她的病还有一点点希望可

4、以治愈。她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。3.pass out 昏迷,失去知觉昏迷,失去知觉 syn.faint He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就昏倒了。他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就昏倒了。Sadly,his grandmother passed away last year.Will you pass by the supermarket on your way home?The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.This i

5、s the second time Ive been passed over for promotion.去世去世经过经过 go by传承,代代相传传承,代代相传不考虑,跳过某人不考虑,跳过某人4.immediately1)adv.without delay/at once/right away 立即立即,马马上上She answered almost immediately.2)conj.as soon as/directly 一一就;即刻就;即刻Immediately shed gone,I remembered her name.她刚走开我就她刚走开我就adj.immediateto t

6、ake immediate action 立刻采取行动The hospital says shes out of immediate danger.医院说她眼下已没有危险。The wedding was attended by her immediate family.He is my immediate superior.The immediate cause of death is unknown.眼下的危险眼下的危险直系亲属直系亲属顶头上司顶头上司直接原因直接原因5.concentrate v.concentrate/focus(ones mind/attention)on sth=co

7、ncentrate/focus on sth 集中注意力于某事、全神集中注意力于某事、全神贯注做贯注做concentration n.U专心专心,专注;专注;C集中;集中;C/U浓度浓度,含量含量Tiredness affects your powers of concentration.疲劳影响疲劳影响注意力注意力的集中。的集中。a concentration of industry in the north of the country 这个国家的工业在北部的集中the alcohol concentration in the blood concentrated adj.He made

8、a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.全力以赴做某事全力以赴做某事concentrated orange juice 浓缩浓缩橙汁橙汁 concentrated gunfire 密集的密集的炮火炮火6.extreme adj.极度的;极端的,异乎寻常的极度的;极端的,异乎寻常的people living in extreme poverty 生活在极度贫困中的人生活在极度贫困中的人extreme weather conditions 极端恶劣的天气状况极端恶劣的天气状况cn.极端不同的感情极端不同的感情(或境况、行为方式等或境况、行为

9、方式等),完全相反的事物完全相反的事物He used to be very shy,but now hes gone to the opposite extreme.他以前很腼腆,现在却他以前很腼腆,现在却走向了另一个极端走向了另一个极端。go to extremes 走极端,采取极端行为走极端,采取极端行为extremely important/useful/complicated 极其重要极其重要/有用有用/复杂复杂7.slim vi.(usually used in the progressive tenses)变苗条,减肥变苗条,减肥 You can still eat breakfa

10、st when you are slimming.减肥也可以吃早饭嘛!减肥也可以吃早饭嘛!slim down(靠节食等)变苗条,减肥(靠节食等)变苗条,减肥slim sth.down 精简精简(机构机构),裁减裁减(人员人员),减少减少(岗位岗位)slim down the workforce 裁减职工裁减职工adj.苗条的;微薄的,小的苗条的;微薄的,小的 slimmer slimmesthave a slim figure 拥有苗条的身材拥有苗条的身材a slim chance of success 成功的可能性不大成功的可能性不大8.concerned adj.忧心忡忡的父母忧心忡忡的父

11、母们开了一次会。们开了一次会。Concerned parents held a meeting.所有所有相关人员相关人员都出席了此次会议。都出席了此次会议。All people concerned were present at the conference.我们我们担心担心他的安全。他的安全。We are concerned about/for his safety.他们他们对对发言人正在说的东西发言人正在说的东西感兴趣感兴趣。They were concerned with what the speaker was saying.这封信主要这封信主要与与住房问题住房问题有关有关。The l

12、etter is chiefly concerned with housing problems.concern v.使担心;影响,牵涉,涉及使担心;影响,牵涉,涉及What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.让我担心的是让我担心的是我们对变化的改变不足。我们对变化的改变不足。Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you.不要管与自己无关的事。不要管与自己无关的事。There is growing/widespread concern about/over the spread of

13、 the disease.人们越来越关注、人们广泛关注人们越来越关注、人们广泛关注show/express concern about/over/for对对表示关切表示关切/担心担心Our immediate concern is.我们的我们的当当务之急是务之急是9.effect n.效应,影响,结果效应,影响,结果 to distinguish between cause and effect have effects on bring/put sth into effect 使生效使生效,实行实行,实施实施come into effect 生效;开始实施生效;开始实施in effect 实

14、际上实际上,事实上;事实上;(法律或规则法律或规则)在实施中在实施中,有效有效take effect 开始起作用开始起作用,见效;见效;(法律或规则法律或规则)生效生效,开始实施开始实施affect vt.影响影响effective adj.有效的有效的;生效的生效的 ineffective 无效的,不奏效的无效的,不奏效的10.prove1)linking-V 后来被发现是后来被发现是,最终证明最终证明 turn out The opposition proved too strong for him.The promotion proved to be a turning point in

