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1、销售管理培训销售管理培训辅导的技巧专业辅导 1.清楚、具体的辅导集中双方公认的13点来辅导对这3点进行跟踪直到双方都认为达到了标准 2.辅导前的计划仔细考虑代表能认识到自己的错误并改正的关键是什么多少点,为什么?专业辅导 3.集中的和系统的关注目标(不要偏离目标)一次解决一点 从一点顺利的过渡到另一点 4.用引导的技巧有效的探询使代表发现自己的错误有效的探询使代表改正自己的错误的做法专业辅导 5.运用辅导表和指南让代表了解自己的强项和弱项,分清先后今后努力的方向 辅导频率 对试用期的HR每月进行连续24天的协同拜访及辅导 1年以下的HR每月23天 2年以下的HR每月12天 高级HR每月或隔月1

2、天 辅导阶段辅导阶段 拜访后拜访后征得代表关于一天拜访的意见 分析者倾听/激励 控制者激励 社交者控制/指导 表现者集中建立成功的队伍建立成功的队伍雇佣合格的人培训发展跟踪、控制雇用最好的?雇用最好的?他们不断的寻求新的知识,渴望发展新的技能他们敢于挑战,发现新的做事方法。为了保持他们发现效果更好、效率更高的工作方法的欲望,他们需要解释。如果没有挑战,他们会烦躁不安和不满。如果他们完成了自己的工作,他们会向同事和老板伸出援助之手帮助形式的问卷帮助形式的问卷1.在我告诉他们我想让他们的工作之前,我阶段性的列出与次相关的是什么Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常 2.我积极为他们

3、寻找发展自己的Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常3.我听他们的想法,帮助他们通过在工作中做新的事情来发展自己Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常Helping style questionnaire4.When I have something I want them to do,I give people very clear instructions:当我有事让他们做时,我给他们非常明确的指示Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常5.I help them to plan how they can meet challenges at

4、work:我帮助他们计划怎样迎接工作中的挑战:Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常6.I ask them questions that help them think through why they want to do things:我问他们一些问题,这些问题帮助他们思考为什么他们想做事Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常Helping style questionnaire7.I check that they have got their instructions accurately:我检查他们是否准确的知道所得到的指示.Never从不 1 2

5、3 4 5 Often 经常8.I am prepared to let people try out new skills even if there is a risk they may not do the job well:我准备让他们试试新的技巧即使会有因此而不能作好工作的危险.Never 从不1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常9.I am interested in what they do outside their work,and how this fits or conflicts with work activities:我对他们工作以外做什么以及这些怎样适应或与工作冲

6、突感兴趣.Never 从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often 经常Helping style questionnaire10.I check up on things Ive asked them to do,and let them know how they did:我检查我让他们做过的事,让他们知道他们做的怎样Never从不 1 2 3 4 5 Often经常11.I encourage learners to review how they perform,and to plan how to improve:我鼓励他们回顾他们是怎样做的,计划怎样改进Never从不 1 2 3 4 5

7、Often经常12.I sit down with them and help them to think about where they are going in their career:我和他们坐下来帮助他们考虑在他们的事业中进行到了哪步Never经常 1 2 3 4 5 Often从不Questions?问题问题 What is the difference between coaching and counseling?咨询和辅导的区别是什么?Coaching Definition 辅导的定义辅导的定义 在引导下,用每天的工作作为一种学习的经验 Development at wor

8、k where problems are turned into learning situations in a planned way,under guidance 在引导下,发展在工作中有计划的将问题转化为学习的过程 Making your HR more capable to do their present job on their own and to enjoy doing it使医院代表更加胜任目前的工作,并从中得到乐趣。Questions?问题问题?What are the objectives of coaching?辅导的目的是什么?Coaching Objectives

9、辅导的目的辅导的目的 To develop specific skills 发展特定的技能 e.g.Objective opening 例如:目的性开场 To share experience and expertise分享经验和专长 lessons learnt outside the classroom 课堂以外学来的经验 To develop HR 发展销售代表 Continuous and never ending improvement 持续、永不终止的自我提高 To develop the boss 发展老板 Learn as you teach 边教边学Coaching Stag

