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1、1Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations&Status Enquiries2Why to write a letter for establishing business relations?To enlarge ones business scope and turnoverTo maintain or expand business activitiesTo establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures

2、either for a newly established firm or an old one.No customers,no business.3Why to make a status enquiries?To avoid the unnecessary loss 知己知彼、百战百胜知己知彼、百战百胜4How to find the company you want to deal with?Merchants may be approached through the following channels:1.Internet 2.Advertisements in newspape

3、rs/magazines/other medias 3.Overseas Chamber of Commerce 海外商会海外商会 4.Your branch offices abroad 5.Market investigations 6.Trade fair held both at home and abroad China Import and Export Fair中国进出口商品交易会中国进出口商品交易会 7.Business Houses of the same trade 同业商行同业商行 Directories 贸易行的行名录贸易行的行名录 8.Visit abroad by

4、trade delegations and groups 9.Bank5How to write to the company you wish to contact for the first time?1.Begin you letter by telling the recipient how his name is known to you.2.Provide necessary information about yourself.3.State your wish.6How to do when you receive a letter?If you receive a lette

5、r in which the sender expresses the intention to do business with you,what should you do?You should answer as soon as possible.This shows your efficiency,which is a good way to impress your potential customer.If you cant do as requested,you have to tell him tactfully to pave the way for future busin

6、ess.7How to study this chapter?You should pay much attention to:1.Writing principles&tones2.Basic business knowledge3.Typical sentences/sentence structure4.Word extension5.Word discrimination6.Grammar points8Contents Module Letters Specimen letters Language points Analyzing the letter Writing tactic

7、s Language summary Exercises9General introduction1.turnover 营业额营业额Eg.The company turns over 150 million a year.The companys turnover is to 150 million a year.2.Open up the market 打开市场打开市场 In the market for:要买要买 We are in the market for wool.Find a market:找销路找销路 We are trying to find a market for thi

8、s article.103.Reputation:prestigeEg.Reputation for companies is vitally important when expanding the abroad market.Terpsichorean Yang Liping enjoys high prestige in China and whose dance the love for peacock has gotten a great popularity in our mind.11Module letters-21.Assure sb.of sth.:向保证向保证Specim

9、en letters-11.on the basis of equality,mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods 平等互利,互通有无平等互利,互通有无2.To give sb.a general idea about sth.means To acquaint sb.with sth.:使某人使某人熟悉或了解。熟悉或了解。12 Specimen letters Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 413Letter 1Language points:A.Through the courtesy of s

10、b.,we come to know your name and address.eg.Through the courtesy of my teacher in college,I get the job for promotion of air-condition.We got your name and address from B.In the line of sth.Vt(esp passive).cove the inside surface of sth.with a layer of different materialsA overcoat for ladies lined

11、with silk.We should refuse to dress those fur-lined coats.14C.We take the liberty to write to you in the hope of developing commercial relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.plunge straight into your message 直奔主题直奔主题 Its a courtesy expression,but its an old use in a sentence.

12、We promote and develop trade relations with the third country as per the principle of equality and mutual benefit.15enclose:v.随随附上,封入附上,封入 attachThe brochure enclosed will give you details of the varied service we can render.随函附上小册子一本,向你方详细介绍我们所能提供的多种服务项目。enclosure n.附件附件We are in receipt of your le

13、tter of May 18 with enclosure.收到你方五月十八日函及附件。16Comments on the letter:This is a letter enquiring about the possibility of establishing business relations.It begins by telling the recipient who provided the information,It states the purpose of the writing clearly:to establish business relations.It say

14、s enough to interest the recipient and send their latest catalogue and price list.State the writers eager expectation.The language is brief and to the point.17Letter 3A.The under-mentioned company,of Lagos,Nigeria,has recently approached us,and push the sale of Chinese Drawn Works 1.The company will

15、 be mentioned on the next content of this letter.Above,said,above-mentioned,aforesaid2.approach sb.for 3.push the sale of sth.18B.We would greatly appreciate it if you 如果你方能如果你方能,我方将不甚感激。,我方将不甚感激。We shall very much appreciate it if you can tell us the detailed position between yours.19Letter 4A.In r

16、eply to Make an answer to sth.B.well-established companyThe Peopoles Insurance Company of China is our state-owned enterprise and a well-established company enjoying high prestige.D.Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated.20 Writing tactics Paragraph writing Tips for beginning21各段写法各段写法The ope

17、ning paragraph The opening paragraph is often only a simple sentence.It is introductory in nature and frequently refers to a previous letter,or course of dealings.It should always be courteous谦恭的谦恭的,but it should also set the tone of the letter.This may be friendly,or formal,or it may hint at seriou

18、s matters which the body of the letter will soon make plain.The body of the letter This is the main subject matter of the letter,and is divided into an appropriate number of paragraphs.The closing paragraph The closing paragraph is again usually a single sentence which reestablishes the atmosphere o

19、f courtesy whatever has been the nature of the body of the letter.It is frequently used to signal the action which the writer hopes will follow from the letter.22Tips for beginning So be sure your opening paragraph sets the right tone for your letter.Be direct and use your words positively so your r

20、eader has a good impression from the beginning of your letter.Decide what is the most important informationand put it in the your first paragraph.Dont be afraid to start your letter strongly.23 Language Summary*When you first contact a company,you need to tell the company how you get their name and

21、address.You may say:1.We have you name and address from somebody.2.We got/obtained your name and address through 3.Your name and address have been recommended/introduced to us by*When you want to introduce yourself you may say:1.We would like to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned corporatio

22、n dealing in.2.We wish to introduce ourselves to you as24*Closing Sentences in Self-introduction:1.We would be very pleased to be of service to you and hope to submit to you our inquiries soon.2.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.3.We look forward to receiving from good news.4.We shall