15、 his career.The scheme proved a great success.Sb./Sth.proves/prove/provedn.adj.to be2)vt.use facts,evidence,etc.to show that sth is true 证明,证实证明,证实This new evidence will prove her innocence.Tests have proved that the system works.Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you.She was determined to pr

16、ove herself right.V+O+OC11.diet n.1)C/U the food that you eat and drink regularly 日常饮食日常饮食,日常食物日常食物have a healthy,balanced diet 健康健康、均衡的饮食均衡的饮食a low-fat,salt-free diet 低脂肪无盐的饮食低脂肪无盐的饮食2)C 节食,规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的)节食,规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的)diet drinks 低热量饮料低热量饮料I decided to go on a diet to lose weight before my hol

17、iday.diet vi.节食(减肥)节食(减肥)Shes always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight.dietary /datri/adj.dietary advice/changes/habits 饮食建议饮食建议/变化变化/习习惯惯dietary fibre 饮食纤维素饮食纤维素12.nutrition n.U the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy 营营养养,营养的吸收营养的吸

18、收advice on diet and nutrition cn.a lack of essential nutrients 基本基本营养素营养素的缺乏的缺乏adj.the nutritional value of milk 牛奶的营养价值牛奶的营养价值 nutritious meals 有营养的有营养的饭菜饭菜13.function 1)v.often+adv./prep.to work in the correct way 起作用;正常工作;运转起作用;正常工作;运转Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to function norm

19、ally.尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。function as sb/sth 起起作用作用,具有具有功能功能=serve/act/work as The sofa also functions as a bed.这沙发还可当这沙发还可当床用床用.2)n.C/U a special activity or purpose of a person or thing 作用作用,功能,职能,机能功能,职能,机能The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.to fulfil/perform a

20、function 发挥功能发挥功能functional adj.实用的实用的;(机器、组织、机构等)工(机器、组织、机构等)工作的作的,运转的运转的modern and functional furnitureThe hospital will soon be fully functional.这家医院将很快全面运转。这家医院将很快全面运转。14.take in to absorb sth into the body,for example by breathing or swallowing 吸入(体内),摄入,吸收 n.intake 摄入量Fish take in oxygen throu

21、gh their gills.鱼用鳃吸取氧气。They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid after sports.1.Dont be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.2.He was homeless,so we took him in.3.Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadnt taken anything in.4.This tour takes in six European

22、capitals.to allow sb to stay in your hometo make sb believe sth that is not trueto include or cover sth.to understand or remember sth that you hear or readtake after,take in,take off,take on,take over,take up1.I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally _ me _.2.Mimi

23、became jealous when Jacks career started _ _.3.Your daughter doesnt _ _ you at all.4.Dont _ _ too much workthe extra cash isnt worth it.5.His only reason for investing in the company was to _ it _.6.He did not particularly want to _ _ a competitive sport.tookintaking off take aftertake ontakeovertak

24、e up15.get(oneself)into shape 强身健体强身健体to take exercise,eat healthy food,etc.in order to become physically fit stay/keep in shape 保持健康保持健康in good/bad shape(物体物体)处于良好处于良好/不良状况;(身体)不良状况;(身体)健康健康/不健康不健康Hes in good shape for a man of his age.out of shape:变形的变形的,走样的走样的;不健康的不健康的The wheel had been twisted o

25、ut of shape.I weighed 245 pounds and was out of shape.The pool is in the shape of a heart.呈呈形状的形状的=The pool is shaped like a heart 形状是形状是 Completely new relations between teachers and students are taking shape in our school.成形成形 vt.决定决定的形成;影响的形成;影响的发展的发展His ideas had been shaped by his experiences d

26、uring the war.16.rather adv.1)(常用于表示轻微批评、失望或惊讶)相当,在某种程(常用于表示轻微批评、失望或惊讶)相当,在某种程度上度上It was a rather difficult question./It was rather a difficult question.2)(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是The walls were not white,but rather a sort of dirty grey.3)(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更准确地说(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更准确地说Sh

27、e worked as a secretary,or rather a personal assistant.她当了秘书;确切地讲,是私人助理。她当了秘书;确切地讲,是私人助理。17.aspect n.C a particular part or feature of sth 方面方面,层面层面The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.这本书旨在这本书旨在涵盖涵盖城市生活城市生活的各个方面的各个方面。She looked at the problem from every aspect.她觉得她已她觉得她已从各个角度考虑从各个角度考虑了这个

28、问题。了这个问题。18.pressuren.压力;压力;压强压强;大气压大气压He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。The teams performs well under pressure.v.迫使迫使,竭力劝说竭力劝说pressure/force/urge sb.to do sth.Youre likely to feel anxious and pressured.你可能会觉得焦虑不安、你可能会觉得焦虑不安、有压力有压力。pressure多指由气体或液体产生的压力,或某事多指