10、es辅导阶段辅导阶段Pre Call:Beginning of the day 拜访前:一天的开始拜访前:一天的开始 Clarify objectives of your joint visit列明你联合拜访的目标 State 1 to 3 areas to coach 13阶段的辅导方面阶段的辅导方面 Review target customer listing 浏览目标客户的名单 Review HRs call objectives 浏览HR的拜访目的 What is HRs expectation of you HR对你的期望是什么 Agree on objectives if ther

11、e is a conflict of interest.如果在兴趣上有分歧,在目标上取得一致。Coaching Stages 辅导阶段辅导阶段During the call 拜访中拜访中 Observe and listen attentively集中精力观察、倾听 whenever possible,position yourself to observe the HR clearly 在任何可能的时候,清楚的观察HR Look at the HR not the customer 观察HR而不是客户 Avoid unplanned intervention,unless a critica

12、l mistake occurs 避免无计划的介入,除非有严重的错误出现 Join in the conversation only after HR have completed his product call 在HR完成产品拜访后再加入谈话Coaching Stages 辅导阶段辅导阶段During the call 拜访中拜访中 Kerb conferencing 避免会谈 immediate coaching session after a call 拜访后立即分组辅导 only when you need to correct a critical mistake immediat

13、ely 除非你需要立即纠正一个重大的错误 when the HR ask for immediate help on a particular issue 当HR就一个特殊的事件要求紧急帮助Coaching Stages 辅导阶段辅导阶段Post Call 拜访后拜访后Post Call 拜访后 Dont praise too much,dont summarize yet 不要过分的表扬,也不要总结 Ask for feedback-dont lead HR to what you want to hear 要求反馈不要引导HR说你想听到的 Give feedback by going st

14、raight to the objectives-use reflecting skill通过直达目标来给出反馈用引导的技巧 Dont feedback on points outside your objectives,unless it is urgent and important不要对你的目的以外的观点作出反馈除非这很紧急或很重要Coaching Stages 辅导阶段辅导阶段Use Coaching Form to help in the development process-give points用辅导表来帮助提出观点过程的发展Use Coaching Guide to help

15、 evaluate points用辅导指南来帮助评价观点Coaching Stages 辅导阶段辅导阶段Closing the Interview结束面谈结束面谈 Ask the HR if there are anything else he would like to discuss问HR是否还有需要讨论的问题 Summarize what HR did particularly well总结HR做的很突出的是什么 Thank HR for the days effort感谢HR一天的努力 Suggest a date for follow up meeting建议召开跟进会议的日期Poi

16、nts to ponder!考虑的要点!No time to coach?没时间辅导?The problems from not coaching is more time-consuming.因不指导而引起的问题更花费时间 You shoulder the burden of additional work.你承担着增加工作带来的负担 HR dont need the added attention,they already know what is expected of them?医院代表不需要更多的关注,他们已经知道你对他们的期望了吗?How much will it cost me,

17、if I am wrong and my employees truly dont have a true idea of my expectations or my priorities?如果我错了而我的雇员真不知道我的期望和优先考虑的东西,这样的代价是多少?Questions?问题问题?What are the benefits of coaching?辅导的效益是什么?Benefits of Coaching辅导的效益辅导的效益 SWOT analysis of HR and territory对代表和领域的SWOT分析 Identification of high potential

18、HR发现潜力大的HR Capitalize strength and improve on weaknesses利用力量,弥补不足 Market and competitor knowledge市场、竞争者的知识 Support HRs development支持代表的发展 Spot problem and nip it in the bud发现问题,及早消灭Benefits of Coaching辅导的收益辅导的收益 Create independence and capability创造独立性,发挥才能 Ensure improved effectiveness确保改进的效果 Increa

19、ses flexibility as competence grow随着竞争的加强增加灵活程度 Pushes accountability down减低消耗 Helps retain people 帮助留住人 Motivation for HR激发代表 Rapport building with HR and customers与代表和顾客达成默契Questions?问题问题 What are the requirements of a coach?辅导的要求是什么?Coach Requirement?辅导的要求?辅导的要求?Interpersonal skill,Selling skill

