
上传人(卖家):春光无限好 文档编号:4556235 上传时间:2022-12-18 格式:DOCX 页数:4 大小:18.16KB
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1、应用文写作话题分类之体育活动讲义常见活动+活动意义+活动过程(安排)常见活动:毅行:trailwalk接力赛: the relay race健身运动:body-building exercise运动会开幕式: the opening parade of the sports meeting年度运动会:the annual sports meeting田径运动会:trackand field sports meet跑马拉松: run the marathon龙舟竞赛:dragon boat race远足:have a hike / go hiking; have an excursion郊游:h

2、ave an outing登山:gohill-walking; go hiking太极拳:taichi武术:martialart瑜伽:yoga趣味运动会: a Fun Sports Meet群众运动:masssports拔河比赛:tug-of-war骑自行车比赛:bicycle riding越野赛:a Cross-Country Running Race篮球比赛:a basketball match跳绳:skipping rope活动意义:1.Ina gesture to arouse students awareness of getting into shape and strengthe

3、ning the bond with each other, the annual sports meeting kicked off with a bang in our school sports field last week.为了唤起学生的健身意识,加强彼此之间的联系,一年一度的运动会上周在我校运动场轰轰烈烈地拉开帷幕。2.A campaign named Doing A Sport is being launched in our school,aiming to enrich ourschoollife and strengthen our bodies.一项名为 做运动 的活动正

4、在我校展开,旨在丰富我们的校园生活,增强我们的体质。3.Not only did the event relieve our pressure from study, but it strengthened our willpower.这次活动不仅缓解了我们的学习压力,而且增强了我们的意志力。4.Not only did itget us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy schoolwork,it alsopromoted the friendship among us.它不仅让我们亲近自然,让我们从繁重的课业中得到放松,还促

5、进了我们之间的友谊。5.Usually held in October annually on the school playground, itsa splendid platform for us to take an active part in sports and bring out the best in ourselves. 通常每年10月在学校的操场上举行,这是一个很好的平台,让我们积极参加运动,发挥自己的优势。6.If we are able to make exercising our life habit, we will surelybenefit from it bo

6、th physically and mentally.如果我们能够把运动作为生活的习惯,我们一定会从身体和精神上受益。7. The race turned out to be a great success.Not only does it strengthen our body but it also tests our will and enriches our school life.比赛非常成功。它不仅增强了我们的身体,而且还考验了我们的意志,丰富了我们的学校生活。8.As for me, Im intoxicated with basketball since it has been

7、giving me strength to confront the challenges in my life.至于我,我沉醉于篮球,因为它一直给我力量去面对生活中的挑战。9.Iknowyoure really into sports, and the workout is just perfect for you. Its a golden chance tobuild up your body and sweat away your stress from heavy workload.我知道你真的很喜欢运动,而且这种锻炼对你来说是完美的。这是一个锻炼身体的黄金机会,可以用汗水消除繁重工

8、作带来的压力。10.By doing sports, I have learned how I shoulddeal with othersand have realizedthe importance of teamwork.通过做运动,我学会了应该如何与他人打交道,并认识到团队合作的重要性。活动过程(安排):1.The race routestarted at the school gateandended at the foot ofthe South Hill.比赛路线从校门开始,在南山脚下结束。2.Challenging as it was due to the unexpected

9、 rain, we allgave full play to our willpower. 由于突如其来的大雨,比赛很有挑战性,我们都充分发挥了自己的意志力。3.All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoyingthe fresh air and the beautiful scenery.一路上我们都在聊天、唱歌和欢笑,享受新鲜的空气和美丽的风景。4.When we were bathed in sunshine, wejumped and cheered with joy.当我们沐浴在阳光下时,我们高兴地跳跃和欢呼。5.

10、All the athletesmade every endeavor to obtain extraordinary resultsfor their class,sweating on the sports fieldwith their classmates cheering and clapping for them.所有运动员都竭尽全力为自己的班级取得优异的成绩,在运动场上挥洒汗水,同学们为他们欢呼鼓掌。6.Bathed in sunshine, players from Grade 3 competed against their teachers in the field, wi

11、th all the rest students watching excitedly in the bleachers.Both teams were playing at their best in high spirits.沐浴着阳光,三年级的队员们在球场上与他们的老师比赛,其余的学生则在看台上兴奋地观看。两支队伍都在兴致勃勃地发挥着自己的水平。7.Ifyou prefer to exercise in the open air, you canrun laps or play football to burn your calories.如果你喜欢在户外运动,你可以跑圈或踢足球来消耗你的卡路里。


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