23、 be very happy to hear from you and will carefully consider any proposals likely to lead to business between us.5.In case you are interested in other items,kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers directly.25*Other useful expressions:1.We are one of the leading importer

24、s/exporters in Beijing.我们我们是北京主要进口商是北京主要进口商/出口商。出口商。2.We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for this type of product.在这个行业里我们有极好的贸易关系,对这种产品的进口业务有丰富在这个行业里我们有极好的贸易关系,对这种产品的进口业务有丰富的经验。的经验。3.We are closely connected with reliable suppliers/distribu

25、tors/clients here and we shall be able to do substantial business with you.我们与可靠的供货商我们与可靠的供货商/经销商经销商/客户有密切的联系,我们将能够与你们客户有密切的联系,我们将能够与你们做大量的生意。做大量的生意。4.We enjoy an excellent reputation in this field and we supply best quality products.在这个领域里我们享有极好的声誉,可以提供优质的产品。在这个领域里我们享有极好的声誉,可以提供优质的产品。5.We are pleas

26、ed to establish a direct trade relations/connections with you.我们将很高兴与你们建立直接业务联系。我们将很高兴与你们建立直接业务联系。6.It is a great pleasure to explore the possibility of developing trade relations with you.很荣幸能够与你们探索发展贸易关系的可能性。很荣幸能够与你们探索发展贸易关系的可能性。26Exercises 总结有用例句总结有用例句(结合结合P28 Reference Expressions)1.表达信息渠道来源的句式表

27、达信息渠道来源的句式2.自我介绍的常用语自我介绍的常用语3.表达欲建立商业关系的句式表达欲建立商业关系的句式 P33 做书上、做书上、做作业本上做作业本上27Skill drilling You are asked to write a letter or send an email to a foreign company for establishing business relations.The letter or the email should cover at least the following points:1.Where have you got the informat

28、ion?2.What is your business scope?3.What is your desire?28THE ENDTHANKS!THANKS!29recommend v 推荐;建议推荐;建议 recommendation n.介绍;推荐1)Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo,Japan.日本东京商会把贵公司推荐给我们。日本东京商会把贵公司推荐给我们。2)They recommend that we try the European market.3)We recomme

29、nd concentration of offers.我们建议集中报盘。我们建议集中报盘。4)We recommend them to make offers concentrically.我们建议他们集中报盘。我们建议他们集中报盘。他们建议我们试一下欧洲市场他们建议我们试一下欧洲市场。v Practicerecommend30appreciate appreciate:to be thankful or grateful 感激感激 We appreciate your help.我们感激你的帮助。我们感激你的帮助。If you want to thank someone you may sa

30、y:a.We are thankful/grateful to you for something;b.We appreciate something/your doing something But do not use the expression:We are obliged/indebted to you.as they are old fashioned.314)We have been for many years in the chemical line.handle v.经营(某种或某类商品)经营(某种或某类商品)to trade in to deal in be in lin

31、e specialize in专门经营q 类似的表达法还有:v Practice我们是国营公司,专门经营棉布的进出口业务。1)We are a state-operated company,handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.我们经营各种各样的棉布。2)We trade in all kinds of cotton piece goods.3)They are mainly dealing in fertilizers.他们主要经营化肥。我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。5)他们专营服装.They s

32、pecialize in garments.32should 引导的条件从句,相当于引导的条件从句,相当于 if但比但比 if要客气委婉,常用于商务要客气委婉,常用于商务英语英语1)Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable,we intend to place a large order with you.倘若你方价格具有竞争性而且交货期可接受的话,我们有意向倘若你方价格具有竞争性而且交货期可接受的话,我们有意向你方大量订购。你方大量订购。2)Should the amount exceed that

33、 figure,L/C will be required.倘若金额超过此数字,则要求用信用证支付。倘若金额超过此数字,则要求用信用证支付。v PracticeShould33你方男式皮鞋的报价太高难以接受。你方男式皮鞋的报价太高难以接受。quotation:n.报价报价 make(send,give,cable,fax)sb a quotation for sth.q 向某人就某种商品报价用介词向某人就某种商品报价用介词for:1)Please make us your lowest quotation for Mens Shirts.请向我方报男式衬衫的最低价。请向我方报男式衬衫的最低价。q

34、 买方提及卖方报价时用介词买方提及卖方报价时用介词of:2)Your quotation of Mens Leather Shoes is too high to be acceptable.Quotation34encloseenclose:随函附上随函附上 1)to enclose something:We are enclosing our sales contract.2)enclosed is something:Enclosed is our sales contract.随函附上我们的销售合随函附上我们的销售合同同。We used to have the expression:E

35、nclosed please find something:Enclosed please find our sales contract.(Such expression is out of date and wed better not use it.)35Review1.Your firm has been kindly recommended to us by Messrs J.Smith&co.,Inc,.in New York,as large importers of furniture.2.We have obtained your name and address throu

36、gh the Bank of China and understood that you would like to establish business relations with us.363.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension 4.Being specialized in the export of Chinese Art a

37、nd Craft goods,we express our desire to trade with you in this line37 5.你方你方2001年年9月月2日来函收到。我们日来函收到。我们很高兴告诉你,你所要的商品属我公很高兴告诉你,你所要的商品属我公司的经营范围司的经营范围.6.遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。希望这些样品能及时到达,并使你样。希望这些样品能及时到达,并使你满意。满意。7.你方你方9月月4日来函收到。承告你们对日来函收到。承告你们对肉类罐头有兴趣,并考虑试订肉类罐头有兴趣,并考虑试订38 8.为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装的活页说明书。的活页说明书。


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