20、and experience人际关系的技巧,销售技巧和经验 Analytical ability-spot the opportunity分析能力找到机会 Sense of priority-focus on real and important issues 优先意识在确实的、重要的事情上集中精力 Managerial attitude-making judgement from companys view-point and poise管理的态度从公司和平衡的角度来做评判 Creativity and imagination 创造力和想象力Coaching Ground Rules辅导的基

21、本原则辅导的基本原则 Focus on behavior,not the person注重行为,而不是个人“There were a few problems with that job”那项工作存在几个问题“You caused a few problems on that job”你给那项工作带来了几个问题 Listen 倾听 Keep the focus on the other person 保持对其他人的关注 Ask for his opinion 询问他的看法 Ask for solution first then give suggestion if necessary 先问解决

22、方法,如果有必要,再给建议Coaching Ground Rules辅导的基本原则辅导的基本原则 Be concrete 要具体 Come up with specific,identifiable points to correct or to improve 提出具体的,明确的修正和提高的观点 Be clear and direct 要清楚、直接 Dont beat around the bush 不要兜圈子“I have some comments I would like to discuss with you”“我有一些意见想和你讨论一下”“Some people think tha

23、t there were a few problems with some of the work”“一些人认为有些工作中有问题。”Coaching Ground Rules辅导的基本原则辅导的基本原则 Emphasize mutual responsibility强调相互的责任 You may be contributing to the performance problem 你应该对问题的表现做些事 You both have to contribute to make it work 你们都应该尽力使之运转 Use Reflecting in the coaching process

24、在辅导的过程中运用引导 Own self evaluation as a starting point for discussion 把自我评估作为讨论的起点 Find out what he thinks of himself and identify the right development opportunities to work on 找出他对自己的认识,确定正确的发展机会Coaching Ground Rules辅导的基本原则 Be timely 要及时 Give feedback,whether positive or negative,as close to the even

25、t as possible.在事件 发生的最短期内给予反馈,不管是正面的还是反面的。“Why didnt you tell me about this before?I could have done something about it.你以前为什么不告诉我关于这些,我可以为此做些什么。Deal one issue at a time在一段时间内只处理一件事 Focus on each specific point,come to some agreement about action,and move on 专注于一个特定的点,在行动上取得一致,然后继续。Weaknesses in coa

26、ching process辅导过程中的不足 Unclear objectives-waste time目的不明确浪费时间 Not specific-too many points不确定太多的要点 Not useful/practical-too general不实用、不实际太文雅 Not systematic-confusing不系统令人迷惑 One way communication-poor rapport单一的交流方式缺乏默契 Unclear standards-gut feel unacceptable标准不清让人极不能接受Coaching Taboos 辅导禁忌 Dont do th

27、e work for your HR不要替HR工作 Dont coach after each call不要在拜访后指导 Dont do other things while HR is calling当HR拜访时不要做其他的事情 Dont keep quiet through out the interview不要在面谈时始终保持一言不发 Dont talk 90%of the time不要占用90的时间谈话 Dont do coaching without first thinking through经过事先仔细考虑后再进行指导 Coaching Role Play 辅导角色扮演4 Typ

28、es of Coaching辅导类型 1.Interrogative Coaching 提问式的辅导提问式的辅导 Continuos questioning on various issues 对不同的问题不断发问 2.Social Coaching 社交式的辅导社交式的辅导 Ad hoc Non specific feedback 没有特定的反馈 3.Command Coaching 命令式的辅导命令式的辅导 Telling HR what to do(Speak 90%of time)告诉HR做什么(90的时间讲4 Types of Coaching辅导类型 4.Professional

29、Coaching 专业辅导专业辅导 a.Clear&specific objectives 明确、特定的目标明确、特定的目标 Focus on 1-3 points-should be matually agreed points(HR needs)集中在双方都认同的13点上(HR需要)Follow through on the points till both of you mutually agree that HR had achieved the standards 跟进要点直到双方都认为HR已经达到了标准b.Pre-coach Planning-Thinking through 拜访