29、由气体或液体产生的压力,或某事物所产生的压力或影响力,包括工作或生活中的物所产生的压力或影响力,包括工作或生活中的压力。压力。release/relieve/ease pressurestress 指施加于物体、能使其损坏或变形的压指施加于物体、能使其损坏或变形的压力或应力;也指精神压力或心理负担,侧重于一力或应力;也指精神压力或心理负担,侧重于一种长期的忧虑。种长期的忧虑。suffer from stress lay stress on 注重,强调注重,强调tension主要主要指精神、心理上的紧张,也指人与指精神、心理上的紧张,也指人与人或国与国之间的紧张关系,或某物被过度拉伸人或国与国之

30、间的紧张关系,或某物被过度拉伸的程度或状态。的程度或状态。Revision 19.contribute他他捐捐很多钱给慈善机构。很多钱给慈善机构。He contributed a lot of money to the charity.她在这次讨论她在这次讨论中中贡献贡献出很多出很多好意见。好意见。She contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion.她定期给校刊她定期给校刊投稿投稿。She regularly contributes to the college magazine.有规律的锻炼有益于健康。有规律的锻炼有益于健康。Regul

31、ar exercise contributes to good health.“促成促成,造成造成,导致导致”make contributions to a contributing factor contributor 20.memory The data are stored in the computers memory.资料存在计算机资料存在计算机内存内存里。里。memorize v.记忆,记住记忆,记住memorize v.指将所有细节都牢牢记住或背熟指将所有细节都牢牢记住或背熟remember v.想起;记住想起;记住 (普通(普通用用词)词)remember doing/that

32、;remember to do recall v.回想,回忆起回想,回忆起 (指(指设法想起发生在过去的设法想起发生在过去的事情)事情)memorial adj.纪念的;悼念的纪念的;悼念的 n.纪念碑纪念碑/像像等等,纪念物纪念物21.attack n.攻击,进攻;(疾病的)发作,侵袭;抨击,批评攻击,进攻;(疾病的)发作,侵袭;抨击,批评make/launch a surprise attackan heart attackan acute attack of food poisoning 急性食物中毒急性食物中毒The company has come/been under fierce

33、 attack for its decision to close the factory.遭到抨击遭到抨击/批评;收到攻击批评;收到攻击/袭击袭击v.攻击,进攻;抨击,批评攻击,进攻;抨击,批评22.amount n.金额;数量,数额金额;数量,数额a considerable/large amount of workA large amount of damage has been done by the earthquake.Large amounts of money were spent on the bridgeYoure going to take a certain amoun

34、t of criticism,but you must cope with it.你肯定会遭到一些批评,但你必须去面对。你肯定会遭到一些批评,但你必须去面对。The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们对睡眠的需求量因人而异我们对睡眠的需求量因人而异。amount to 总计,总共;等同于,相当于总计,总共;等同于,相当于Our debts amount to over$1000.我们的负债总共超过了我们的负债总共超过了1000美元美元。Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.

35、她的回答相当于是完全拒绝。她的回答相当于是完全拒绝。Jim is never going to amount to much.Jim是不会是不会成功成功/有出息有出息的的。He is sure to amount to nothing if he goes on like this.如果他继样发展下去,肯定会如果他继样发展下去,肯定会一事无成一事无成。23.schedule n.timetable 日程安排,进度表,工作计划日程安排,进度表,工作计划on schedule 按照进度按照进度ahead of/behind the schedule 提前提前/落后于预定计划落后于预定计划vt.to

36、 arrange sth.to happen at a certain time 为为安排时间安排时间 (usu.in passive voice)sb./sth.be scheduled to do sth.预计预计/预定做预定做.预计在周五下午做讲座。预计在周五下午做讲座。The lecture is scheduled to be given on Friday afternoon./The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.如果天气允许,我们将如期举行运动会。如果天气允许,我们将如期举行运动会。If weather permits,we

37、ll have the sports meeting as scheduled.=as planned/arranged as it is scheduledRevision24.negative negativepassivepessimistic positiveactiveoptimistic pessimist optimistpessimism optimism25.surgery n.外科手术外科手术 plastic/cosmetic surgery surgeon physicianphysicistphysicsphysical health/examinationphysic

38、al bookstore外科医生外科医生内科医生内科医生物理学家物理学家物理学物理学身体健康、体检身体健康、体检实体书店实体书店Revision 26.treat treat as treat sb.for sth treatment n.治疗;对待治疗;对待The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure.治疗这种流血的最好方法就是牢牢将伤口压住。治疗这种流血的最好方法就是牢牢将伤口压住。cure sb.of the disease 治愈某人的某种疾病治愈某人的某种疾病a cure for cancer 癌症的治愈方法

