2021年人教版英语中考专题复习 专题六形容词(ppt课件).ppt

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1、专题六 形容词考考 点点 1 形容词的比较级和最高级1.形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则(1)规则变化【歌诀助记】比较级要变化,一般情况加-er。词尾若有哑音e,直接加-r就可以。一辅重读闭音节,辅音字母要双写。辅音字母y结尾,变y为i加-er。最高级加-est,前面加the莫忘记。形容词副词若是多音节,只把more,most前面写。(2)不规则变化2.形容词比较等级的用法(1)原级的用法 直接描述人或事物的特征、性质或状态,在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语。例句 She is a good girl.她是一个好女孩。(作定语)The meal is delicious.这顿饭很美味。(作表语)I

2、 found the book interesting.我发现这本书很有趣。(作宾语补足语)原级可以被very,quite,so,too,rather,enough等词来修饰。例句 The old man is too tired to walk on.那位老人太累了,不能再继续走了。两者比较时使用形容词原级的句型如下:【特别提示】“so原级as”结构只能用于否定句和疑问句中,不能用于肯定句中。例句 It isnt so cold as yesterday.今天不像昨天那样冷。(2)比较级的用法表示两者(人或事物)的比较。例句 She is more outgoing than my sist

3、er.她比我妹妹更外向。This book is more interesting than that one.这本书比那本书更有趣。比较级可以被a little,a lot,much,even,far等词来修饰。例句 The clothes in this shop are much more expensive than those in that shop.这家店里的衣服比那家的贵得多。形容词比较级的相关句型如下:形容词比较级的相关句型如下:【特别提示】使用两者作比较的句型时,为避免重复,我们通常用that,those,one,ones代替前面出现的名词。that代替可数名词单数和不可数

4、名词,those代替可数名词复数,one既可指人又可指物,只能代替可数名词。例句 The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上海的天气比北京的天气热。The weather in China is different from that in America.中国的天气和美国的不同。The book on the table is more interesting than that/the one on the sofa.桌子上的那本书比沙发上的那本有趣。A box made of steel is stronger tha

5、n one made of wood.钢制的箱子比木制的箱子结实。The computers in your office are as expensive as those in our school.你们办公室的计算机和我们学校的计算机一样贵。()1.During the rush hour,maybe its to go by bike than by bus.A.fastest B.faster C.slower D.slowest()2.We will buy a big TV because my father thinks screen it has,experience we

6、will have.A.the bigger;the worse B.the smaller;the betterC.the smallest;the worse D.the bigger;the better 3.为了取得更好的成绩,你应该更加努力。为了取得更好的成绩,你应该更加努力。You should be _ in order to get better grades.4.托尼的照片和你的一样好。托尼的照片和你的一样好。Tonys photo is _ yours.BDmore hardworkingas good as(3)最高级的用法表示三个或三个以上人或事物的比较,其中有一个在某

7、一方面超过其他几个,后面可用of或in短语来说明比较的范围。例句 The Yangtze River is the longest(river)in China.长江是中国最长的河流。最高级可被序数词以及much,by far,nearly,almost,not quite,not really等词语所修饰。例句 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二大河流。This is much the worst book of all.这是所有书中最最糟糕的一本。形容词最高级的前面一般要加定冠词the,但如果最高级被形

8、容词性物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,则不用加定冠词the。例句 This apple is the biggest of the five.这个苹果是五个当中最大的。He is my best friend.他是我最好的朋友。【特别提示】形容词最高级的相关句型如下:()5.Jenny is girl in our class.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest()6.Mike is the top student in our class.He does well in all the subjects,and he gets score i

9、n English.A.good B.better C.best D.the bestDD7.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空I really like the new book of the writer.It is the most _ book that Ive read.With the effort of all the people,the river has become _ than before.Gina was the _ student to the classroom this morning.She arrived at 7:00.The

10、most _ thing on my birthday party was that all my best friends showed up.educationalcleanerearliestsurprisingclean,early,surprising,educational考考 点点 2 形容词和副词的辨析1.形容词和副词在语法功能上的辨析一些形容词跟在连系动词be,feel,get,become,prove等后只能作表语,如afraid(害怕的),alone(独自的),asleep(睡着的),awake(醒着的),alive(活着的),well(健康的),ill(病的),frig

11、htened(害怕的)等。例句 He lives alone,but he doesnt feel lonely.他尽管一个人住着,但不感到孤独。形容词作宾补,一般常与make,leave,keep等动词连用。例句 You must keep your eyes closed.你必须闭上眼睛。【特别提示】副词作状语时,修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子,一般放在行为动词或形容词后面,表程度或频率的副词一般放在动词前。少数地点副词和时间副词可以作定语。例句 It often rains in my hometown.我的家乡经常下雨。People now often have their festiv