30、前做计划认真思考拜访前做计划认真思考 What are the key points to probe HR into realizing his own mistakes and correct them.探询HR意识到自己的错误并改正的要点是什么 How many points and why?有多少点?为什么?4 Types of Coaching 4.Professional Coaching 辅导指导 c.Focussed&Systematic 集中且系统的 Focussed on objectives(Do not side-track)集中在目标上(不要旁侧攻击)Deal wit

31、h one point at a time一次处理一个要点 Moves smoothly from one point to another 从一点到一点的平缓移动 d.Use Reflecting Skill 应用引导技巧 Effective probing to get HR to uncover his own mistakes有效的探询使HR发现自己的错误 Effective probing to get HR to correct his own mistakes 有效的探询使HR改正自己的错误Questions?问题问题 What are the skills required f

32、or effective coaching?有效的辅导要求的技巧是什么?Coaching Skills 辅导技巧Coaching Result-HRs Response信息/印象反馈接收给予引导探询/聆听对抗/赞美具体_3点强调 延缓判断延缓判断Coaching Skills 辅导技巧Coaching Result-HRs ResponseMessage-ExpressionFeedback-Receive-GiveReflectingProbing&ListeningConfrontorComplimentSpecific-3 pointsEmpathize Suspend Judgemen

33、tMessage/Expression信息/印象 Your expression is the message你的印象是信息 Basically 4 types of expression4种基本印象 Satisfied 满意 Unsatisfied 不满意 Happy 高兴 Unhappy 不高兴Feedback 反馈 Receive 接收 Prompt with open and specific questions 以开放的、特定的问题开始“How did you fare in using the Objective Opening skill with Dr Wong?”你怎样用目的

34、性开场技巧与王医生开场?Listen attentively and take notes.仔细听,记笔记 Do not interrupt unnecessarily 不要在不必要的时候插话 Only interrupt if he gets out of point or is too talkative.如果他跑题或讲的过多,则打断他。Feedback 反馈 Give 给予 Describe the behavior,not judge the person 描述行为,不要对人进行判断 Constructive not negative 建设性的,不要否定性的 Factual,speci

35、fic,accurate-not vague 实际的,特定的,准确的不要模糊 The way you give feedback determines whether it is accepted and acted upon.你反馈的方式决定是否被接受或采取行动 Use Reflecting for better effect.用引导以达到更好的效果Reflecting skill 辅导的技巧 What is Reflecting?什么是引导?Probing alone,is not Reflecting只探询不能称为引导只探询不能称为引导 Reflecting 引导 Getting HR

36、to realize his own area of strength or weakness through effective probing(focusing on the same point).通过探询使HR意识到他们的长处和不足在哪里。Getting HR to think through situations and come up with the right answers himself.使HR认真考虑形式,自己得到正确答案。Reflecting skill 辅导的技巧 Steps 步骤步骤Which Point?Good(example)Bad(example)Open

37、probeRealize good pointSeek solution(What&How)RecognitionKnowDont knowSuggest solution(What&How)Reinforce key pointsProbe for acceptanceReinforce key pointsKey to Reflecting 辅导的关键 Do not impose your ideas不要加入自己想法 Let HR exhaust his own ideas before you give yours在你陈述自己的观点前,让HR忘掉自己的。Provide prompts t

38、o help creativity.进行鼓励来帮助建立创造力。“What about.?”什么是?Position your suggestions as additional thoughts.把你的建议放在补充想法的地位。Key to Reflecting 辅导的关键You do not have to have additional ideas.If HR hascome up with all the ideas,a word of recognitionwill work wonders.如果如果HR想到所有的办法,你就不用加你的观点,一句认可的话就会想到所有的办法,你就不用加你的观

39、点,一句认可的话就会起作用。起作用。Probing 探询1.Open Questions开始提问 Clarifying questions问题分类“What specifically does that mean to you?”那对你有什么特定的意义?“Can I make sure I understand that.?”我能确信我理解?“If I hear correctly,what you are saying is?”如果我听的没错的话,你正在讲的是?Probing 探询 Creative questions 创造性的问题创造性的问题“How have you seen other

40、s handle similar situation?你见别人如何处理相同的情况?“Can you elaborate on your own thinking?”你能详细说明你自己的观点吗?“Would you like to talk more about it?”关于这点,你能多谈一些吗?Probing 探询 Process questions 进行提问“What would you like to get from this session?你想从这一组中得到什么?“What do I need to communicate to ensure everyone understand?