39、癌症的治愈方法 a cure for poverty 解决贫穷的对策解决贫穷的对策/措施措施 treat sb./oneself to sth.请某人吃请某人吃.,用用.招待某人招待某人别担心钱别担心钱今天我请客。今天我请客。Dont worry about the cost Ill treat you today./Its my treat today.27.addition addadditionadditionaladditionallyIn addition;Additionally;Besides;Whats more add your name to the list.add to

40、 our difficultiesadd up all the figures These numbers add up to 100.28.hang overhang hung hung;hang hanged hangedThe trees grow so tall that they hang over the river from either side.树长得很高,从河的两岸树长得很高,从河的两岸悬在悬在河面河面上上。A great danger will hang over him.他大难临头了他大难临头了。(威胁威胁即将降临或发生即将降临或发生,使使忧心忡忡忧心忡忡)They l

41、et the final decision hang over until next week.他们待下周再作出最后决定他们待下周再作出最后决定。(搁置搁置起来,存留起来,存留下来下来)They usually hung out/about/around/round together most of the time.大多数时间他们通常都大多数时间他们通常都泡在一起泡在一起。I would hang out in supermarkets then.我那时候经常在超市里我那时候经常在超市里闲逛闲逛。Mum hung up(the phone).母亲母亲挂断电话挂断电话。Have a littl

42、e faith,hang on!给自己一点信心,给自己一点信心,坚持下去坚持下去。He decided to hang on to these old photos.保留,不卖掉,不放弃保留,不卖掉,不放弃29.live up to 不辜负,达到,符合不辜负,达到,符合live up to ones expectations/name/standards/promise不不辜负某人的期望辜负某人的期望/名副其实名副其实/达到标准达到标准/履行诺言履行诺言Sales have not lived up to expectations this year.今年的销售额不尽如人意。今年的销售额不尽如

43、人意。The company fails to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description.这家公司未能提供质量与其描述相符的商品这家公司未能提供质量与其描述相符的商品。30.end up最后成为,最终处于(状态)最后成为,最终处于(状态)1.end up+介词介词end(up)in failure/death/prison/hospital/debtend up with a song,end up as president/a beggarIf you go on like this,you will en

44、d up in prison.2.end up+doing sth.At first they hated each other,but they ended up getting married.I end up spending the night at the airport.3.end up+adj.end up dead/happy/poorIf he continues driving like that,hell end up dead.31.shadow cn.the dark shape made when a light shines on a person or an o

45、bject 影子影子An oak tree cast its shadow over/on the water.一棵橡树的一棵橡树的影子投射影子投射在在水面上。水面上。His fathers death cast a shadow on/over their wedding ceremony.为为蒙上一层阴影(蒙上一层阴影(spoil)He has always lived in/under the shadow of his brother.他一直活在他哥哥的影子中他一直活在他哥哥的影子中。The new market is in the shadow of the City Hall.这个

46、行市场这个行市场靠近靠近市政厅。市政厅。=in ones shadow被某人(的被某人(的光彩)所掩盖光彩)所掩盖The room was half in shadow.(un.昏暗,背光处)昏暗,背光处)I saw a figure standing in the shadows.(在昏暗处)(在昏暗处)It was without/beyond a shadow of a doubt the best weve played.毫无疑问毫无疑问这是我们表现最出彩的一次这是我们表现最出彩的一次。v.Detectives shadowed him for weeks.侦探跟踪了他几周。侦探跟踪了

47、他几周。shadow/shade U is an area or a part of a place that is protected from the heat of the sun and so is darker and cooler.背阴处,阴凉背阴处,阴凉处处Lets sit in the shade for a while.咱们在阴凉咱们在阴凉处坐一会儿吧处坐一会儿吧。the shade on the lamp 灯罩灯罩strong contrasts of light and shade 明暗的强烈对比明暗的强烈对比a bright shade of pink一一种鲜亮的粉红色

48、种鲜亮的粉红色I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光。我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光。(图画中的)暗部,阴影(图画中的)暗部,阴影(部分)(部分)(色彩的)浓淡,色度(色彩的)浓淡,色度32.external kstrnl Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable.这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生。We have a good knowledge of the in

49、ternal structure of the building.内外素的结合导致了经济的崩溃。内外素的结合导致了经济的崩溃。A combination of internal and external factors contributed to the breakdown of the economy.The country stepped up internal security.该国加强了国内安保该国加强了国内安保。excludeincludeexport importdomestic 国内的国内的33.content n./adj./vt.n.1)sig.the subject of

50、 sth.(book,speech,etc.)(书、讲话、节目等的)主题,主要内容书、讲话、节目等的)主题,主要内容The format is as important as the content.2)pl.the things that are inside sth.所装的东西所装的东西Please show me the contents of your suitcase.3)pl.the sections of a book 目录目录The contents of your book should be adjusted.adj.happy and satisfied 惬意的,满足的惬


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