12、al dinners at restaurants.现在的人们经常在餐馆里吃节日晚宴。作表语的副词(如in,out,on,back,down,up,off,away,upstairs)多数是表示位置或状态的副词。例句 Whats on this evening?今晚演什么节目?【特别提示】【特别提示】2.形容词与副词在构词法上的辨析(1)大多数副词由“形容词+ly”构成,修饰动词或形容词。如bravely(勇敢地),quickly(快速地),truly(真正地),happily(高兴地),possibly(可能地)等。以“形容词+ly”构成的副词,其比较级在原形前加more,最高级在原形前加m

13、ost。如:slowlymore slowly(the)most slowly;easilymore easily(the)most easily。(2)有些形容词与副词同形,主要有fast,early,hard,high,straight等。(2)有些形容词与副词同形,主要有fast,early,hard,high,straight等。(3)“名词+ly”构成的是形容词,而不是副词。与人有关的,表示“像样子的”。如:friendly(友好的),motherly(慈母般的),brotherly(兄弟般的),manly(男子气概的)。与日期有关的,表示“每”。如:daily,weekly,yea

14、rly,monthly。与抽象名词结合,表示“充满的”。如:lovely,lively,lonely。1.Although it was late,he arrived home himself_.2.When you are going to take an important exam,the first thing is to keep yourself_.3.All the students in my class kept _ when the teacher came in.4.Youd better finish the task as _ as possible.5.Georg

15、e has lived in China for years,so he can speak Chinese_.safelycalmsilentquicklyfluentlycalm,fluent,silent,quick,safe考考 点点 3 形容词辨析1.asleep,sleeping与sleepy2.-ing类形容词和-ed类形容词We are all interested in the interesting story.我们都对这个有趣的故事感兴趣。【一言辨异】1.We were all _ by the result of the competition.2.As China d

16、evelops,more and more foreigners have become _ in Chinese history and culture.3.It is very _ to go surfing during the summer vacation.4.Thanks for your _ idea,we worked out the project perfectly.pleasedinterestedexcitingamazinginterest,excite,amaze,please3.big,large,great与huge4.fine,good,nice与excell

17、ent5.high与tall6.ill与sick7.pleased,pleasant与pleasure考考 点点 4 形容词短语1.be+形容词+aboutbe angry about 为生气 be anxious about 为忧虑be careful about 当心be certain about 确信be crazy about对疯狂/着迷be excited about 对感到兴奋 be happy about 为感到高兴 be nervous about 为感到不安be worried about 为担忧2.be+形容词+atbe bad at 不善于be clever at 擅长

18、于 be disappointed at 对感到失望be good at 善于be mad at 对发怒 be quick at 在方面敏捷be slow at 在方面迟钝3.be+形容词+forbe anxious for 渴望 be bad for 对有害,对不利be famous/known for以而闻名be fit for 合适,适合be good for 对有益 be hungry for 渴望得到 be late for 迟到be ready for 为准备好be suitable for 对合适/适宜be sorry for为感到可惜/抱歉be thirsty for渴望4.b

19、e+形容词+frombe absent from 缺席,不在 be different from 与不同be far from 离远,远远不 be free from 没有,免受5.be+形容词+inbe interested in 对感兴趣be rich in 富于be successful in 在方面成功be weak in 在方面薄弱6.be+形容词+ofbe afraid of 害怕 be careful of 小心,留心 be full of 充满 be proud of 为自豪be short of 缺乏 be sure of 肯定,有把握be tired of 对厌烦 be w

20、orthy of 值得,配得上be opposite to 在对面,和相反be polite to 对有礼貌 be related to 与有关,与有亲戚关系be rude to 对无礼be similar to 与相似 be true to 忠实于,信守be used to(doing)习惯于(做)be useful to 对有用7.be+形容词+tobe blind to 对视而不见be close to 靠近,接近 be cruel to 对残酷,对无情be familiar to 为某人所熟悉 be harmful to 对有危害be important to 对重要 be open

21、to 对开放,易受到be honest with 对(某人)真诚be patient with 对(某人)有耐心be pleased with 对(某人)满意/高兴 be popular with 受(某人)欢迎be satisfied with 对(某人)满意 be strict with 对(某人)严格8.be+形容词+withbe angry with生(某人)的气 be born with 生来具有be busy with 忙于 be disappointed with 对(某人)失望be familiar with 熟悉,精通 be filled with(be full of)充满

22、()1.We are really _ Tom.He won the first place in the race.A.afraid of B.happy with C.proud of D.strict with()2.Mrs.Jones is _ her students.They are like friends when they stay together.A.popular with B.angry with C.familiar with D.patient with()3.Kens painting this time is _ the one he drew last ti

23、me.A.similar to B.aimed at C.good for D.full ofCAA.完成句子完成句子:1.当我小的时候,我对音乐很着迷。当我小的时候,我对音乐很着迷。I was _ music when I was young.2.或许去国外学习更有利于他的发展。或许去国外学习更有利于他的发展。Maybe studying abroad is _ his development.3.这次她对于取得演讲比赛第一名很有把握。这次她对于取得演讲比赛第一名很有把握。She _ getting the first place of the speech competition this time.crazy aboutbetter foris sure about


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