41、”我需要做一些怎样的沟通以确保每人都理解?“What authority do you think you need to complete this task?”完成这一任务,你需要得到什么授权?Probing 探询2.Follow-up questions 接下来的问题“In what way will this help achieve your objective?”这会怎样帮助你实现你的目标?“What other areas of this should we consider?”我们应该考虑其他那些方面?“You say you were pleased?How so?你说你很高

42、兴,怎么回事?“Not effective.?”没有效果?“You say he reacted to this.How did he react?”你说他对此做出反应,他是怎样反应的?Probing 探询3.Closed questions 结束的问题“When did it happen?是怎样发生的?“How often?多久?“How many?多少?4.Less useful questions 不很有用的问题 Leading Q-“I assume you.?领导问题“我假定你?”Hypothetical Q-“If I were you?”假定问题“如果我是你?”Listenin

43、g 倾听 Reason for listening 倾听的原因 To gather information 集中信息 To uncover customers needs 发现顾客的需求 To act appropriately 正确的行动Listening 倾听 Active listening 积极的倾听 Understand the message 理解信息 Clarify when the message is not clear 信息不明时阐明它 Confirm when the message is critical 信息关键时确认它 Use follow up question

44、and paraphrase 用随访问题和释义Facts about listening 倾听的现实Listening is not the same as hearing倾听与听见不一样You must sit still and be quiet to listen你必须坐定安静的听We tend to listen to when we are interested in the topic当我们对一个话题感兴趣时就区听We tend not to listen to what we do not want to hear我们不想听时就不听Our moods can block our

45、willingness to listen我们的情绪会阻碍我们听的意愿Listening is easier when we like the speaker or we find the speaker attractive当我们喜欢讲演者或认为他吸引人时,倾听变得容易。Facts about listening 倾听的现实 Listening is absolutely necessary for true human communication;there is no substitute倾听对真正的人际交往绝对有必要的,没有什么可替代的。You cannot listen if you

46、 are talking你讲话时不能倾听。Listening is easy to fake with canned nods and smile机械的点头和微笑易使倾听变的虚伪。Active listening is the key积极的倾听是关键Tips on listening倾听的技巧 Never attempt to persuade people until you have listened to them first除非你先听别人讲,否则永远别试图说服别人。Adopt the attitude when I listen,people talk采取“别人讲我听”的态度。To l

47、isten properly,you need to interpret,evaluate and respond正确的听,你需要解释、评价和回应。Mentally repeat teach me,teach me whenever you listen so that you thirst to learn无论你什么时候听都要在心理重复“教我教我”,这样你就会渴望去学。Tips on listening倾听的技巧 Identify the speakers main point and conclusion whenever you listen任何时候都要分辨说话人的主要观点和结论 Lis

48、ten for understanding not agreement为了理解而不是同意而听为了理解而不是同意而听 When you listen,integrate new information with what you already know听的时候将你已经知道的和新信息结合起来。Listen without judging the speaker,especially if you think you know more听的时候不要评判讲话的人,尤其是你认为你知道的更多的时候 Block out all thoughts of the past and future,concent

49、rate on the here and now.忘记所有关于过去和未来的想法,而集中在此时此地7 ways to show people that you listen 7种显示你在倾听的方法 Align yourself physically with the speaker行动上和讲话者一致 Stand when the speaker stand,sit when he sits 讲话者站时,你站,他坐,你坐 Acknowledge comments with occasional listening sounds such as mmm,hmmm,uh huh时时用如“嗯,啊”等声音

50、表示认同 Maintain eye contact 保持眼睛接触 Move closer to a speaker 靠近讲话者7 ways to show people that you listen 7种显示你在倾听的方法 Use a range of non verbal cues 用一系列非语言提示 nodding head,smile,animated facial expression 点头,微笑,生动的面部表情 Keep your hands away from your face 不要把手放在脸上 Make sure you hear everything 确保你听的全面List


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